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Game ⚜️ Knights of the Eternal Empire: The True Sith Trials ⚜️

IC: Death Knight Rayge Vigör

Location: Onboard the Aximand
Personal Chambers

Rayge had found himself once again nodding off, he had apparently exerted himself further than he initially thought. This time, however, was more of a comatose stasis than an actual slumber something within him was calling,.. beckoning,.. guiding him through a cavernous gorge. He tirelessly searched the burrows but he didn't know what for, he sprinted and shouted through each passage he came upon.

"Hello!... Where is everyone?!... Anybody?!..."

This continued for what seemed like hours, sweat gushing out of his pores like falls off a mountain. Exhaustion was setting it as he could feel his hearts, while rhythmically in unison slowing after each step. His sight slowly fading followed by his hearing and sense of touch, as if he was aging at a rapid pace and he was stuck in some kind of time chamber rapidly approaching death.

An unrecognized but familiar sound echoed through the cavernous area, reverberating around each tunnel making it impossible to pinpoint its origin. The noise was soon followed by more sounds but this time it was words.

"Sir… Knight…"

The utterances proceeded as Rayge felt a nudge but no one was next to him… Then another… and another. Then lastly a shake rattled his whole body causing him to lose his footing and just as his body made contact with the cold, stone ground he awoke panting heavily, eyes darting around the room in a panic until they were met by the eyes of a crew member.

"Sir, Knight Omegon is ready to depart and waiting for the rest of you…"

Before his statement was finished Rayge was already on his feet, equipping his helmet and making sure each of his weapons was in its designated place before darting down the hall. He was sprinting as fast as he physically could without enhancing his abilities through the force. Not taking time to slow for corners he instead would plant a foot on the wall to easily change his momentum from one way to the direction of the next corridor.

Emerging out into the hangar, quickly scanning the large room for the ship he was meant to board he noticed one with a loading ramp still down but the engines were purring with life. He recognized the shape of his Maelibus comrade entering the craft and assumed this was the correct one. With a dash, he was able to quickly close the distance between himself and the ship, galloping up the ramp and collapsing into a seat as he nodded towards his fellow Sith. An apology spilled forth as he latched his harnesses and removed his helmet.

"My apologies, brothers…"

He hesitated, not knowing if now was the time to divulge into the visions/dreams he had had. Quickly deciding against it, he redirected the conversation.

"Who's ready to bust some heads?"

An eager grin blanketed his face as he looked back and forth between the others aboard.

TAGS: @Darth Dreadwar @Kint Dranlor @Dorrian Shadowsun @Tobbi Airskipper @Darth Kratos
IC: Zyldek Nagald

The sudden presence of Shadow Slayers and whirling sabers led the weak and suddenly cowardly apprentice to scurry after his master, disobeying orders. Refusing too stick idly by while the slayers ruined the crowd and attempts to slaughter his compatriots and superiors, Zyldek hurriedly scrambled for the passageway in Muur’s gaping jaws, following the trail of Shyrack and ancient Sith corpses alike, seeking refuge among the Hesperian leaders of the pack.

Survive! I must…SURVIVE!

IC: Darth Drakul Xarxes

The shimmers of the future were, despite his best efforts, largely obscured from Xarxes. His Mqaaq’it fared worse, being suddenly blinded by the light from Xiannarr’s cursed lightsaber. Impractical weapons for one with this form of vision they would be. Thank the Force he had chosen the Sith Sword over plasma long ago.

He followed the Prophetess closely and in pace, now no longer giving attention to the perceptive powers of the Force he had utilized moments before. For a moment, his focus was clear, unobfuscated, and intentional.

Then he was rocked by a wave, smaller in scale but as gravely in meaning, if not more so, than the billions upon billions of voices snuffed out several minutes prior. It was as if the Force was crying out as a part of it was choked, wiped into nothingness. A great sense of hunger washed over Xarxes, the need for sustenance in the Force aching his spirit. Something he was greatly attached to was gone, suddenly.

Not Alcina! No! It couldn’t be!

