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Cantina Kenobi's Cantina (IC)




It was a dark and stormy night, the sleeting rain cut like a lightsaber through the tarps outside the semi durasteel, semi stuccoed building that resided in the main entertainment district of Tython. Tubes, cables and pipes wound about wildly in random directions connecting the building to various functioning needs. High above the entrance a golden holo sign flashed brilliantly in unison with the lightning that tore through the sky. A low distant growl emanated from within the dark and low hanging clouds distracting those that looked up at the word “Kenobi’s” in crisp, neon Aurebesh; just below on the same holo band Kenobi’s blinked in Basic. Deep within the inner heart of the building, a dim and seedy environment to some, was a rounded bar, from its center a large pillar that blossomed into an overhang with more holo bars rotating like a glimmering crown. A few sections flickered as if the technology was on its last leg, yet it still projected the information of the current winnings of sports and gambling games. Spread around the bar were numerous round tables and hard booths, some tables topped with Dejarik, and an even larger table towards the far right depths of the cantina that hosted fresh rounds of Sabacc, hosted by a refurbished PROXY droid. The metal was rusted like the metal and a busted out podracer engine, the paint peeling and cracking in certain places. The bot had seen its days. The table itself was given life with the dull, bending, crusted playing cards that appeared to have been around since the cantina’s grand opening. The smell within, was a mix of strong alcohol, mixed with the scent of sweat and local delicacies that appeased to a number of different palates.


The privies were to the deep left, a long hallway leading to the kitchen, the delivery door, and the basement. A drunken player of Sabacc would find themselves wandering the even darker row taking note of the chipped, yet ornate golden frame of the late Jedi Master, General and namesake of the establishment cockeyed and hanging sloppy upon the wall. On the opposite wall just behind the shoulder of a large, burly man was a sign that read in both Basic and Aurebesh, and old sign by the looks of it, yet it checked out:

The Rules

  1. The first rule of Kenobi’s is: You do not talk about Kenobi’s.
  2. The second rule of Kenobi’s is: You DO NOT talk about Kenobi’s!
  3. No "Shaven" Wookiees or Ewoks allowed, as they cause too much trouble.
  4. Whomever destroys the Cantina shall pay for a new one
  5. To lay a finger on the "Jawa Juicer" is to bring about your own demise.
  6. Never challenge a statement spoken by the maker, or you will be banned from the cantina for three and a half minutes.
  8. You don’t know the power of the dark Side, at least, not ‘til you’ve had thirty-five reactor cores.

The man that blocked the sign in the current moment, was withdrawn and distant in his gaze; grimy sleeves rolled to his elbows, arms crossed about his stout chest. One arm mechanical and holding the tales of a bygone time. And a tale to tell he did. Yet he watched in earnest as the Mirilian female went about tending the various species and humanoids that entered the cantina. She seemed happy, yet he truly wondered if she was. Their history was a rather long one. Some would have called him her hero, yet he felt as if he had just done his duty. She was only an infant. As her father figure he wondered if he had made all the right choices, they had traveled far, rarely stopping for long periods of time in one particular place or another. This all may have been very true, but he was proud of her nonetheless. She caught him watching and flashed a small smile in his direction, yet it was the loud grunting and clicking coming from the Sabacc table. Despite the calm PROXY attempting to diffuse the situation the clicks and clucks grew louder, not many would understand, yet the man against the wall heard it as clear as basic, ‘SHAVIT ALL WINDTIDE!!! YOUR DROID IS A HUNK OF JUNK!’ There was another round of expletives and a couple upturned drinks as the man known as Wes Windtide made his way over to the table to calm the regular down.

As the situation was diffused and the patrons returned to their drinks an AI went about and cleared the tables, refilled beverages, and chatted up the customers. Her skin was nearly iridescent, her silver markers intricate and what should have been her hair was slicked back as stiff as a board. Her violet eyes glimmered in the dim lighting and the small shard of what appeared to be a crystal peeked from beneath her metal panel above her ear. Shandria Kallos, the woman at the bar called out, “Solari! 7 needs change!” Solari was on the command and as she made her way she passed the door as a stranger came in from the stormy weather beyond their sanctuary. She spoke in a pleasantly cheery tone.

