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Social Darklighter Lounge - the ESEF Social Cantina


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Welcome to Darklighter Lounge!

This is the Eternal Sith Empire Forums' out-of-character social thread. Make yourselves comfortable; this is the place to relax and unwind! Remember to follow the TOS and Rules of this forum... and have fun!

Hello, the new forum is beautiful.

I always remember having Star Wars in my life, but the first time I began to really pay attention to it was when I was at a drive in theater with my parents watching Empire Strikes Back, that was early 80's so I would have been about 7 or so at the time.

Sith were always the best part of SW, ominous and mysterious, has the best music and best lines, and a villain always needs to be larger than life which clearly Vader is. The Emperor just sealed the deal, his portrayal in Return of the Jedi is a work of aft.
Amazing forums! Far better than a certain one we know... ;)

For me, it was when I saw TESB. It was fun, but I think I was really hooked at ROTJ, and then I had to see them all. Good, good fun. I always liked Vader, but it was the Jedi way for me.

Fast forward 9 years, I joined a forum and one of the Sith members kept bugging me about the Sith, soooooooo here I am! :D

My name's Mark Anthony and my first Star Wars experience was when I went to visit my dad. I saw a box set of movies next to his bed and asked, "Dad? What's Star Wars?" I'll never forget the smile on his face. We watched the original trilogy in full and from there on I was hooked.

Years down the line I got introduced into rping and have tried to get better at it ever since. I am extremely excited to be a part of this beautiful forum and the Empire.
Hello! The forum is beautiful and a wonder to explore! I got into Star Wars when I was about 6 years old. My father had my brother and I watch A New Hope and we loved the adventure and story. I have loved it most of my life!
Fell in love with star wars? That'd take some serious thoughts to get correct. I remember sitting on my uncle's knees as a young child watching the original trilogy and instantly siding with Darth Vader. Many of my friends were pretending to blow up death stars. I was the 6 year old pending to destroy Alderaan. I watched the prequels in the theaters and fell in love all over again. Then I got my hands on kotor and I've been playing and now rping on the Sith side of things ever since.
Well that's a shortened version of my story with star wars. You can add in the numerous books and comics as well.
My very first Star Wars memory was of my parents telling me I couldn't go see Phantom Menace with them because it was a "grown up" movie :p I was four years old.

In terms of being a fan, though, I think I'm a bit of an odd man out among you guys! I'm a "new" fan, even though I've been around Star Wars my whole life. I didn't really get into Star Wars until after the release of the Force Awakens. I sorta fell in love with Kylo Ren, binged all the other Star Wars movies, asked myself "what next??", then dove into reading a variety of Legends and new canon books. And now I'm here!
My first experience with Star Wars was watching "Star Wars" at age 4. Even though this was the very beginning of the 21st century, and the Special Editions were the only readily available films, we happened to own a collection of the original trilogy in the original format. No Jedi Rocks for me!

Every time I played "Star Wars" with my friends in the back yard or at the park, I always chose to be the Emperor (once I saw Return of the Jedi.) Darth Vader and Palpatine were immediately my favorite parts of the franchise.

I was introduced to roleplaying when I was about 13, and so have built up a skillset over the last decade to be as skilled as I am today. This was the first Star Wars group I found that was worth staying in.
My first experience was back in the 80's my parents had a VHS "taped" copy of the ESB from HBO which I watched over and over, eventually I saw the remaining two (just out of order). I collected toys, and read few books were available back then.
Not going to lie, kind of very excited for this. Especially for the Crux Trials.

(Insert evil laugh)
I'm also really excited for Crux 😍 It's the first formal Trials-style game I'll have GMed as a solo GM!
I'm really looking forward to this. Been waiting for this since I first heard the planning stages!
It feels so good to stretch out in a forum again.
Good morning, beautiful new forum! :love: Let's get some OOC activity rolling, here. I'd love to hear how everyone got into Star Wars, and how they came to love the Sith.
I was raised in a very, very conservative Christian household, so I actually wasn't allowed to watch Star Wars growing up; I read the scripts years before my brother "smuggled" DVDs of the films in and buried them in the forest! I was drawn to the Sith from the beginning; Vader and Palpatine emerged as early loves, but I quickly turned my attention to Exar Kun. I was absolutely fascinated by the idea that there was a relatively young Dark Lord of the Sith who lived 3,000 years (which, to my mind, steeped in the chronological scales of real history, was a staggeringly long time) before the films, who (at the time) predated the Darth title and had a blue, rather than red, double-bladed lightsaber. I fell in love with the character, mostly due to the sense of absolute mystery that his antiquity instilled in me and the fierce desire to learn more about the history of the Star Wars universe (which seemed incredibly fleshed-out and so much more expansive than I had imagined), as well as what I thought was an absolutely awesome visual design; 9-year-old me very badly wanted to be like Exar Kun when he grew up, and I even created a character called Darth Nemesis (who would become Darth Dreadwar) who was essentially a complete rip-off of Exar Kun who lived a thousand years after the films. Considering Exar Kun disembodied himself with a ritual of mass sacrifice and turned into a spirit of opaque darkness, you can see how some of the inspirations remain in the Dreadwar character today.

So, yes, long story short, Exar Kun got me into to the Sith, and the Expanded Universe generally.

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