But this was not a personal sensation. This was beyond that. Alcina bore not the power to cause this effect in the Force as a whole, only in himself. This was something else, and it was not a planet. A spirit great and vast was crushed now.

A vision of but a minute before surfaced in his mind’s eye, a familiar set of motions set by a close companion, and a good friend. Actions taken were not lost on Xarxes, and the immense heat sensible from belowgrounds only confirmed in his sinking heart what he dreaded in this instant.

No…NO! Not Lord Kain…it couldn’t be…!

The probability was great. It was impossible! None could stand against the fury that he was unleashing on the planet’s surface! Xarxes tried his best to deny it, hoping the natural conclusions of what he knew were not true, and continued onwards, now beginning to push himself to keep up with Hesper and be wary of his surroundings. If he had been less focused on survival, a tear would have trailed down his angelic face.

Please, Force, take not so much from me…

No time left for hesitation or worry. The heart would persist in sorrow later. For now, the Ar'Adas had no choice but to look towards the light of hope, carried by the short blonde figure running just ahead of him.

TAGS: @Darth Dreadwar, @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Keres Dymos, @skira, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Volacius, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia
IC: Darth Volacius, Scourge of the Jedi
The Tunnels, Korriban

Volacius inhaled sharply. The meticulous concentration required to maintain his Battle Meditation was violently sundered by the sweeping sensation of unassailable calamity that had in an instant taken his very soul captive. The hulking Mirialan staggered until his muscled left shoulder struck the adjacent tunnel wall, his right hand shakily rising to clutch at his heart as he slumped against the cold, carved stone. The feeling of hopelessness had returned in force, but it was not the same as before. What was once demoralizing was now utterly devastating, his meager attempts to regain control of himself falling silent against the agonizing wail of the Force within him.

The undeniable aching caused by unforeseen loss.

Lord Kain!

Trembling, the Mirialan Sith managed a quick glance behind him to confirm what he could already sense. Lord Kain was no longer in the catacombs with them.


Volacius’ mind raced with desperate doubts as his chest began to heave. His heart throbbed, and his grip on his tattered burgundy tunic tightened until he was very nearly piercing the fabric with his nails.


Dropping his sword, Volacius' left hand rose to cover the stricken expression etched into his golden face, staining his palm with deep red blood from the lacerations on his chin. His vision blurred as tears pooled in his eyes, then trickled down across the inky tattoos of his cheeks. He couldn’t bring himself to stop them. Looking around, Volacius could see—could feel—that others had noticed it too. The Scourge of the Jedi began to weep bitterly as he surrendered to the crushing truth of what had just transpired. Darth Kain, the son of Abeloth, the Beloved King of the Stars, Volacius’ former master, and one of his only friends in the Order, was dead.

Even the certainty of his absence in the Force was not enough to shake the surreality of his master’s death. This was not how events were supposed to play out, it shouldn’t even have been possible! Part of Volacius wished that he was back in the lair of Darth Quetzu, and that this was nothing more than one of that madman’s twisted illusions intended to coerce the Mirialan into acting in his favour, but he knew that such thoughts were futile. The Great Betrayer and his armies had snuffed out the brightest fire that the Sith Order had, and in doing so had left them in darkness.

In the pit of his heart, anger flared. Sorrow frothed inside of him, boiling within his internal reservoir until it had been forged into the purest form of hatred, so potent that even his vendetta against the Jedi would seem to pale in comparison; the primal, unbridled rage of a man who sought nothing less than to avenge the death of someone close to him. Dreadwar had already earned himself a death sentence in Volacius’ eyes when he revealed himself to be commanding the undead hordes against them, but now, the Mirialan Sith Master swore that he would personally send him to his demise. Torturously. He didn’t know how to kill the abhorrent wraith, nor did he believe himself powerful enough to try, but eventually, he would find a way. And when that day came, the galaxy would no longer know him as the Scourge of the Jedi, but as the Wrath of Kain.

