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Training The Apprenticeship of Keres Dymos

Sol sighed when her second force blast hadn’t hit Apprentice Dymos, but had been expecting it. She kept her posture straight and head held high, her body tired but not exhausted. However, she knew their duel was almost finished. She ignited her own saber, if nothing else other than to match Dymos’ movements.

Keeping her eyes on her, Sol raised her arms, giving Apprentice Dymos a small bow. She smirked at her, trying to taunt her as their duel ended.
This duel is over.

As a result of neither of you ending the duel in an advantageous position, it shall be recorded as a DRAW.

For future duels, my recommendation for each of you is as follows:

-Do not be afraid to be aggressive. You can attack without putting yourself in a position for easy counterattack.
-Try to use descriptions of your powers in your writing rather than explicitly stating what the power is. We'll know what the power is when you list the powers used at the bottom, and it's more fun to read (for example) "she attempted to wrap an invisible hand around her throat, squeezing with all of her might," rather than, "she attempted to Force Choke her."
-Respond more readily to duels, especially since both of you will be participating in True Sith Trials. Taking weeks to respond without informing the GM that you're dealing with DRL would normally lead to the GM killing or maiming your character.
-And lastly, do not be afraid to take some hits - especially when said hits won't injure or kill you. It makes you more fun to duel with and it puts you in good graces with the GM, who will be less likely to think you're godmoding at any point in the duel.

You each receive 4 Prestige.
Date Started: April 18, 2021
Date Due: April 26, 2021

Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban


The chill of the dark side swept through the valley with malicious intent, biting deep into the bones of the young Keres Dymos. She walked alongside her master, the Dark Messiah of the Sith Order, Darth Kain. She would likely make note that his usual warming presence had been reduced severely, and indeed it had. He did not shelter her from the freezing winds. Not on this day.

"You have done well so far, my apprentice," he spoke, his steps slow and methodical. "You have come up with your own creed to follow, you have learned the beings which you serve, and you have learned the basics of self defense."
There was still plenty to learn in the latter area. Perhaps after this task, Kain would have the time to spar with her, personally.
"But, starting today, it is time for you to think ahead. Of your future."

It was an odd contrast, standing amongst the bones of the past while being told to think of the future. Perhaps that was the point.

"You will survive here with the supplies I have allowed you," said Kain. He nodded to the knapsack hanging from her back; inside it only contained three flasks of water, one sealed bag with a small loaf of bread inside, and a small knife. Her lightsaber still hung from her belt, but she would still feel inadequately prepared for such a task. "Three days you will survive. And at the end of those three days, you will possess knowledge of the future - your future."

He smiled. "When I come to retrieve you, you will tell me what your Darth name shall be, once you ascend."

Then, suddenly, in typical Kain fashion, the Dark Lord vanished into thin air.

TAG: @Keres Dymos
IC: Keres Dymos

Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban

The chill of the valley was an intangible thing, sinking right past the fabric she wore to weave around her bones. It was hard to put it aside, to listen absolutely to her Master as she should. Instinctively, her face smoothed, mirroring her Master’s cooled presence beside her. The winds blew fiercely, buffeting Keres, and the molten core inside her sputtered and spit, like rain on a fire.

Keres nodded with her Master, tamping down on pride. He spoke simple facts, and the fact that she had made it through her tasks as an apprentice should was not worthy of note. Then he spoke of the future, and her gaze snapped to his face. She nodded, a hair warily. Keres had a sudden premonition of how this thinking was going to happen.

Ah, so that was what the knapsack was for. “I understand, Master,” Keres said, in time for Master Kain to vanish. It was infuriating, but also the sort of move Keres desperately wanted to learn to do to her own students in time. It was just so effective.

Still, Keres inhaled deeply and steadied herself. Her future was not going to be ruminated on if she kept concerning herself with trivialities. Quickly, she shrugged the pack from her back and looked it over. Three flasks of water, a small loaf of bread, a small knife. The saber on her belt. Not much, but it would have to do.

Her first instinct to immediately partition the bread was ignored. That would make it go stale more quickly, not to mention would be unduly messy. No, best to look for some sort of shelter first. As far as she could tell, she was in the lower valley, with the great statues and the rubble of temples and edifices and tombs. The walls of the valley were steep and sheer, Keres was unlikely to find sanctuary there.

The fallen temples, however, had not been fully razed to the ground. Column still stood, taller than her head. Parts of rooms, though it seemed roofs had largely been lost. The buildings tucked into the juts of stone had survived fairly intact in a way that structures in the center of the valley floor had not. Perhaps unwisely, Keres opened one of the flasks, taking a mouthful of water, before returning it to the pack and hefting it on her back.

The area she had eyed was the corner between a temple and a jut of stone, which luckily opened into a small triangle of space. She wouldn’t be able to do much more than sleep, but if she could get some material to help shield the front, it would help trap heat better. And a desert was bitter cold at night, let alone with the Force amplifying it all.

A nearby column was toppled, but mostly intact, and Keres apologized to her saber for once more using it for stone masonry. She sliced the column as evenly as possible, trying to create pieces that she could stack near her ‘entrance’ that wouldn’t topple immediately and crush her.

