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Game Star Wars Judgment Day: Part III of the Prelude to Requiem

IC: Lord Volacius, The Wrath of Kain
Location: Verdanth

Volacius frowned as Eva spoke, disheartened by how horribly she’d been misled. And yet, his heart pushed against the confines of his chest as Eva’s tears for her lost family dredged up childhood images of his own parents, and then of Ossus in flames. His frown twisted into a scowl as the Stormtrooper gave his report.

“I will deal with you in a moment,” Volacius growled at the trooper. Turning back to Kain’s daughter, Volacius’ scarred face softened. “Believe me, Eva. I wish the True Sith were gone. But much like the Jedi of your time, the True Sith endure even after our victory; we know that one of their agents is not far from here, underground. It is true that Kain ordered us to deal with her, but does that matter? She is a True Sith agent, a threat to the galaxy regardless of our divergent allegiances.”

Volacius paused, trying to keep his voice cool and controlled to hide his frustration at her misconceptions, but even more so to hide his doubts. Could that be true? He seemed himself back on Hastur, and yet so many of the others mistrusted him. If Eva really did witness her father’s actions following his revival, then could that discredit the idea that her—and Hesper, for that matter—were deceived by false visions? And if that is the case, could this entire mission be a trap, orchestrated to eliminate potential threats to Kain’s rule? Volacius stroked the scars on his chin. While an interesting mental exercise, it did nothing to advance their mission. Kain knew Volacius was loyal. Kain wouldn’t send him to his doom intentionally.

Kain died due to the betrayal of Volshe the coward. The Beloved King would not betray his friends the same way.

He wouldn’t.

“We can ascertain the mental wellness of your father, my friend.” Volacius continued, giving Eva a hard, yet genuine stare. “But in the meantime, we have a duty to capture Nephthys, to bring her to justice, and to foil her cursed plans. For that, we would all appreciate your help.”

Another pause. And if the people really don’t submit to Kain’s rule, he mused silently, preferring to keep this last thought to himself for Eva’s sake, he won’t need to use his son to subdue them. He need only to use me.

Volacius’ face hardened to jagged stone as he turned on his heel to address the Stormtrooper. “I did not order anyone to descend into the caves,” Volacius boomed. “I would not have done so, because for men such as yourself, facing the True Sith without any Sith to lead the charge would be suicide. Lord Nathemus has determined that our quarry has so corrupted her lair below us that time itself is not flowing as it should. I don’t know if you fought in the war, trooper, but those of us who have remember the hordes of undead that the True Sith unleashed upon us, many of their ranks taken from our fallen, and now that fate has likely befallen those pitiable souls with whom we’ve lost contact, making our enemy stronger. So, trooper, I will ask you this one time, and one time only: who gave the order?”

Tags: @Darth Kain, @Darth Nathemus, @Catalyst
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IC: Darth Drakul Xarxes
The Mindscape of the Gatekeeper

Veridian bolts crackled across Xarxes' slowly moving figure, failing to find purchase in him, for his own force of willpower shielded him. His focus rested entirely upon Alcina's false figure, so much so that he did not perceive the great blow upon the Gatekeeper inflicted by the spawn of Abeloth. The despised one was stricken with a debilitating attack, weakening him greatly. But Xarxes did not know this. He knew only hatred and a desire for control.

A desire for control that was devolving into savagery.

The Patriarch of Adascopolis surged forward, his veins bulging from his scalp. The mention of his family, the idea that it could be anything but the most real and precious thing in the galaxy was galling him. His once-unflappable demeanor was being undermined by a manipulation even he could not resist in this moment. His arms stretched forth, attempting to grasp at Alcina's throat and crush it. His fangs were bared, silver light glinting off them in the shadowy air.

"I have suffered the pain of countless lifetimes, and I have lost things you will never understand! You in your form have no comprehension of what pain does to a man, but you shall see, and you *shall* suffer!"

As he continued forward, his focus narrowed once more into all the pain and agony he had suffered since his earliest memories, all the things that a created intelligence could never comprehend. All this he channeled into his anger as he once more sent psychic waves of passion into the form of the Gatekeeper, attempting to cause tenfold agony to it.
Powers Used: Memory Walk (4)
TAGS: @Darth Kain @Jen'nu

IC: Darth Eschaton
The Tsushima

The shrieks of the slain corporal did not go unnoticed by the Black Steward's heightened senses. The baubles kept in the storage room proved immediately uninteresting to him as opposed to the sounds of scattered viscera echoing down the hallway. He grinned, blackened, tombstone-like teeth seeping with spittle over cracked and bloodied lips, the sound of mortal suffering a choir to his ears.

"Blood. Blood from one of ours," he rasped, loud enough for the Lords around him to hear. "There may well be more of them on this vessel." He curled his gauntleted fist, biting nails scraping the skin of his palm. A dark power radiated from him, one he prepared to unleash should any of the unseen attackers reveal themselves to him.

He looked towards those accompanying them, hiding a scowl. They were of no use at present. Whatever was aboard this vessel was meant to be subdued and harvested for study and experimentation. Unlikely that any here would be willing to acquire a living sample.

TAGS: @Arach , @skira , @Cardun Vrek , @Darth Voxyn , @Zareel Jhenan´doka
IC: Knight Zareel Jhenan’doka
The Eastern Hallway, The Tsushima

Zareel couldn’t help the little flinch she made as the door was forced; unless she was the one doing it, that sounds and smell tended to hit a bit harder. However, her discomfort was swiftly replaced as the sound of the alarms on the opposite wing reached them. It couldn’t be just because they were advancing, right?

Unnerved by the rasping words of Eschaton, she gripped her saber tighter; disturbed by the iffy attitude the steward showed and questioning internally his interest and reason to be there.

“Maybe the soldiers should examine and take anything that might be useful in battle, my lady?” She tries suggesting to Lady Kolasi as her thoughts drift to the ones in the other corridor. Indeed, they could definitely require help, but so will this group if they weren’t cautious enough.

Tags: @Darth Kain, @skira, @Arach, @Darth Voxyn, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Cardun Vrek
IC: Samael
Location: The Burning Hall, Jedi Temple, Tython

As the zombie was turned to ash, the initial catalyst to Samael’s terror induced PTSD episode was gone, and he returned from his blackout breathing heavily. Had he been holding his breath? He couldn’t remember what happened once his lightsaber had activated. Then he noticed the burning hall. God had used him as a conduit for their power, and in turn saved him. God was mysterious, and kept him from knowing what they truly did. That made sense to him.