Using the wall to support him, Volacius pulled his sword back into his waiting hand as he rose to his feet. The Mirialan’s grip on his sword tightened until his knuckles had gone white, flames engulfed the blade once more and indigo streaks of electricity danced from its elegant guard all the way to the tip and back. Anger and despair clashed like a match to rhydonium, exploding into outrage as Volacius let loose a feral roar.

But his vicious fury did not end there, and his gaze now settled on the self-proclaimed ‘Empress’ Volshe. His distrust of the woman deepened as he realized that she probably gave Kain the orders that had gotten him killed, perhaps even openly commanded him to sacrifice himself so that she could escape. Lord Kain had been loyal to Volshe, supported her in spite of the Jedi she kept with her, and enforced her decision to save the Federation leadership. He had dutifully followed her lead, and how did she repay him? Knowingly or not, the ‘Empress’ had sent him to his death, and even if Volacius could have forgiven her previous transgressions, he could never forgive Volshe for this.

Having risen to his feet, Volacius dashed further down the tunnel within the maw of the Muur carving, catching up to Hesper, Xarxes and Xiannarr as they pushed deeper into the murkiness of the unknown path. Fire and lightning still crackled around his ancient sword, awaiting his command to be loosed in a flurry of righteous vengeance at whoever or whatever was unfortunate enough to cross him next.

TAGS: @Darth Kain, @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Darth Xirr, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Darth Cruor, @Darth Dreadwar, @Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Keres Dymos, @skira, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia
Underdelve, Sith Temple, Korriban

Dust rained down from above as the battle raged through the temple. The fear in the air was a palpable field of Dark Side potential just waiting to be unleashed. From the younglings, guided by their crone of an instructor and hiding in the center of the massed Sith, to some of the Knights and Masters guarding them from the Shadow Slayers emerging from the portal. Even from above, where Catalyst had sealed his makeshift portcullis, more were fleeing down the cascading stairs to find shelter in the underdelve. The familiar presence of Lord Nathemus among the retreating body, however much Catalyst detested the man-ape experiment gone wrong, provided a small measure of comfort.

The enthusiasm of Samael behind him brought a small grin to Catalyst's face. Even amidst the chaos and carnage, the young Devaronian maintained a hope that Catalyst was sure nothing in the 'verse could quench. He chuckled a bit, perfectly willing to egg on the fiery warrior as he tore away at the slayers alongside the likes of Lord Xxys and Lady Apollyon. Thankfully, it seemed that the gate that was summoning their reinforcements had been rendered inactive. He wasn't going to be so ignorant to thank Volshe for its sudden deactivation; he could plainly see the droid standing next to her concentrating on dissassembling packets of data as it analyzed the electronics. He silently thanked Apollyon for keeping I-Ron around. The Shard was proving itself most useful.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, he cursed Xarxes for not responding to him. There were others delving into the gaping mouth of the statue, the Butcher of Coruscant among them. The image of them trodding upon his corpse distracted him from what he imagined could be preventing the self-proclaimed Nightfather from answering his query. His imagination was interrupted by an intense flare of Force power nearly overpowering his senses. And then, in an instant, it vanished, leaving behind an emptiness that could only be described as a solar system missing its star. Catalyst was all too familiar with the aura that had winked from existence.


156 ABY

"Tell me, Lord Catalyst - have you ever dealt with children before?"

"I try to avoid to, if possible," Catalyst said with a smirk. "I'm gifted in the art of creation, not so much the nurturing. Besides, they remind me too much of my former apprentice."

"I wasn't aware you had a child apprentice," said Kain. "Was it… difficult?"

"He wasn't a child so much," reminisced Catalyst, "just... acted like one. He couldn't comprehend the fact that nobody really wanted to put up with him, and it ended up being his downfall." He shrugged. "Why, are you looking for a surrogate?"

Kain chuckled. "No, no. Just some… advice."

"Advice... sure," the elder Dark Lord nodded knowingly. "I'll offer what I can but in my opinion you're better off not having one. They're messy, loud and can't do anything useful while you're stuck taking care of them. There's no place in the Empire for a daycare."

