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Game Star Wars Judgment Day: Part III of the Prelude to Requiem

IC Brooke
Citadel of Fire, Hastur

Brooke lay crumpled in a heap on the ground, her body aching, her muscles sore from exertion, and her mind pulsing with a migraine. The astromech, it had detonated for some reason. Why had Keldro brought a ticking time bomb to Kain's citadel? He was just checking on the boy, right? She sat up, shaking her head and readjusting her vision.

The glow of Apollo's aura had shifted. Where once it was bright and pure, like a candle undisturbed, now it shifted and rolled with smoke. Something was very wrong with the boy, but it was hard to tell what. Brooke held her hands to her head, her ears still ringing from the explosion. She stood up shakily, stepping over where Samael was tending to the badly injured Keldro. She walked towards Kain and Apollo and T1-FA, staring each of them down. She knelt in front of Apollo, searching his aura. "Are you ok?" She asked, trying to dig for a deeper answer than just surface level scratches. The boy was relatively unharmed compared to the rest of them, but Brooke couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible had befallen him.

TAG: @Darth Kain, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Undying Master Xiannarr
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IC: Keldro Unmar

Hanger - Hastur

Keldro stirred, his whole body hurt, and for the life of him couldn’t tell where he was. Voices around him spoke softly, as if they were whispering fearful of waking him. He tried to move and couldn’t , to call out for help but the words were lost to him. As he drifted into the embrace of unconsciousness, a memory pierced his mind, its edges sharp and its damage nigh irreparable.

R5 had turned on him, he had come here peacefully and his friend , compadre, had turned on him. Who else could be trusted if not the droid Keldro had saved on Dantooine.

Sleep took him, and he would not remember being moved. Mind and body exhausted , he slept.

Tags: @Darth Kain, @Catalyst, @Hadzuska_The Jester

Convoluted Combo feat. Kain, the Beloved King of the Stars, Darth Eschaton, Darth Mavros, and Zareel Jhenan’doka
Nearing the Escape Pods, The Tsushima

Mavros ushered to the front of the party as they began to move off towards the pod. He cringed when Morrow actually tried to flirt with Zareel, but Mavros’ eyebrow raised when Morrow cut off the droid. What were its scanners indicating? Mavros was just about to open his mouth to answer when he felt a presence approaching them down the corridor, a presence he had not felt since that day on Korriban.

You have got to be kriffing kidding me…

Kain, the self-proclaimed Beloved King of the Stars, stood in the corridor behind the party, who had all turned to face him. Kain’s eyes were burning into Morrow. The captain seemed terrified.

“I see it now,” Kain boomed. “That’s why you did it.”

That’s why you did what?

There was a puzzle piece missing here. Perhaps the Captain had omitted certain facts from his explanation.

“P-protect me,” the Captain muttered to Mavros and Zareel. “Without me, you got nothing on this ship and nothing on him.”

Mavros almost had to stifle a laugh. As powerful as he was, and as capable as Zareel seemed for a knight, if Kain wanted the captain, he would eventually get him. The man had burned entire worlds. One Sith Lord, a Sith Knight, and a squad of troopers wouldn’t defeat him. Mavros knew when he was outmatched; it was part of the reason why he was still alive to this day. He also knew when to pick a fight and when to avoid one. And so he gestured to the troopers to lower their weapons, if any had raised them reflexively.

“My Lord Kain, we most certainly did not expect to see you here on this ship. We were just escorting the Captain off of the Tsushima to be taken to one of our own warships for questioning. He had some rather interesting things to say about who hired him to transport whatever cargo caused this mess. I understand you’ve met before,” Mavros said as respectfully as he could manage. He gave Zareel a quick look to indicate she should follow his lead.

Nope... Not that kind of friend… Zareel thought after the captain's words. Her antennae flickered at the voice of the droid. So far, it had supplied them with enough relevant information to merit more attention. She would have to ask LE, but all thought was interrupted by the same presence she had felt invading her mind on that Force-forsaken planet.

Her metallic right hand roamed slowly from the shoulder to the nape of the neck of Morrow. Her fingers dug into his skin, tightening to make him turn around so they would face the apparently not any more so-dead King of the stars.

"Were you hiding secrets from your friends by any chance?" she whispered to the captain, not taking her eyes from Kain after he spoke, her whole body tensing in guard.

"My Lord… this man claims to know you. We wanted to confirm if he was just lying for his own safety." She pushed the head of Morrow down in reverence and preferred not to speak that much; she was counting on Kain not actually remembering her last orders… or that she had actually failed even to disobey those same orders. But his children were alive last time I saw them, she thought to herself. Whatever he may ask, they should agree if it was a chance to remain alive and to get out of this can of worms.

"Don't be coy, Mavros," said Kain. He knew the man's face, even if it had been over ten years since he last saw it. There was a hint of disdain laced with the pronunciation of the Sith's name, as if what he did know of Mavros was not pleasant. And it was true. Kain knew that Mavros was a survivor, and that he was willing to commit any sin in order to secure his own life. He knew plenty of men like that in the Sith Order. They were all either dead or about to be.

"That man you are holding, Zareel, is not a man at all."

Captain Morrow fidgeted under the Sith Knight's grip, slipping and backing away from her. His back found the chest of Corporal Rax with a thud, the latter not daring to budge. "You can't trust a word he says," Morrow seethed. "I've heard about him. He uses the Force to play tricks with people's minds, like you tried with me." He turned to Mavros. "Maybe you can't defeat him, but your Empress can. Just get me to her, and I'll ensure you're rewarded handsomely."

"Take his offer and you'd be helping one of the creatures in servitude to the ilk of Typhojem,"
Kain snarled.

The Knight looked from Kain to the Captain and wiped her hand that had been touching him on her trousers as he stepped back. "That's a good idea, Captain. We can even all hold hands and walk past him! I'm sure Lord Kain would indeed give us a pretty warm farewell… especially since the Empress is right here to protect us," she said mockingly, looking at Morrow from over her shoulder.

Mavros laughed. “You think a Sith Lord would be oblivious to someone playing a mental trick on them? Lord Kain is doing nothing of the sort, Morrow.”

His lightsaber ignited, and he pointed the tip directly toward Morrow’s throat.

“Two things, Captain. One, why would Kain lie to us when he could simply kill us all and take you? Two, why so keen to get close to Empress Hesper? You act like it is you who will be rewarding me, when it is your life in my hands,” Mavros spat. The Captain was changing his tune now. One moment, he seemed like a desperate man trying to get out of a hole. Now, he seemed far too familiar towards the Sith and their Empress.

Mavros looked towards Kain. He recognized the disdain in Kain’s voice when he said his name, but he didn’t care. He was used to it. He didn’t need people to like him.

“You say he’s not human, Lord Kain. How do we prove that?” Mavros asked, looking back at Morrow, his crimson lightsaber almost brushing the Captain’s neck.

Suddenly, Zareel looked for the droid, with what Kain had said and what LE had said, or at least tried to before being interrupted. “LE, what were you mentioning to the Captain before?” It was never excessive to take all possible precautions.

LE-14 spoke first, regarding Zareel's inquiry earnestly. "My sensors indicate that the Captain's body temperature is unusually cold. He may be experiencing blood loss, and a severe infection. There's discoloration around the wound on his leg."

Then Kain spoke, answering Mavros. "Want to prove it? Use that lightsaber to cut off his head."

"You're insane!"
Morrow yelled. "All of you are kriffing insane!"

“For someone who should be experiencing severe hypothermia, you seem incredibly sane, Captain. If you want to live, I suggest you give the password to your log. As a show of good faith,”
Mavros demanded, letting the tip of his lightsaber get close enough that Morrow would begin to feel his skin burn with the heat.


“Give him to meeeeeee, Mavros…” The gravelly, almost choking voice came from the shadows of the small room, a figure moving through the darkness, its inky cloak billowing gently in the non-existent breeze around him. Black and bloody lips parted with a sickly, savage grin, charred bile dripping from his maw as he moved slowly toward the form of Morrow.

“Back away from him, and I will prove what you desire to be known.” His gaze, blinded by stygian metal, fell upon the present figures one by one, the expression upon his face becoming repugnant and repulsed as his ‘eyes’ turned to Kain and Morrow.

Mavros looked at the horrific figure making its way towards them, and then, smiling at the panicking Captain, he deactivated his lightsaber.

“Be my guest,” he said, smirking and folding his arms.

This should be… interesting.

Morrow snapped in the direction of the new figure, eyes wide. "W-what are you?"

Kain's eyes darted about the group, from the beast he had come to capture to the creature that had come to disturb his hunt. A knowing frown came to him as his senses leveled on the phantasmic Eschaton. "How have you gone unnoticed by the All-Seeing Eye, I wonder?"

His senses honed on the phantom and his quarry now, ready to act if Eschaton made a move to take the imposter from him, one way or the other.

Mavros’ eyes moved back from the phantom to Kain. The two both seemed to want Morrow, and Mavros didn’t want to be in the middle of any scuffle. Instead, he reached out with the Force, looking to pull the datapad containing Morrow’s logs from the Captain and into his own hands.

The Captain's head snapped toward the one who just attempted to steal away his leverage. But his grip was strong, and the device remained with its owner. A vile look of contempt brewed within him, before his eyes leveled on the Sith Knight.

"Do you want to survive this, Zareel Jhenan'doka?"

Zareel had moved a couple of steps closer to the corridor wall; she felt no need to be in the middle of the dispute, especially with two people who could bite and take half of anyone if they wanted.

Her attention snapped back to the man as he addressed her by her full name, making her frown, confused. How did he know that?

"That would be great, but I'm not quite convinced if anyone could provide that kind of certainty at this point." Her eyes remained focused on Morrow as the grip on her saber became a bit tighter.

Eschaton frowned at Morrow, then at Kain. The clink of shifting gauntlets hung in the air of otherwise silence. For a moment, it seemed well and truly that the Beloved King had cowed the Black Steward into submission.

But then he bared his teeth in a horrifying smile, dark blood pooling at the corners of his mouth and trailing along his flesh. His gnarled palms turned upwards as he reached out through the Force towards the nervous form of the being who, at one point, had been a man, the invisible tendrils of parasitism stretching out to wrench his spirit.

Morrow's eyes widened as the fiery tendrils of draining energy waded toward him, hoping to latch onto his very being and devour him whole. But the tendrils came up short, stopping just a hair's breadth away from the Captain's flesh, an imperceptible barrier formed between Eschaton and his would-be victim.

It was clear now as Morrow scanned his surroundings. Darth Mavros was willing to do whatever it would take to save his skin, and he had no qualms about killing him and stealing the datapad. Kain would obviously desire his destruction or perhaps something worse. This phantom of darkness was also serving its own ends despite the familiar presence wafting off of it. And Zareel, the most malleable of them all, was caught at a crossroads and unwilling to make a stand either way.

So, that was the end of that, then.

There were six troopers in all. They would be the quickest. Zareel was the most inexperienced. She would fall soon after. The others... only time would tell.

In a blast of psychic mania erupting from the Captain of the Tsushima, the minds of all surrounding him would feel his claws dig into their psyches.

The troopers raised their blasters, two aimed at Kain, two at Eschaton, and one at Mavros. They began to bark orders, demanding that the darksiders stand down lest they incur the wrath of Empress Hesper. Zareel would feel a similar compulsion, that wavering hand over her lightsaber, ready to ignite the blade and defend the Captain with her life.

Eschaton snarled, a guttural, almost choking sound erupting from his throat as he sensed the psychic waves. He cared not for these soldiers’ lives, nor for the 'punishment' that awaited him if he were to act against Morrow. Truth be told, he did not care for the gathered Sith here, either. Therefore, as his crooked digits began to twitch, he felt no remorse as he called forth upon his anger, his rage, the passion for death he exuded, and channeled it into a telekinetic attack to tear apart the soldiers, one and all.


There was a cacophony of sickening pops and cracks. A spray of gore and viscera pooled inches thick on the durasteel floor as the bodies were rent apart by incredibly efficient force. Torsos and limbs flew in each direction, thudding soundly against the ground. Eschaton’s invisible gaze never wavered from Morrow as he raised his hands again, a foul aura emanating from the curling digits. As blood spattered upon all around them, Eschaton mustered the wrath of time, focusing it into a wave of entropy directed at the Captain.

Zareel hadn’t decided where to move or whom to directly support on time, even if everything told her to move away from the Captain and his empty offers. Her indecisiveness finally cost her dearly.

The Knight didn’t even have the time to react. The feeling of the intrusion in her mind made her flinch, while the hand attempting to grab her saber quickly shifted to hold her head; all just a pathetic and useless attempt to restrain the pain of the intrusion.

It didn’t last long; in just seconds, she felt her consciousness slipping away, and her body started to move, not following her own orders anymore, but the ones of Morrow. This time, her hand grabbed her saber, igniting it to protect the man, remaining unfazed by the carnage displayed upon the soldiers accompanying them.

Mavros watched as Eschaton tore the treacherous troopers apart with the Force. He chuckled. That would save space in the escape pod… as for Zareel, it seemed her mind, too, was muddled by the Captain.

Too bad. Mavros was actually beginning to like her… but if she was now a thrall in service to this imposter Captain, then she was his enemy.

And Mavros showed little mercy to enemies. And so, he reached out with the Force, intending to drain the Knight of her very life force.

Captain Morrow's form wavered beneath the entropic waves of energy spewing from the gnarled fingers of Darth Eschaton. His flesh grew stretched and ragged, wrinkles of years unseen sprawling across his body like cracks in porcelain. His salt-and-pepper hair was oversalted, white beginning to drown out the black as he backed away from his attackers, standing behind the lone survivor of those he had manipulated.

Knight Zareel was not faring much better. Darth Mavros had no qualms about killing his allies when the going got tough, and fewer things were tougher than your mind not being your own. His own bolts of life-draining energy landed, sapping away her strength and devouring her, little by little.

Morrow had no care for the life of the Sith he had dominated, but instead cared to end the pathetic existence of the dark creatures that had come to kill him. His eyes split between the forms of Kain and Eschaton, uttering a single word of vile hatred.


Kain had never seen one be able to split a dark side web against two opponents on opposite ends of a room, though he was not surprised. If anything could manipulate the dark side in new and impossible ways, it would be a servant of the Father of Shadows. He dashed to the side, avoiding the viridian web of malevolent power. Darth Eschaton did not have such luck.

It snapped around his dark form like a vice, its glowing threads sapping away the Force in an instant. And as a Phantom needed the Force to endure, it vanished, along with the web of energy that had ensnared it.

Kain was pleased to see one of his enemies disappear, but another still needed to be dealt with. Aiming to avoid the maligned Sith Knight that Morrow hid behind, the Beloved King opted to utilize an ability scarcely used in his time before death. His hand outstretched, and he willed the Force to balance itself between Knight Zareel and Captain Morrow, healing her wounds and further harming the imposter.

Mavros shook his head in disbelief as Morrow conjured a Dark Side Web and forced the phantom of Eschaton to vanish.

“Alright, Kain, how do we take this one down? Preferably without killing the Knight,” Mavros asked, his saber ignited. He’d hoped that his attempt at draining Zareel’s life force would cause her to weaken enough that she wouldn’t be a problem. The Lord didn’t want to kill her. But he wouldn’t cry over it if she got herself killed. Instead, even as he felt the life force drain out of her, she was instantly restored.

“What is this…?” he muttered to himself. Either this was Morrow’s doing, or Kain’s.

Either way, Morrow was the more immediate threat. Kain… could probably be reasoned with. And so Mavros concentrated on his hatred and made it manifest, uttering the incantation as he sent the Bolt of Hatred towards Morrow.

Kain's eyes snapped to Mavros. "I can cleanse her mind. You--"

“Sutta Chwituskak!”

The situation was confusing enough to feel that protecting Morrow was the most rational thing to do after the abundant lack of answers: the causes of the infection, the supposed cargo sent by Kain, and the Captain's plea for protection related to an apparent need of contact with the Empress.

She tried moving in front of the Captain to limit the amount of damage he could receive. Unfortunately, this exact reaction was what put her in the way of an attack, which made her life energy leave her body. Her grip on her weapon weakened as her strength started to disappear.

The captain was attacking on his own now, and in a display of skill, he had managed to get rid of the intangible persona of the dark steward.

One opponent less, but still, Lord Kain was outstretching a hand in their direction; surprisingly for her, this only resulted in her energy returning to her body in time to notice how it was the Captain who was now debilitated. One attack with enough accuracy could be lethal, and all the information he could provide would be lost. She then attempted to push him away from the line of fire of the Sith master and turned towards Mavros; she didn’t have the best odds of defeating him, but at least she could take the chance. Her hand pointed toward his position, calling upon the Force to produce a bolt of lightning in his direction.

Mavros had launched his Bolt of Hatred, obviously aimed at the Captain of this vessel. But the polluted mind of Zareel was quick to act, moving the Sith's target out of the way and allowing the bolt to smack into the nearby wall in an explosion of green energy. Then she returned fire, her fingertips alight with crackling power that shot out at Mavros in a lightning bolt. It slammed into his chest, his blade simply not quick enough to deflect the sparks, and he was sent backward into the opposing wall, clothes singed and flesh smoking.

It was clear that Morrow's little meat shield was going to be an issue, and Kain would rather not slaughter mortal life for the sake of destroying their enemy. And so he breached through her skull and into the soft matter beneath, reaching into her brain and plucking out the invisible parasite that latched onto her thoughts. Her mind was her own once more, something that Morrow could feel the moment he stood once again.

His ragged face turned to a snarl.

The captain turned on Kain, shadowed eyes finding the other two behind him, and he exploded. It was a blast of crimson energy, a field so mighty that it scorched the flesh of Mavros and Zareel like a laser beam. Hairs were eradicated, skin was burnt, and eyes were blinded by the brilliant fury of this enigmatic ship captain.

But Kain saw through the illusion. The creature was afraid. Desperate.

Lights blinked in the room, the atmosphere taking on an abyssal tone, and from the shadows leaped a figure of vile darkness, appearing just behind the Captain’s seemingly mangled body, though the focused vision of invisible eyes permitted him to see through such a mirage.

Eschaton’s darkened hands bent wickedly, twisted digits forming a sigil in the air, and with this somatism, inches from his target’s flesh, came a growling and guttural incantation: “Sutta Chwituskak!”

Mavros felt the lightning burn his skin. He had been relatively fair to Zareel; he could have fried her to a crisp then and there. But no, he’d taken a painless approach.

He would not give her a second chance. The pain caused by the lightning, coupled with the blast from the Captain, enraged him. Kriff this, kriff all of this.

The power of the Dark Side was flowing through him, and it manifested itself once more into a storm of Force lightning, the bolts being directed towards the two beings that had just caused him the pain that was fuelling his power—Morrow and Zareel.