With a combination of the Force and her own strength, she hauled the pieces to her chosen spot. It wasn’t hard to do, though having to use the Force to augment her strength drained her, at least until a rock fell from some point above and struck her hand. Keres dropped to her knees, swearing violently. The back of her hand was already going red, and the scrapes were slowly beading with blood. Gently, she flexed her fingers, and though it hurt, it was bearable. Nothing broken, she hoped. Not that there was anything for it if it was. Though it seemed that she was done building.

Keres had managed to build a little wall about half as tall as she was, with a narrow gap at the side for an entrance. That was a perk of being small, at least. It would have to be enough while she slept. Done with that, she turned to the abandoned temple that made up one of her walls. Skirting around it, she found some relatively intact stairs that led her to what might have once been an atrium or antechamber, and was now so much dust and rubble.

Clearing a space in the dust to sit was simple enough with the Force, and she sat down, shrugging off her pack to pull out the bread and opened flask. Keres cut off a portion and put the rest back before she could tempt herself. She tried to eat slowly and meditate, but the throbbing in her hand kept distracting her, and eventually Keres stood and descended once more.

The winds had grown stronger, propelling her down the valley, whipping her to and fro like she was a furious wraith, to haunt these old bones. The old tombs seemed like eyes, watching her from every angle, and her anger grew with every pulse of pain in her hand.

What could she think about, in this place? She felt like a ghost, like from the myths she’d read as a child. The dead, not worthy enough for reincarnation or better pastures, turned out like cattle to wander the realm of the dead, little more than silhouettes.

Something about that itched at her mind, but Keres was tired and frustrated, and the sun was sinking. Back in her little base, she ate and drank a little more, frustration still simmering away. Sleep did not come easily, her mind still trying to work through the question of her future as the winds whistled above her.

Morning found her tired and still frustrated, and achingly hungry. Another portion of bread and water took the edge off, and not much more. Not only that, but Keres was frustrated by how frustrated she was. Her first task had been similar, hadn’t it? But that had had a clear goal, and the work had been clear. Even without water or bread, the clarity of the task had propelled her through. This was so much vaguer, so much more up for interpretation. A Darth name was important, conveying meaning as well as rank. She did not want to choose frivolously.

She spent the morning wandering, examining the remains of statues and ancient writings exposed by old bombing runs. Nothing came to her.

By mid-afternoon, some fit seized her, inspiration or madness or both, and Keres climbed a nearby jut of stone. It wasn’t incredibly tall, and it was rough enough that she climbed it in good enough time. The view of the valley was paltry, but when she squinted, it seemed to take on new forms. The fallen rubble and pillars, cracked open, were like oracle bones, cracked with heat to reveal the future, or the knucklebones of great monsters, thrown by some unseen hand. Even the valley itself was like a vent, like the ones it was said the oracles of old sat above, breathing in the fumes to speak prophecy to High Lords and peasants alike.

And now it all lied, echoing with death, a long-gone past. Ah. The piece slipped into place. So that was the name she had been thinking of.

The frustration drained out of her, and satisfaction took over. It even stayed as she slid down the rock and stumbled, scraping her leg knee to ankle. She limped back to her camp and ate, this time sleeping far more deeply than before.

The third day was spent organizing her thoughts to present them to her Master, meditating to keep her energy steady. Embarrassing enough to be injured like this, she certainly wasn’t going to go fainting like some child.

When her Master appeared, she bowed respectfully, hands folded neatly behind her back.

“I have indeed seen my future. At the time of my ascension, I will be called Darth Makaria. On my home planet, she was a goddess of blessed death. Usually this meant those who died quietly in bed, but as a Sith, it could also mean that to kill someone I have given a fate worse than death is to bless them. And for those whose minds I turn against them, will they not fling themselves into death’s embrace? Both these things I believe are worthy ambitions to have.”

Tags: @Darth Kain
IC: Darth Kain
Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban

"Makaria." Kain let the name roll off of his tongue, coming out as little more than a satisfied hiss. Yes, that would do.

"An excellent choice, my apprentice. And now that you have looked to the future, it is time for you to focus on the present. 'Eyes on the prey, not the horizon.'"

He smiled. "We shall return to the temple posthaste, and you will have little time to recover from the wear and tear of this journey. Tomorrow, we shall spar. And it is there I will teach you how to win, and how to lose."


Very well-written, @Keres Dymos.
You have been awarded 5 Prestige.
Date Started:
May 01, 2021
Date CS Due: May 05, 2021

Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban
She had proven her worth.

After weeks of trials and tribulations, of self-mutilation, of utter desecration, Keres Dymos was finally getting direct training from her master - the Beloved Prince of the Stars, Darth Kain. It had been grueling to get this far, and it was not likely to get much easier. But now she would learn straight from the source, from the creature that burned fleets and moons, from the man who ascended to the Dark Council mere weeks after arriving to Korriban. It was time to begin her path to becoming what she was truly meant to be.

Lord Kain was awaiting her in one of the many training rooms in the temple, leaning restlessly against the wall. He had decided to keep the amount of obstacles to a minimum here. The training droids, traps, and other nefarious methods would come later. For now, Keres would simply need to see what she was learning from. Master and apprentice would spar, as they always had across the millennia.