The ship suddenly jolted, a sign that they had exited hyperspace. It was a blessing that this ship had already braved the Maw numerous times before; Kain didn't want to imagine how it would feel to go lightspeed into a black hole. A transparisteel viewport allowed a clear view of the planet, once marred with a scourge of desolate ships in orbit. Now it was as if the planet was under reconstruction, with the debris cleared away and new foundations being laid for the home of Darth Kain.

"I just have to drop off some excess cargo, and then we can make our way to the rebels."

Catalyst looked out into the construction, a slight haze of distraction adorning his eyes. His attention may have been here, but there was definitely something else occupying his mind. After a brief silence, he turned back to Kain. "As long as we're here, can I make use of a lightsaber workshop?" Catalyst inquired. "I feel woefully naked without a weapon, and mine is on the Cunning Stunt, back on Korriban."

"Don't have one just yet," said Kain, referring to the saber workshop. "But I've collected a few over the years that I keep in, well, the beginnings of my trophy room. You can feel free to choose from my little collection when we make planetside." In truth, Kain did not have much intention of building a lightsaber workshop of any sort - unless Eva asked for one, of course. The sword he forged on Dathomir recently was more than enough for him, and while he used to be passionate about lightsabers and the dance of combat, it simply wasn't practical anymore.

So he had instead created his blade, created from the spirit ichor of The Mother - his mother. Conforming his knowledge of the lightsaber combat forms to his newfound bladework had been a bit tricky, but not as much as Kain had expected. The only major hurdle had been the weight of the blade, which was significantly heavier than that of a lightsaber. Beyond that, the principles remained the same. He would simply have to start learning new techniques from actual sword-wielders to cement his ability.

"But you're right in any regard; the Empire is certainly no place for a child."

Blacksmoke soon broke through the clouds of Vitae, revealing now the scope of Kain's home. Much of it was still under construction, as Catalyst had seen, but what had been built was quite beautiful. There were many inspirations in this architectural work. Naboo, the temple back on Korriban, even a tower that resembled a wroshyr tree from Kashyyyk. The ship touched down on the landing pad, which seemed large enough to house even a Star Destroyer. Future plans, perhaps? "I have a droid in the cockpit that will escort you to my trophy room," said Kain. "I'll take care of some quick business while you make your decision."

Catalyst shrugged and turned back to the viewport. The progress that Kain was making in his homestead was impressive indeed but Catalyst wondered where his true priorities lay. He seemed rather fixated on the child thing. Catalyst chuckled to himself as he thought of Kain rearing a child. The young man would make a fine caretaker but Catalyst doubted he could balance that with being an intimidating Sith Lord.

Unless the baby was on fire.

The Dark Lord snorted and pushed the thought from his head as the ship found its destination. As requested, he would follow the droid that would lead him to Kain's trophy room. He wondered just what other business Kain was referring to. What kind of secrets he was hiding away here. Perhaps he would investigate it later.

Perhaps shaking him from his thoughts was the droid, which stepped out of the cockpit and gave a politeful bow to the Dark Lords as Kain scowled. It was of the RWW-series, very feminine - including its voice.

"Greetings, sir," said the droid. "I am Unit T-1-F-A, though I go by 'Tifa'. Kain has instruceted me to escort you to his trophy room." The boarding ramp descended to the permacrete ground below. "Shall we proceed, sir?"

"Thank you Tifa," Catalyst responded with some forced politeness. He still had a bit of a sore spot for droids but this one seemed less than malicious. "Let's go."

The droid and the Sith ventured off of the vessel, making their way from the serene landing pad into the eerily quiet estate. Perhaps the silence was due to the obvious lack of servants around the manor. Where were the maids cleaning everything, or the butlers preparing a welcome-home meal?

As if sensing the incoming question, the droid spoke, "Lord Kain has made a point of not making use of the Sith Empire's pool of slaves to maintain his home. He has said that, upon completion of the estate, that I will be but the first of the droids he buys to do such work instead. I believe it may be because of his past."