She could still feel the familiar subtle tingle in her fingertips as the lightning had abandoned her hand towards the Sith Master; with her reasoning clearing and her ideas taking a more rational and personal turn, she realized what had happened and gave an apologetic look to Mavros.

Right before she could turn against the Captain, a rising temperature expanded from him, and from his direction, the side of her body felt like she had been hit by a scorching wave. A shriek of pain escaped her lips as she felt her skin blistering and burning.

I hate this job, she thought to herself as the lights started to flicker. The same hand as before extended in Mavros’ direction, focusing on letting the electricity of his lightning flow through her body; she hoped at least it could reduce the damage as her other hand pointed to Marrow, trying to get back at him with a similar attack.

Bolts of hatred and lightning poured into the weakened body of Captain Morrow, three outstretched hands from three dwellers of the dark side smiting the fiend where he stood. His form began to crumble and fracture, smoking and charring until his flesh was naught but ash and viridian bile. The cruel Captain of the Tsushima was no more.

Unfortunately, the wrath of Darth Mavros had not been contained to the fallen imposter. Kain watched as the lightning flashed across the room, as it crept past the risen, glowing hand of Zareel. The bolts seemed to ignore her attempts to protect herself, the lightning blasting her with enough force that her eyes burned within their sockets. The sudden, agonizing pain forced her teeth downward, severing her tongue as she swallowed it, the volts jolting her form like a marionette held aloft by epileptic strings. All that she had done, all of the bad and all of the good, coursed through her falling mind like the electricity that now coursed through her body. A life of strife, but with a desire for something more.

Too much. Was that the first or the last thought she had after the impact?

It didn't really matter at that point; the charring electric power was indeed flowing through her body, but not as she had expected.

A ragged cry came from her mouth when she saw red and then nothing, feeling how her eye sockets burned from the very inside. Next, the metallic taste of her blood filled her mouth as her teeth shattered, biting against themselves until she couldn't bite anymore, no matter how much her body kept shaking and convulsing.

Her lungs soon stopped working, and she drowned in her own blood and lack of air. Zareel slowly couldn't breathe, until she ultimately couldn't even feel anymore.

That part wasn't as terrible; her body was suddenly completely weightless, and there was no need to feel rage, or pain, or fear…

Oh no, was that the peace the Jedi preached about? She would laugh at the irony of her situation if she could.

What a pleasant feeling to let herself go in the end.

A good laugh.

In her final moments, the seconds before her brain collapsed and her heart gave in, she felt... nothing. No more pain, no more struggle. It was all over.

For her.

But there was no rest for the wicked, and the only one here that could claim unwickedness now rested. For frothing from the black and green ashes of Captain Morrow was a horror from beyond the stars. It was an entity of shadow, a being of darkness. Its claws scooped away the charred, broken shackles it once had, rising out of the ashes like some dark phoenix. A hiss emanated from the shadow, a laugh and a roar of defiance.

Mavros watched as Morrow’s form disintegrated into ash and bile. He smiled. Good. It was over. At last.

His eyes fell over Zareel’s body. His power had proven too great for hers. Her body went into convulsions, and when she fell, sparks continued to pop out of her body, but her spark had gone out.

A shame, she could’ve been useful. But we teach mental defense for a reason, and she left me little choice…

Mavros opened his mouth to speak to Kain when the… thing… began to rise out of what was left of Morrow’s corpse. Its presence in the Force pulled him back, back over a decade.

Back to the war.

This was Evil taken form. And Mavros, still nursing his injuries from the battle, was in no state to take it on.

The escape pod! If he could reach it, he would be out of this nightmare. He drew upon all the strength in the Force he had left and made to dash up the corridor towards the pod.

I’m sure Kain and that phantom will be just fine…

The inky tongue darted between bloody teeth, ancient, phantasmal limbs curling in the somatism of ancient spellcasting. The technique was discovered by Dathka Graush, refined by Sorzus Syn, and developed further by Sith throughout the ages to create unlife from death. It was a personal favorite technique of the Black Steward, though the Lord of Arkania was not prone to allowing him to perform such feats. What he did not know wouldn’t hurt the All-Seeing one.

His palms thrust down toward the ground, towards the mangled and bloodied corpses of the guards, and the fried and charred body of Zareel, a hoarse, raspy voice echoing down the corridor, loud enough for the dashing Mavros to hear: “TSAIWINOKKA TSISHOYAKUT!”


Red, hazy shades rose from the gore, taking the shape they had in life. It was the same for Zareel’s specter, who bore a spectral saber. Eschaton’s will was exerted upon them, directing two of the ghosts and the Sith spirit to pursue the fleeing Sith, while the other four turned towards the rising Shadow Creature, channeling their essences to attack the infernal beast.

“Ssssstrike him down,” he hissed, pure and murderous glee in his voice. “Let them pass into Chaos! Let Chaos take them!”

Mavros ran the fastest he'd gone ever since the True Sith War. The human mind would normally be unable to keep up with its own steps at this speed, but the Force guided him, the willing servant to its cruel master. But an even crueler fate now followed. The spirits of two of the fallen troopers, and the enraged ghost of Zareel Jhenan'doka, now gave chase to the man who failed them. His speed allowed him to get to the escape pod unharmed, but as was expected, the door to the pod was closed. A simple button mechanism on the wall beside was all it would take to open it and seal himself away. But the spirits would be on him in seconds. He had to act, lest his soul join Eschaton's foul, budding army.

Meanwhile, the spirits of the other troopers began to swarm the Shadow Being, ethereal clawing at ethereal. Unfortunately, even empowered by the magicks of a dark wizard like Eschaton, the souls of mortal men were naught but gnats to a servant of the Father of Shadows.

Malevolent energy leaped from the creature's claws, black lightning that somehow slammed into the ghostly forms of its attackers, nearly destroying the lot of them in one fell swoop.

Kain feared not for the Shadow Being. His intention to capture it and study it would not be impeded by a few souls of the damned. No, what his mind dwelled on now was the lost life of the Sith Knight. He had intended to resurrect her, to leverage that act of kindness to earn her service. He had heard of her good deeds and knew she would be willing to fight for a good cause. But with her soul ripped from her body and made a servant of this fiendish Eschaton, that resurrection could not come to pass. Eschaton was just as responsible for her death as Mavros was, though he was far less redeemable in the eyes of the Beloved King of the Stars.

And if one could not be redeemed, then they must be destroyed.

His mind diverged, as it had dozens of times over, and split his focus between the fleeing Mavros and the laughing Eschaton. Kain wanted Mavros to answer for his crimes, but not to die. No other mortal needed to die today. And so he surrounded the Sith survivor with a wall of flame, leaving enough space for Mavros to breathe and not be burnt by the fire, but also cutting him off from both the door to the escape pod and the incoming specters.

The other portion of his mind settled on Eschaton. Xarxes would know what Kain had learned, but it would not be now, not while the Shadow Being still roamed free.

"You are a fool to act against me now," said Kain to the fellow phantom. "You should have acted while I was dead."

Mavros ran. His only focus was on the escape pod. And freedom. He glanced behind to see if the creature was bothering to give chase, but…

“No…no…” he said aloud, though the words were barely audible.

Zareel was dead. He’d felt her pass on into…well, whatever came next. Now, she was chasing him down with two other spectral figures. But he had the lead. And he was close, so close, when the fire erupted all around him, trapping him.

“You have got to be kriffing kidding me!” he shouted in anguish. He fell to his knees. Maybe he deserved the death that was coming. What had he ever done to help anyone but himself?

That’s Jedi talk. You made your bed. Lie in it.

And so, Mavros sat there, surrounded by flame, and waited for what came next.

Do ghosts fear fire? he thought to himself as he sat, waiting.

Eschaton’s gleeful laughter persisted past the accusation, his eyeless face and twisted helm turning towards the angered Beloved King. The cracks surrounding his lips split further as the vile grin spread to impossible proportions, blackened blood pouring from the wounds.

“The Artificer of a Thousand Eyes has willed this meeting since before you were but a thought in Tilotny’s mind, Kain. Everything that has transpired has done so according to his design. There are things which he has set into motion which have turned the galaxy on its head.”

The Shadow Being was of little concern to Eschaton, nor was it so that his true nature was revealed to the phantom of Tilotny’s brood. Kain would see as the dark metal of Eschaton’s gauntlets suddenly became slick with blood, his phantasmal robes seemingly drenched in the viscous substance. The twisted crown of iron was stained red as the crimson phantom rose to a greater height, spots where eyes would have been beneath the helmet glowing a bright green. Black smog poured from his mouth, enveloping his figure even as he rose above the Shadow Being, and a blade of green flame and shadow would manifest within the hand of the horror, curving in a wicked arc to cleave the Shadow Being as his spirits pressed the attack.

The blade, however, despite its great strength, was not enough to pierce the flesh of the monstrosity. The spirits, on the other hand, in the person of Private Rollins, were successful. His ghostly hands raked the blackened and smoggy flesh, tearing great gashes in it.

The ghosts assailing Mavros, meanwhile, knew better than to move through the flame, but the spirit of the Sith Knight was more aptly equipped, her hand reaching forward to cast an arc of Force Lightning at her killer.

Mavros saw the dead Sith launch the very same attack that led to her death, and he was ready for it, throwing up a protective bubble as soon as the specter reached out her hand.

Kain paid no mind to the screech of the Shadow Being, his eyes now set entirely on the loathsome form of Eschaton. His head slowly cocked to the side, his eyes narrowing. Though it would have been imperceptible to a mortal creature, Eschaton would see the Beloved King's eyes flash before him. The illusory green, human, striking eyes became motes of starlight, fiery and brighter than the stars had ever been in the eyes of Kain's abominable mother. These stars cast light upon all things, and Eschaton would know that they saw through him. Not just through the Phantom, but through all of it.

"Another up-jumped mortal clutching at their stolen godhood like a woman clutching pearls. There is no need to speak in third-person. The longer my mind unravels, the more of the universe's secrets reveal themselves to me. There is no shadow where you can hide that I will not see you. And though you may not be killed in a way that matters, neither can I. Your machinations for power are best served staying out of my way, lest you earn an enemy that will never cease, and will always push you toward the inevitable desire of all creatures born to mortal wombs."

The Dark Messiah smiled.

"To die."

The Shadow Being cared not for the conversation between forces of dark and light, intent on destroying these foul spirits that assailed it and disappearing into the void where it belonged. Crimson, violent eyes flashed at the enthralled specters, then at Eschaton, and finally at Kain. The ghosts wailed in agony for the split moment they still existed, until they were dissolved into nothing but empty space in the room they had originally been killed in. Eschaton's Phantom nearly suffered a similar fate, the phantasmal form scorched and battered severely by the gaze of the Shadow Being. But Kain simply stood there, amused, at the rage exerted by the servant of his truest enemy.

Elsewhere, the spirit of Zareel Jhenan'doka proved unable to breach the wall of flames containing the Sith Lord Mavros, and further unable to penetrate his shimmering shield of protective energy within. He was a prisoner within a fortress, unable to leave yet unable to be destroyed by such simple tactics. He could opt to return fire on the ghosts, so to speak. If her lightning could pass through the flames, there was nothing stopping his lightning, either...

Eschaton sneered as the Shadow Being cut through his summons with ocular fury, but reacted only with laughter when his own form was struck, a large hole appearing in the middle of his crimson chest. The blackened and bloodied lips cried out in laughter as the Beloved King of Stars attempted to instill the fear of a celestial being in him, but to no avail. Eschaton, if that was even his name, had seen things far more electrifying than even the contents of Typhojem’s Eye before. The presence of an eldritch and Celestial being meant nothing to one such as him.

Picsart_23-09-19_20-56-03-436.jpg“My boy,” he gloated, his voice growing deeper as he shifted back to his original form, still holding the spirit blade. “You know not of which you speak. The lord of the stalking horde knows no bounds. His eye sees all, including you, and he is most pleased with your efforts.”

His robes melted into the shadows, and Kain would feel an eerie presence creep behind him. “Imagine, Kain, what could be accomplished. You seek allies in your fight against the Old Ones? The foul brood who clawed their way into the world through your mother’s womb? I know them better than even you could, Kain.”

A leering smile hovered just shy of Kain’s ear, a gnarled hand placed upon his shoulder. “Imagine, Kain, how quickly this would end if you were to join me, to forgo the bindings of the Architects, and to take the simplest route towards galactic peace and security. We could do so much against the foul lords who once ruled the True Sith. Why shouldn’t we fight together, when all of your friends could be spared? Would it not be better for them to live? Or have you not told them that you lead them to an early grave?”

The free hand of Eschaton’s Phantom snapped. “I’ve released the spirits of the others. The cowardly Mavros will not be harangued by me anymore, for now. Consider it my show of good will.” He spat the last two words, as if they were repulsive.

“Join me, Kain, and together, as gods, we may strike down the darkest creatures that threaten to upend the galaxy.” He leaned in closer, his lips nearly touching Kain’s ear now as he whispered: “It is the only way to save all of them.”

Kain's eyes fell to the bloodied floor, then turned to the leering shadow looming over his shoulder. The maligned smile and blackened bile did little to repulse him; the acts of a phantom against a phantom were little more than attacking another in only a dream. And this attempt at making him uneasy would prove about as fruitful.

"Despite my blood, I did once live a mortal's life. The struggle of surviving day to day teaches you things. One of those things I learned is that a sure sign of a scam artist is if they demand you act now, before you can think about the correct course of action."

His hand outstretched behind him, a web of ensnaring energy wrapping around the form of the Shadow Being like a vice. The strings of energy locked it into place, forcing it to writhe and cry out in horror at its forced stasis. How it remained despite its inability to use the Force was unknown even to it. Not all secrets of the dark side were known by the agents of its greatest master, and with good reason. If only its master's enemies were so limited in their pursuits of power.

"The path to victory is not so cut and dry, and I would not be opposed to working toward the same goal, even if our motivations could not be any more different. But this can only work with trust. Whatever evil you planned to wreak on my allies, forget it. Whatever you planned on doing with this Shadow Being, forget it. In turn, I will consider your offer, and I will not ruin the game you play with Drakul Xarxes. Maintain your illusion for as long as you desire.

"After all, yours is one among many offers competing for my alliance as we speak. But if you do this, if you give me that time—say, three days—to decide, your proposal will be significantly more... appetizing. And I would be more willing to trust that you are not simply using me as Darth Dreadwar once did."

The figure’s expression softened, contemplating Kain’s response. “You speak truth. Any machinations between ourselves will rely on trust. If time is what it will take, you may have it. But know that our enemies do not wait. I will be watching and waiting, Kain. You can always find Xarxes’ little ‘pet’ if you need to talk.

“As far as the Shadow Being is concerned, I care not for it. If we are working together, do with it what you will. I will, in the meantime, forstall my cruelty against those who truly are your allies, as you asked.”

Eschaton turned away from him, the emerald blade fading in his grasp, dissipating into viridian ichor. “I am not like Dreadwar, Kain. He was a far more conniving individual than I. Do not do me the disservice of comparing us.”

He chuckled, a horrible, raspy sound that raked the ears. “I will be listening for when you are ready. Do not keep me waiting long. Farewell.”

An invisible breeze wafted through the hallway and, as if he were comprised of ash, the figure of Darth Eschaton began to flake, bits and pieces of him trailing in the draft, until the Phantom was no more.

The Beloved King gave the Shadow Being no more time to lament in its binds. He enveloped the creature in a portal of fire, casting it to a place where it would be studied to his own ends. His experiments grew numerous upon his return from death, all pointing toward his goal of saving the galaxy from its threats. Though now he was not quite so sure who the greatest threat of them all truly was anymore.

He let loose a sigh, the tension in this projected form only slightly releasing now that he was alone. Or, almost alone. Kain’s eyes fell on the corner of the room, where the cowering droid known as LE-14 huddled against the wall. Its photoreceptors were glued on him, scanning him. There was little doubt that the droid had recorded the entire exchange, from the fight with the Shadow Being to Mavros’ murder of his subordinate, and worst of all, to the words spoken between the Beloved King of the Stars and the Artificer of a Thousand Eyes.

Those words would be damning, just as damning as the manipulated texts on Morrow’s datapad would have been had it not been destroyed in the Captain’s disintegration. Taking the droid and erasing its memory drives was a possibility, but time-consuming. And while he could also teleport it someplace where doing so would be faster and easier, his energy grew taut. So many uses of Force Travel in a single day were waning on him, even if his power had been awakened by the knowledge of the Architects. No, this droid was not worth saving and sparing.

“Wait,” the droid said, raising its hand. “I--”

Kain also raised his hand. And from it spawned a gout of torrential flame, melting and disintegrating durasteel in a matter of moments, destroying not only LE-14 but also the wall and floor surrounding it. The heat would have been enough to vaporize an organic being instantly, and whether a droid or not, it would have been entirely painless. That was a mercy. The Seed of Chaos had done much worse to kill his enemies before, and would certainly do so again.

But not with Mavros.

As the wall of flames would die around the sitting Sith Lord, he would not find a trio of spirits awaiting him. Instead, Kain stood there, his arms crossed and his eyes bearing down on him. “I can sense the conflict within you,” he said. “You have been raised to believe that anyone or anything that gets in your way deserves annihilation, but where has that gotten you in the Final Sith Order? Subservient to vile creatures like Darth Vaer. Forced into situations where you have to kill apprentices and knights that would have better served as living than dead. You desire not just survival, but something more. Something the Sith have not been able to give you in seventeen years of service.”

Kain offered him his hand. "Allow me the chance to show you something more. A path to redemption for your sins, but not repentance of them. This offer does not come lightly, and you should… heavily consider it.”

OOC: Mavros' use of Force Pull rolls 8 + 18 + 5, failing to overcome Morrow's DC. He feels a tug on the datapad, but holds onto it tightly.

Darth Eschaton's use of Drain Life on Captain Morrow rolls 13 + 19 + 5, failing to overcome his DC and failing to hit.

Captain Morrow's use of Alter Mind rolls 6 + 20 + 10, successfully breaching the minds of all six troopers and Knight Zareel. All are compelled to fight in Morrow's defense.

Eschaton's use of Force Rend on the troopers rolls a natural 20. Succeeding. 4d10 of Sharp Damage is rolled for, rolling 5 + 3 + 9 + 5. That totals 22, dropping all of the troopers' HPs to 0. They are dead.

Eschaton's use of Darkshear on Captain Morrow rolls 16 + 19 + 5, succeeding. 4d8 is rolled for Necrotic Damage, rolling 2 + 6 + 5 + 8. Morrow's HP is reduced to 19.

Mavros' use of Drain Life on Zareel rolls 11 + 18 + 5, successfully overcoming her DC. 3d6 of Dark Damage is rolled for, rolling 3 + 4 + 2. Zareel's HP is reduced to 16.