TAG: @Keres Dymos
Darth Kain

Character Images


Character Theme Music

Character Summary
Darth Kain is the spawn of Abeloth and the former Vengeance of the Empress, who rests on the knife-edge between being a menacing Dark Lord of the Sith and a loving family man.

Name/Title: Darth Kain
Nicknames/Aliases: The Beloved Prince of the Stars, The Seed of Chaos, The Dark Messiah
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Species: Old One Spawn (appears as human)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Homeworld: Dathomir
Planetary Claims: Vitae (Abeloth's Planet), Nevarro, Kashyyyk
Occupation: Dark Lord of the Sith, Dark Councillor
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lb.
Physical Description: With dark hair, piercing green eyes, and a deep scar on the bridge of his nose, Darth Kain appears to be a handsome, young human. However, this is an illusion he maintains for the sake of those around him, as his True Form has inspired madness in any who have seen it.
His True Form is much more horrifying. His green eyes turn into stars in the center of black wells. His grin turns into a smile almost too wide for his head, with rows of needle-like teeth filling his smiling maw. His flesh turns an unnatural pale, and his limbs malform into twisted tentacles that are reminiscent of frayed knots. As he was born from fire, flame runs through his veins, causing the bright orange blood vessels to peek through his translucent skin.
Clothing: Often wears simple robing, save for special occasions where he dresses far more fashionably.
Weapon(s): Alchemized Sith Sword, forged from Spirit Ichor (as pictured below)

Equipment: (On his person at all times) Portable Holocommunicator, Datapad
(Not on his person at all times) The Holocron of Darth Gravid, an Eye of Typhojem (+6 Defense Bonus against Force Fear, Force Horror, and Force Insanity), scrolls of the Aing-Tii
Vehicle(s): Blacksmoke - YG-4210 modified to maintain modern standards of speed and travel; it is also equipped with a cloaking system and basic defense guns [DESTROYED]
Pet(s): Corvar - black Loth-cat with a large scar across its face, male
Language(s): Galactic Basic, Huttese, Shyriiwook, Ancient Sith
Description of Abilities: As he was born in a pit of fire, Kain has an unprecedented affinity for pyromancy. He can manipulate flames in unique ways, forming armor or even Force Storms from them. He also has an immunity to temperature-based attacks due to his ability; fire cannot burn him, and ice cannot freeze the inferno of his heart.
Beyond this, Darth Kain is well-educated in the ways of the Force. He has studied from scrolls of the Aing-Tii, the holocron of Darth Gravid, and the mysterious holocron known as the Eye of Typhojem (of which only Emperor Dreadwar possesses another of). His broad stretch of knowledge has afforded him a variety of powers, from Fighting Sight to Sith Alchemy. His powers of illusion are also unnaturally powerful, amplified by the Force Psychosis he has inherited from his mother.
When it comes to the blade, Darth Kain has practiced saber combat as an art form rather than a necessity. What he does know of swordplay is advanced, but he has not pushed himself to master it as he has with his Force abilities, as he realizes a powerful sorcerer will defeat a powerful warrior a majority of the time. With his lightsaber now replaced with a Sith Sword, however, he has simply begun translating what he can of his knowledge of Djem-So to swordplay.
Lastly, his bloodline affords him a certain amount of immortality on the same level of his mother; though he is much younger than her. It is theorized that the Mortis Dagger could slay either of them, but that has not been proven.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality: Kain has a peculiar personality for one of his station. He often presents himself as a kind and understanding Dark Lord, but he does not share this same kindness with those who either annoy or oppose him. In execution he is undoubtedly sadistic, twisting his victims both physically and mentally far beyond their limits. He boasts an inquisitive mind with his superiors, witty humor with his peers, and advice beyond his years for his subordinates.
With time he has also grown into a fatherly figure for his adopted daughter, Eva, displaying kindness and love that he shows no other but his lover, Darth Abaddon.
Fear(s): harm coming to those he cares about, mild claustrophobia
Likes: painting, Tatooine Sunset (drink), horror vids, sparring, fire, Wookiees
Dislikes: swimming, romance novels, slavery
Habits: bounces feet when stressed, chews inside of mouth
Family/Relationship(s): Eva - Adopted Daughter, Darth Abaddon - Partner/Love Interest, Darth Viscretus - "Mother", Abeloth - Mother
Friend(s): Darth Skyllan, Darth Voidwalker, Darth Ānhrā Māhnîu, Darth Nathemus, Kint Dranlor, Darth Volacius, Darth Catalyst
Apprentice(s): Darth Volacius (Sith Master), Zorn (MIA), Aleister Zyn (Now Apprenticed to Darth Noxia), Baskara (MIA), Bril'Kairn (Sith Knight), Keres Dymos (Current)
Darth Abaddon - sister of Darth Apollyon, Kain's love interest -
Eva - former Jedi Padawan, adopted daughter of Kain -
Darth Bubonis - former Sith Acolyte, ally of Kain -
Helvara - servant of Darth Dreadwar, (potential) ally of Kain -
Reputation: Darth Kain is one of the more well-known members of the Eternal Sith Empire. Known for his meteoric rise to power, his generally likeable personality, and (most of all) his mastery of pyromancy, Kain is considered one of the most reputable Sith alive today.
Biography: It began with the cries of a woman, as most births do. But this woman, an offworlder named Delylah, was not screaming from the pain of childbirth. Maddened, Dathomirian cultists had taken her from her home, dragging her to the forest and pinning her to a tree. Their leader had died of disease, and they begged their goddess - The Mother - to give him life once again. In exchange for this life, the cultists believed they would need the life of Delylah's unborn child.
They cut it from her belly, tossing the bloody fetus into the flames of a great pit of fire. They danced and sang to their goddess as Delylah bled to death. But the Mother had no pity for these madmen, nor their leader. She did, however, have pity for this unborn child. And so she breathed life into the babe, birthing it in a womb of fire.
The baby crawled from the flames, driving the cultists even further into madness. Guided by his Mother, the babe crawled amongst the chaos and slaughter, making his way to the ship that Delylah had once used to come to Dathomir. His Mother set a course for the planet where her son was destined to survive: Kashyyyk. As her power began to fade as the ship grew further from Dathomir, she planted a subconscious ability into his mind: to disguise his True Form. He took the traits of Delylah and her husband, a Dathomirian warrior named Zul'tar, combining them into the form of a human newborn. The key to maintaining the illusion was the focusing of a single trait, one that could forever remain; a scar on the bridge of his nose.