Catalyst had barely noticed the lack of activity. In fact the silence helped him focus more clearly on his thoughts. He was mostly lost in his own mind trying to figure out why Kain was suddenly interested in children, and here of all places. Was the hothead looking to start a cozy family of his own? It almost made Catalyst laugh, the man he had known to summon infernal gouts that left little of his enemies holding a little bundle of crying cloth or towing a pram behind him while doing business on Korriban. He would have paid good credits to see such a spectacle.

"I'm not surprised," Catalyst absently responded to the droid's exposition. "Droids are nothing if not efficient. I recall he has some aversion to the Empire's steady selection of employed prisoners."

"He says it is because he does not trust prisoners around his… valuables," said T1-FA. "But my psychological processors determine that is in large part because of his childhood, when his adoptive father was killed by slavers." It was unusual for a droid to talk about its master so freely, especially as small talk.

The pair soon reached a gallery the size of a small stadium, and with good reason it seemed. Though the trophy room seemed largely empty, with plenty of room to expand, the few prizes Kain had were rather deserving of the space. A gigantic wyyyschokk spider was perched upon the wall, eternally frozen in death, yet possessing the menacing stare of a living predator. Near it was the skull of a Krayt Dragon, large enough that it could snap up both Catalyst and T1-FA in a single gulp were it still alive.

But on the wall at the end of the room was what Lord Catalyst had come for. A wall adorned with the lightsabers of Kain's fallen foes - some Jedi, some traitorous Sith, and some were beings in between. There had to be at least a dozen here; it appeared Kain had been rather busy in his off-time.

"As my master made clear, you are free to choose any of the lightsabers here," said the droid. "Feel free to browse. I will give you room to… try them out, if you wish."

Catalyst looked over the collection carefully, impressed by the sheer amount that Kain had managed to collect. He picked up a few, getting a feel for their weight, until his eyes fell upon a hilt that looked to be folded over onto itself. He picked up the saber and spun it on its hinge, locking it into a long saberstaff. He ignited one blade, a fiery lance of deep crimson, then the other. The plasma sputtered and popped as he waved the weapon about, performing a few orbits to test its balance and reach. The hinge did not impede his hand motions at all and Catalyst was moderately pleased with the dexterity of the hilt. He could think of a few creative applications for a weapon that could fold in half at the push of a button. Catalyst deactivated the blades and folded the hilt to hang on his belt. "I think this will do," he mused aloud before addressing the droid. "Let's go back to the ship Tifa."

"Yes, sir," the droid answered sharply. It turned on its heel, spinning around and leading the Dark Lord from the massive room. As they traversed the halls, intent on returning to the landing pad, a small, dark creature darted towards the legs of Darth Catalyst. Corvar the Loth-cat rubbed against the side of the Sith Lord's leg, purring calmly.

A jump of surprise caused the Dark Lord to stumble and pause. The loth-cat had snuck up on him; there weren't many in the galaxy capable of that feat. "Well hello there, little one." He smiled a bit and reached his hand down to let Corvar sniff it. "You're quite the little scamp aren't you?" He ran his hand along Corvar's back before attempting to scoop the furry creature into his arms.

The cat resisted the Dark Lord's grip, but only for a moment. Its purr never wavered, and its eyes finally found those of the man who was holding it. Catalyst would no doubt see the scar on the Loth-cat's face, stretching across from the top of its right eye down to the bottom of its left cheek.

"Lord Kain found this animal on Kashyyyk," said the droid. "Odds are it was abandoned by offworlders, left to fend for itself in the infamous Shadowlands. It had survived long enough to meet Kain, who had gone there on holiday."

Another set of footsteps echoed from around the corner of the hall, the sound causing Corvar's ears to perk up. "Corvar!" called a young voice. "Pspspspsp, where are you?"

The cat leaped from Catalyst's arms, somehow not leaving a scratch on him as it jumped. It bolted around the corner, moving like a shadow across the white marble.