“Welcome to Kenobi’s!”


A holo bot appears and pulls up the staff and their images:

Wes Windtide


Shandria Kallos




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IC: Jedi Master Chalcedony Isosi Kast

The hood of Isosi's poncho was pulled up to ward off at least some of the sleet that was pouring from the darkened sky by the bucketful. Kenobi's shone like a beacon through the dreariness, warm and full of life. She pushed through the door, shaking water and mud off her saber-cane, and threw back her hood. The bustling noise was music to her ears, and the multi-colored lights reflected on her skin with a lively cast. A smile spread across her sun-kissed face, and she approached the bar where the Mirialan Shandria was busying herself.

"Welcome to Kenobi's!" she called.

Isosi raised a hand in greeting, sidling up to an empty stool at the bar and sitting atop it. She rest her cane against the wall under the bar, and propped her elbows on the bartop. "Certainly is a sight for sore eyes in here, isn't it?" Isosi was grinning, her hazel eyes crinkling at the corners with mirth.

TAG: Anyone who's up for a drink!​
IC: Jedi Master Robal Krahl

Droplets of rain fell from the brown hood of the ancient human that stepped into the cantina. He moved slowly, more from calculation than age. He stood tall, withdrawing the hood to reveal a shock of white hair and an age-lined face. His eyes, however, were those of a young man; bright and alert, scanning the denizens of the establishment. He ventured forth, his gait slow and deliberate. A battered lightsaber hung at his left side, partially obscured by the edge of his robes. He offered a kindly smile to the woman behind the bar.

"Ah, Shandria! Always a pleasure, my dear. If I could trouble you for a Lomiin-ale, I would be most appreciative."

His voice was raspy, but warm and friendly. He took a seat on the stool next to Chalcedony Kast, resting his forearms upon the bar top. He accepted the Lomiin-ale from the Mirialan, nodding his thanks. He took a small drink, relishing the flavor, before turning to the other Jedi. His eyes flickered to the lightsaber cane resting against the wall, and the corner of his mouth quirked in amusement.

"One would think I'd be the one using that. Perhaps I should invest in one."

TAG: corinthia, anyone else who would like to join​
IC: Jarik Ziaen and Amira Iceay
Kenobi's Cantina

The two cloaked and hooded figures quickly ducked into the cantina avoiding the storm that began to pick up once again. The wind screeched like a banshee as its cry slipped through the doors as they hissed shut. The pair were chuckling softly about something, not drawing too much attention. It was rare the brother and sister were seen apart. Back in the day they would have been seen apart, training, in the library, or wherever their masters had them occupied. Yet, that was long ago. Much had changed and the two were inseparable since their brother had awoken them, their younger siblings and their mother from stasis. Kaden had felt a disturbance. Jarik had snorted, his brother was Sith through and through, the son of a dark lord, what disturbance could have possible awoke him? Their mother knew three of her five children would not stay with her, they had been raised among the Jedi and the Templar's of Twilight under the guidance of Kahn Iceay. They would choose their own paths now. Choose they had. Jarik and Amira had heard word that the Jedi had rebuilt, this time on Tython.

Now they were here.

Jarik pushed the hood from his head, the tiny droplets piercing the durasteel beneath his boots. Amira did the same only more delicately, revealing a snowfall of hair that cascaded down her back. Their eyes scanned the cantina noting all that could be taken in. Amira's ice blue eyes caught sight of a table across the room. It housed two patrons. She laid eyes on the older gentleman then quickly averted her eyes and whispered to her brother as he flirted shamelessly with the Mirialan. Once upon a blue moon her brother would have flirted, yet not so much now. Not since his lover and master had passed on. Amira was surprised to say the least. Jarik retrieved the two glasses of Corellian ales and him and his sister approached the occupied table with great interest.

"May we join you?" Amira asked, her voice soft and ethereal, much like her own mother's.

Tag: Whomever.

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