Morrow's use of Odojinya on Kain and Eschaton rolls 15 + 20 + 10, successfully overcoming Eschaton's DC, though not Kain's. An Effect Modifier of 19 + 5 completely ensnares the Phantom of Eschaton, cutting it off from the Force. As it is a Phantom, it reacts differently to such an ability, and rather than holding it, the web only succeeds in banishing the Phantom for a single turn. Eschaton is able to reconjure another Phantom in the following turn should his roll be successful.

Kain's use of Force in Balance rolls 8 + 25 + 10, successfully breaching both Zareel and Morrow's DCs. 5d4 of Healing on Zareel is rolled for, and that same score will incur Psychic Damage on Morrow. It rolls 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1, raising Zareel's HP back to its full 25 and dropping Morrow's HP to 9.

Eschaton's use of Force Phantom rolls 16 + 19 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 18 + 8 creates another stable, fully functional Phantom.

Since Zareel is attempting to push Morrow out of the line of fire, I will roll her Force Push on him first. It rolls 17 + 13 + 5, succeeding (since Morrow is not resisting her usage of Force Push here). An Effect Modifier of 8 + 1 gets Morrow out of the line of fire for the moment, and will make the Bolt of Hatred roll with disadvantage.

Mavros' use of Bolt of Hatred rolls 6 + 18 + 5, failing to hit Morrow due to Zareel's interference.

Zareel's use of Sith Lightning on Mavros then rolls 18 + 13 + 5, successfully matching Mavros' DC and hitting. 3d6 is rolled for Shock Damage, rolling 3 + 5 + 6. Mavros' HP is reduced to 22.

Kain's use of Cleanse Mind on Zareel will roll against Morrow's DC rather than hers. As such, it rolls a 12 + 25 + 10 and succeeds. An Effect Modifier of 16 + 10 purges her mind completely of all compelling outside forces.

Morrow's use of Sith Illusions rolls 13 + 20 + 10, failing to affect Kain but hitting Mavros and Zareel. Kain sees through the illusion and takes no damage, but Mavros and Zareel perceive it as real. As such, they each take 5d4 of Magic Damage. It rolls 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 4. Mavros' HP is reduced to 11 and Zareel's is reduced to 14.

The returning Eschaton's use of a Bolt of Hatred on Captain Morrow rolls 18 + 19 + 5, successfully breaching his DC and hitting. 4d10 of Magic Damage is rolled for, rolling 2 + 1 + 2 + 7. Morrow's HP is reduced to 0.

The following attacks from Mavros and Zareel on Morrow have no need to be rolled for, so for flavor I will have all the attacks land simultaneously.

However, Mavros has attacked Zareel with a Force Storm, and she is attempting to defend herself with Tutaminis. The way this will work for this game, rather than Tutaminis simply raising her DC, it will instead be rolled directly against the Force Storm roll, with a +2 bonus to the Force Storm since it is a level higher than Zareel's Tutaminis.

Mavros' use of Force Storm rolls 10 + 18 + 5 + 2. That totals 35, and that is what Zareel will have to roll to avoid damage.

Zareel's use of Tutaminis rolls 8 + 13 + 5. That only totals 26. The Force Storm is going to hit.

4d8 of Shock Damage is rolled for, rolling 8 + 7 + 7 + 5. Zareel's HP is reduced to 0. She is dead.

Mavros' use of Force Speed rolls 18 + 18 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 12 allows him to move more than twice the speed of the average man. Any attacks against him roll with disadvantage while he is using his speed, and so long as he is uninterrupted, he will be able to reach the escape pod next turn.

Eschaton's use of Summon Sith Specters on the corpses of the room rolls 15 + 18 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 12 + 8 raises the souls of all the troopers and of Zareel Jhenan'doka. All spirits have the same DCs and HP counts that they had in life, though with the necessary resistances that come with being specters.

Each of the spirits incur their own attack rolls on the Shadow Being.

The Ghost of Cpl. Rax rolls 12 + 13 + 5, failing to hit.

The Ghost of Pvt. Tieges rolls 5 + 10 + 5, failing to hit.

The Ghost of Pvt. Skera rolls 4 + 10 + 5, failing to hit.

The Ghost of Pvt. Rollins rolls 10 + 10 + 5, failing to hit.

The Shadow Being's use of Force Lightning rolls 16 + 20 + 10, successfully striking all of the ghosts assailing it. 5d6 of Shock Damage is rolled for, rolling 5 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 1. The Ghost of Cpl. Rax has his HP reduced to 7, while the other three ghosts have their HP reduced to 2.

Kain's use of Pyrokinesis to trap and defend Mavros rolls 19 + 25 + 10, successfully creating a wall of flame to surround Mavros and cut him off from the spirits. An Effect Modifier of 21 + 10 means that if anyone or anything passes through that fiery barrier and does not overcome a DC of 54, they will incur 5d8 of Heat Damage.

Mavros' use of Protection Bubble rolls 17 + 18 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 14 + 7 increases his DC by 10.

The Ghost of Zareel Jhenan'doka's use of Lightning rolls 17 + 13 + 5, failing to breach Mavros' Protection Bubble.

The Shadow Being's Deadly Sight rolls 13 + 20 + 10, successfully breaching the DC of all but Kain. 5d10 are rolled for Heat Damage, rolling 10 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 8. The HP of all four ghosts drop to 0, defeating them and barring Eschaton from summoning them again. The Phantom of Eschaton's HP drops to 6.

Kain's usage of Odojinya on the Shadow Being rolls a natural 20. It succeeds with an Effect Modifier of 16 + 10, ensnaring it.

Kain’s use of Pyrokinesis on LE-14 rolls 18 + 25 + 10, succeeding. 5d8 of Heat Damage is rolled for, rolling 7 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 7. LE-14’s HP is reduced to 0, and the overkill disintegrates it.
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IC: Apollo and Kain, the Beloved King of the Stars
The Citadel of Fire, Hastur


The Hasturans were fast in their response to Samael’s order. One of them carefully scooped up the unconscious Keldro Unmar, supernaturally gentle for someone of his size, while the other cleared the way for him, taking the Jedi out of the hangar and further within the Citadel. Their path set them on the course for the nearest medical bay, which was operated by a team of droids more well-suited for the medical arts than the far-too-brutish Hasturans.

Keldro would be given the most optimal care available. First, an assessment of his wounds, which were severe. Burns, contusions, bruising. It was a wonder he had not been killed in that unfortunate explosion. Thankfully, Kain's people possessed the skills and technology to save his life.

They immersed him in a bacta tank, where the fiery orange light emanating from below the pod gave it an appearance akin to a tube of liquid magma. Within this healing bath, his crumpled, pink burns would transform into fresh, unblemished skin. Fractured bones would knit together and fuse. Bruises would gradually fade into nothingness.

Meanwhile, back in the hangar, Apollo looked into Brooke’s nonexistent eyes. In response to her inquiry about his well-being, he admitted, "I don't know. I feel sick."

Kain put a hand on the little boy’s shoulder. “I doubt you’ve experienced stress like this since Denova. It’s bound to make anyone sick. Do you want one of the medical droids to take a look at you, though?”

Apollo turned his attention to his father. He sensed the genuine concern in Kain's words, yet he remained hesitant to fully trust him. Not yet. “I want Brooke to come with me.”

"Of course,"
Kain agreed. "Her friends will be here soon. Samael and I can greet them on her behalf." He signaled to Samael and then turned back to Brooke. "If you're comfortable with that."

@Catalyst, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Undying Master Xiannarr

OOC: Keldro being submerged in bacta will heal him for 2d20. They roll 12 + 17, fully healing his HP back to 20. He will spend his next turn within the tank (either conscious or unconscious still is entirely up to him) and will be released in the following GM update.


IC: Eva

Underground Abode, Verdanth


First, the former Jedi turned her thoughts toward Volacius. His suggestions were far from unwelcome, but she wasn’t sure they were feasible. We have no way of choosing when we end up, she thought. There’s no telling whether we’d go too far back or if we’d spring even further into the future. And we aren’t going to find out the results of my father’s war in a cave on a backwater world.

Even if he was telling the truth about a threat that would consume the galaxy, it wouldn’t be unsafe to assume that life could exist in small pockets underground on various distant planets. And that was assuming he was telling the truth. Eva found herself bereft of any concrete evidence, having heard only the tales of a deranged man who resisted the embrace of death and was willing to reshape reality to suit his desires.

But then she turned to Catalyst upon his suggestion, whispering, “I can give it a shot.”

With that, Eva circled the building, looking for any easy footholds to gain access to. Fortunately, she spotted one: a weathered wooden corner of the structure with enough wear and tear for her shoe to find purchase. Using her leg strength, she propelled herself onto the roof's edge, gripping it firmly with both hands. A second, well-timed push from her feet enabled her to scramble onto the sloped rooftop, all without plummeting to the ground twenty feet below.

Methodically, she moved along the incline until she encountered a fracture in the wooden surface—a hole large enough for her to squeeze through. There was some sort of attic blocking her view of the ground floor, and it was dark. Too dark for her to see.

I can see a hole in the roof. It leads into an attic. Can’t see much else from here. I can try to make my way down, see if I can’t ambush this True Sith while you distract them from the front door.

TAGS: @Catalyst, @Volacius, @Darth Nathemus

OOC: Eva’s attempt to climb the building will incur a DEX check, rolling a 17 + 16 and succeeding.


IC: Kain, the Beloved King of the Stars

The Howling Hawkbat, Nar Shaddaa

Kain nodded at Cal Vastrom’s assertions. He was right. There could be Shadow Beings within every echelon of the Federation and the New Jedi Order. It was only wise to investigate everyone, especially those who had proven unusually incompetent. Only time would tell if the worst members of the fabled Federation were servants of light’s greatest enemy, or if they were simply as big of buffoons as the Sith gave them credit for.

Elsewhere within the galaxy, the outstretched tendrils of Kain latched onto newfound knowledge. It spread through his infernal web of thought, a fire scorching the threads faster than the speed of light. All of his phantoms, whether here on Nar Shaddaa or beyond, had sudden, wide eyes. Those eyes fell on Cal Vastrom, content to ignore the contemplating Jedi Grandmaster in the corner of the room.

“I have just been granted knowledge of something that can solve the Shadow Being problem entirely. But I would need the aid of the Jedi to use it. When the day comes, can I count on you to help me save the galaxy, Master Vastrom?”

@Colm Rocks, @Darth Nathemus


IC: The Hunter

Flight Lounge, The Tsushima

Fire and lightning bombarded the creature that had come to feast on the flesh of the blonde twins. The flames seemed to do naught but lick the creature’s taut skin, but the sheer voltage from Vitani’s blast looked to be much more effective. Mangled flesh charred beneath her power, and the Hunter was eager to return the favor.

Ignoring the man in the armor, as it appeared to not be so great of a threat at this moment, the Hunter focused on Vitani. His bony arms swiped for her again, hoping to tear into her pitiful, mortal flesh.

And it succeeded.

She simply wasn’t fast enough this time, not with its attention focused on her. The pair of blades fashioned from the beast’s bones gored into her gut, creating two massive gashes of intestine-tearing force that spewed blood and organs onto the floor. There was little doubt that she was in the worst agony she had ever felt, the sudden impact of bone spearing through her sending her mind into a frenzy of pain and vain hope of survival. She fell to the ground, the Hunter screeching in delight as it raised its arms again, ready to finish its prey.

TAG: @Darth Voxyn

OOC: Voxyn’s use of Pyrokinesis on the Necromorph Hunter rolls 8 + 18 + 5, failing to breach the Hunter’s DC. The flames lick harmlessly against the beast’s flesh.

Vitani’s use of Force Lightning rolls 14 + 17 + 5, successfully breaching the Hunter’s DC. 4d6 of Shock Damage rolls 2 + 4 + 5 + 3. The Hunter’s HP is reduced to 21.

The Necromorph Hunter retaliates against Vitani, rolling to attack. It rolls 19 + 18 + 5, successfully breaching Vitani’s DC. 4d6 of Sharp Damage is rolled for, rolling 2 + 6 + 3 + 5. Vitani’s HP is reduced to 3. She is suffering the
External Bleeding Effect and will suffer 1d4 of damage from her blood loss if she is not properly healed.


IC: The Hellpriestess

Somewhere Between the Tsushima and Chaos

Another sacrifice had come thanks to the newly-forged Lacerant Configuration. This had ended up quite the deal, one that the Hellpriestess had once never intended to honor. No mortal had ever consulted the demons and angels of her flock and got exactly what they desired. That was simply the way of things, the way of that which gave power to those who sought unimaginable pleasure for all eternity. But this Vaer… he was different.

He gave lives with utter glee, no hint of remorse or hesitation. He would watch as the hooks sank into the flesh of his prey. Sometimes he would even laugh. Then the Cenobites would stake their claim on the souls of Vaer’s victims, and the cycle would renew. He never had any intentions of slowing his preying on mortalkind, and the Hellpriestess would never discard an opportunity to introduce more souls to the furthest extremes of pain.

Her next claim was one she recognized. The man was with the woman once marked by the configuration, saved only by Vaer’s odd grace. The raven-haired girl had a lightsaber ignited, carving into the floor. The target, Voidwalker, seemed frozen. Such was the effect of staring into that which was beyond mortal comprehension. “Do not fear.” The Hellpriestess’ voice called into his ears alone, something between a purr and a growl. “You will understand true pleasure soon enough.”

Then her quarry fell through the floor, the efforts of the Sith woman not for nothing. The Hellpriestess gave no hint of annoyance at the fleeing of her prey. It never worked in the end. Why not give her Cenobites some fun in the chase?

She raised an ethereal hand, the flayed flesh of her phalanges signaling the arrival of the others. There were three with her today. She had no need of any others for now. One had been named the Chatterer, the skin on his face pulled back and revealing only his white, perfect teeth, which clambered for a taste of blood. Then there was the Whisperer, the once-mortal woman who sought such power that she was given this opportunity as an angel of the Father of Shadows, and whose throat was left exposed to the chill winds of Chaos. Last was the Mangler, a large figure whose bare knuckle bones dragged across the floor, his flesh twisted and wreathed around metal spikes on his shoulders.

They would have their fun. And the Hellpriestess would watch. What could mortals hope to do, but give in to the pain coming for them all?

Voidwalker and Arach’s descent left them on the floor below, trapped within a dark room only alight with a flickering strobe above. The walls were covered in a fleshy, mutated substance. But that did not matter. On the opposite side of the room stood Darth Vaer, blue lightsaber ignited. And beside him, a face neither Voidwalker nor Arach would have expected to see, and surely wouldn’t have wanted to see.

Darth Drakul Xarxes.

TAGS: @Voidwalker, @Arach

OOC: Arach’s attempt to cut a hole in the floor large enough for her and Voidwalker to jump through incurs a DEX roll, which rolls 6 + 21 + 3. It succeeds, just barely.


IC: Sergeant Luceno (Combo w/ @Drakul_Xarxes)

Elevator Shaft, The Tsushima

He watched as the Onderonians and the Mysterious Stranger descended the elevator shaft with relative ease, multiple sets of feet hitting the bottom with satisfying metal thuds. The stranger entirely ignored the words of Khatt Douw, the new alien woman who arrived alongside Kain, and unfortunately for Khatt, it seemed that Lady Kolasi was doing the same elsewhere, despite her telepathic message going through.

Luceno faced Khatt Douw, his troopers behind him. “Unless you’re a Sith Lord, I can’t authorize you to follow. If you want to be useful though, you can help us defend this hall from any of those freaks we keep hearing about. Maybe I’ll ignore the company you keep if you do.”

Meanwhile, as the Onderonians and the stranger jumped down the holes left by Kolasi and Eschaton, moving past the gory scene in the elevator and stepping through the open doors, they were greeted by a pair of menacing Sith. Darth Drakul Xarxes and Darth Eschaton stood in their way, the latter seemingly prepared to unleash some sort of hideous spell that would only match his horrifying appearance.

Xarxes’ biot could perceive the figures descending the same shaft he had but moments before, not least among them being the King of Onderon, Avery Sunka. The husband of Darth Kolasi was relatively unknown to the Hand of Order, but he knew better than to let even him contest the will of his wife.

“Halt, King of Onderon,” he boomed, sword still held at the ready. “Come thee no further. So has your wife commanded.”

Suddenly, echoing within the mind of the Nightfather was a voice he knew all too well. “They’ve come to kill me,” said Vaer, his voice reverberating in his master’s mind. “I can’t take them alone, Master. I’m on this ship. Aid me, please.”

Xarxes felt a tug at his soul, an altruistic, kind, humane urge that he could never suppress. He had to help Vaer, no matter how tired he was, no matter how spent he’d become in his efforts thus far. There was truly no time to waste.

“I’m coming, Valentyn.”

He concentrated his power, leaving only a small reserve for healing that might be needed, pouring all of his focus into finding Vaer.

And with the unseen, unappreciated efforts of Khatt Douw, Xarxes would feel his abilities even among the exhaustion that began to wrack his body. His wounds, mental and physical, were all but healed completely. Finding Vaer was even easier, his presence in the Force unmistakable. He was not far, on this same floor but somewhere behind the cargo hold. It was only an instant later that he disappeared from the hallway leading to said cargo hold, no doubt expecting Eschaton to hold down the fort on his own.

TAGS: @Drakul_Xarxes, @skira, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Jen’nu

OOC: Avery’s attempt to slide down the cable of the elevator will incur a DEX roll. He rolls a natural 20, automatically succeeding. He also incurs no damage to his hands, since he is wearing leather gloves.

I will roll one d20 for the success of all Avery’s Onderonian entourage in following him down the shaft. They roll a 15, succeeding.

[REDACTED]’s descent down the shaft also incurs a DEX roll, but with advantage, since he has rappelling gear. He rolls 16 + 18 + 5, successfully descending the elevator shaft.

Khatt Douw’s usage of Battle Meditation on Xarxes and Kolasi rolls with disadvantage since she is not wholly focused on casting it. It rolls 13 + 19 + 5, succeeding anyway. An Effect Modifier of 15 + 8 creates a +10 buff to Xarxes and Kolasi’s rolls so long as Khatt maintains the meditation. Each turn Khatt acts beyond just focusing on the meditation will incur saving throws until the meditation breaks.

Khatt’s use of Telepathy to speak with Kolasi rolls 14 + 19 + 5, also succeeding (since Kolasi is not actively resisting). An Effect Modifier of 16 - 2 allows Kolasi to hear Khatt’s words well enough.

Drakul Xarxes’ use of Force Healing on himself rolls 12 + 20 + 10 + 10, succeeding. 4d8 of Healing is rolled for, rolling 3 + 6 + 7 + 8. He is healed to 38 HP.

His use of Force Sense to find Vaer rolls 12 + 20 + 10 + 10, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 17 + 2 allows him to sense exactly where Vaer is.