His revelation came short however as he suddenly got a feeling of danger. They were all in danger. Where was the Avatar of God? He had to warn him.


Samael ran through the temple towards Kain’s location. Upon reaching him, through his deep breaths he did as he thought was necessary and warned him. “We gotta go now. I don’t know what is going on, all I know is God is angry, and if we don’t go now we are all going to die.” He finishes while gesturing to everyone around.

(Powers Used:
Force Sense - 3)

GM's NOTE: Samael's Force Sense rolls 16 + 13 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 13 + 1 allows Samael to know what direction Kain is in.

Tag: @Darth Kain @Catalyst @Undying Master Xiannarr
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IC: Sedriss Nathemus
Location: The Jungle, Verdanth

Everything Eva was saying about Kain and believed about him was utterly insane. The Beloved King of the Stars had only ever wanted to be the Galaxy’s hero, not its Destroyer. However, if what she said had any validity at all, it was cause for concern. In the mind of Nathemus, it had no validity. Perhaps in time those present here would find out the truth of his intentions.

"It is not our place to question the mental faculties of Kain," the Sedriss stated to the rest. "We were sent here on a mission and that is what we will do. The True Sith will never be extinct, no matter how hard we try to make it so. Just as the Order of the Sith Lords were not extinct after Ruusan. Our kind persists."

Nathemus stepped forward towards the opening of the cave system. His Shadow Guards were all flanked around him. Volacius told the other troops not to go forward without his signal, and he was right. Everyone had a bad feeling about this. Was it even worth it? What information could Nephthys even provide? It didn't matter. She needed to be taken in. "It's time to descend. Catalyst, Volacius, Eva, Guards, Troopers. I need you all with me. Let's go."

TAG: @Darth Kain @Catalyst @Volacius

IC: Grand Master Kei Durron
Location: Jedi Temple, Tython

The Grand Master's initial telepathic broadcast and summoning of the Wall could not have gone better. His power was a wellspring in the Light of Life. No darkness could ever put it out, for he feared no evildoers.

It was quite clear now that any Dark presence remaining in the Temple would have to leave now or be forced to lose their power, potentially forever. The Wall was the ultimate antithesis to the Dark Side. Even the likes of Lord Sidious could not stand against its grand power. The Grand Master held strong. Those he had merged senses with were stern and focused on his grand defense. All held the greatest hope in their savior this day.

Durron's eyes, heart, and mind were laser focused. His Wall of Light had been summoned, and now it had to be enacted. He poured every last ounce of his strength into it, and the Avatar of the Light and his Jedi Order would win this day.

Powers used:
Force Potency: 5 (continued)
Wall of Light (two turn power, second phase): 10

TAG: @Darth Kain @Undying Master Xiannarr @Catalyst @Hadzuska_The Jester
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IC: Cal Vastrom
The Howling Hawkbat. Nar Shaddaa

His blade found its mark. It sliced straight through ‘Sho’, and the venerable Kel-Dor’s body crumpled to the floor in a heap. He was dead.

No…he was already dead. I simply destroyed the vessel that thing that killed him was using to hide inside.

Speaking of the Shadow Being that had been residing inside Sho Temm, it did not vanish. It remained.


It lashed out at Cal with its power, but the barrier placed around him protected him from it once more. And now, Cal had the chance to strike, to banish this personification of evil from this place once and for all-


And then, the darkness came. His mind began to burn, and images crept into his mind, images of death, of destruction, of the end of everything. But this was not a trick of the shadow beings. No, for the voice that had spoken before the darkness had come was that of the Sith Empress. If her intention had been to aid those non-shadow beings in the room…it had gone about as well as that feast on Korriban had supposedly gone the day the True Sith invaded. The Shadow Beings seemed unaffected, whilst several of the other attendees began to scream and seemingly lose their minds, wracked with fear.

“STOP THIS! STOP THIS BEFORE YOU GET US ALL KILLED!” Cal shouted towards Hesper, before turning back to the Shadow Being that stood before him, still trying to break the barrier that protected Cal.

“And as for you. You should have escaped when you had the chance. This…this is for Sho.” Cal said, and then he raised his hands, summoning the power of the light side of the Force to his fingertips, and them directing that power directly towards the Shadow Being that lay before him.

“Go back to whatever hell you crawled out of!” Cal roared as the power of Force Light was brought to bear on the being before him.

Power Used- Force Light- 4

TAG: @Darth Kain, @corinthia, @Darth Voxyn, @Voidwalker, @skira, @Helkosh, @Dark Lady Makaria
IC: Khatt Douw.
Eye of Typhojem

Live the lie then, child of Yun-Yuuzhan.
And die with it.
The words washed over Khatt, smothering her with malicious might. It slithered down her throat, filling her lungs with death and darkness. Shentha was dead. She was dead. As if from

It seems we are getting to know each other better. And things are seemingly different now.
But the falsehood is clear. And the Falsehood must perish. It has already shown its face to be false, so you may tear it off.
I will. But…

You need my Light. And you shall have it. And you shall incinerate all that stands in Our way.

The darkness in her lungs boiled over golden flame, pouring gilded vapor from every pore of her body. And in the golden light she saw the Golden Truth.

Yes. All that there is originates from the Singularity that ties all life together, from which I incarnated. I have seen things no other being can imagine. The information within my mind, Our mind, is far beyond anything a normal mind can comprehend. And all of it will be One again. Take this power of mine, drawn from all of existence, this golden flame of the Chaos that is life. Burn all before you, take upon yourself this burden. Incinerate all that divides and distinguishes, and all will be One within Us.

She leapt for the Falsehood, both hands glistening with fiery gold, to seize its face in an inescapable hold. To find her way into its mind and tear it apart.

May All be One.
May All be One.

(Powers used: Memory Walk > 4. Summon Fear > 4.)

(TAG: @Darth Kain, @Drakul_Xarxes)
IC- Darth Arach
The Tsushima

Arach watched silently as her demon and the group of soldiers and engineers did as she instructed. The tension in her chest eased at the soldier’s all clear, but it creeped back at the mention of yet more blood behind the counter. She began quietly pacing the edge of the lounge, careful not to disturb the splashes of blood.

The pressure in her chest grew into an ache that was sharp enough to cause a slight hitch in her breathing. She placed a hand on her ribs to ease the pain.

It wasn’t the sight of blood that disturbed her, by now she was more than used to it. No, what disturbed her was the amount coupled by the fact that there weren’t any bodies. Not in here anyway. She eyed the blood, passively looking for a trail as Vaer remarked on the lack of corpses.

