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Social Darklighter Lounge - the ESEF Social Cantina

*Begins banging drums and a gong*
Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd, the tales of Ulic Qel Droma well before they were fleshed out in works. Particularly the emergence of Exar Kun in the Jedi Academy series:


This was the second major "trilogy" along with the original Thrawn Trilogy. So many characters from Kyp Durron and Daala. Along with the emergence of Exar Kun as the ancient darkside spirit. Up until this point we had NEVER seen anything such as this and the backstory of the temples on Yavin IV being officially used as "ancient darkside temple"!!! These works truly laid the groundwork IMHO for how the EU was shaped for many years to come and while they are all now considered "Legends" they clearly show a heavy influences upon many of the modern SW works we see.
Ah, so much better.

It feels like old times, being on forums like this with all my favorite people from the days of my apprenticehood...

Ah, yes old times.. would be a ashamed if someone released a hoard of ravenous zombie gizkas in here...

*kicks open crate*

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