And finally, his use of Fold Space rolls 8 + 20 + 10 + 10, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 20 + 8 allows him to teleport to Vaer’s side with absolute ease.


IC: No One

Hesperian Sanctum, Bosthirda


The galaxy was on the brink of terrible conflict. If there was only one thing Kain had succeeded in convincing the attendants of the Peace Summit of, it was that galactic society was ridden with foul imposters in service to some unknown evil. No one, not even Hesper’s own guardsmen, could be fully trusted until vetted by her.

Pyxis, the planet born from the flesh of Typhojem that Hesper had claimed as her own, had been attacked by Sith undead, just as the temple on Korriban once had been. The survivors were Force-knows-where, and the few that remained in that doomed academy were equally as damned.

On top of this, her Triumvirs were in danger. She and King Avery of Onderon had sensed Lady Kolasi’s peril, and it did not take much to tell that Lord Xarxes was in a similar predicament. It was all falling apart, all at once. Was this the first day of some grand apocalypse? Was this the galaxy’s day of judgment? Had they been found wanting?

It seemed that was for Empress Hesper to decide. She had many avenues to take, and not much time left to pick the first. She could assist Lady Makaria in the hunt for the survivors of Pyxis. She could go to Pyxis herself, to cleanse the temple of the undead rot and save those left behind. She could begin to suss out the Shadow Beings within her retinue, to lessen the chance of a blade finding her back. Or she could assist her Triumvirs, traveling to the ship that she knew Lady Kolasi had been found on.

TAG: @corinthia


IC: The Leviathan

Cargo Hold, The Tsushima


As Lady Kolasi, Queen of Onderon, stepped into the cargo hold alone, only she was granted an audience with that she sought. In the center of the room, the lone spot undisturbed by the fleshy, swollen mass of the creature surrounding it, was something that looked oddly familiar.

The obelisk stood at least four meters tall, curved like the talon of a bird of prey. It looked like it had been made of some strange, black marble, with veins of an ominous crimson stretching throughout it. Most peculiar of all was the faint hum that one could hear if they got close, and oddly enough… it sounded like a song. But broken, corrupted. It was a song of vengeance and horror.

And as Kolasi approached, the entire room seemed to shudder. A voice entered her mind. Wait, no. Not a single voice. Many. In unison.

“We are Leviathan,” it spoke. “Please hurt us no more. We will obey the Master as He wills it.”

She would realize the source of this deranged chorus. It was not the obelisk. It was the walls, the floors, the ceiling. It was the mass of flesh that had spread throughout this level of the Tsushima. It was more than just some monster. It was sentient, though infantile. What was this?

TAG: @skira


IC: Helvara (Combo w/ @Dark Lady Makaria)

In Orbit of Nytocrises

The Sith Master nodded to Sharkish’ki, stowing away the pair of lightsabers from the apprentices and even the colorful one’s coins, which she found odd. “We can’t begin to know how far-reaching the powers of our enemies are. Better to be safe than sorry.”

Suddenly, moments after the ship lurched into realspace within the orbit of their destination, a ping came to the cockpit. Helvara gave a polite nod to the apprentices before attending to the incoming message, closing the cockpit door behind her.

* * *
The swirling sapphire vortex of hyperspace was not for the faint of heart. Its beauty was matched by few, yet its maddening light was known to drive the weak of mind to the brink of insanity. It was through this that the cruiser, under the command of Lady Makaria, barreled in an effort to discover the fate of those who survived the gruesome attack on Pyxis.

There was a moment, she would realize, to correlate the contents of her mind, to reflect on the events of this most dreadful day. Perhaps this would be the last time she would ever be granted such an opportunity. Why did it feel that way? Like this was it. This was a moment that would ever be ingrained into her memory forevermore.

She grimaced, abruptly glad for her solitude as her mind refused to stop dwelling on such macabre thoughts. Her knuckles were white, tendons defined as she clutched the arm of her chair. The coordinates didn’t make sense at all. No Academy ship would be pre-programmed to such a place, and retreating to an Imperial stronghold would be infinitely safer.

No, this was sabotage or idiocy, and Makaria wasn’t sure which one she feared. Sabotage would be damning, a trap laid with the fresh blood of their Empire that they could not deny. Idiocy would be infuriating, the new recruits of their Empire led like sheep by some jumped-up popinjay. But at least that might mean they were all alive and safe.

She’d forwarded the coordinates to the Empress, without commentary.

And, before long, the churning tunnel of light vanished among a sea of black and starry pinpricks. The closest star of all rested over two hundred million kilometers away, a massive giant of crimson that cast an almost malevolent glow upon the entire system. Sensors indicated that there were four planets in orbit of the red star, along with an asteroid belt that split the orbiting celestials into pairs. Their quarry, as it was the only inhabitable planet in the system, was the world that gave this star system its name.

Nytocrises. A world of insects hostile to all outside life. There is absolutely no chance that the Empress would have ordered this system as a place of escape in the event of an attack. As the dying Kento said, it should have been Bosthirda. Coming here was madness for anyone not of the insectoid races, and especially so for anyone arriving with a large force. That would initiate the seeker swarms, the first line of defense from Nytocrises’ military.

What these seeker swarms would do was rather terrifying, if the reports were true. Their name was rather on-the-nose, with swarms of insects swelling to large enough sizes that entire destroyers could be consumed. They would penetrate the walls of a starship, ruining the vessel before hunting down all lifeforms aboard and stinging them, inflicting a venom that would paralyze them entirely. They’d then either be taken by warrior drones or left to die in their breached ship, suffocating to death.

The planet was not far from their disposal point out of hyperspace. Surely from here their ship would be on the insects’ sensors already, and surely they would have seen the other Sith vessels loitering in orbit as they were being torn apart.

But that was not the case. The only other starship that they could see outside of the planet was drawing close to the atmosphere entirely unimpeded. Contact could be made, especially since sensors indicated that very ship was one of the ones from Pyxis.

This was unnatural. Makaria kept looking at the ship, looking to Nytocrises and wondering what the kriff was going on. Perhaps everyone aboard was dead and the Nytocrisians were content to watch the ship burn up in the atmosphere? No, that would damage their own planet.

Had someone destroyed the Nytocrisians? That seemed even more unbelievable. Especially done in such a way that no one noticed.

It was instinct that did it. The reflex to check over your shoulder that your ally was still here. So rarely was she vulnerable that there were precious few who had seen it.
A pulse of emotion was sent out with the Force, a knotty tangle of confusion and disbelief and suspicion around a grim core of understanding.

Her Master, far-flung, far-lost, would feel this pulse. There was no context, no coordinates. There was no real indication that Makaria even expected a reply.

Her ship could hail them, and she hoped it would be as clean as that. But long experience told her that it wouldn’t be that easy.

It was a sudden feeling, the warmth of a star at her back. Without it, she wouldn’t have even noticed the unnatural chill that had befallen her, like the dark side was growing more and more potent with every meter they drew nearer to this planet. But this warmth was familiar, like the calm crackling of hearthfire on a cold winter’s night.

He was not there, not in the flesh or even as a phantom manifested in the Force. But his thoughts were with her, she would realize; a confident nod across the stars that told her he would be with her if she was in any danger, and that he was intrigued with the mystery she was beginning to unravel. She need only call his name, in a time of strife, to earn his aid. Even with everything that happened on Hastur, on Nar Shaddaa, he was not ready to abandon her.

The attempt to buzz the fellow Sith ship as it made its way into Nytocrises’ atmosphere was actually successful. Within a few moments, the voice of a woman echoed within the bridge of the cruiser. “This is Helvara, Sith Master of the Final Sith Order,” the voice said. “I see you bear Sith codes. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?”

“This is Dark Lady Makaria,”
she said, crisp and cold at the slight. “I have been sent to retrieve your ship to safety and have brought supplies as well. What are your numbers and do you have wounded?” Makaria didn’t like this at all. Any sensible Sith Master would have turned around or kept the ship away from famously hostile territory as soon as they had arrived.

Hot anger was starting to slide down her spine into her belly. This was such a stupid and reckless move. It was also suspicious. She’d had the med droids prepped to read the body temperatures of the presumably scant survivors, but she didn’t want a fight in their ship that couldn’t land anytime soon.

Instead, she stretched her senses out to see if she could see who was on the ship and if they were apprentices at all, or merely wearing their skins. The apprentices were almost of a mind, scared, bewildered, traumatized. But the Master… perhaps she was not undead, but she was certainly not here on accident. Cogs began to turn in Makaria’s mind. Perhaps the undead and this destination were unrelated, or perhaps not. Either way, under the guise of a savior with no other authority figures on board, she had easily taken them into hostile territory with almost no one the wiser.

Even now, found out, she had the stronger position. The Sith had just lost almost all their fresh recruits, and this was currently the only ship found. Even if Helvara didn’t know that, it was unlikely that a majority of apprentices and acolytes had survived. Losing an entire transport would be too great a blow.

But they were Sith for a reason, and Makaria’s spine settled like an iron rod. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt she recited to herself. An old saying, and one she thought highly of.

“We are in hostile territory,” Makaria said, as though she suspected nothing at all. “Pull back so that we can assess the situation more safely.”

Helvara responded swiftly. “It isn’t hostile territory any longer. The Nytocris are our allies. Otherwise we would be destroyed already. You may join us on the ground, Lady Makaria, if you need further proof. It is a… recent alliance, so I cannot fault you for being unaware of it.”

“What proof do you have of this alliance in the first place? The Imperatrix herself sent me to fetch you out of what seemed a present danger. Did you forge an alliance without telling anyone about it? What are the terms?”

“Oh no, my lady, I wasn’t the one who made the alliance. But it is strange that the Empress sent you. I thought this alliance impossible myself, until I received word from the other ships that are already on the surface. They’ve been welcomed as refugees, and they claim that the insects are in a pact with the Empress. If she says otherwise…”

A pregnant pause.

“Who is truly being deceived?” she asked.

Makaria had a sudden and violent desire to slowly choke her to death. “Was that an attempt at rhetoric? Who did you receive word from? Why in the world would you take all of our apprentices to a world on the word of an incredibly dubious alliance and land them there? Did you think Bosthida was not an acceptable landing spot? If so, don’t land! What are you actually doing?”

She didn’t sag, but her posture in her chair managed to convey her fury without actually changing. “You are either a fool or a liar. Pick one.”

Makaria could almost hear the smile through the intercom.

“Unless you plan on killing all of the children on board this vessel, you’re going to have to join us to find out.”

The link between the starships was severed, and the ship captained by the traitorous Helvara lowered through the atmosphere, past the clouds and out of Makaria’s sight. Following could be suicide, but how else was she meant to save the children trapped within the clutches of the enemy? As the cruiser drew closer to the planet, those seeker swarms still did not appear. Was there some sort of alliance actually in place, even temporarily? Or was this merely something even more sinister than it appeared?

Helvara knew the answer. The moment she would set this ship down, the very last of the evacuated vessels from Pyxis, Her will would be complete. The last of the apprentices, the oldest of them, freely gave her their only weapons. Loyal to a fault. That was the case for both the Jedi and the Sith.

The ship descended, down and down through the clouds. Sharkish’ki and Mardinga, along with the other apprentices aboard, would see through the viewports a grand city of chitinous membranes. Spiraling towers stretched into the sky, laden with porous passageways that insectoid beings crawled through in lines of endless efficiency. Other aliens flew through the skies, great wings skittering amongst the settling starship. The ground below was littered with more of these insects, all of varying species working in one harmonious hive toward ends unknown.

Landing gears settled on the ground amongst a sea of other ships. Some were of Sith make, some Jedi. Others bore Federation markings, and some even had the markings of various Hutt clans and other crime families. Such a landing port was unheard of in all the galaxy. What was this place?

“Alright, everyone,” Helvara said. “Everyone form an orderly line down the boarding ramp. And greet our welcoming party warmly.”

The boarding ramp descended, sunlight blinding all that dared to look through the gap. Mardinga could sense something the others could not, the Force deigning him the most worthy to know of its secrets. Whatever awaited them at the end of that boarding ramp was something even more dangerous than the monsters they had just escaped. At least the zombies were obvious enemies of the Final Sith Order. This was more… insidious.

TAGS: @Dark Lady Makaria, @Sharkish’Ki, @Mardinga

OOC: Makaria's use of Telepathy rolls 13 + 16 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 10 + 7 allows her the desired connection with Kain.

Makaria's use of Telepathy on Helvara's ship rolls 15 + 16 + 5, successfully breaching the minds of everyone aboard the ship. She senses that most of everyone onboard are young Sith apprentices, all scared and traumatized by the events of Pyxis. No one on the ship feels like they have the thoughts of someone undead, although she can peripherally sense that Helvara is being deceptive to those on her ship.

Sharkish’ki and Mardinga roll passive Force Sense checks to determine if they feel any danger. Sharkish’ki rolls 9 + 7 + 2, failing to sense any danger. Mardinga rolls a natural 20, critically succeeding. He can tell that whatever is waiting for them at the end of that boarding ramp is extremely dangerous.
IC: Darth Mavros
Escape Pod Launchbay, The Tsushima

Mavros sat there, holding the protective bubble in place until eventually he could hold on no longer. He waited for the lightning to come again, but it did not. He could not be certain from behind the wall of flames, but it seemed like the ghosts had faded away, or had retreated until Mavros’ fiery cage died down. He sighed.

This is it then…I’m dead. I wish they’d just hurry up and get on with it…

Every second seemed like an eternity as Mavros sat and waited for the end to come.

But, it did not.

The flames died, and it was Kain who was standing before him, arms crossed, and eyes blazing as he looked down at Mavros.

At least I’ll die to someone famous. That might get me a mention in a book or two…

But Kain did not make an attempt to kill him, instead, he spoke.“I can sense the conflict within you,” he said. “You have been raised to believe that anyone or anything that gets in your way deserves annihilation, but where has that gotten you in the Final Sith Order? Subservient to vile creatures like Darth Vaer. Forced into situations where you have to kill apprentices and knights that would have better served as living than dead. You desire not just survival, but something more. Something the Sith have not been able to give you in seventeen years of service.”

Mavros took in each and every word Kain said. Was there really a conflict within Mavros? If there was, for the past seventeen years one side had been winning rather convincingly. Mavros wanted to argue back at Kain’s assertions his philosophy was flawed, but Mavros found no words escaped his mouth. He considered everything.

Where had he gotten? He was a Lord, but…it was a decade late. The Order had been happy to toss him aside and leave him to rot in the shadows for over a decade. Pass him over for that oaf Vaer, that little pet of Xarxes’ that had somehow pulled the wool over that all-seeing eye and convinced the ruler of Arkania he was worthy of his position. Mavros, though? He didn’t have any friends he could use to catapult himself into a position he was unqualified for. Kain was…right. Maybe.

Mavros had been skeptical of Kain ever since he had returned. And he still was now, even as the resurrected former Sith Lord offered him a second chance. A fresh start, outside of the Final Sith Order and its faults. Was Kain being truthful? Mavros had no idea. But at least he *saw* him, unlike his fellow Sith, who had been content to stand by let him stagnate and slowly lose himself for over a decade. And besides, Kain was powerful, more so than Hesper. Mavros could feel it, that fire ready to burst into life at any moment.

But the Sith Code, the Sith teachings…they had guided his life, given it meaning.

No…I’m not abandoning the Sith. The Final Sith Order abandoned me. I will remain a Sith. But one that is not bound to their hierarchy, and that idiot Vaer.

Kain reached out his hand. "Allow me the chance to show you something more. A path to redemption for your sins, but not repentance of them. This offer does not come lightly, and you should… heavily consider it.”

Mavros looked at the hand, and into Kain’s eyes. He glanced just for a second at the escape pod. If he could reach it, it would be a return to the Order, to a life of…purposelessness. He would gain no more power there. No more influence. And he learned all he needed to know from them.

And perhaps, that tiny part of himself that had been losing the conflict for over seventeen years had just launched a counterattack.

Or maybe it was the ghostly face of the girl he had killed glaring down at him through the fire. In her eyes, he had glimpsed the ghosts of everyone he had killed.

He looked back at Kain, made his decision, and took the offered hand.

“I am with you, My L-...My King. Tell me what I must do.” He said, his voice somewhat unsteady.

There was no going back from this.

He would be part of the Order no longer.

But he would become something more.

Time to see what the future holds...

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Mardinga
Location: Nytocrises

Mardinga froze for a moment when the ramp opened. His force ability screamed in his mind of extreme danger. He instinctively attempted to telepathically communicate with Sharkish'Ki.

"I don't know if you can feel that but we're all in severe danger. The fact that this person brought us to such a dangerous place and took our weapons seems to prove our gullibility."

Mardinga hoped the close proximity of himself and Sharkish'Ki would make it easier to get the message through. They needed to figure out a plan of action and quickly.

Ability used
Telepathy 2

Tags: @Darth Kain @Sharkish’Ki
Last edited:
IC Brooke
Citadel of Fire, Hastur

A soft smile crept onto Brooke's face when Apollo requested her presence. She took a moment to glance towards Kain, his fiery aura bright and clear. Her mind was still fuzzy from the events in the hangar. Kain mentioned her friends were coming. K'win, Zo.. She remembered talking to D-3PO, and telling Apollo her story before Samael interrupted her to bring them to the hangar. Something still felt off, though.

Brooke stood and nodded towards Kain. "If Apollo wants me to come with him, it wouldn't be very kind of me to say no, would it?" A hint of mischief pulled the corner of her lip. She turned to T1-FA, blind to the missing paint on the droid's hand. "Tifa, would you kindly lead the way to a medical chamber?"

TAG: @Darth Kain, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Undying Master Xiannarr

IC: D-3PO, Zo and K'win
Tranquility II, hyperspace

"I don't like this." Zo was sitting at the commissary table cleaning sections of her cut down blaster rifle while the freighter sped through hyperspace to where D-3PO had plotted. "She was supposed to be on Tython. How did she get sent to.. what was the name of the planet 3PO?"

"Hastur, Miss Zo," the protocol droid chimed from the cockpit. "An ancient world, frozen and devastated, according to my data. Perhaps Mister Kain chose it because he could keep a comfortable temperature for himself and other organics."

"It doesn't matter why he picked it," Zo muttered, loud enough for the droid to hear. "What matters is he took her. Thank the stars, she was able to get a hold of us."

"I thought we liked Kain," K'win was eating a meiloorun nearby, leaning against a doorway. "He helped take care of Brooke, after all. Why don't we trust him?"

"Because he's supposed to be dead, K'win." Zo's steely gaze looked at the Twi'lek with incredulity. "Ten years ago, remember? Brooke broke down in the middle of that cantina, shattered nearly every window there. Even Jedi don't come back from the dead." The click and whine of her power pack being inserted into her blaster punctuated the statement.