As the engineer fiddled with the power and began mumbling the different areas, Arach’s head snapped up as he mentioned the ventilators. “No! Wait-“ she tried to warn, but it was too late.

Immediately, the lights red and alarms began to wail. And an automated voice sounded from the speakers. “WARNING: HAZARDOUS ANOMALY DETECTED. QUARANTINE ACTIVATED.”

“Oh, kriff,” she mumbled, her voice betraying a hint of her fear. She lifted her head toward the vents above them, dimly aware of Vaer questioning the Twi’lek.

Her gaze flickered to her demon when he returned and announced they were coming. She was about to ask him who “they” were, but the horrific sound fast approaching the team caused her question to die in her throat. She instinctively lowered her body in a defensive stance just as the soldier near the Twi’lek was torn apart. The assassin winced and took a few steps back from the nightmarish creature’s cry.

Arach felt her blood run cold at the sight of more jumping through the wall and from the ceiling. Keeping her gaze on the creatures in front of her, she commanded her demon. “Demon, don’t allow any more of these things in!” Next, she addressed the nearby Dark Lord, “Vaer, do you know what these are?”

As she waited for a response, she raised a hand and imagined the things being torn apart. As a contingency, she grabbed her lightsaber with her free hand and held the unignited hilt by her side.

Powers Used:
Force Rend- 4

Tags: @Darth Kain, @Darth Voxyn
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IC: Darth Vitani
The Tsushima

Alarms filled the air around her, its flashing red lights and blaring noise accompanied by an automated message warning of a hazardous anomaly. She began to walk towards the doorway at the end of the hall that the others had gone through when more noise filled the air, this one a cacophony of clicks, hisses, and cracking. Something was coming, and she didn’t like that she didn’t know what it was. Before she could quicken her step to get to the doorway sooner, a creature burst through the wall near her, an abomination stood there now, a disturbing golem of flesh and bone. Jumping back away from it, Vitani quickly drew her sonic pistol, aimed, and fired it at the creature's chest. She didn’t know what this creature was and she wasn’t going to get close without hurting it some first.

TAG: @Darth Kain @Arach
IC Catalyst

Catalyst couldn’t stop his smirk as Volacius and Nathemus extended their greetings to Eva. Their single-minded dedication, though a flaw in his eyes, was potentially admirable, even if misguided according to Eva. His grin disappeared though at the mention of Abbadon, and why exactly she wasn’t at the summit that Kain had called together. It was no wonder that he lashed out at Catalyst for mentioning her when they shared their private conversation, if that was what had happened. His mind wandered to Apollyon. His feelings surrounding her were complicated, to say the least. He often wondered if he had made the right decision to leave the Sith behind if it meant leaving her too.

It didn’t matter any more.

Catalyst watched Volacius verbally tear into his trooper while Nathemus marched on towards the cave, and took this opportunity to lean closer to Eva, speaking quietly so as not to be overheard. “I still think we need to get off this planet. Volacius and Nathemus are, to put it bluntly, obsequious and will follow Kain’s every word without a second thought. If what you say is true, then I would like to help you stop him.” He paused, looking down at the ground. “The Kain I knew died ten years ago. I don't want to lose you because he wouldn't stay dead.”

TAG: @Darth Kain, @Darth Nathemus, @Volacius

IC Brooke
Jedi Temple, Tython

Brooke faltered momentarily. The offer for help from Keldro went largely ignored, though she did appreciate the gesture. No, at this moment her focus was solely on Kain and Apollo. The boy was silent, nearly unmoving in her arms. While his Force aura remained strong, she was unsure how long that would last with his current injury.

Kain was very intent on getting them to leave. Brooke sensed the fiery portal open nearby, but could not fathom where it would send them. She wanted to trust Kain, but it was difficult to see his true intentions. Her mind flashed back, all those years ago when they had first met. A scared teen, and the hopeful Acolyte of the Sith that took her away. Tears began to stain the wrappings around her eye sockets as she stared at him. This wasn't the same man who protected her after her found family had been killed and scattered. He may have been in there somewhere, but what she saw now was a twisted and corrupted version of the man she trusted, as if being peered through the turbulent refraction of a moving body of water.

"I-" Brooke's voice caught in her throat. She looked into the portal, a guaranteed way to free herself from this hellscape. She wasn't fit to pilot a ship. Even with all the time she spent aboard the Tranquility, they never taught her to steer the thing, let alone how to operate things like the hyperdrive or weapons. She would need someone to take her away, as always. Her mind flitted between the possibilities, before settling on a more direct approach to her dilemma.

"Why is Apollo afraid of you?" Brooke's voice was clear, and resolute. It was one of the only constants that she was certain of. Apollo was terrified of his father, just as Eva had been when Brooke first found her. Her protectiveness as well as her own past trauma began bubbling to the surface, as she probed with the Force to ensure the veracity of whatever Kain said next. "What did you do to him?"

TAG: @Darth Kain, @Undying Master Xiannarr

Powers used:
Truth Sense (2)
Ic: Keldro Unmar
Jedi Temple- Tython

Keldro felt surge of force flow through him, he couldn’t help the small smile that touched his lips. It was short lived, ice flooded his veins as he caught the eye of Kain. He had been on the receiving end of hateful stares before, they all paled in comparison to this. This made him want to avert his gaze and run, and never stop running. Still he stood his ground, he returned Kains gaze with hard eyes.

“There is nowhere in the galaxy he is safer than he is with me.”
Keldros' eyes softened. If what he said rang true, then Apollo could be in considerable danger. He would follow this boy, as far as it took, to keep him safe. Even if that meant abandoning the temple in its time of need

It started as a tug in the core of his gut , an unscratchable itch, an incurable urge. The voice of the Grandmaster filled his mind.
"Jedi, we must all combine our efforts to expel these dark invaders from our home. Their taint will affect us no longer. For the Light always outshines the Darkness! Focus your abilities, focus your mind, and focus your heart on the purest expression of the Light and join me in erecting a Wall!"

Keldro gave in , he allowed the potent force stored with in him to flow freely, outward to wherever Grandmaster Durron needed it to be.

And with a glance back at Thala, his mind pressed outward, his thoughts urging her to run, to find Durron and repel these invaders. He could not say with certainty what would happen next, would Brooke step through the portal?, would she run and take Apollo.

Instead she spoke, hesitantly at first, but then with more confidence. She pressed Apollos father, seeking to know why the boy was terrified of him. This could end badly. The man before them didn’t seem in the best of moods, and no one likes to be accused of things.