Catalyst cocked his head at the unfamiliar voice. Tifa had insisted there weren't any prisoners with jobs here, noting Kain's distaste for them, so he was curious just who else the Sith Lord was allowing to inhabit his little homestead. "Fond of strays, are you Kain?" Catalyst muttered under his breath. His curiosity got the better of him, and he stepped around the corner to see who was calling to Corvar.

He saw the girl the moment the cat leapt into her arms, and she saw him as well. She was young, very young; no older than ten years old. But there was a certain weariness to her eyes, as if she'd seen more than enough tragedy for someone twice her age. She had been crying recently as well, if the red, puffy eyes were any indicator. Corvar seemed to pick up on her sadness, nuzzling his head against her neck.

She recognized Catalyst from the holofeed as the Sith that had accompanied Kain at the gala, causing her to freeze in her tracks. Eva had never come this close to a Sith Lord, not including Kain. Even being near someone like Count Dooku back in her day was far from possible. But now here she was, staring down one by accident.

And something about him seemed awfully familiar…

Catalyst stopped in surprise when he saw the young girl standing in front of him. A strange, dumb look played across his face. He should have known better but when Kain had asked him about a child, Catalyst didn't think that he'd already got one. There was something familiar about her though, and Catalyst wanted to get a closer look at her face. The Dark Lord lowered himself onto a knee, in an attempt to make himself seem less threatening to the obviously scared girl. "Hello young one," he said calmly. "Kain didn't tell me anyone else was going to be wandering around here. Don't be afraid, come closer." He smiled, putting on as warm a facade as he could manage. "Corvar didn't bite me, so I don't have rabies. I think he likes you more though." He held out his hand, beckoning her to him.

She paused. It was true that Corvar didn't attack this stranger - what was his name, Darth Lord Reaper? But if this Loth-cat had taken a liking to a Sith like Kain, it was obvious its standards were not too high.

Then again, what did that say about Eva?

She looked towards the droid with a glare, silently pleading T1-FA to protect her should this man try something dastardly. "You're a Sith," she said. "People die because of you."

Catalyst was taken aback at her directness. He withdrew his hand and stood back up. "People die every day." His tone had taken a playful turn. "I don't have to be a Sith to have anything to do with it." The conviction in her tone brought to his mind the teachings of the Jedi Order. They were the primary teachers of such a narrow viewpoint. "I bet you'd be surprised if I told you how many people the Jedi kill. At least the Sith have the decency to be upfront about it."

Eva cocked her head to the side. Something about this man mentioning the Jedi, something in his eyes… she could swear she had seen him before. But she hadn't seen many people since Kain awoke her from the carbonite, no. Was he from before?

"How old are you?" she asked.

A burst of laughter leapt from Catalyst's throat. "That's not a polite question to ask people," he chided with a chuckle. "I'm older than Kain, if that's what you're wondering."

"Old enough to remember the Clone Wars?" she asked, becoming all the more certain with every word he spoke. Each utterance was like a piece to the puzzle, triggering her memory with every piece laid. "Kain said a friend of his named Cal once survived carbonite freezing. Was that you?"

There was a distinct wince as Catalyst closed his eyes. Memories of the war came flooding back to him, including the death of his Master, and the crushing weight of grief surrounding the rise of the Empire. "Nobody has called me that name since Order 66," he spoke somberly, any trace of playfulness lost from his voice. He leveled a glare at the girl, no longer holding any pretense of being nice. "Who are you?"

"I'm Eva," she said. "My master was Shi'nok, Jedi Knight." Her posture had noticeably straightened, even with Corvar still in her arms. "I watched him die because of that Order. Why are you fighting for the people that killed us?"

Shi'nok. That name rang a bell. In a moment, years of conditioned training and hatred welled up in the Dark Lord. Twenty five years of experience hunting the hated enemy of the Sith caused his muscles to tense almost reflexively.

She was a Jedi.