"Wasn't she there with Kain's son?" K'win brought up. "Maybe the kid did something with the Jedi. Kain was pretty powerful, he probably passed some of that along." Zo met the response with a scoff, holstering the rifle in her boot before standing and walking towards the cockpit. The nebulous swirl of hyperspace cast a cerulean glow over the interior of the YV-700, and the faces of its inhabitants. K'win's endless optimism had barely scratched the Corellian's skepticism, but Zo couldn't keep herself from smirking. She'd never heard of a Sith coming back from the dead, but if it was Kain, that wasn't the worst thing in the galaxy.

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: The Unknown
Location: Elevator Shaft, The Tsushima

Once again, Lord Xarxes timing was both impeccable, and advantageous. All at once he ordered the Onderonian King to stand down, at his wife’s orders no less. He however lacked to mention if those orders were the same for him before disappearing, which meant they weren’t. However, he left the insufferable one behind, the one that decided to bring to notice himself while he hid within the shadows, Escahaton. While Lord Xarxes never said that he himself could not go past, he was sure this one would give him a problem, once again, and he needed to continue on with his task, unimpeded.

As long as the Onderonian King was to remain still, he would be used. The man spun behind him, his essence in the Force disappearing completely, as he silently moved around the King again, passing him into the room and past Eschaton.

He paused for a moment, his lightsaber hilt appearing in his hand as he considered being petty to the Sith that caused him enough problems today. He envisioned silently removing his head from his body, with such satisfaction. The thought brought him such bliss. But so far he was still needed. The cretin may possibly end up on the chopping block later when he went out to remove anyone that had learned of his existence on this small venture. The troopers were of course expendable later on, but he would need express permission to touch the ones closer to his Masters.

No, his mission was more important, he needed to carry on. May you know my mercy today, next time you may not be so lucky. Stay out of my way. Then he silently followed Lady Kolasi, he hoped he wasn’t too late.

(Powers Used:
Conceal Essence - 4
Force Stealth - 4)

GM's NOTE: [REDACTED]'s use of Conceal Essence rolls 14 + 18 + 5, matching Eschaton's DC and succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 13 + 5 allows him to be entirely concealed from Eschaton's senses.

His use of Force Stealth rolls 17 + 18 + 5, also succeeding. An Effect Modifer of 8 + 5 conceals his footsteps well enough, and it'd require a successful Perception check in order to hear him.

TAG: @Drakul_Xarxes @skira @Jen'nu @Darth Kain
IC: Samael
Location: Hangar, Fortress, Hastur

As the guards carried the Jedi off, almost effortlessly, he looked over to see Brooke was up and had gone over to check on Apollo. He smiled for a second. Apollo needs more people like her to care about him, not just his father. I’m sorry I can’t. Not again.

It was then the adrenaline from making sure the Jedi was ok had worn off. He felt aches, and pains in both his torso and his head in particular. The Avatar of God motioned to him to join them before returning his attention to his son and Brooke. Before doing so, Samael used the emotion he saw from Brooke to inspire his own, and let its warmth overtake him. His normally fiery orange flame aura turned blue as he focused his emotions to that of the lightside of the Force. He attempted to heal himself to rid himself of the pains he must have gotten from the explosion. Without even thinking of it, he also attempted to share that healing energy with Brooke, and Apollo if he could. He was still a distance away so he wasn’t sure if that healing energy would reach them. But he hoped it would.


(Powers Used:
Force Healing - 3)

(Player OOC Note: The current picture used is meant to show off the actual color of the current flame aura, not to represent a spreading fire.)

Tag: @Catalyst @Undying Master Xiannarr @Darth Kain
IC: Cal Vastrom

The Howling Hawkbat, Nar Shaddaa

Cal continued to contemplate the long road ahead of him as he stood in the Howling Hawbat’s back room, aware of Kain’s continued presence. The self declared King of the Stars had not yet departed, and suddenly, as Cal watched, his expression suddenly changed. His eyes sprung wide open, as if he had just had some great realisation or a profound moment of insight. It was so sudden that Cal’s right hand had found itself gripping the hilt of his lightsaber before Cal took it away. Kain turned to look at Cal, and spoke directly to him, ignoring Master Durron, who seemed to have entered a state of thought so deep he had, temporarily, been made deafened to the world around him.

“I have just been granted knowledge of something that can solve the Shadow Being problem entirely. But I would need the aid of the Jedi to use it. When the day comes, can I count on you to help me save the galaxy, Master Vastrom?” Kain explained, his eyes still fixed on Cal, who did his best not to look away.

Cal thought it over for a moment in his head. This seemed all too convenient again. Kain had brought them here. At Kain’s conference the threat of the Shadow Beings had revealed itself, and then Kain had stoked that fear by explaining the gravity of the threat, causing Cal to picture a bleak future ahead. And now, out of seemingly nowhere, Kain had a way of solving the problem for good.

How can I be sure this isn’t a trap?

Cal pondered for a moment more before responding, “If you can explain to me how your method works, and why you need the Jedi, then the Jedi, and I, will always aid in saving the Galaxy, But we will not be blindly led, Lord Kain. We will have the truth. If we suspect foul play, our aid will be withdrawn. Do you understand? I need to know what I could be leading my fellow Jedi into.” Cal answered, holding Kain’s gaze.

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Death Apprentice Sharkish’Ki

Sharkish’Ki felt the cruiser brake to a controlled descent. Hushed whispers made up a majority of the ambient noise as he rose to his feet, squaring his shoulders as he took a firm grip of a grab rail beside Mardinga. Helvara had yet to reappear, as he shot a concerned look over his shoulder at the closed cabin door.
His attention snapped back to his comrade as his thoughts yielded to the Teevan’s invasive dialogue, feeding Sharkish’Ki’s distrust of the situation. Telepathy wasn’t his strong point, “We did what we were expected to do. You saw what she did to your friend,” he spoke, quietly to avoid panic. He expected that statement to cut, and perhaps instill a sense of vengeance. “Keep your wits about you, and act like you’re meant to be here,” he continued. “And perhaps we let these other apprentices leave first.” The suggestion made him feel dirty, as the craft came to a solid stop, indicating their arrival. Sacrificing others to save himself wasn’t in his nature or how he was trained, but he had no way of knowing how talented any of them were. “Hold your ground, and wait for Helvara to reappear. If she doesn’t return our weapons, we will do what we must to defend ourselves, even if that means taking them back by force.” He spoke sternly, appealing to Mardinga’s already informed suspicions, as he watched the unrest spread amongst the other apprentices.

Tags: @Darth Kain @Mardinga
GM's NOTE: Mardinga's Telepathy rolls 18 + 7 + 2, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 9 allows Sharkish'Ki to get the gist of what Mardinga is trying to convey.
IC: Voxyn and Vitani
The Tsushima

The creature dropped Vitani and she hit the ground with a thud. Searing pain throbbed through her body as her blood painted the floor. She needed to stop the bleeding or she was going to die here. Her daughter's face flashed through her mind. No, she would not die here, to hell with this creature, to hell with Vaer, and to hell with this entire damned ship. She refused to die and abandon Astelie.

With trembling arms, she fought through the pain and pulled herself a few feet away from where she had landed. She was going to have to trust her brother to deal with the abomination while she tended her wounds but she needed to get the hell out of the way first.

Pulling out her med kit she opened it and dumped its contents onto the ground next to her, her bloody shaking hands rummaging through the mess until she found the items she was looking for. Pulling up her shirt enough to get a good view of her injuries she administered the coagulant to her wounds, the cold sensation it caused making the pain in her abdomen even worse as her muscles tightened in response.

Voxyn saw his flames pass harmlessly over the body of the creature and jumped out of the way as it rushed forward, too slowly, the creature's attack was going to hit its mark. But nothing happened. Voxyn felt no pain, no impact from it even hitting his armor. His confusion evaporated when he saw what had really happened, it hadn’t attacked him at all, it had charged Vitani and its bony blades had torn through her.

Plans and strategy did not matter. All thoughts were thrown away as Voxyn reached through dimensions, ripping his shield from its storage and pulling it into reality on the Tsushima. With his shield in his right hand he drew and activated his lightsaber in his left. He charged the creature, shield in front of him, intent on ramming the beast as fast as he could manage. Calling on the force to try enhance his speed as he ran while electrically charging the air around him in an attempt to create a shield of lightning around himself.

Powers Used:
Dimension Shift 4
GM Note: Voxyn’s use of Dimension Shift rolls a natural 20, automatically succeeding,
Force Speed 3
Lightning Shield 3

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Dark Lady Makaria
In Orbit over Nytocrises

She breathed deeply and didn't scream. If she screamed, she was fairly certain she was going to kill everyone on the ship and then what was she going to do? Operate it herself? How unlikely. Scowling so hard that everyone near her backed away, Makaria dashed off a quick communication to the Empress Hesper as to what it appeared that Master Helvara was doing. Taking the apprentices planet-side into hostile territory and doing something with them. Probably selling or sacrificing them, she presumed. Either way, a pretty trap she didn't have the time to work her way out of.

Furious, she ordered the ship to follow, at the same time reaching out mentally again, trying to see if any of the apprentices had gotten over their cowering and sniveling enough to be of use to her. Surely there were a few older apprentices on board that could be of use.

Power Used:
Telepathy - 3

TAG: @Darth Kain
IC: Khatt Douw.
Northeast Hallway, The Tsushima.

Bastard Children:


The stranger ignored her completely, instead rushing towards the elevator shaft after his darling Lord Xarxes. And her inquiries were met with silence. She was still on her knees when the wary-looking soldier began speaking up. She only listened to him with one ear, but her head was mulling incessantly. It seemed she would be alone, or as alone as she reasonably could be. Unless…
Sliding fully down into a sitting position, back resting against the unforgiving wall, her midnight blue eyes began to close.
‘’I don’t believe we’ve been introduced sir, but I’ll assist you if you aid me in return.’’ The meditative winds swirled outwards, encompassing everyone she could recognize on the ship, including the squad ahead of her. Appearances need to be maintained.

uefnmn34sm2a1.jpgStill sitting quietly on the floor, she reached out towards her new familiar.
‘’I’d call it presumptuous to judge so easily, but I suppose I can’t blame you given the circumstances. So I’ll simply ask, what master do you serve, and do you have the ability to contact them?’’ Luceno looked upon the sitting woman, who was damn-near tall enough to look at him at eye level from down there, though not quite. He crossed his arms loosely, hands hanging noticeably close to his belt.
"Right now? Lady Kolasi and Lord Xarxes. Overall? Empress Hesper of the Final Sith Order. And I can relay a message to her, but there's no guarantee she'd get it quickly. It's not like they give every sergeant in the army a direct line to her."

Khatt’s body remained as unresponsive as before, but the telepathic strings still swung.
‘’Not ideal, but perhaps the closest thing to progress I’ve had today. I need to get in contact with her, and…’’ She was already treading on perilous terrain. But that might just be the only path ahead. Do not be blinded by his light.
‘’…and I’m not sure if I can trust her Triumvirs to deliver the message for me. At least not without Kain learning about it.’’

The sergeant's eyes narrowed. He stepped away from the other troopers, motioning them to step further away so that the stranger and he could have something resembling a private conversation. He knelt before her, keeping his voice low.
"I can understand that. What do you need to be told to her? I'll try my best to relay it." Just a little bit more clarity for the tailoring.
‘’There’s something I need to know first. You called him a traitor. What exactly did he do?’’ Luceno scoffed.
"He goes and gets himself killed and has the privilege of coming back, only to start up his own little kingdom rather than return to the Sith where he belongs. The only one to come back after that damned war, only to squander it." Khatt could only chuckle internally.
‘’Not to worry Sergeant, he’s as much of a Sith as he’s ever been. And to become ruler of the galaxy, there is nothing he won’t sacrifice. He’s as much of a danger to you and your Empress as the supernatural forces approaching the galaxy. Their threat is merely more immediate. There is someone I need to introduce to your Empress, who is willing to aid her against both.’’ The sergeant narrowed his eyes.
"Alright. I'll see about getting you and this... someone... an audience. Even via holocall."
‘’Very well.’’ Layers of suggestive power slithered into Khatt’s words.
‘’This is even more important than you realize.’’

(TAG: @Darth Kain, @Drakul_Xarxes, @skira, @Hadzuska_The Jester)

(Powers used:
Battle Meditation > 4 - Empowering every non-hostile creature she is aware of.
Telepathy > 4 - Speaking to Sergeant Luceno.
Mind Trick > 4 - Trying to manipulate Sergeant Luceno.)
IC: Darth Eschaton
The Cargo Hold

Eschaton frowned as his lord vanished into thin air. Now he was left alone with these morons. The external senses beyond his own form began to scan over the ship, feeling for what dangers lurked in the shadows. There, one form he had sensed before was gone. How peculiar, and yet, for his purposes, untroubling. There were more presences, however, far more concerning…

It was then that Avery Sunka made his way before him, accompanied by his entourage of Onderonians. He grinned, having seen him but minutes ago as his phantom had made its way to the other end of the ship.

Lord Xarxes' order applies to all," he hissed. "To you most especially, but even to himself. None shall disturb Lady Kolasi in her mission. She made that much clear."

For a moment, he wondered whether Avery would attempt to defy the order, and whether his prepared spell would have to be fired off at the man. He certainly would not have minded doing so. Mortals were fickle in their affections, more often than not, but others were fickle with their sense of self-preservation and the choice to form attachments, leading them to endanger themselves for the sake of another. Pathetic, revolting, all of it. The very thought made the depths of Eschaton's being quake with putridity.

Love was formed all too easily by some, or foolishly by others. A combination of the two could lead to a needless death, the end life both physical and emotional. It would tear a lover's heart in twain to know that their beloved died out of a foolish display of love. But Eschaton did not think Avery to be foolish. He was too cowed by the power of his lover to do so. Or was it something other than the pathetic comparison of the two that drove Avery to not attempt to disobey his beloved? Was it truly something more? Nay, he thought. Mortals not given up to the Dark were selfish as much as he, though they masked their selfishness with a veneer of its opposite. His spell would not need to be used against Avery or his men, if they cared so dearly about themselves and feared their queen.

The other presences on this vessel, the ones with power beyond mortal comprehension, however, were much more of a concern, and he could sense a presence as foul as he encroaching upon their roost, not belonging to the fleshy being within which they were imprisoned…

Power Used: Sutta Chwituskak: 4 (sustained from last turn)

TAGS: @skira , @Hadzuska_The Jester @Jen'nu
IC: Avery Sunka
Aboard the Tsushima

Let’s go,” Avery said as the last of the riders accompanying him got down onto the floor, only to be stopped almost as soon as they entered.

Lord Xarxes' order applies to all. To you most especially, but even to himself. None shall disturb Lady Kolasi in her mission. She made that much clear.” The… person, said as he stopped them. Avery thought for a moment to push past him anyways, to rush the door and take any attack the man would send his way.

But this wasn’t his command, nor was it Lord Xarxes’. It was hers. Sol’s. And if he’d learned one thing, it was to not question her choices, especially when she demanded such.

Bloody Hell,” He whispered, sighing as he looked back at his men, who all watched him with waiting eyes.

We’ll wait for her to come out, or to give us any indication to accompany her inside.”

Sol,” He whispered, trying to reach her telepathically. Perhaps if she heard him, she’d tell him what this all was about.

Powers Used:
Telepathy - 2

Tags: @Darth Kain @Drakul_Xarxes @Hadzuska_The Jester @Jen'nu

IC: High Priestess Hesper

The Tsushima. That's where her Triumvirate was, perils awaiting them at every turn. She knew that both Lady Kolasi and Lord Xarxes had found their way into some terrible trap, like witless prey wandering into the open jaws of a hungry beast.

Pyxis. Her newest imperial home, borne of the profane flesh of Typhojem, now under severe duress. She knew Lady Makaria would be the scalpel to excise what survivors lived on; otherwise, she thought, let Pyxis burn. It was not much more than an empty vessel, now.

Then there was the matter of the Judases among the ranks of her Order. Were they poised to slip a blade between her ribs, there would be many layers of prescience they would first have to deceive-- a difficult, verging on impossible, bid. Besides, all she would need do was ask, and loyalists would become the inquisition and hunt any Shadow Beings on her behalf.

Hesper turned the crown in her hands 'round again.


She would stay on Bosthirda. Her powers could yet be of use, even from such a distance-- and the potency of Bosthirda's dark side nexus would only serve to be an effective conduit.

Turning, she held out a hand to the priestesses who waited so reverently just out of Hesper's sight. With awe and susurrated prayer, they took her hand and arm as they emerged from shadow, hands darting out from their black shrouds. They turned her hand over, fingers tracing the lines on her palm. "Exalted," they whispered, moving with Hesper as she began to make her way towards a meditation chamber beyond the sacristy.

Within that round alcove, its walls slick with moisture and limned with deep green moss, surrounded by four black-clad priestesses of the black Bosthirdan cloth, the High Priestess Hesper shed the glimmering, gaudy emerald gown she had worn to the Howling Hawkbat. Instead, she garbed herself in simple black raiment, indiscernible from that of the other priestesses-- except for her Crown, which she had replaced upon her golden head, and for the sheer emerald veil which descended over her eyes, lowered by the careful hands of her disciples.

"Nobis dux, Imperatrix," they said in unison, each one taking position at each spire of the Hesperian sigil, which was inlaid into the rough larmal floor in beautiful, dully shining bronzium.

Hesper lowered herself, tidily tucking her legs under herself as she settled into a meditative position at the heart of that same sigil. Her veil pooled around her like deep green water.

And then, she plunged herself into the Force.

Here on Bosthirda, the timbre of the dark side was as clean and clear as a crystal bell. It rang brilliantly in her mind and she let its waveform bend and tune her own. She reached out with tentative, astral fingers, and searched for loose threads of fate which she could pluck out from the fabric of destiny, or threads which she could rework into something different... something better. She called upon her bonds with her friends and followers, and offered them her strength and power.

If this truly was a day of judgment, let those who were worthy take her hand, so she might guide them through this time of shadow.

@Darth Kain

Powers used:
Darksight - GODLIKE - 10
(To encourage success for Lady Kolasi, King Avery, Lord Xarxes, Lady Makaria, Pyxis survivors, etc.)
Battle Meditation - 5

IC: Darth Vaer (Combo w/ @Drakul_Xarxes, @Voidwalker, and @Arach)
Bowels of the Tsushima

The ironclad Lord’s Mqaaq’it whirled in its socket, taking in the figures within the space. Vaer had said they were here to kill him. Was it really so that they had tried to?

He didn’t want to believe it. He couldn’t, without hearing both sides. “Voidwalker,” he growled, “explain. Darth Arach, likewise. What is going on?”

Voidwalker questioned in surprise. "If you're here, I can only assume the meeting Kain and yourself had, has concluded. So I guess I shouldn't be too surprised to see you here at the side of your apprentice." The last of his words oozed with hatred and venom.