Still, Keldro couldn’t help but be inspired, so he fired off his own question,

“What makes you any less dangerous than the ones you claim seek to hurt the boys”

Powers used
Force Potency- 3 (not reused but continued - will this affect sending energy to Durron)
Telepathy -1

Tags: @Catalyst, @Darth Kain , @Darth Nathemus , @Hadzuska_The Jester
IC: Lady Kolasi
Aboard the Tsushima

Kolasi’s mind was still racing, the distant sound of alarms merging with the faint noises she could hear from her husband, that of yelling and panicking. His emotions overwhelmed her own, and her cheeks flushed as she looked back from where they came from.

We…” She paused, her voice shaking as she attempted to speak to them all. She cleared her throat, and took a deep breath in as she collected herself.

Yes, the soldiers can sift through these things for a second. After they do, we should continue on. I’m sure Lord Vaer and the others can handle whatever they’ve found. Unless any of you disagree,” She eyed Lord Eschaton, his strange voice not falling on deaf ears. Even in her panicked thoughts, he still managed to send a chill down her spine.

I don’t know if we’d make it in time to be of any use to him, and as much as I’d enjoy gracing him with my presence, I doubt he’d like it if I had to rescue him again from something.”

But her mind still wondered. What had they found? Or rather, who? She reached out with her senses, attempting to see what was happening to them. And, she supposed, get a better idea of what would be coming for them.

Powers Used:
Farsight - 4

Tags: @Arach , @Drakul_Xarxes , @Cardun Vrek , @Darth Voxyn , @Zareel Jhenan´doka , @Darth Kain
IC: Dark Lady Makaria
The Howling Hawkbat, Nar Shaddaa

The doors were open, but Makaria could hardly bask in her triumph before the Imperatrix had lost her temper. She couldn't blame her, not really, but the effects ripped through the room. Several dropped, gibbering and maddened.

Makaria hit the ground, curling into herself instinctively, hands on head, nose almost pushed into the floor with her agony as her head pounded with the side effects of the Imperatrix's power. Gritting her teeth, Makaria forced herself up, up on her feet, certain she couldn't take another hit.

"Majesty, the doors are open! We need to leave!" Makaria called, hoping that a familiar voice and directions would pull the Empress away from her thoughts. This cantina had become a slaughterhouse and Makaria wanted nothing more than to escape and retreat to their ships and regroup.

TAGS: @corinthia, @Voidwalker, @Helkosh, @Darth Voxyn, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Kain, @skira
IC: Mardinga
Location: Pyxis Hanger

'So this is how you repay help.'

Mardinga thought incredulously as he slammed to the ground.

'Fine, two can play that game.'

From his sitting position Mardinga aimed a force push of his own at those in front of him. Hopefully he could push the zombies on top of the knight who apparently had no interest in their mutual survival.

'Kriff you!'

The thought nearly screaming in his mind as he shoved with everything in him. His next move was to stand up. He truly hated this situation he found them in.

As hatred began to build in him once again his eyes began to burn. This time he hoped it gave him some sort of helpful information. Getting out of here was the most important thing right now.

He glanced at Mihi to see if she was ok for an instant before turning his attention back to the scene before him.

Powers Used
Force Push 1
Shatterpoint 1

Tags: @Darth Kain, @Mihi Gaudens @Sharkish’Ki
IC: Voidwalker and Voxyn
The Howling Hawkbat, Nar Shaddaa

The force had done as it was asked, Derrik was healed at Voidwalkers expense, and Voxyn had managed to undo the damage the shadow being had done to him. At least… it had worked. As soon as Voxyn had felt his injuries mend, he was hit by it. His heart raced through an irregular beat, and pain shot through his head and body as he heard strange whispers in his ears and strange images flashed through his mind. He recognized it, someone had decided to unleash Waves of Darkness onto the room. As the pain continued, he persisted with his efforts to heal himself, he wasn’t going to let himself go down from this.

Shallow ragged breaths, cracking bones within his chest, and constant pain elevating to a crescendo like a hard jizz riff. This is what told Voidwalker that he still lived. The pain growing with every lift and fall of his chest was the encrypted code his body delivered, like a distress call from a damaged ship. But the pain in his chest was only part of the issue, the attack on his mind was torment.

The dark energy washing over him, his mind pleading with his body to escape. He needed to be away from this darkness, to get away at all costs, but that wasn't a possibility now. His body had sustained too much damage, there was nothing he could do to physically escape this place. At least not until his body started to heal itself. His mind felt as if it would shatter, but luckily for Voidwalker, living with a once shattered mind meant he had a way to escape the aggressive mental anguish. All he had to do was focus, focus on the horrible images he'd once been cursed with from that plague. Or there were the parts of his mind that his subconscious found itself locked away in when the demon would take control. Granted that now seemed so long ago, long before it had been exercised from his body, and even longer before he'd learned to control the beast.

Luckily for Voidwalker, knowing the depths of his once fractured mind proved useful, he was able to escape the mental torment the dark waves had brought. At least for a time. Now he just needed a way to escape further damage to his body. He had to find a way to shield himself long enough, but time wasn't something that he had much of.

"Voxyn…" Voidwalker said through gritted teeth. "If… if your offer to help still stands…t-to help me," every breath with every word spoken causing the cursed champion more pain as he tried to speak.

Damnit Voidwalker, keep it together! Remember what's at stake here. If these things run rampant through the Galaxy then Arach and Scarlett are both in danger! I have to live, I'll be damned if my family becomes targets. I refuse to die here because of these bastards or because of Hesper!

Voidwalker's hatred had been renewed at the thought of danger befallen his family. He refused to let the pain overtake him, the pain and hatred now acting as a beacon to channel his focus and helping him continue to press on. For how long he could hold out he didn't know but he was determined to do all that he could to keep himself alive for the sake of his wife and daughter.

"I need your help Voxyn, I need you to help heal me. My body is doing what it can but it needs a boost."

Voidwalkers words sounded like they were spoken through significant pain, either the Waves of Darkness had hit him harder than it had Voxyn or something else had injured Voidwalker that Voxyn hadn't seen. Either way, Voxyn needed Voidwalker alive if he was going to get through this himself. Reaching out with his other hand he placed it on Voidwalker and tried to extend his healing to him through the pain.

"I will try.." he began to speak through the pain. "But I think we are going to need more cover incase… In case someone tries another indiscriminate attack like that."

"I thought you were the one supposed to be helping me." Voidwalker shot back jokingly, trying to not focus on the pain.

Despite the pain Voxyn couldn't help but laugh at Voidwalkers joking retort. "I'm miraculously beautiful Voidwalker, not a miracle worker." He replied as he tried harder to focus on healing the two of them.