The ship, crashed into the Kashyyyk jungle, was found by a tribe of Wookiees that made their home in the wroshyr tree nearby. They found the baby boy, taking him in and raising him to the best of their ability, despite the mystery surrounding him.
After being raised by the Wookiees for three years, a smuggler who often traded with Kashyyyk happened to spot the young toddler. The Twi'lek's name was Hassan, and he knew that this boy had no place among the Wookiees. And so he consulted with the family that had taken the boy in, coming to an agreement. Hassan went on to raise the boy, naming him Corvar and instilling a sense of virtue and whimsy in the young lad. However, Hassan knew that Corvar was gifted in the Force; after all, any time Corvar threw a fit, things aboard his ship would randomly set on fire.
Hassan had no love for the Jedi, and feared the Sith even more, so he took it upon himself to find material that would aid Corvar in taming his power. Smuggled Jedi texts, datacrons, and scrolls were occasionally found and given to Corvar. Though they made for dull reading to Hassan, the boy seemed to be fascinated. Seeing Corvar happy was perhaps one of the few things that brought Hassan peace in his chaotic life.
But all good things must come to an end. After stopping on Tatooine for business, the cantina that Hassan and Corvar were visiting was struck by a band of slavers. At only the age of nine, Corvar watched his adoptive father die, and he was taken as a slave thereafter.

For years the young boy toiled away as a slave. It was on Tatooine that Corvar learned the one thing that Hassan never taught him: how to hate. This hatred culminated during a horrible accident during the mining of a cave in the desert. As the slaves - children and the elderly, specifically - worked themselves to the bone, a Krayt Dragon arrived, threatened by these beings that were nearing its eggs. A cave-in separated Corvar and one of his friends from the rest of the group, leaving them trapped underground. His friend, a boy just a bit younger than him, died of exhaustion before help would arrive. Starving, Corvar forced himself to eat the remains of his fallen friend to survive.
After being found and returned to servitude, Corvar released his hatred on his masters. He set aflame their camp, burning them and any slaves foolish enough to fight for them alive. In his heart he would always remember the name of his slave master, the one who taught him the meaning of cruelty.

Only twelve years old when he regained his freedom, Corvar cut out the explosive tracker in his neck and put it in a pendant. He tried to sell it for credits but none would take it. And so he kept it, deciding to use what Force abilities he knew to become a freelance mercenary. Work came at a slow pace at first; after all, one would have to be truly desperate to hire a child. But he began to build a reputation, earning more and more paid jobs for years and years. He used these credits to visit the Aing-Tii, which he'd only heard of in Jedi texts written by Luke Skywalker. For the months he learned from them, he gained their trust, earning a scroll that detailed their ability of Fighting Sight before he was contacted by a mysterious figure. Upon meeting them, he learned who this figure was.
Darth Maladi.
She had heard of his ability, how he'd constructed his own lightsaber, and she offered him an opportunity to join the Sith Empire. He accepted, but she had a task for him to complete as a test; one of impossible proportions.
He was to find Kubjo the Hutt, a powerful crime boss on Nar Shaddaa, and overthrow his criminal empire. A tall task, but one that Corvar took on happily; after fourteen years of mercenary work, he was eager to become part of something bigger than himself.
And so he went to Nar Shaddaa, signing up to be a pit fighter in service to Kubjo himself. After a battle against two other fighters and a prototype spider droid, Corvar impressed the slug and was given an opportunity to rid himself of the debt he'd accrued by helping destroy the droid. He was to find the sword of Jen-Sin Caal in the abandoned mines of Corbos. And after an adventure with a fellow dark-side adept named Reaper, a Sith apprentice named Feros, and a droid named D-3PO, they found the sword, guarded by a living Leviathan.
After a grueling battle, the Leviathan was defeated, and Corvar brought the sword back to Kubjo the Hutt. But with his power in the dark side growing so exponentially, his Mother, the Beloved Queen of the Stars, appeared on Nar Shaddaa and told him of his origins.
His world unraveled. And as he felt himself transform into his true self, he realized that she was no liar. He was the son of Abeloth. He was a monster.