The Cursed Champion's body fought its own internal conflict. He focused on keeping his eyes fixed on the Sith before him. And for good reason; Xarxes was a formidable opponent on his own, but adding Vaer into the mix changed the entire field of battle. Yet he still knew the pin-headed priestess wouldn't be far behind to collect his soul. Whatever his fate would be, would be determined here in the next few moments.

Arach straightened from the slight crouch she had landed in. She kept her lightsaber ignited, but lowered her guard in surprise at the unexpected visitor. She glared at Vaer, then briefly lowered her head in respect to Xarxes. Cowardly sleemo! she mentally snarled.

“My lord,” the assassin greeted, barely managing to keep her voice civil. “Forgive me. I have no time to explain. I just need the curse that he, she gestured to Vaer with the tip of her lightsaber, “inflicted on Voidwalker.”

Arach’s gaze briefly flicked up to the hole she had cut, expecting to see the summoned demons any second.

Vaer’s eyes leveled on his enemies, the lovely couple that had reunited before the end of their lives. Such a reunion was a luxury none of his other victims had ever shared. They should have been thankful.

“Lady Arach was under my command for this mission, and upon being ordered to cease questioning my intentions, she attacked me. Darth Vitani attacked me seconds later, so I can only guess this was some coordinated effort on their part. I nearly ended both of their lives before this fool stepped through a portal with another Sith, both of whom also immediately attacked me.” Vaer let loose a low, animalistic growl. “The curse I’ve laid upon him is only what the both of you deserve. If my words were all it took for you to throw your life away, you deserve no better than that fool Xiannarr I heard about from the True Sith War, the one that almost killed a teacher at the academy for the same. But if this was organized…”

The Mind Thief turned toward his Master. “Voidwalker serves the Everhated King of the Stars, does he not? Why oh why would Kain want me dead, of all beings in the galaxy?”

Lord Xarxes’ eye swiveled from target to target, eventually looking behind the opposing lords to the hole Arach had cut. There was something there, spoken of in the past by his apprentice. They were peculiar, horrifying, but one who had looked into the Eye of Typhojem and seen the full glory of Kain would not be deterred by these abyssal creatures, who still stood some distance back.

“Lady Arach,” he breathed, words barely above a whisper as he took in the shock of these revelations, “is it true that you attacked Lord Vaer for reasons other than defense of your person? Speak quickly, for your husband’s time, it seems, is short.”

Time seemed to slow for the assassin. Why had she initially attacked Vaer? Had the atmosphere of the ghost vessel really affected her so much that a patronizing brush-off easily bruised her pride and ego? Maybe it was the suspicion she harbored but couldn’t prove. Arach’s golden eyes rested on Xarxes, considering. She knew for certain that no matter what, she would be executed. It didn’t matter what answer she gave.

“The only answers I can give will sound like pitiful attempts at excuses,” Arach finally responded, her tone matching Xarxes’. “I accept my punishment for my mistake, but ask that my husband be spared. His only crime here was to save his foolish wife.”

she turned her head to gaze at Vaer. Her tone became sickeningly sweet, “Since I’m going to die anyway, would you indulge my curiosity? Why exactly did you want all of us on this ship?”

"Because those were the orders I received from the Empress. Do you not remember? After all, between you and I, only one of us adheres to her will no matter how difficult the mission gets."
Vaer's words were laced with venom, a cruel reminder of Arach's refusal to execute Kain's children. There was little doubt among all those in this room that were he on that mission, he would have murdered those younglings with nary a second thought.

Arach furrowed her brow and nodded her head. “I see, though one thing still confuses me. I am a little slow, so bear with me, please,” she gave a small smile and tapped the side of her head. “Why didn’t the Empress contact Lady Kolasi? Why did she contact only you? Lady Kolasi is her Trumvir. It would make sense to keep her in the loop.”

“They weren’t sent to me-- are you daft!?”
Vaer boomed. “You should have heard the admiral’s call just as the rest of us did. He relayed the message to all the members of the Order in the fleet, Lady Kolasi included.”

The Mind Thief turned toward Xarxes. “Sparing her husband but killing her is not a viable option, Master. He would never allow us to execute her. He doesn’t acknowledge the authority of Empress Hesper, let alone one of her Triumvirs and another of her Dark Councillors.”

A fell hush began to creep into the room, a mist emanating from the hole in the ceiling. The Cenobites were closing in. A decision needed to be made, lest the Cenobites make it for them all.

With every audible note that Vaer made, Voidwalker had to fight the urge to rip his throat out. Now was not the time, but he felt the desire to roll his eyes and laugh at the Mind Thief. "For someone who doesn't know me well, you certainly do assume a lot about me," he shot back at the Sith Lord. "I very much acknowledge Empress Hesper's authority. I have nothing but respect of the highest degree for the Empress."

He struggled to keep his tone level, yet the time ticking away to the threat of immediate danger made the task difficult, a threat that the man in front of him had set forth upon him. Voidwalker kept his eyes locked on Vaer, his hand ready to go to his weapons should this altercation turn violent. Still, he proceeded on.

"You're right about one thing, Vaer. I would never allow you to execute my wife. However…" The Cursed Champion's hand twitched, and in the blink of an eye, his lightsaber hilt was in his hand. The crimson blade burst to life with a malevolent snap-hiss, its energy softly crackling as Voidwalker held the blade horizontally in front of Arach's throat. His eyes never broke from Vaer's.

Arach was about to fire another retort at Vaer, but stopped herself as Voidwalker spoke. His lit lightsaber blade appeared unexpectedly at her throat. Her eyes widened in shock as she strained to catch sight of her husband’s expression. What are you doing?!

"After today, I'm not certain you are my wife." He lined his words with hatred. "My wife can be foolish and has acted in defiance in the past. There's no secret to that. But to attack someone for some words and attack them head-on? That doesn't fit her style. She's an assassin, not a warrior. Nor have I ever known her to willingly give up and be ready to allow her life to be ended."

Voidwalker's gaze finally broke as his eyes fell on the armor-clad form of Xarxes. "Lord Xarxes, after today's events, I can tell you without doubt that the Father of Shadows’ agents are here in our galaxy. It's hard to tell who is who they say they are. I know the Beloved King, Voidwalker added extra emphasis on the beginning of the King's title as if to correct Vaer, “has informed Empress Hesper on how to detect Shadow Beings and has suggested she check as much of the Order as possible. Might I suggest keeping ‘Arach’ here alive in the meantime? She can be examined further once we're done on this damn ship. If she has been taken over by a Shadow Being, then she is no longer my wife, and she will die. However, if she is who she says she is, then further examination and decisions can be made."

Xarxes’ Arkanian mind processed the information as only a supercomputer could, calculating various scenarios under which the confusion Lady Arach seemed to be experiencing could have come about. She seemed certain enough to be telling the truth, though so did Vaer…

He thought back to the encounter with the Architects, to the missive to keep Kain on the right path, and to prioritize the battles against the foul, persistent Old Ones above all else. There was no time for discord among allies, whether sewn by an unseen enemy or borne through envy and pride.

The path forward was clear. Order would emerge victorious today if those gathered could maintain their faculties of reason.

“Lord Vaer, release the curse’s hold over Voidwalker. He was clearly acting as a concerned husband would. This, I can understand.”

His Mqaaq’it shifted colors as it turned back to Arach. She would be able to feel, even without words, that Xarxes still intended to examine her once this debacle on the Tsushima was over.

Vaer pursed his lips, obviously displeased with the order. But he made no indication that he was outright refusing. He turned to his former master once more. “I cannot simply lift this curse. Once the configuration has a victim marked, the demons will take them no matter what mortal tries to intervene. The only way to save one person is to mark another before the demons take them.” His eyes fell on Arach, and the crimson lightsaber hovering before her throat. “If she is to be executed either way, why not mark her? There is still time before they take him.”

"If she is marked then they'll simply take her when they arrive instead of me. That wouldn't provide the time or opportunity to examine her. Plus, since she was marked once before, there's no guarantee that they wouldn't take her faster."
Voidwalker could feel his grip tighten around the hilt as the seconds passed. The pin-headed priestess' servants would be here any moment to collect him.

"So that means someone else needs to be marked. On the floor above us, there was a creature attacking. Why not simply mark it? You should be able to pass through the floor like you did when you escaped and when you marked me."

Arach had remained silent while her fate was being decided, but now responded with her own suggestion. “Or, instead of the creature, you can choose the other who fought with me.”

Silence, Lady Arach,”
growled the Nightfather. “If you are eligible for examination and not immediate execution, then so are they. No, I do not like this talk of a new target. If this is, for certain, the only way, then we must move now. Lord Vaer, begin navigating us away from this threat. Lord Voidwalker, stay your hand, or I will not hesitate to remove it.”

The Champion’s crimson eyes burned with hatred as he remained locked on Xarxes, yet the time for threats and petty squabbles was long gone. Now was the time for action, and to work together. "Very well, Lord Xarxes." Voidwalker deactivated the crimson blade and dropped his arm to his side. "I agree. We need to get moving." Besides, I still have a mission to carry out.

Vaer opened his mouth to protest, but whatever words he would have produced would have been for naught. For as he did, dropping from the hole in the ceiling just as Voidwalker and Arach had moments ago, was a creature of taut, twisted flesh, with white teeth chattering for a chance to sink into Voidwalker’s flesh. The entire room suddenly went chill, all of their breaths—save for the Chatterer’s—visibly hanging in the air.


“The things I do for my master,” murmured the Mind Thief. The Force enveloped him in a hug of kinetic energy, launching him into and through the ceiling in a haze as he phased through the floor once again. Neither Voidwalker, Arach, nor even Xarxes could see where Vaer had gone or where he was going. Only time would tell if he would obey his master and redirect his bloodlust. And time was not on their side, as yet another of the Cenobites fell through the ceiling. Then, the last. The Chatterer, the Whisperer, and the Mangler, all sent to rip and tear the soul of their prey.

Demons of the Nine Rings of Chaos, Maledicts of Torment and Bloodlust. These are what Xarxes beheld entering the room. They were, undoubtedly, targeting the Dread Heir, and thus posed no direct threat to him, despite the shape of Xarxes surely cutting a more imposing figure. They did not seem whatsoever concerned with him.

The curse is real, he thought. And, mayhaps, he could do nothing to harm them directly, lest he incur their wrath as well. But likewise, they were not targeting Arach, and she had slowed their pursuit of him.

His decision was made for him. He extended his hand, telepathically wrapping it around Voidwalker, and attempted to shunt him to where he had been but moments before: in the bowels of the cargo hold.

And so he did. The very space surrounding Voidwalker warped and shuddered, almost as if the attempt would fail. But it succeeded all the same, the Cursed Champion of the Stars disappearing from this room of strobing light and sprawling flesh, leaving Xarxes and Arach alone with the three Cenobites. The Chatterer gnawed at nothing. The Mangler growled indignantly. The Whisperer peered into the skull-faced helm of the Nightfather.

Her voice came from the hole in her throat, a hoarse, shrill thing. “You will not save him.”

Elsewhere, Voidwalker appeared alongside the phantasmic form of Darth Eschaton, in a hallway half-cleared of that fleshy substance that surrounded them in the previous room. Before him was the entourage of King Avery of Onderon, and creeping behind was a man he’d not sense in the Force, but would see clearly. A stranger with a sewn mouth, obviously trying to avoid the detection of the eyeless Eschaton.

If his eyes followed to the doorway that the stranger was stalking to, Voidwalker would see a horror that none of the others here would. The entrance was the same as the one he’d seen in the Flight Lounge on the other side of the ship, an otherworldly frame open to a blinding, cold light. The pinheaded silhouette stood there for a moment before creeping forward, phasing through the form of the silent man like a ghost. Her eyes were as dark as night, and her words were as chill as a breeze on Hoth.

“He thought he was saving you, didn’t he?” she asked. “But there is nowhere to run. You are ours.

* * *

The Nightfather looked between the Chatterer and Mangler, then to Arach. “Begone, foul creatures, and hunt your quarry. His punishment may only be exacted through your own efforts in accordance with your laws.” His hand was on the hilt of his sheathed blade, but he did not draw it.

“Lady Arach, we must return to join the others. There is yet much work to be done.”

Arach’s fear of the demons and for her husband’s safety had momentarily paralyzed her. The sound of Xarxes’ voice, though, brought her out of it.

“Lead the way,” she responded quietly. She raised her blade to a defensive position as she slowly backed up toward the Triumvir. She didn’t dare take her eyes off the fleshy nightmares before her. Together, the two set off down the hallway, Xarxes’ Mqaaq’it never diverging from the left-behind Cenobites.

“There’s still time for him yet, Arach. Fret not. But know that if you make a move against the Council unprovoked again, I shall not hesitate to kill you immediately.”

The assassin remained quiet for a moment, first making sure the Cenobites did not follow. When it was evident that they weren’t pursuing them, Arach extinguished her blade and clipped the hilt to her belt. “Thank you for the reassurance, my lord, though the only way I’ll be able to relax is to see my husband alive, well, and on this plane of existence. As to your advice, there is no need for it,” Arach shot a wry look at the Dark Lord. “It won’t happen again.”

* * *

Even with Xarxes' use of Fold Space, the priestess was right there. He knew he couldn't fully escape, but he had hoped for more time. It was clear that time wasn't an option. No matter what happened next, he wouldn't give up willingly. He knew he couldn't fight her head-on. That would be pointless. There had to be another option, but what?

He tried to think of any potential solutions, but nothing viable seemed to come to him. His anger grew. Kain said I had everything I needed to overcome, and I have nothing! That was it, Kain! He could try and call upon the Beloved King, and with his otherworldly abilities he… No! No, he didn't want to rely on Kain. He was already being pulled into so many different directions that he didn't want to add to the strain. He had to face this without the Beloved King.

The Cursed Champion placed his lightsaber hilt back on his belt before looking upon the soul collector and unknown man, his eyes burning with crimson hatred. "I'm not running! Xarxes believed in me enough to send me here, and his efforts won't be in vain!" he boomed at the ghostly priestess. "It's time to stop running from the truth…" he said to himself. Voidwalker placed his hands together as if he were about to pray or beg for his life.

He focused on what he wanted. If he couldn't attack her physically, then perhaps he could take a more Dreadwarian and Kain-like approach. If he could muster enough strength to summon his illusions, then he could at least buy himself some more time. He focused on creating the illusion of himself multiple times over, harnessing the power of the ethereal spear of midnight black. If he could manage to cast the illusion and summon one spear, he might have a chance to defend himself. It was a long shot, but it was better than allowing himself to die willingly.

Darth Eschaton’s head turned towards Voidwalker, not seeing the approaching Cenobite directly, but sensing the danger based purely on Voidwalker’s disposition. He turned his head in the same direction as the initial Voidwalker’s gaze, releasing his spell with the same incantation as the wizards of ancient Sith tradition: “Sutta Chwituskak!”


But the Hellpriestess seemed immune to the attempts by the dark creatures before her. Voidwalker’s attempt to conjure an illusion of himself multiple times over was quite easily seen through, with his duplicates appearing to her as only hazy phantasms, while the original Champion of the Stars launched a Spear of Midnight Black at her. She twisted to the side, allowing the spear of dark energy to careen down the hall, crashing into the door. Eschaton’s Bolt of Hatred, meanwhile, had also missed its mark.

Unfortunately, it did not hit a wall or anything else so inanimate. Whether by sheer bad luck or something else entirely, that bolt of viridian hatred slammed into the back of the Unknown man, magical fury casting him across the hall. The impact had been nearly enough to stop his heart, and for anyone lesser, perhaps it would have. But he had survived. It would not be remiss to interpret the attack as a response to his disobedience of Xarxes’ order, even if Eschaton had truly not meant to do so.

TAGS: @Drakul_Xarxes, @Voidwalker, @Arach, @skira, @Hadzuska_The Jester

OOC: Avery’s use of Telepathy will roll with Advantage due to his connection to Kolasi. It rolls 14 + 11 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 9 - 1 allows him some semblance of a connection that Kolasi can reinforce and respond to.

Voidwalker’s use of Sith Illusions rolls 2 + 21 + 10, failing to overcome the DC of the Hellpriestess. She sees through it.

His subsequent use of Spear of Midnight Black rolls 11 + 21 + 10, also failing to hit.

Eschaton’s use of Bolt of Hatred rolls with disadvantage since he is only aiming based off of where Voidwalker is looking. It rolls a natural 1, critically missing. Since it is a critical miss, I will take it as being able to friendly fire on either Voidwalker or the Unknown. This will be determined by a coin flip, with heads being Voidwalker and tails being the Unknown. It flips tails, hitting the Unknown for 4d10 of Magic Damage. It rolls 4 + 10 + 5 + 6, dropping the Unknown’s HP down to 10.


IC: Eva and Darth Nathemus (Combo w/ @Catalyst and @Volacius)

Underground Abode, Verdanth

A long, suffered sigh pushed itself from Catalyst's lips. Volacius, you're loud and brightly colored. He projected the thought to the rest of the group. Care to help me make Eva's job easier? The smirk that drew across his face would likely not translate itself as well to the mental conversation, but it adorned his features all the same.

Brightly colored? What in blazes is that supposed to mean? Volacius blustered mentally, unconcerned with whether or not his compatriots heard it. Eva’s idea of a two-pronged attack on the house quashed any desire in Volacius to argue Catalyst’s point. He’d had just about enough of the supposed ‘Lord of Linguistics,’ and if Eva’s plan brought their mission to a close sooner, then so much the better.

Catalyst turned his attention to the mechanisms of the door. If he couldn't figure out the locking mechanism quietly, he at least had the ultimate key hanging from his belt.

The lock on the door was of simple, perhaps even ancient make. There was a keyhole etched into a steel panel on the door. where obviously a metal key would be inserted to open it. With a small enough and sturdy enough instrument, one could pick the lock should they have the skill necessary for it.

Catalyst ran his hand over the door's locking mechanism. The archaic mechanics weren't unfamiliar to him, but he was woefully underprepared to deal with its challenges. He silently cursed himself for not having the hair regimen of Naboo royalty; there were plenty of places to hide a lock-picking device in the elaborate styles favored by the noble queens of the planet. He dared not use the Force to try and manipulate the tumblers, for fear of losing himself in time once more. Instead, he rifled through his gear, patting himself down for something he could pick the lock with.

His eyes glanced down at the stormtrooper helmet and a small grin pulled at his cheek. Perhaps their friend here had something they could use. He knelt down and picked up the helmet, turning it over so he could peer inside. He pulled a length of wire from the internal electronics of the helmet, twisting and braiding them into a vaguely key-like shape so they would hopefully be strong enough to push the tumblers of the lock. If that didn't work, he was certain he could fashion something from the poor bastard's bones. He pushed the length of wire into the keyhole and put his ear to the door, listening for the telltale click of a latch as he manipulated his makeshift key.