"Just keep me alive, and I'll figure out how to cover us."

Voidwalker looked about trying to find anything he could use to shield the two of them from any further attacks, but the perpetual darkness made seeing much of anything almost impossible. He could try and retrieve the body of the dead Beast Rider and use it as a shield. But a body was still made of soft material and an attack could blast through it. Then another idea came to him, the table. They could potentially use the table itself to further shield them from any attack that came towards them from the direction of the doors. The only problem there was that the legs of the table were on the other side of Voxyn, and he needed Voxyn to stay close to heal him. It seemed as if none of the obvious present solutions were actual solutions. There had to be something else, but what?

The only thing they had access to was the floor, but even working together, the two of them wouldn't be able to rip the floorboards up and build a barrier around them. Then it occurred to him, the answer WAS the floor.

"Alright Voxyn, hold on! I'm gonna try and get us that coverage right now!"

Voidwalker rested his palms on the floor, struggling to push his energy into the wooden floor beneath the two of them. He focused on what he desired to occur, in his third eye he could see the barrier rising up from the boards to cover him and Voxyn. Just like all those years ago in those damned tunnels when he formed a wall out of rock and ground. This was the best coverage they could hope for to cover all their sides and protect them for as long as possible.

Powers Used:
Darkside Healing - 4
Alter Environment - 5

TAG: @Darth Kain, @corinthia, @Helkosh, @Cardun Vrek, @Dark Lady Makaria, @skira
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IC: Lord Huskac
The Howling Hawkbat, Nar Shaddaa
"Wouldn't you rather die on your own feet than drown in some cantina?" - Galen Marek

Lord Huskac scarcely had time to react to the burn-like recoil his attempt to drain the Shadow Beings incurred on him before a swell of blackish energy engulfed the room, its source none other than Imperatrix Hesper of the Final Sith Order. Blindsided, Huskac roared like a wounded animal and collapsed to his knees atop the table, grasping his face in agony as he fell. What fresh hell was this torment, he bemoaned silently, as misery and suffering spasmed through his body in violent pangs, an almost overwhelming sense of fear overtaking him while every nerve in his body screamed at him to run far, far away from here.

"Space...", the lone Emperor muttered to himself, his voice hardly more than a wheeze. "I need... space."

Gathering the Force around himself once more as he struggled to stand, Huskac attempted to form a new protection bubble all around his body, to protect and conceal him from further attack. He gritted his teeth and allowed himself to feel all of the physical and mental anguish afflicting him, adrenaline fading away through conscious will. He began focusing and channeling that pain into a smoldering, productive rage, commanding the Force to bend to his desire and condense the air surrounding Huskac and his bubble, forming a critical mass crackling with pressure and lightning. "AAAAAAAAAAARGH!", he shouted hoarsely as he released his hold, angrily exploding the ball of energy he'd amassed outward in all directions.

Powers Used:
Force Maelstrom 5
{NOTE: Attempting to form the protection bubble is part of attempting to form the Force Maelstrom, not its own power in this instance.}

TAGs: @corinthia, @Voidwalker, @Darth Voxyn, @Cardun Vrek, @Dark Lady Makaria, @skira, @Darth Kain

IC: Kain, the Beloved King of the Stars
The Jedi Temple, Tython

“Why is Apollo afraid of you?” she asked. “What did you do to him?”

Kain’s brow furrowed. “Brooke, I’ve never even had the chance to meet my son. I’ve done nothing to him.”

“What makes you any less dangerous than the ones you claim seek to hurt the boy?”
the Jedi demanded.

“Because I’m not trying to kill him!” Kain exclaimed. “I am trying to save his life and yours. I can be interrogated later!”

Brooke’s senses of the truth felt vague and questionable, but what few signs she had pointed to him speaking the truth in what little he had said. She could trust her senses, and him, but only if that sliver of doubt was not enough to wedge into her mind.

Thala, on the other hand, felt the message of Keldro just as vaguely as Brooke’s sense of the truth. The desire to flee to the Jedi Grandmaster’s side hit her, but she was too preoccupied. Just as Keldro was, she was lending the Jedi Order her strength, casting what little power in the Force toward the greater whole. Charity given physical manifest.

Swiftly, Samael joined the group, his purpose to warn Kain and the others of the imminent threat already known to the Beloved King. Yet, as they wasted precious moments in discussion, the need for action became increasingly urgent. Kain had offered Brooke a choice, but her hesitation threatened dire consequences. In the coming moments, Kain's ethereal projection would fade, Samael would fall lifeless to the floor, and Apollo himself might be consumed by peril. No. Such an outcome would not be allowed to pass.

"There is no time," he declared, his voice resolute as he gestured with a sweeping hand. Brooke, clutching Apollo tightly, was propelled backward through the fiery portal. Samael was sent hurtling, soaring just above Brooke's head, yet landing with an uncanny gentleness, as if guided by an invisible hand. Kain's gaze then fell upon the two Jedi who remained on this side of the portal. Fleetingly, a thought flitted through his mind—a temptation to reduce them to ashes, to leave no trace of their demise at his hands. Surely, he had the power to do so.

But that would be murder without cause. He had to rise above such base impulses, especially in this critical moment.

"I shall return," Kain promised, before his form vanished into the ethereal abyss. Keldro and Thala stood alone in the hall now, the portal to Hastur sealed. A few undead creatures, drawn by the commotion, stumbled toward them, seeking another taste of living flesh. Yet, unbeknownst to them, the Jedi Order had already been saved.


With the combined might of every Jedi present within the temple's hallowed grounds, a surge of radiant light began to coalesce—a tidal wave of divine energy, pulsating with the power of righteousness in the universe. The wave swelled, transforming into a tsunami of luminescence that burst forth, permeating the walls, corridors, rooms, and chambers. Every dark entity dwelling within the temple, and even beyond its sacred confines, was erased from existence, their malevolent energies purged by the indifferent brilliance of holy light. The undead horde crumbled, their strings severed, while the portals that once served as conduits for their sinister power were sealed shut.

The Jedi Temple of Tython stood redeemed.

At least, so long as they got that fire put out. It was spreading quickly, fast enough that even Grandmaster Durron would know of it now, as the smell of smoke could be smelled and the crackle of flames could be heard. Although a lesser problem compared to the one just surmounted, it demanded their immediate attention.