Corvar went on to join the Sith Empire, despite not fulfilling his quest to overthrow Kubjo's Empire; his work with Feros spoke volumes in his favor. He took the name of his old slave master, becoming the master of his own destiny. And so Darth Kain, the Beloved Prince of the Stars, was truly born.
He skyrocketed through the ranks of the Empire, becoming a Dark Councillor weeks after joining. Months later he earned the high esteem of becoming the Empress' Second, taking the title of Vengeance. It was at this elevated stature that he remained for quite some time, before he discovered the location of the Eyes of Typhojem. Ancient holocrons that supposedly held the knowledge of the Left Handed God in equal parts, Kain found them both and delivered one to Emperor Dreadwar while keeping the other for himself.
In this holocron he learned what it would take to become the Sith God he was born to be, and so he resigned from his position, journeying to Kashyyyk in secret. His time on the planet in his True Form unwittingly caused the inhabitants of the planet to suffer extreme bouts of psychosis, drawing the attention of both Jedi and Sith. When discovered by a group of Sith adventurers, Kain returned to the Empire with a furry companion he named after his old self: Corvar.

Since his return, he has gone on many a venture, most notably destroying the ice moon of Kelcium with a Force Storm. It was there, in the ruins of his destruction, he first met Darth Abaddon, whom he's now pursuing a romantic relationship with. Meanwhile he is currently raising his adopted daughter, Eva, who is a Jedi Padawan rescued from carbonite-induced slumber. He cares for no one in the galaxy more than they, save perhaps Abeloth.

Skill Sheet
Rank/Level: Dark Lord of the Sith, Level 42
Class: Sith Sorcerer
Subclass: Sith Elementalist
Prestige Class: Sith Wizard


Strength - 10
Force Power - 20
Dexterity - 10
Intellect - 13
Constitution - 13
Manipulation - 12
Perception - 10
Destiny - 20


Augmentation - 3
Force Speed - 4
Force Jump - 2

Force Sense - 3

Farsight - 4
Instinctive Astrogation - 2
Precognition - 1

Fighting-Sight - 5
Telekinesis - 5
Force Push/Pull - 4
Force Wave - 4
Force Wound - 1
Force Choke - 4
Telekinetic Kill - 5

Levitation - 2
Telepathy - 5
Mental Shield - 5
Mind Trick - 4
Force Illusion - 5
Alter Image - 4
Memory Rub - 5

Force Shock - 1
Force Lightning - 1
Lightning Bomb - 1
Force Maelstrom - 1

GODLIKE Wormhole: Force Storm - 10 (Modified into Force Fire Storm)
Convection - 5
Pyrokinesis - 5
Fireball Belch - 5
Flame Aura - 5
FREE Wormhole: Force Fire Storm

Force Resistance - 5
Adiabatic Shield - 3
Force Barrier - 5
Protection Bubble - 5
Tutaminis - 5

Dark Side Healing - 2
Force Bond - 2
Inflict Pain - 4
Alter Environment - 5
Force Bellow - 2
Flamusfracta - 5
Shatterpoint - 2
Dark Transfer - 5
Deadly Sight - 5
Fold Space - 5
Force Stun - 1

Force Stasis - 5
Ionize - 3
GODLIKE Supernova - 10
Name: Keres Dymos

Nicknames/Aliases (optional): N/A

Rank: Apprentice

Class: Assassin

House: Vassago

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Orientation (optional): Demisexual

Homeworld: Cesta, Tapani Sector

Occupation: Nobleman’s wife (widowed)

Height: 5’4

Weight: 125 lbs

Physical Description: Deceptively dainty, Keres has a heart-shaped face and large eyes. With her pitch-black hair always carefully pulled back and her lips painted a sharp, crimson, red, she looks more like the politician’s wife she used to be than a Sith in her own right.

Keres prefers simple clothing, usually in the style of an ao dai, usually in red and black. Given the choice, her clothing is flattering but modest. Her favored ornaments are hairpins, usually in gold.

Weapons: A slim, elegant lightsaber.
and a small blaster bought for her travels to Korriban.

Equipment/Vehicles: N/A

Pets (optional): N/A

Languages: Basic, Huttese. A smattering of ancient Sith.

Description of Abilities: She has been trained in Shii-Cho and Makashi, but has not mastered either form. Her skill with a blaster is mediocre and self-taught. She has some ability in pyrokinesis, enough to use in a fight.

Strengths: Having spent a great deal of her life either observing her parents’ political machinations or assisting her husband’s, she is adept at using words to change the course of things to get what she wants. She mostly wins others over with warmth and affection.