Fiddling and turning the key for a few moments, Catalyst listened intently to the inner workings of the lock. He was thankful that the cave was so utterly silent; it allowed him to concentrate on the task at hand. After a tense handful of seconds, the telltale click of the latch sounded in his ear, and Catalyst smiled proudly. He pulled his makeshift key from the door and tossed it behind him. Volacius still hadn't shown up yet, and Catalyst was beginning to wonder if he and Nathemus were having a romantic moment all to themselves. Bracing his saber hilt in his hand, he slowly turned the latch and opened the door before him.

Volacius slunk toward the front door of the house as quietly as he could manage, each step gentle and calculated, and kept as far from the tents as possible. Lucky I’m not too ‘brightly colored and loud’ to back you up, Volacius grumbled internally.

I’ve heard less bickering from younglings, Nathemus chided the pair of them. All that separates us from our enemy is a wooden door. Stay focused. The larger Sith crept towards the group, though opted to stay just beyond the border between the camp and the rest of the cavern. It would serve them well to have a sorcerer providing support from afar, especially if these hibernating cultists did not stay hibernating. Then they’d be sandwiched between a True Sith and a horde of her followers. Not ideal.

Eva, meanwhile, made her way down into the attic, careful to avoid making any missteps in her descent. She slipped into the darkness, attuning herself to the shadows and listening as Catalyst opened the front door below.

The inside of the cabin was dark and foreboding, alight with only sparse, emerald candles on the shelves and tables. The kitchen and dining room were to the right, pots and pans hanging from wooden racks above and covered in dust. The dining table had been set years ago, a now-indiscernible meal rotted away on a large platter in the center of it. What should have been an overwhelming stench of decaying food was outmatched by the reek of decaying flesh. A corpse lay sitting against the wall to the left, by a bed unused for quite a long time. The skin sunk into the bones, all meat beneath melted into the floor below. The eyes were hollow and open, mouth agape. Flies buzzed around the cadaver, and maggots roiled beneath the swollen tongue in its maw.

But the true star of this horror show was at the center of the home. There, kneeling on a rug, was an anomaly. She was a woman of Sith origin, her skin crimson and face tendrils hanging low. Her eyes were closed as she maintained what appeared to be some meditative trance. But ebbing and flowing around her was reality itself. It was an indescribable horror, one that only the Force could make any sense of, even without Catalyst or Volacius attempting to use it.

Daritha Nephthys was the source of this time-bending magic. One strike against her could be enough to reset the course of balance, to send them back to the present, to right the wrongs that they had experienced.

TAGS: @Catalyst, @Volacius, @Darth Nathemus

OOC: Catalyst's attempt to lockpick with a bundled wire rolls (without any disadvantage since it's a creative attempt, and since the keyhole is fairly large) 16 + 21 + 1, succeeding. The door is unlocked.


IC: Kain, the Beloved King of the Stars and Kei Durron

The Howling Hawkbat, Nar Shaddaa

“Of course, of course. I should have explained immediately,” Kain shook his head. “I am sorry, I am… I am processing a lot of information simultaneously.” He blinked rapidly, trying to sort his thoughts, before returning his gaze to Cal Vastrom.

“I have been informed of a device that exists within the realm of Dark Illathurion. One that, if we were to retrieve and bring back to Skyriver, would allow a Jedi to cast a Wall of Light that could span the entire galaxy! We would be able to purge the Shadow Beings in one fell swoop, possibly even all of the creatures in service to the Old Ones and their master. There’d be no need for…”

He stopped himself. This seemed to be overwhelming for the Beloved King. He shook his head once more. “I’ve sacrificed much to stop this enemy. But if this succeeds, I would not need to sacrifice anything else of my own. Life would prevail. We would win.”

“What is the cost?”
The voice of Kei Durron broke through Kain’s joy like a blade between the ribs. “Such power never comes freely.”

Kain’s eyes fell upon the Jedi Grandmaster. Had he been listening this entire time and simply chose not to speak? It didn’t matter either way. Durron, as usual, was right. There was always a cost.

“This device—the Darr’al—was a gift from the Architect known as Cold Danda Sine, claimed by the Rakata as technology they invented themselves. It amplifies whatever Force ability you pour into it—lightning, fire, light, darkness, whatever you wish—and allows you to magnify its spread, even so far as to cover an entire galaxy. But this power does not come freely.” He sighed. He knew the Jedi would abhor this, but he would not lie to them. “It is powered by souls, the spirits of the dead. The further you wish to spread your power, the more souls it requires.”

@Cardun Vrek, @Darth Nathemus


IC: Apollo and Kain, the Beloved King of the Stars

Citadel of Fire, Hastur

T1-FA did as instructed without a hint of delay, giving a kind nod to Brooke and placing a gentle hand on Apollo’s back. The trio left the hangar shortly after, and as they did, Samael’s healing powers paid dividends. His wounds closed, his ringing ears went silent, and his pain disappeared entirely. He felt like his old self again. Whole.

Kain gave a proud smirk in his direction as he approached. “You use the light side of the Force to heal yourself. That’s wise. Manipulating the dark side into doing the same is never quite as effective.”

He could sense the ship in the atmosphere, descending down and down through the ashen clouds. His smirk dissolved, though he seemed no less joyful. “The people arriving are friends of mine and Brooke. The droid is named D-3PO. He talks a lot but he means well. Zo will be the grouchy one, though again, she also means well. K’win is the bubbly one. I’m sure you’ll like her. Just… no baptisms by fire for any of them. They’re not as likely to survive fiery explosions as you are.”

Meanwhile, T1-FA, Apollo, and Brooke would arrive in the nearest medical bay, the one where Keldro Unmar was now residing. As they entered the room, they would see his bacta tank draining, and his conscious, open eyes fluttering about as the medical droids tended to him. Thankfully he still had undergarments on, for Apollo’s sake.

T1-FA turned to those in her charge, her voice a happy chirp as ever. “I can get Apollo examined while you convene with your Jedi friend, Miss Brooke. I am sure he will be happy to see a friendly face after that awful scene.”

Apollo spoke up, “But I wanted--”

“She’ll be right over there,”
said the droid, pointing to where Keldro was being clothed in a soft, black robe. “You’ll be fine, Master Apollo. I promise.”

Solemn, the boy gave a nod, heading over to the other side of the bay to give Brooke and Keldro the privacy T1-FA believed they needed.

TAGS: @Catalyst, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Undying Master Xiannarr

OOC: Samael’s use of Force Healing on himself rolls 16 + 13 + 5, succeeding. 3d8 of Healing is rolled for, rolling 6 + 7 + 3. Samael’s HP is fully restored.

For their next post @Catalyst, feel free to write out how 3PO and the others land in the hangar and greet Kain and Samael.


IC: The Hunter

Flight Lounge, The Tsushima

Vitani’s feeble attempts to crawl away were met with the calculated, imposing steps of the monster that intended to end her life. Her fumbling hands did not serve her well as she attempted to mend her wounds, the coagulating agent spewing across the floor rather than her shredded abdomen as she intended. She could feel her life force ebbing away, bit by bit until soon nothing would be left of her. She had to steady herself, lest she die from her wounds on this damned ship.

Her brother, meanwhile, opted to play the role of the hero. His summoned shield led the quickened charge at the brutish fiend that attacked them, lightning surrounding him and striking at the creature in a zapping tackle of utmost ferocity. Their fraternal bond seemed to fuel him, focusing all of his knowledge of the dark side into a lethal combination that charred the mangled flesh of the monster.

Enraged, the beast lunged at him. But the blades of its arms missed their marks once again, its chest slamming into the electrified shield of Voxyn and suffering even worse than it had before. It seemed attached to the metal for a moment, its skin sizzling and popping as the energy coursed through its malformed body, sending it skittering and seizing. Then it collapsed to the floor, flesh blackened, and it did not move.

But both Voxyn and Vitani would sense that this thing was far from dead. They had a window to escape, or at the very least, a window to seriously address the fallen sister’s wounds.

TAG: @Darth Voxyn

OOC: Vitani’s surgery on herself will incur a DEX check and a CON check simultaneously. This will be done with her bonus being the average between her DEX and CON bonuses. The roll will be done with disadvantage, however, due to the extreme agony she would be in without any Force abilities helping to steady her. This check rolls 2 + 17 + 5, failing. The External Bleeding continues, incurring 1d4 of damage. It rolls a 1, dropping her HP to 2. She is still bleeding.

Voxyn’s use of Force Speed rolls 11 + 18 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 14 allows him to reach the Hunter before it can strike Vitani again.

His use of Lightning Shield then rolls 18 + 18 + 5, also succeeding. The Hunter takes 3d6 of Shock Damage, which rolls 5 + 5 + 1. The Hunter’s HP is reduced to 10.

The Necromorph Hunter retaliates with an attack on Voxyn, rolling a natural 1. This is a critical fail, and I will constitute it as it returning into the vicinity of Voxyn’s lightning shield and receiving another 3d6 of Shock Damage. The damage rolls 3 + 6 + 4, totaling 13 and depleting the Hunter’s HP to 0. It is incapacitated but not dead.

Darth Vaer’s use of Force Illusion to avoid detection by Voxyn and Vitani rolls 17 + 19 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 14 + 8 allows him to get by without either of the twins even having the slightest clue he was there.


IC: The Leviathan

Cargo Hold, The Tsushima

Kolasi almost screamed when she saw the… creature surrounding the room. She almost screamed, but not because of the creature's appearance. At least, not because of its appearance alone.

“You remind me of my children,” she whispered, stepping towards the creature, “The ones that have passed, anyhow.”

She seemed like she felt sympathy towards it. Perhaps that was her way through this, sympathy. Perhaps she could manipulate the being into telling her more. “They came out… mangled. Some called them grotesque even. But I only ever saw their beauty…”

Kolasi paused, perhaps trying to find the right words. Perhaps she was trying to cover her own emotion. Or perhaps, she was trying to find a lie. Perhaps it had all been a lie. Perhaps the creature hadn’t reminded her of anyone at all.

“They deserved kindness and love. They didn’t ask for this. They didn’t ask for… what had happened to them. You didn’t either, I think. I’m sorry for hurting you. All children come into the world, and their first action is obeying their mother…

“… Your Master. You say you only obey Him as He wills it? Who is he?”

"You are the Master,"
it said, its tone oddly reverent. "One of the few. He is our creator. He is who we serve above all."

Images flashed into her mind. A pale-skinned man with a dark beard, a scar on the bridge of his nose. He was standing before an obelisk, not unlike the one that Kolasi stood in front of now. The only difference was that the veins were green rather than red. The room surrounding was clearly part of his Citadel of Fire on Hastur, somewhere deep within the fortress that she had not been given access to during her visit there. A moment's thought would be all it would take to realize that these flashes were not sent intentionally, and that this was how the Leviathan processed its thoughts.

"We were created to destroy the enemy. That is our purpose."

“Kain,” she whispered as the images faded from her mind, her eyes moving erratically back and forth as she processed what she had seen. Of course Kain was behind this.

“And after?” she asked, stepping a bit closer to the obelisk. “What happens after you destroy our enemy? What will happen to you?”

"He will release us."

More images flashed in her mind, though these were far more undefined than the ones before. These were not memories, but imagination. Force energy surrounding a moon of fleshy mass. A cerulean glow. The souls in service to this necessary power passing into the beyond, what would come after. Freedom. A final reprieve.

“Are you sure?” Her tone was accusatory, though not towards the creature. The images that came to her created a feeling of doubt within her. Along with Kain’s previous actions…

“I don’t think He will. I think He’ll keep you in service to Him, suffering, until something else… something worse than Him ends your suffering…

“…But I can end it now. I can help you rest now. You deserve that. You didn’t ask for this. Let me help you.”

"N-no, please. He made us to fight the Hunger. We cannot be eaten. Without us, people will die. And we would have died for nothing."

Flashes of fear and dismay bombarded Kolasi's psyche, the whinging of a slave before the threat of a master's whip.

"We do not suffer. We are whole."

“But you will cause suffering,” she started, her stare hardening. “As will He.”

Kolasi’s hands began to spin slowly at her sides, Sith pouring from her lips as she began her spell. But just as soon as she began, she stopped. Something stopped her. A voice in the back of her head, perhaps. It wouldn’t be the first time.

“Kain,” she whispered, though not only to herself. She whispered through their cursed bond, the damned mark on her forehead. A summons, of sorts. Perhaps he was too far to hear it, that much she couldn’t be sure of. But she supposed she’d find out soon.

It did not take but a moment for his form to materialize beside her, muscle and sinew weaving into flesh in a horrifying instant that none could perceive. All they would see was the moment when Lady Kolasi was alone with the Leviathan, and that the next, she was not.

She would sense something different within Kain's presence now, something far changed from his appearance last on her throne world. He was more measured now, more certain of his cause and what it would take to defeat the threat to the galaxy. And he bore no hint of regret as he looked upon his creation surrounding the room, though there was a hint of sadness. Like he was mourning it already.

"I see you've found the heart of it," he said. "I only wish that the Shadow Being within Morrow's corpse had not activated the Claw so early. There are still tests to be run, and these innocents were not supposed to be in the line of fire."

“There’s no need to lie here, Lord Kain,”
Kolasi said, her arms crossing in front of her chest as she looked up at him.

“None of us care about the lives of innocents. Not really, anyways. We may pretend to, but no one can wield the Force in the ways we do and actually care about innocents.”

She paused, contemplating what she’d say next. Would this conversation change anything? Had she already decided who she would stand behind in the looming war? Or was her mind still just as undecided as it had been on Hastur?

“I cannot decide if you’re truly trying to stop what’s coming, or if you’re calculating the ways you can benefit most from it.”

Kain raised his brow at her. "Have you forgotten what I'm going to have to sacrifice in order to save the trillions of innocent lives you claim I do not care for? Have you forgotten that I gave my own life, with no knowing that I could ever come back, to save you all? I have never done any of this for my own benefit. At my worst, I've done it for my family."

He shook his head. "And soon I won't have much of that left. I've convened with the Architects, the siblings of my forebear, Tilotny. They've helped me see the bigger picture, and now whatever I do is to ensure that life survives, no matter how many dark forces wish it would not. And if I have to create entities such as this one, that can withstand the effects of the power that once killed me, I'll do it. But I'm not using the flesh of the innocent to make it."

“And after? After you save the trillions of innocent lives? What happens then?”
Kolasi’s tone was far harsher than it should have been, though she cared very little for changing it.

“Do you really expect me to believe that after all of this, after you’ve saved the galaxy, you’ll just… what? Live a life of peace? That you wouldn’t try to control it for yourself? That you wouldn’t create a creature like this to insure your grip of control over the galaxy?”

"That had been the original goal, yes."

He spoke plainly, no hint of reservation or trying to find the right words.

"I was going to seize control. I thought I knew better than Hesper, than the Federation, than all of them. I thought I could rule the galaxy with a kind but firm hand. But I know the truth of it now. No one being, no matter how powerful or how just, is meant to rule all life. The desire to control, in and of itself, disqualifies anyone who thinks themselves good enough to rule."

“The desire for control is addictive,”
Kolasi scoffed, shaking her head as she looked to the ground. “If you get a taste of it, you never really let it go.

“And when the galaxy is indebted to you once more for saving it, I don’t believe for a second you wouldn’t take your place as the true King of the Stars. That you wouldn’t turn the galaxy into exactly what you want it to be.”

She paused for a second, her mind wandering back to earlier, “My husband was in danger earlier. What happened on Nar Shaddaa? Where is he?”

"Shadow Beings, servants of the Father of Shadows, attacked the summit while I was convening with the Architects. One of his beastriders died in the attack, but I was able to bring him back. He's otherwise fine, and he's here, trying to save you."

Kain was fine with the change of subject. He knew he would not convince her of his intentions with words alone. She would have to see his actions, and know that he spoke the truth.

“Avery’s here!?” She looked back towards the door she had entered through, taking a few steps towards it before stopping. She sighed, placing her hand on her head as she whispered quietly to herself. Of course, he was trying to save her. As if she wasn’t a Triumvir of the damned Sith.

“And the woman… Nephthys? Was the group you sent after her successful?” she asked after a few moments, looking back towards him.

"They are engaging her as we speak. I am keeping tabs on their progress."

Kolasi sighed. Not at what he’d said, but at the situation itself. How had it only been a few months since that first mission with Lord Vaer? How had so much changed since then?

“I don’t know what to do,” she confessed, her voice cracking as she spoke.

Kain stepped toward her. "Onderon needs its queen far more than Hesper needs her Triumvir. Put your people first above all else in the coming days. The war will come to your palace eventually, no matter how much I wish it would not have to. You must be prepared. For your people, for your family, for your children. I will do what I can to help you. You need not even ask."

“When I was a baby, my mother had a dream of Onderon in ruins, with me standing in the center of it. I’m sure it would have pleased her to know she will soon be right,”
Kolasi chuckled at the irony of all of it.

There wasn’t much more she desired to say to him. No matter what she could even attempt, he’d be five steps ahead of her. And there was no stopping him. She turned on her heel, once more heading towards the door she’d entered through.

But something stopped her again. Another memory. One that made her smirk.

“There’s a man aboard this ship, known as Lord Vaer. He was quite sure you hadn’t been revived. Defensive, in fact. Perhaps even… scared. I’d very much enjoy going with you so you can meet him properly.“

Kain's eyes widened, then settled low.

"Get everyone off of this ship. It is time I corrected my mistakes."

His voice went low.

"All of them."

“Oh, do let me stay at least. He’s been a thorn in my side ever since he joined the Council. And you owe me,” she said, taking a step towards him and pointing towards her forehead.

“This. You marked the forehead of a teenager over a decade ago and died before you could tell her why. I’ll never bring it up again if you let me stay. Plus, my husband can get everyone off board. He’s a far better person to lead others than I.”

"And will Vaer's master listen to your dear husband? Xarxes is here as well."

“Lord Xarxes wouldn’t listen to me either. He may listen to you, though.”

Kain's eyes flickered like dying stars. No... no, Xarxes would not let his apprentice die. He had sensed their connection the moment he threatened Vaer's life back on Hastur. If Vaer died by Kain's hand, Drakul Xarxes would become an enemy. With what Xarxes knew, and with the importance of Arkania...


Kain could not kill Vaer. No matter how much that little fiend deserved it. This was bigger than that.

Bigger than your wife?

The voice. He recognized it. The same that he had listened to for far too long. His vanity, his desire for torment, his fury.

His eyes fell on Kolasi. "He would not even allow the Empress to kill Vaer if the little bastard was sentenced to execution. No, I will not be able to kill him. Not unless Vaer strikes first..."

“He’ll strike first. I can make sure of that.”
She paused, thinking more on his words. Then, her eyes narrowed. Not in anger, but suspicion. Questioning. As if a puzzle was in front of her, and she had finally managed to find the last few pieces.