Meanwhile, on the world of Hastur, Brooke and Samael found themselves standing within the resplendent throne room of the Beloved King of the Stars. Its construction had reached completion, an awe-inspiring testament to craftsmanship. Samael beheld the throne of flames, a sight familiar to him, but now his gaze also fell upon the intricately woven tapestries adorning the columns and the vivid murals depicting the prophecies of the Hasturan people. Braziers alight with crimson flame did not reflect off of the darkened floor.

For Brooke, the ambiance emanated power—a manifestation of Kain's might. It reeked of his influence, his dominion.

And of course, things weren’t being helped with him standing just before them.

Kain breathed heavily, looking at them all. Apollo was clutching onto Brooke, terrified. He’d never been anywhere so scary looking.

“Eva,” Kain began, his voice tinged with a mix of understanding and compassion, “she is only doing what she thinks is right. I do not hate her for it. She is still my daughter.” He stepped closer. “There are entities known throughout history as Shadow Beings, creatures without solid form that serve an even greater entity known as the Father of Shadows. I once surmised this to be an alias of Typhojem, but it is clear now that this thing is something far greater, something that we will never face directly. But he has declared war with our galaxy after Typhojem’s destruction, and he knows that we are a threat, that I am a threat.

“The Shadow Beings are deceivers. That is their nature. They can possess beings, consume their bodies, and act as them. They can also manipulate visions of the Force. And that’s what they’ve done with Eva and Hesper, and everyone else that I need by my side for the coming conflict. They’re trying to isolate me, because they know that if I am out of the picture, they can lead the charge for the invasion force of Ooradryl and his brood. But I will not let that happen.I will not allow these forces of darkness to rob me of everything."

Kain knelt upon the floor, his tone earnest. "Please, Brooke. Grant me the chance to be the father fate has thus far denied me. Let me disprove Eva's visions."

@Catalyst, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Darth Nathemus, @Undying Master Xiannarr

OOC: Brooke’s Truth Sense rolls a natural 20, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 8 - 2 allows her to get the sense that Kain is telling the truth, though that feeling is vague and possibly questionable.

Keldro’s usage of Telepathy rolls 11 + 10 + 5, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 4 + 2 gives Thala the vague impression that she should regroup with the Jedi Grandmaster.

Kain’s Force Push to Brooke, Apollo, and Samael rolls 17 + 25 + 10, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 18 + 10 easily sends the three of them through the portal.

It is time to roll for the damage in Kei Durron’s Wall of Light. 10d10 are rolled for Light Damage, rolling 10 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 10 + 10. That totals 65 Light Damage, and had Kain and Samael remained within the Temple, they would have both perished (or rather, Kain’s Phantom would have). Every single undead within the Jedi Temple of Tython has been purged from existence, and their reflective portals have been cut off. The Jedi Temple has been saved.


IC: Darth Vaer

Flight Lounge, The Tsushima


Chaos ensued.

The smoke demon of Arach obeyed his master, seeping into the vents and performing unseen against these terrors of flesh and bone. Then the pair of creatures before her, ready to tear her limb from limb, were torn apart themselves. They were violently bisected, split vertically with a sickening severance that spilled inky rivulets of ebony gore upon the floor. Their anguished cries, a cacophony of exquisite horror, echoed through the chamber as their writhing halves persisted, still twitching in macabre defiance.

Her inquiry to Vaer earned naught but a fleeting sideways glance from the Dark Lord, as another monstrous apparition burst forth from the wall he faced. A single-handed arc of Vaer's sapphire-hued blade found its mark, cleaving through the creature's chest with unnerving ease, parting the malformed flesh like a butcher's blade through rancid meat. Yet such a strike proved futile in halting the abomination's advance. Swift as a beast of prey, it lunged forth, its skeletal appendages poised to pierce Vaer's throat. But the Dark Lord was quick on his feet, ducking beneath the intended blow.

Vitani was having similar luck to Lord Vaer. Her sonic pistol delivered a well-aimed blast, striking the abomination squarely in its chest. Yet, to her disbelief, the creature appeared unfazed, an embodiment of indifference. It surged towards her, its bony protrusions aiming to impale her fragile form. But with nimble dexterity, she managed to evade the lethal assault, evading the impending doom by a hair's breadth.

No others seemed to be breaching the walls or ceiling, perhaps thanks to the work of the Smoke Demon. If they could focus on destroying these last three, as another was trying to reach the Twi’lek engineer behind the counter, they could call themselves safe. For the moment. Yet that respite remained a distant mirage, a cherished moment of sanctuary that lay beyond their reach.

TAGS: @Arach, @Darth Voxyn

OOC: Arach’s Force Rend rolls 19 + 21 + 10, succeeding. 4d8 of Sharp Damage is rolled, rolling 5 + 2 + 4 + 5. She successfully tears the pair of Necromorphs apart, reducing their HP to 0. As she described them as being torn vertically in half, they are still moving but possess no real threat.

Vaer’s slash with Makashi rolls 12 + 19 + 5, succeeding. 4d10 are rolled for Plasma Damage, rolling 2 + 2 + 10 + 5. The Necromorph’s HP is reduced to 0, but it is still moving.

The Necromorph attacking Vaer rolls 11 + 8 + 5, failing to overcome Vaer’s DC. It misses its swing.

Vitani’s use of her sonic pistol rolls 7 + 17 + 6, succeeding. 1d8 of Blunt Damage rolls a 2. The Necromorph’s HP is reduced to 13.

The Necromorph attacking Vitani rolls 12 + 8 + 5, also failing to overcome Vitani’s DC. It misses.

The Smoke Demon’s performance at keeping the Necromorphs from entering the room rolls a 17, which I will arbitrate as being enough to do so successfully.


IC: Kain, the Beloved King of the Stars

Mindscapes of the Gatekeeper

One cannot comprehend the suffering of a creature such as that the one that guards the knowledge of the Left-Handed God. Yet Lord Xarxes and Khatt Douw, driven by their hatred, dared to venture forth.

Their telepathic onslaught against the Shades of those they loved proved dreadfully potent, exploiting the enfeebled state of the Gatekeeper. The Shade of Alcina fell to her knees, and though still taller than any normal man in such a state, the simulacra’s vulnerability was absolute. Her counterfeit form, stripped of all defenses, emitted an aura of unmitigated anguish. Xarxes would know that he was nearly free from the Gatekeeper’s grasp.

The same could be said for the Shade of the Jen’nu, who had fallen from its elevated plane and landed in a heap upon the floor of the void. This deceitful deity teetered on the precipice of its ultimate demise. Khatt needed but a single blow to administer judgment for such a grave transgression.