Flaws: Her life on Cesta, while turbulent, was widely sheltered from the wider galactic sphere, and her experience with other cultures, lifeforms, and planets is thin on the ground. While manipulative and crafty, Keres doesn’t have the experience to plan far ahead. She can win the battle, but not the war. Along with that, because her warmth and friendliness is usually feigned, her loyalty is unreliable.

Relationships/Love Interests (optional): Light flirtations with Knight Aaric, though if anything is going to come of it, it’s going to be a long time coming.

Biography: Her story began as others did: with birth. Her mother, laughing, loved to retell the story of the fierce storm that had rattled the windows as she strained in labor. The last push, and a crack of lightning so close as to raise the hair on their arms. That had brought a last-minute change of names for her babe, from Jokaste, to Keres. Lightning-struck. Sometimes, it was more apt than it seemed. As a child, she had scorched walls and clothes with her rare tantrums. A burning curiosity had caused more than one jar or plate to wobble off the counter. It was not talked about, and Keres seemed to grow out of it soon enough.

Her parents were merchants, young and ambitious. Her mother owned textile mills, providing rich brocades and fine laces for the nobles of the Cadriaan system, and eagerly taking the chance to mingle with higher society. Her father was an equally ambitious merchant, from a family of freeworld merchants who had been granted titles two or so generations ago. But there was a balance there, ambitious, but not so much as to appear grasping. Servile, but not so much as to be invisible. Keres watched these interactions, large eyes taking in everything.

Her life progressed apace, neither exciting nor dull. Neither impoverished nor luxurious. In class, she was similarly suspended. When revolutionary students raised their voice, she turned her eyes away from their fiery gaze. When students spoke holy hymns to the nobles who strutted in front of them, she became deaf.

Her life continued, sedate. In time, she was given charge of a small textile mill, which made the lace trims for noble gowns and other items. She moved out of her parent’s house. It was a quiet, unambitious existence. The business grew slowly under her, exactly at the pace Keres could handle. At twenty-two, she finally allowed herself her heart’s desire: a child. She searched databases extensively, comparing DNA, predispositions, phenotypes, compatibilities.

Nine months later, she had her babe in her arms, warm and alive. It was the happiest she’d ever been. Her mother was thrilled, though her father gave the child a strange, flat look. She ignored it. Her siblings would marry well or inherit the business. Keres’ life would be small, exactly the way she wanted. Everything held in the palm of her hand, exactly as she desired.

“No? No,” she insisted, months later, eyes darting between her father’s imploring gaze and her mother’s shamed but determined expression. The argument continued, late into the night. In the morning, servants woke Keres and dressed and primped her.

Her guest awaited her in the front parlor, a smile she would almost call a smirk on his face. Her red lips smiled. Her eyes did not.

“My lord, of course I am happy to accept your proposal of marriage.”

Her lord husband, a son of a minor branch of the Cadriaan House, had ambitions, and those ambitions cost money. Keres’ family was wealthy and angling for status.

At best, their marriage was cool. At worst, petty. He would complain about the money he spent to keep her on his social level. Keres would roll her eyes and make pointed comments about overcompensation. Her only solace was her child, her little flame, living in her parent’s home. Keres never spoke of the child to her husband, though she knew he knew the child existed. She visited frequently.

Holos spread the news far and wide of the Butcher of Coruscant. A Sith. The videos, the pictures, horrifying. The absolute silence of a thousand dead bodies. It lingered in her mind, looping again and again. What brutality. What savagery.

What power.

Life proceeded again. Cold, empty, but existing. They stayed in separate wings of the house. And then- an illness, her child, her warmth, her flame, extinguished. Her husband was furious that she grieved.

They fought.

They fought again.

Until it came out, one night,

That little brat of yours deserved it!” he’d screamed, spittle flying out of his mouth. She’d paused in throwing her sharpest hairpins at him. “Do you know what it cost to poison him?

Keres had stilled, and felt something in her snap, very quietly, and she clutched her jewelry box tighter, as if it were a shield against his truth. A poison, to mimic illness, to kill her child. A child of her body, one that she had chosen, that she had created.

Her husband had been triumphant, eyes glittering that he had finally crushed her under his heel.

A hate filled her, so great it blocked out everything else, a sort of serenity. A layer of ice atop a boiling lake. She remembered the silent bodies. The power of a single woman.

It seemed that she blinked, and stood outside the manor, eyes watering from the smokey air. The jewelry box was warm in her hand. It was ugly, and she hated it, but it would fetch a good price.

She turned, and kept walking.

STR (Strength): 6

FPR (Force Power): 8

DEX (Dexterity): 7

INT (Intellect): 8

CON (Constitution): 7

MAN (Manipulation): 10

PER (Perception): 8

DES (Destiny): 6

Skills (10 points):
  • Shii-Cho - 1
  • Makashi - 1
  • Force Sense - 1
  • Telepathy - 1
  • Convection - 1
  • Detoxify Poison - 1
  • Shadow Armor - 1
  • Telekinesis - 1
  • Spell of Mimicry - 1
  • Force Augmentation - 1
IC: Darth Kain
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

She arrived. He smiled, moving from the wall and approaching closer, meeting her in the center of the room. The walls were of gray stone, weathered and scarred from glancing lightsaber blows, blaster bolts, and explosions over the decades. The floor was of the same make, and equally as damaged. And yet not the walls, not the floor, and certainly not the ceiling would ever crumble. It was in a room like this that the most powerful of Sith were trained, from the era of Krayt’s One Sith to the more powerful league of Dreadwar’s.