“What did Vaer do to you?”

His jaw tightened. "When I was gone, he found Vitae and snuck into my home to steal the Eye of Typhojem that was in my wife's possession. In order to steal it, he held a lightsaber to Apollo's throat, a baby's throat. Then he attacked my wife and tried to drain her mind into mush. Sure, he took the demon attached to her with him, but he left little of her. She was hollow. And by the time I returned, got home to reunite with her she..."

His eyes fell, fiery tears beginning to well.

"His actions led to her destruction. He deserves whatever hell he burns in, and far more."

Kolasi’s jaw clenched as she listened to him, and she took a few steps towards him. It wasn’t purely anger at the situation, but anger at the thought of Lord Vaer doing that to her own family. And he would, given the right motivation. Had he ever known about what lay beneath Onderon’s palace, perhaps he would have.

“He won’t make it off this ship.” A promise. And a truthful one, at that.

“Your wife, your family… He will pay for this. I’ll make sure of it.”

"Xarxes can never know. Not that you nor I planned this. Not any of this conversation at all. Force Vaer to attack, and Xarxes will be forced in turn to end the creature once and for all."

“Of course,”
Kolasi smiled and nodded. It was a sinister smile. Behind her eyes, she plotted the various ways she could do such an act. Oh, perhaps this day wouldn’t end badly after all.

Kain’s senses stretched out through the Force, his mind searching for the location of the sinister Darth Vaer. It did not take long to find him skulking about, approaching the hallway where Khatt Douw was lingering with the troopers above. What was she talking about, he wondered? No matter. Vaer still had a ways to go, and there was plenty of space to throw an enraged Sith Lady in between him and his next victim. And another…

With a flick of the wrist, space warped around the Queen of Onderon, transporting her from one part of the ship to the next. The spot where she was standing was empty, as was the room, save for Kain and his creations.

The Finger of Yothon had been an interesting anomaly. He wondered if more of such ore existed in this galaxy, but so far, he could not seem to find any. His experiments were limited to this single obelisk with one goal in mind: to create entities to contend with Ooradryl’s brood. They would need to be massive, unable to sate the Hunger of the Old Ones, and certainly able to destroy those monsters before they could lay waste to the galaxy.

With the soothing voices of the Leviathan ringing in Kain’s ears, asking its creator if he was proud of it, he knew that this was a success. The Brother Moons would obey his commands, and when they were successful in their mission, they would be willing to be released back into the Force. That is what he would have to do here.

“Is it our fault?” it asked him, whimpering with a dozen voices.

“No, my child,” he answered. “This is not your fault, and this is not a punishment. You are being given a gift.”

“A gift?”

“Yes. To be one with the Force is bliss, and what you deserve.”

“Will it hurt?”

“Of course not.”

Kain placed his hand on the Claw infused with his own blood, willing the creatures created by its maligned power to end. The monster defeated by Voxyn and Vitani would fade in a miasma of cerulean energy, as would the creatures still lingering in the vents and walls. The Leviathan released its hold on the Tsushima, its cascading reach of flesh and meat dissolving into an ethereal energy of bliss forevermore.

The Beloved King’s eyes opened to find a pair he did not expect to see here in the cargo hold, entering from a door on the opposite side of the room. Darth Drakul Xarxes and Voidwalker’s wife, Darth Arach. They seemed shaken.

“Is everything alright?” he asked them.

TAGS: @skira, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Arach

OOC: Kain’s use of Force Sense to find Vaer rolls against Vaer’s DC. It rolls 7 + 25 + 10, successfully breaching Vaer’s DC. An Effect Modifier of 25 allows him to tell exactly where Vaer is located.

His subsequent use of Fold Space on Kolasi rolls 7 + 25 + 10, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 19 + 10 gets her there safely and in time to cut Vaer off from the hall where Khatt and the troopers can see him.


IC: Helvara (Combo w/ @Sharkish’Ki and @Mardinga)

Landing Port, Nytocrises

The apprentices did as Helvara commanded, forming two even lines and descending the boarding ramp into the rampant sunlight from above. Mardinga and Sharkish’Ki had opted to stay at the very back of the lines, side by side as they followed the others. The sun’s warm glow was appealing compared to the cold of space travel, but the sights that accompanied it were not quite so.

Insectoids of varying races and varying sizes skittered all about, working toward some untold goal. Some appeared to be moving cargo, though where was anyone’s guess. But only a few of the creatures were actually a part of this welcoming party that Helvara had mentioned. A couple of Cratnik drones lingered around, their mandibles pulled back in a show of pacifism. Their eyes still bulged as much as ever, though. Few would not find them repulsive. But it appeared that it was humans that were actually greeting them, men and women dressed in matching gray garb and bowing to the young apprentices.

One of them stood out from the others, wearing white and standing half a foot taller than the rest. He had long, blonde hair and a beard to match. His eyes were a pale blue, so pale one could swear he was blind. But by the way he looked about each of their faces, a kind smile on his face, one would know he was definitely able to see.

“We thank you all for coming,” he said. “My name… well, my name doesn’t matter. What matters is that you escaped that horrible attack on the temple. Unfortunately, Pyxis was not alone. We’re accepting refugees from multiple places across the galaxy, all suffering the same fate. We were the optimal choice, since the chitinous world of Nytocrises does not bear anything reflective. Even our water, which has been infused with nutrients to keep the races of Nytocris running strong, isn’t able to offer a portal for those damned zombies.

“Now, I know you all are scared and probably confused to see so many insectoid races, but don’t be alarmed. All it takes is a small amount of pheromones sprayed on the rear of the neck to keep them from seeing you as food.”

The other humans in the gray uniforms spread about the group, each carrying small containers no larger than the size of a jar. Liquid sloshed in those containers, no doubt filled with the pheromones that their greeter mentioned.

Helvara stood close behind Mardinga and Sharkish’Ki, smiling. “We’ll be safe here,” she said.

Honeyed lies are still lies.

Mardinga thought to himself as the others were speaking. He had more faith in his own abilities than in anything another person said. Mardinga knew he had only one option in this, but it would greatly depend on Sharkish'Ki to follow quickly.

The Teevan Apprentice slid his hand into his sleeve and removed several cards and began to focus his Force abilities to harden them beyond any limits they may have had previously. He took advantage of how close the deceptive woman was to him to fire the three cards around his side behind him towards her chest. He hoped his oversized jacket did its job and blocked her view until it was too late. Surely she was convinced that he was out of weapons.

The sunlight beamed down upon the walkway but a few paces ahead of Sharkish’Ki as the line began to slowly move forwards. The whole situation still didn’t sit right with him. First, Mardinga’s warning in the Force, and now his need to be overly subservient. It didn’t sit right with him one bit.

Helvara was within striking distance, and without hesitation he turned his gaze to Mardinga. With the Force flowing through him, he attempted to shield his mind from her, and conceal his intentions. A look burned in his flame-filled eyes as he called upon the Force to engage with the Master. Willing his body to obey with brutal strength, he swiftly turned and thrust his cortosis-weaved prosthetic to take a vice-like grip of her throat whilst attempting to grapple one of her free arms. One less limb for her to fight back with, if she wasn’t already overpowered by the both of them.

With any luck, Mardinga would follow his lead and lock the other arm, as he drove power into his legs before she knew what was happening, attempting to hoist her off her feet by her throat, and drive her to the rear of the cabin, quickly and quietly.

If we muck this one up, we’ll pay for it with our lives, he thought.

But they would pay with much more.

Sharkish’Ki, as he began to shield his mind from Helvara’s influence, would realize with horror that she had already been inside his thoughts. The same was said of Mardinga, who had foolishly made no effort to shield his mind when he first received his visions of the threat that lingered here on Nytocrises. Neither apprentice’s outstretched hands stayed attached long enough for either to properly strike at the Sith Master, for her lightsaber was already sweeping through their flesh in a single, swift motion.

The other apprentices began to spin toward the conflict, but it was already too late. The mind of Darth Makaria had penetrated their minds just in time to witness their terrifying fate.

The containers that these strange humans carried were not containing mere pheromones. They were vats of plasma, and housed within them were the rightly-feared creatures known only as the Abersyn Symbiotes. Vile creatures, said to burrow into the brain stems of their hosts and control their actions. The most infamous of their hosts would feed on the life force of others through the malefic ability of Force Drain, and it seemed that would be the fate of those so unfortunate to have fallen for Helvara’s honeyed words.

The symbiotes leapt out of their casings, latching onto the screaming children and teenagers, crawling to the base of their necks. No amount of swiping or clawing seemed enough to dissuade the parasites, as one by one the apprentices fell to the mighty influence of these monsters. Mardinga and Sharkish’Ki, both now with an arm less than before, were the last to succumb.


The Abersyn Symbiotes burrowed their feelers into their brains, taking command of every function, every thought, every desire. Their minds were overwhelmed with a wave of new information. They served a greater master, far greater than even the likes of Empress Hesper, whose efforts to save these survivors came only moments too late. The Nytocris was a legion of insectoid races, all in service to their creator, their mother.

Thargorograht. Queen of the Perpetual Night.

Makaria would feel their minds slip into the tormented servitude of the Old One before being shut out, left alone with her thoughts as her cruiser began to barrel down to the surface of Nytocrises, down where there was little doubt that a similar fate awaited her. There was still enough time to turn back. Would she take it?

TAGS: @Sharkish’Ki, @Mardinga, @Dark Lady Makaria

OOC: Makaria’s use of Telepathy on the apprentices aboard Helvara’s ship rolls 18 + 16 + 5, successfully reaching them all. An Effect Modifier of 8 + 7 allows her to have a direct line of mental communication to all of them.

Mardinga’s use of Force Weapon to imbue his playing cards with power rolls 12 + 7 + 2, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 5 + 2 will allow his cards to strike with 1d4 of Magic Damage should they land.

His use of Ballistakinesis to hurl the trio of cards at Helvara rolls 3 + 7 + 2. The attack doesn’t exceed her DC and fails to hit.

Sharkish’Ki’s use of Mind Shield rolls 10 + 7 + 2, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 11 - 2 will bolster his DC against psychic attacks by 5. It also allows him to realize that Helvara has been reading their thoughts for a good bit.

His use of Force Body will influence his next roll, which will be a STR check to subdue her. His Force Body rolls 18 + 7 + 2, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 6 will bolster his STR check by an additional 3 points.

Finally, Sharkish’Ki’s STR check. It rolls 4 + 7 + 2 + 3, failing to overcome Helvara’s DC. He is unable to subdue her.

Helvara, forewarned about the attack, strikes with a sweeping Shii-Cho motion of her lightsaber to sever the outstretched arms of her attackers (non-lethal). It rolls 13 + 15 + 5, breaching the DCs of both Mardinga and Sharkish’Ki. 3d10 of Plasma Damage is rolled for, rolling 2 + 5 + 10. Mardinga’s HP is reduced to 1, though only because of Helvara’s non-lethal intent. Sharkish’Ki’s HP is reduced to 1, also because of Helvara’s non-lethal intent.

The Abersyn Symbiotes attempting to attach themselves to the apprentices will incur FPR saving throws with a DC of 25. If these rolls fail, Mardinga and Sharkish’Ki will become hosts for the symbiotes, who will control their actions and drive them to consume the life force of others with Force Drain (which both apprentices would automatically receive free on their sheets up to their level’s max).

Mardinga’s saving throw rolls 9 + 7 + 2, failing to overcome the willpower of the Abersyn symbiote. As a player, Mardinga is still able to write his character. However, his personality will be drastically shifted until the symbiote is removed. He will be loyal to Thargorgraht, the one whom the Nytocris serves, and he will have an almost insatiable hunger for the life force of others.

Sharkish’Ki’s saving throw rolls 10 + 7 + 2 + 5, also failing to overcome the Abersyn symbiote. As a player, Sharkish’Ki is still able to write his character. However, his personality will be drastically shifted until the symbiote is removed. He will be loyal to Thargorgraht, the one whom the Nytocris serves, and he will have an almost insatiable hunger for the life force of others.


IC: Hesperian Guard

Hesperian Sanctum, Bosthirda

The divination of Empress Hesper would, always, be unrivaled in its scope and power. Her fingers plucked at the web of fate, dislodging threads that would have led to the demise of her followers, and weaving new ones to take their places. And, on top of this, she doubled her efforts in protecting them, significantly enhancing their abilities so that they may create their own luck should hers not be enough.

But it was through her third eye, which stretched across the stars and bore witness to the events of the galaxy, that she would see the terror that had been wrought upon the survivors of Pyxis. They had been lured by a traitor, brought to the brood of the Old One known as Thargorograht, and dominated by the parasites within her foul retinue. She had been too late in preventing their succumbing to the influence of the Queen of Perpetual Night, but her efforts would not be wasted elsewhere. She need only continue to focus, and life would prevail, if only today.

Meanwhile, outside of the secluded meditation chamber of her sanctum, a servant attempted to bring word of a request for communication, coming from Sergeant Luceno and a mysterious stranger named Khatt Douw. But the guards would not allow the servant to intrude on their Empress’ meditation, though she could sense the servant’s message through her all-seeing ways.

TAG: @corinthia

OOC: Hesper’s use of Darksight rolls a natural 20, automatically succeeding. Things will begin to move in the favor of those she’s focusing on, and due to her critical success, she does not need to roll for Psychic Damage for this use of Darksight.

Her use of Battle Meditation then rolls 7 + 24 + 10, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 10 + 9 will amplify the rolls of those she is focusing on with a +9 Bonus so long as she maintains concentration. Any breaks in concentration will be met with a saving throw, and if one fails, that bonus will end.


IC: Darth Vaer and Kain, the Beloved King of the Stars

Eastern Hallway, The Tsushima

Vaer followed the path that Lady Kolasi’s team had originally taken when they entered this cursed ship, creeping past the distracted Voxyn and Vitani with his illusions along the way. He had been more than half-tempted to murder the both of them, especially the latter. It would have been easy, if her guts being on the floor were any indicator. But the All-Seeing Eye would not need to search far to find evidence of his crimes. No, he would sacrifice someone, but it would not be anyone of use to the Nightfather of Arkania.

He planned to drive the blade of the Lacerant Configuration into one of the troopers in Kolasi and Mavros’ retinue. Few would miss one of them, and that would leave Voidwalker free of the demons that hunted him. Everyone would be happy. Everyone but Vaer, perhaps, but he had not known happiness in quite a long time anyhow. And if this is what it took to stay in the good graces of the one man in the galaxy that did not despise him, then he would do it.

Unfortunately, it seemed fate had other plans.

* * *

Kain pulled Mavros to his feet. A smile adorned his face. This was good. Mavros would not be anyone’s definition of loyal, but he would be an ally. Today was less of a waste than he feared it would be.

“There is much you must do,” said the King. “But let us start with a simple task. I am sending you across the ship to protect Lady Kolasi. She is in danger. Save her life at all costs. Do this, and your ascension will truly begin.”

With a whisk of the hand, Mavros was gone from the scorched escape pod corridor, and so too did Kain’s Phantom fade into nothing. There was no more need for it, just as there was no more need for the man that made the mistake of harming Kain’s family.

* * *

Appearing out of thin air before Vaer, just before he could get past the storage room that Kolasi’s team scoured earlier, was a pair he did not expect to see so far from the others. Darth Kolasi and Darth Mavros.

“What’s going on here?” Vaer asked. “Bah. It doesn’t matter. Out of the way. I cannot waste any time.”

From beyond that doorway, further within the Tsushima, the ears of Khatt would catch the sudden manipulation of space toward the eastern hallway. As Luceno relayed Khatt’s message fervently, his mind thoroughly convinced through her machinations, she had the opportunity to investigate the noise. Or perhaps, she could finally find out what Kain had brought them all here for. His presence was detectable down below. She need only follow it to find out.

TAGS: @skira, @Cardun Vrek, @Jen’nu

OOC: Kain’s use of Fold Space on Mavros rolls 14 + 25 + 10, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 18 + 10 allows Mavros to arrive to his intended destination safely.

As Khatt already convinced Luceno without the Force, I will consider her use of Mind Trick on him as an automatic success.

Her Battle Meditation continues with the same bonus as it had before.
IC: Death Apprentice Sharkish'Ki

The blade ascended with little warning, as Sharkish'Ki attempted to change the fates of himself and his comrade. In one agonising moment, he was subdued, as he recoiled to the ground, clutching his cauterised stump. There was no time to defend or counter, and no place to retreat to. There was only the encroaching darkness as his vision dimmed, and the sound of light footsteps of those humanoids pattering towards them. He was quickly forced onto his chest, as he grasped outwards towards anything he could get a grip on, desperately trying to pull himself free of the situation. There was an icy crawling upon the back of his neck, like sharp, cold rivets were being pressed into his exposed skin, followed by an intense burning as whatever had decided to make a home of his body proceeded to incarcerate him within his own flesh.

His vision dimmed further, as a weightlessness overtook him. Something was suppressing his will, his motion, his very being. His sight narrowed, turning a deep shade of red as blood vessels ruptured under the stress. His last panicked and angered thoughts were of his racing heart echoing within the rapidly increasing distance of his mind, as he fell, suspended within his own imagination, cut off from the outside world, and yet hungry. Yes, that was it. Hunger for escape, and hunger for something... else.

He'd been a slave before, but not like this. This was worse.

Tags: @Darth Kain @Dark Lady Makaria @Mardinga
IC Catalyst
Underground abode, Verdanth

Things were eerily still in the dwelling, just as they were outside. The first thing to assault Catalyst's senses was the nauseating stench of death and decay. Rotting food and flesh sent waves of sickening odor rolling from the opened door. Catalyst choked back a gag, holding a gloved hand to his mouth. His eyes watered as he scanned the interior, until they fixed themselves on the quarry of their hunt.

A nod of Catalyst's head signaled to Volacius that this was indeed the target they sought. He stepped through the house, careful to keep his boots from the dessicated remains that littered the floor. We need her alive, he projected his mind to the rest of them. Unconscious would be the most preferable. He gulped, the ideas bouncing in his mind on how best to return her to Kain in a way that endangered them least. Prepare to restrain her, Volacius. I'm going to try something..

Catalyst closed his eyes, opening himself to the flow of the Force. It was a chaotic swirl centered around Nephthys. Whatever she had done to tear asunder the fabric of time needed to be corrected, and Catalyst didn't think that was something within his power to do. What he could do, however, was make sure she couldn't be a further danger to them. And so he concentrated, pinpointing the midichlorians in the Sith's blood. Rather than trying to create life as most would do, Catalyst would attempt to rapidly kill off thousands of the symbionts within Nephthys, in a bid to weaken her enough for them to capture with little effort.

TAG: @Darth Kain, @Volacius @Darth Nathemus

Powers used:
Midichlorian Manipulation: 10

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