Yet, in an eerie chorus that transcended the psychic landscapes, resonating through the various Shades, from Alcina's subservient posture to the fallen Jen'nu and the shackled Abaddon, a solitary voice emerged.

“Halt,” it said. This was not an imitation of a loved one any longer. That was the voice of the Gatekeeper itself, in its truest form. The one that Xarxes and Kain would recognize from their frequent visits to this holocron’s arcane archives. “Your willpower has proven steadfast. You may proceed.”

The veiled voids that had confined each entity vanished, giving way to an infinite, communal existence amidst the cosmic tapestry of the Realm Beyond Shadows. Reunited once more, emancipated from the illusory grip of the Gatekeeper, they stood poised to embark on their destined quest.

“Xarxes,” said Kain. “Let’s get this over with. Find them.”


TAGS: @Darth Drakul Xarxes, @Jen’nu

OOC: Xarxes’ Memory Walk rolls 12 + 20 + 10, successfully overcoming the Shade of Alcina’s reduced DC. 4d8 of Psychic Damage rolls 5 + 8 + 6 + 8, reducing the Shade’s HP to 13.

Khatt’s Memory Walk rolls 13 + 19 + 5, also successfully overcoming the Shade of the Jen’nu’s reduced DC. 4d8 of Psychic Damage rolls 5 + 2 + 1 + 6, reducing the Shade’s HP to 11.

Her usage of Summon Fear then rolls 4 + 19 + 5, succeeding. Another 4d6 of Psychic Damage is rolled, rolling 2 + 1 + 2 + 3. The Shade of the Jen’nu has its HP further reduced to 6.

The Gatekeeper releases the trio from their mindscapes to prevent its own destruction.


IC: Eva

The Jungle, Verdanth

Conflict consumed her. She had come here to save Catalyst. That had been the whole of it. But the words of Nathemus and Volacius resonated, stirring memories of the war against the True Sith, a conflict in which she, even as a child, played a part. Could it be that the True Sith had survived in significant numbers, posing a genuine threat? Were they truly willing to join forces to bring about the destruction of the galaxy, as countless Sith factions had done throughout history? If that was true, then she couldn’t just stand idly by and let them succeed.

But she had come here for Catalyst. And her visions showed him trying to fight this True Sith and losing. Was the one that resided here, this vile creature named Nephthys, really so powerful that she could destroy them all? Even with Eva’s aid?

Only one thing would decide Eva’s choice now, as she could not do it herself. She took a breath, intaking the humid air of Verdanth and burying her mind deep within the Force. Her thoughts drifted to leaving this damned planet with Catalyst, taking one of these shuttles and flying back to Tython. And then the Force began to guide her thoughts back to Verdanth, the future opening within her mind’s eye. She watched as Nathemus, Volacius, and their soldiers and guards ventured deep into the ground. She looked on as they were ambushed. Volacius was slain by an undead warrior, a massive brute that took hold of Volacius’ skull and crushed it like an egg, the yolk being Mirialan blood. Nathemus was beaten down and taken to Nephthys, where she used his undying hatred to keep him alive, to twist him and corrupt him. She watched as Nathemus returned home to his wife and child, who he would brutally murder in service of his new queen.

Her eyes opened upon hearing Volacius question his trooper. The man in question stammered, obviously terrified of the Wrath of Kain. “I-it was you, my lord. It was your voice over our comm link. Was… are the True Sith able to do that? To mess with comms?”

“I wouldn’t doubt it,”
said Eva. She then turned to the Sith Lords, sighing, “I don't want to accompany you all on this suicide mission, but my intuition tells me that if I don’t, you all will die. And maybe me coming along just means I’ll die too, but…” She shook her head, resolve etched upon her features. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to stand idly by and let you all suffer. It’s not in my nature.” Her head inclined to Catalyst. “No matter how hard I try.”

@Darth Nathemus, @Volacius, @Catalyst

OOC: Eva’s Farsight rolls a 10 + 16 + 5, successfully providing her a vision. An Effect Modifier of 14 + 2 allows her to see the future if she lets Volacius and Nathemus try to capture Nephthys without her and Catalyst.
IC: Darth Drakul Xarxes
The Void


Cerulean mist curled around the sweating Patriarch as the empty air opened into a speckled abyss. The figure of his beloved was gone, melted into the wraithlike form of the Gatekeeper, who vanished as quickly as he appeared. The cobalt light around Xarxes coalesced into midnight robes, the hood covering his face, hiding the tears welling in his eyes. He'd won the mental struggle, but at what cost? Though he'd bested the Gatekeeper before, this had been different. A side of him he loathed, the terrible Drakul, had nearly taken over once more. The rage within him had begun to subside, but for how long?

Could the Beast be restrained, or would it prove his undoing? How much of himself would he have to destroy to save those he held most dear?

A curt command from the Beloved King removed Xarxes from his malaised state. He shook off the psychic shackles of anxiety and turned, inclining his head slightly to Kain. "It will be but a moment. The Brothers respond poorly to demands, even from those they consider worthy of an audience. Permit me time to compose the proper message in their tongue."

The Patriarch raised his hands into the still air of the nothingness Beyond Shadows, his fingers leaving trails of inky mist in their wake as they wove through the starry midnight. His eyes closed for a moment; his head bowed as if in prayer.

Suddenly, his form went rigid, outstretched in exultation, and his eyes shot open. No longer were they merely golden, but both seemed to contain small suns within them, shining light upon the nothingness before him. His mouth began to seep black fog, and his figure radiated golden fire, the two elements coalescing around him, making him appear as a creature of fire and shadow. A dreaded voice, deeper than any either Kain or Khatt had heard from the Nightfather, echoed throughout all of Illathurion, incanting a solemn and ancient prayer altogether unfamiliar to the bystanders:

"M̵̡̝̬̂͝û̵̩͋̐̉l̴̺̃̍̎͜k̶̢͗̂͘r̶͈̒u̵̯̘͗̊̕ṫ̵̫̺͘,̵͍͉̾̑ͅ ̷̘̼͛̆Ḳ̶̿͛r̴̮̍̾a̸͙̠̞̐͂̾n̴̠͔̥̈̚k̵͇̜͑̚l̵̩̪̓͜û̷̦̎k̸̘̙̜̽̓,̷̝͔̱̃ ̷͇̆ă̸͙̚g̴̲̖̀ ̶̖͇̻̕b̴̙̤̋͂͜ī̴̠̄r̷̢͉̅ ̸̳͛ṟ̴̨̡̆̈́̒a̴͉̻̻̐̄̍d̸̖͖̰̄́̄!̷̡͙̔͊ ̸̯͊̒̅D̸̯́͒̈ṳ̶͇͐̏l̸͉̥̽̍g̷͕̼̤̊̉̓-̶̛̼̹͙b̴̤̎̑û̵̺̇͘r̸̝̈́ͅz̷̗͗͝k̶̙̑ẩ̵̞̯́l̷̜̣̪̅ ̴̧͙̲͋͝â̶̧̪̯̂̈́̚ ̴͔̈́m̷̛̗̣̔o̶͕͔̎͊̊͜z̶̫̃͗ ̷̖̍͂̃h̸̹̟̎û̵̢́͘-̷̧͚̓̔n̴̝̈́̈́͠ä̴̼̏́-̵̲̊̎s̴̙̩̭̿̚͝ḥ̷̤̏͋̉ű̸̻̗̘͗m̵̲̼̹͊s̴̟̳̉̋t̷̨̛̼̟a̴̢̟̼̍͠z̶̟̆!̸̞̯̄̔́ ̷͔̝̦̀̈́D̸͔͚͒͌͋ͅa̸̪̪̪̒͌k̶̪̖̜͗ ̵̧̫̣͋͝ḥ̶̌̏â̴̩̈́s̶̻̼͓̿-̷̦̐á̷̜l̸̡̠̜͂t̷̬̼͂̽̌ͅ,̴̬̚ ̷̖̩͛ã̷̯̠g̶͔̠̿̑ḥ̸͒͝ͅ ̵͚̺̥̄b̶͉̉ų̶̗̎l̷̮̦͘-̷̧̬͆̽á̸̫͍͆͜k̶̤̈͜͝ ̸͙͓̓͜e̸̼͔̅͠r̵̨̐̋g̵͇̓́̋͜ͅ ̸̦̇͑h̷̪͍̦̏á̸̭͓̺͗̚s̶̹̀͛-̵̹̾̋̍k̸̬̑̐̎ͅa̶͉̎̽̃ș̷͖̌̕̕k̴͙̲̂̍͝û̵̡͉̈́̓̂t̵̤͎̪̎͠ ̴̻͂́ê̴̞̺s̴̱̼̄ḩ̴͙̣̓̒͂ ̸̺̚h̷̺̣̣͐̆ũ̴̯̝̥m̷͉̋̂͝i̸̧̪͒ͅ!̶̹͌̅̿"*

TAGS: @Darth Kain @Jen'nu

*In the tongue of those who dwell Beyond Shadows, this translates to: "Mûlkrut, Kranklûk, ag bir rad! Dulg-bûrzkâl â moz hû-na-shumstaz! Dak has-alt, agh bul-ak erg has-kaskût esh humi!" In the common tongue, this roughly acts as a formal beseeching of an authority figure from a place of low status. The phrase Darth Xarxes intones here is roughly equivalent to an ancient prayer of the Zeffo, translated into Galactic Basic as: "Come, Brothers, now to me! Pierce the black sky and enter this place! We beseech thee, and ask your mercy on us in this hour!"
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IC Catalyst


Eva had made her choice. Even as Catalyst began slinking away towards Volacius's landing craft, he couldn't help but grimace and reconsider. He wanted to pull his hair out, dig his thumbs into his eyes, scream into the air, but his restraint managed to hold. He took a deep breath and placed a hand on Eva's shoulder. "I suppose since we're all here.."

Son of a bantha kriffing schutta. Catalyst called out to Nathemus, "Hold your step Nathemus; let's not just go marching in there. We can still salvage some of our tactical advantage if we approach stealthily. If someone were to create a bond with me through the Force, I can sneak in and provide reconnaissance while one of you watches my back."

Karking stoopa peedunkee. He turned to Volacius, interrupting any further berating towards his men. The troopers report had him concerned though, and there was only one solution in his mind that made sense. "Your army is a liability Volacius, and they won't be any help to us against a True Sith survivor." Catalyst was trying hard to hide his venom, and not talk down to the Miralian. He raised his voice again. "Same with your guardsmen, Nathemus. It'd be best to send them out of the system. There's no way of knowing how far the influence of Nephthys extends, but it's in our best interest to get those most susceptible to her tricks further away from us. Each of us will be easier for the rest to cover without having to worry about troops shooting us in the back." He leaned in close to Volacius with a wry smile. "I may not be an accomplished general like yourself, but I do happen to be an expert Jedi hunter. I hope that gives me some credence in planning this operation." He winked and pursed his lips in Volacius's face before walking towards cave that Nathemus was preparing to descend.

"Eva, I think the best place for you to be is with Nathemus," Catalyst spoke over his shoulder at her. "His sorcery is unmatched, and I trust you to make sure he goes the right way." He turned at the face of the tunnel to face the party. "If anyone has any suggestions, now is the time. Silence will be our friend in these caves." He looked between Nathemus and Volacius before his eyes settled on Eva. Tee-tocky choo...

TAG: @Darth Kain, @Darth Nathemus, @Volacius
IC: Empress Hesper, the Butcher of Coruscant
"Peace Summit" - Howling Hawkbat - Nar Shaddaa
She saw the lines as the black energy dissipated away from her hand:

Pandora. Voidwalker. The surviving Jedi. Herself. And every single shadow creature in the room.

Her upper lip curled into a cruel snarl, the venom she had infused into her words leaving a sour and bitter taste in her mouth. This summit had devolved into a bonafide shitshow, and those she had suspected to be key players were, in fact, the lynch pins holding this barely functioning farce together. And though the fault lines were clear, something even more concerning was taking place atop the table, something that had danced through her mind but moments before it occurred... That damnable "Emperor", the one whose lofty, spurious claims of royalty and power made Hesper bristle, was about to actually destroy them all.

"Did you not hear me?" She shouted over the din of Huskac's gathering storm. She turned her hand-- a simple rotation of her wrist-- and with the Force, she squeezed. And as she did so, she honed her desire to a spear-point, sharpening her will and knifing it through the aether. His outburst would fail. None would be harmed. And this man... needed... to die. "Enough!"

After, and only after, she would deal with those whose shatterpoints shimmered like fractured corusca gems, telltale signs that the course of this joke of a peace summit could be changed...

@Darth Kain, @Voidwalker , @Helkosh, @Darth Voxyn, @Cardun Vrek, @Dark Lady Makaria, @skira

GM's NOTE: Hesper's Precognition rolls 8 + 24 + 10, succeeding. An Effect Modifier of 16 + 9 gives Hesper a clear indicator of Huskac's impending Maelstrom.

Powers used:
Darksight - GODLIKE - 10
Force Crush - 5

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