The Dark Lord had decided to dress mundanely this evening, wearing plain black robes that were fit to give him more maneuverability.

“Greetings, my apprentice,” said Kain, staring down at her. He paused. She would feel an invisible thread within her mind be strummed, like the string of a hallikset. It would be an alien feeling, one of another being seeing into her thoughts, her past, her very being. “You used to set your own home aflame when throwing a tantrum as a child, did you? How eerie; I used to do the same.”

He stepped backward, arms outstretched. He had no lightsaber, no weapons of any kind on him.

“Try to use those flames against me. Let me feel your fire.”

@Keres Dymos
IC: Keres Dymos
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

Keres had given up on wearing anything less practical than a knee-length ao dai and black trousers. After all, her Master had not summoned her to a training room for fine tea and a discussion of Core World politics. The room was obviously scarred from heavy use, and her Master’s garments suggested that they would be adding some more of them.

The thread in her mind thrummed, making her shudder, as instinctive as a flinch. Still, she forced herself still. Master Kain, for all his warm mein, had no reason for tenderness, and to resist him would be both futile and painful. Her cheeks pinked, even if her expression did not waver. His touch had left, but she felt off-balance and unprepared, aware of his touch, but wholly incapable of telling how much he’d seen. There was no choice but to push it down.

Keres bowed as far as she could while keeping her eyes on her Master. “Thank you for this opportunity, Master Kain. I hope not to disappoint,” she said, transparently buying herself a moment to settle.

Her lightsaber flared red as her Master held himself open to attack, a krayt dragon playing at a broken leg. Grimly, she lowered her stance and pushed off, augmenting her leap with the Force, and sweeping low at her Master, as if to take off his legs.

Powers used:
Force Augmentation - 1

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Darth Kain
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

He chuckled to himself as he saw the lightsaber ignite, its crimson plasma humming with malice. She was meant to attack with her pyrokinesis, but she denied him. A sign of awareness; to not give your opponent what they want. That was one lesson he would not have to drill into her mind.

Keres moved with blinding speed, aiming to slice through his kneecaps like they were made of bantha butter. Had he remained there, perhaps she would have. But he leaped above the sweep, and over her, flipping and spinning in the air before landing nearly a meter behind her, facing her back. His hands were wrapped behind the small of his back, his posture relaxed.

"You are quick," he spoke. "But what if your opponent is quicker?"

@Keres Dymos
IC: Keres Dymos
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

Master Kain easily dodged her, as she had thought, and she had to pivot hard to avoid slamming herself into a wall. Her Master stood easily, wholly unruffled by her attempt. Keres stood defensively for a moment, waiting to see if he would counter.

She dipped her head in understanding. “Then I shall have to be cleverer,” she replied, augmenting herself again to circle around her Master, something of an idea blooming in her head. She dashed in tight to his back, a hand up and outstretched, as if to fist itself in the fabric of his robes. Her other hand, and saber, pulled in tight to swipe at her Master’s side.

Powers used:
Force Augmentation - 1

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Darth Kain
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

The Dark Lord simply dashed forward, his feet unmoving as he practically glided across the room. Her grasp and her lightsaber both failed to touch the Dark Messiah. It was obvious to anyone that he was toying with her, but to what end, only he could know.

Turning back towards her, Lord Kain slowly shook his head. Not one of disappointment, not quite. She was close to finding the answers necessary to succeed in this spar, yet she was equally far from the winning strategy. This was not just a test of her body; it was a test of her mind. And though the sparks were flaring, the fire hadn't ignited yet.

"To defeat an opponent, you must realize their options with every move you make," he said. "If you strike with a lightsaber to the right and fire a blaster to their left, they can always move low or high. We fight in three dimensions, and you must be prepared to counter every single possibility of their defense. Left, right, upwards, downwards, forwards, backwards. If any avenue if left free to escape to, the Force will guide them to that path. And while your body cannot be everywhere, your mind must be. Anything less, and the best you will do is the performance you left against Knight Kira."

Appearing in his hand now was a blade that had not been there moments prior. Its runes were glowing with azure flame, its cursed steel ready to taste the blood of the apprentice should she fail.

"Now, then," he said. "Let us proceed."

TAG: @Keres Dymos
IC: Keres Dymos
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

Well. That had failed. It wasn’t that she had expected to succeed, but Keres also wasn’t sure what she was getting from this cat-and-mouse game. When her Master shook his head, she paused, shifting her weight to her heels.

Keres frowned, absorbing this information. Technically, by being aware of all possibilities, she was being cleverer than her enemies, though she was aware she was only grasping the surface of what her Master meant. Her physical skills… well, there was a reason she wanted to be an assassin. Which meant that Dark Lord Kain was actually testing her mental fortitude.

She couldn’t help wincing at the reminder of her first duel, even as her body automatically swept one foot behind her, shifting her weight into a defensive stance as her Master summoned a blue-runed sword. Keres eyed it warily, trying to keep her awareness open while her spine tingled with the instinctive knowledge that her Master’s sword would be very happy to consume her.

“Then, Master, I hope I learn well from you.”

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Darth Kain
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

"As do I, Keres," he said. "To fail to learn is to fail to survive."

The Dark Messiah moved with the speed of a hawkbat, now, dashing towards her with his blade outstretched, aiming to impale her in the abdomen.

There were many lessons to be learned from this spar, this Kain knew. He could do as he did with his first apprentice, the successful Darth Volacius, where he beat the apprentice into submission. Learning to lose was as important a lesson as any, especially in an Order where loss awaited you at every corner. But Kain had the sneaking suspicion that Keres knew very well the lessons of loss. His foray into her mind had given glimpses of her child, a young boy. Sickly, dying, dead. To imagine Eva suffering the same fate was one Kain dreaded, but to experience it in reality. . .

Keres Dymos knew well enough how to lose. It was time she learned how to win.

TAG: @Keres Dymos
IC: Keres Dymos
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

Before she even had time to digest his ominous words, her Master’s movement had her flinging herself out of the way, somersaulting into a shadowed area. The lighting of the room wasn’t perfect, but certainly dimmer than direct sunlight, and she pulled the shadow armor over herself, hoping it was enough. She wasn’t strong enough to really vanish, and playing defense by scuttling around the edges of the room wasn’t going to protect her for long.

But this at the least blurred her edges, gave her a strange, translucent, quality she had observed once while practicing in front of a mirror. It wouldn’t stop her Master from… literally anything, but it would make her a less easy target to hit.

Her saber was held defensively in front of her, mind racing. Her Master’s early words were about the paths the Force would open for you when you let it guide you. If she could do that, well, she’d still never win, but she’d certainly be in better shape. But control had always been the thing she never wanted to give up, and if that was the lesson, it would be a difficult one.

Powers used:
Shadow Armor - 1

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Darth Kain
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

The Beloved Prince of the Stars slowly shook his head.

“Read the room, Keres,” he said. “Do you think a little visual distortion is going to stop anyone from just doing this?”

Lord Kain outstretched a hand, kinetic energy centering around the still-largely-visible body of his apprentice, before pulling backward - an attempt to yank her from the shadows and closer towards him.

Assassins were not built for this style of combat, though one could hardly deny their versatility in quite literally any other situation. But the bending of light was not going to stop any enemy worth their salt from finding her and killing her; this she had to know. No, an assassin’s tricks would do her no good in this enclosed space, and certainly not as she faced a being that could simply burn down the building should he lose track of an enemy. She would have to adapt, and nothing brought about adaptation like the threat of death or dismemberment.

Power(s) Used:

  • Telekinesis (5)
    • Force Pull (4)
TAG: @Keres Dymos
IC: Keres Dymos
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

With a shriek, Keres dropped the armor as her Master yanked her across the room. The pull was strong, her feet literally scraping across the ground, but merely a very strongly-worded direction, as it were, and the momentum let her tumble into a roll. Keres did her best to avoid her Master’s very threatening flame-sword, and haphazardly slashed at his ankles as she rolled past.

Popping up onto her feet, she took up another defensive position. “Master, you did not pick me for my incredible musculature. It’s not surprising that I do not have an array of close combat skills.”

Still, she waited for her Master’s attack, frustration -and panic- rising again. She didn’t know what he wanted her to do. It made her feel clumsy and slow and stupid, even if there had to be a point to it. There was a cold sweat on her skin, and Keres didn’t know how long she could keep this up. There had to be something she could do, some way to turn something about the situation to her advantage.

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Darth Kain
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

The Dark Lord narrowly avoided the slash for his ankles, stepping forward in the nick of time and meeting his apprentice's gaze. She was right; he had not picked her for her physical prowess. He had chosen her for her wit, her ability to perceive the chains that bound her - to the Sith, to her past.

"You are right," said Kain. "You do not have an array of close combat skills. But you will."

He let his sword disappear into thin air, placing his hands at the small of his back. "So, if you are unable to fight that which is too powerful, then you must run. But how could you? You could not run away without me stopping you. And you cannot distract me long enough to escape. So what could you do?"

The Dark Messiah smiled.

"Kneel, Apprentice."

TAG: @Keres Dymos
IC: Keres Dymos
Sith Academy Training Room, Korriban

Keres almost said something sarcastic about how optimistic he was about her success, but kept her mouth shut. A little pushback or banter from an apprentice was one thing, mouthiness was another. When the sword vanished, Keres flicked off her saber, though she kept the hilt in hand.

The order made her pause. In the beginning of their fight, he had seemed amused that she had used her saber instead of her fire, even pleased. Was this another trick order? But her Master, for all his manipulations, had been straightforward with her, and had taught her well.

Still, she knelt on one knee, toes kept under her that she could make a quick escape if this was a feint. “If I cannot fight, flee, or distract, it could be said that all I can do is die,” her eyes flicked up her Master’s, face carefully clear of emotion. “But I doubt the only answer to a seemingly impossible situation is death. You said the Force will guide me to an escape path, if it exists.”

TAG: @Darth Kain

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