Before he could stop himself, the saberstaff he had borrowed was unfolded in his hand and the blades ignited with a hiss. Emotions that hadn't been touched in years were now welling up within the Dark Lord. "The Jedi left me for dead," he snapped uncharacteristically. "Abandoned me while the galaxy burned. I did what I needed to survive, no matter how many I had to kill. The Dark Side did more for me than the Jedi ever could." His features softened barely and a small smile cracked across his scowl. "And now, you're in the same position it looks like. Under the care of a Sith. Forced to accept his hospitality or perish. I wonder just how long he'll let you keep up this self righteous posturing, Padawan." He spat the honorific like it was a Huttese treat.

Eva backed away a step. Two. Three.

The crimson plasma of the Sith's lightsaber hummed with malicious intent. She could feel the darkness swelling in him, churning like a whirlpool of tar. Every fiber of his being seemed to be filled with the desire to destroy the Jedi, to finish the mission of the Sith. What could they have done to him to make him this way? But there was no time to spare on pity. All she had in arm's reach was Corvar, who was now hissing angrily at the threatening Sith Lord. "Tifa!" pleaded Eva. "Do something!"

"I am not equipped for combat," the droid spoke. "But sir, I must implore you to see reason. The girl poses no threat."

Catalyst ignored the protocol droid's plea and continued to stare down Eva. Every thought was telling him to strike down this little Jedi. And yet he held his attack. She was a survivor of the Purge. She must have been hibernating for nearly 200 years. And now she was in Kain's care.

The crimson blades deactivated and Catalyst folded the hilt back onto his belt. "Tell me, Eva," his voice was quiet now, but filled with malice, "if you're a Jedi, what are you doing out here being cared for by a Sith? He wouldn't have taken you in if you were a real Jedi. He would have killed you on the spot. Just like the Sith killed your master." The Dark Lord looked down at the floor, raw emotion welling in his voice. "And mine. My Master, Klar Ka-lel, was struck down by the very troops he led in battle. The Sith planned that from the beginning. That's why I joined them, child. The Dark Side always overpowers the light."

"He never told me!" she boomed. "I woke up in a different galaxy than the one I left and he was the only one who cared about me!"

Corvar's ears perked up and he leaped from her arms, running past her down the hallway. But she cared not. "You betrayed everything you stood for to live through Order 66, but you didn't survive. The good person you could've been died back then. Now you're just a monster that thinks power matters more than what's right."

"And yet, here I am," the Dark Lord stated simply. "I'd rather be alive and perceived a monster by someone who doesn't know better, than rotting in an unmarked hole on some backwater world. Good is a point of view, and an annoyingly narrow one at that." He smirked a little. "Think about the news report that you no doubt saw myself and your caretaker in. Did we kill anyone? Did we even draw a weapon? Who are the real monsters?"

She began to protest. "I--"

"What are you doing here?" a voice asked her from behind.

She turned, finding a familiar face standing behind her. Kain stared down at her, and she could hear the soft purring of Corvar as the cat rubbed against Kain's legs.

"I was trying to find Corvar and he threatened me with a lightsaber!" Eva cried.

Kain's eyes flicked towards Catalyst, but only for a moment.

"T1-FA," said Kain. "Take Eva and Corvar to her room. Lord Catalyst and I will be underway shortly and we can't have any more delays."

"Of course, sir," said the droid. "Come along, Eva."

She tried to argue again. "What about--"

"Go," Kain demanded.

Despite her protests, Eva realized that she had been caught between two Sith Lords - one far less likely to kill her than the other. The protocol droid guided her along, and Corvar followed in tow. Tears welled in her eyes, but she refused to allow either of the Sith see her weakness. She may have not been a Jedi any longer, but she would never become a monster like Cal did.

Of that, she was certain.

Catalyst waited until Eva was well out of earshot before snorting in laughter. "You adopted the littlest Jedi?" he guffawed. "I wondered why you were asking about kids, but it's a surprise that you up and stole a youngling." His mind clicked as he registered what he had just said. "A youngling from the Clone Wars. Where in boboqueequee did you find her? She knew my name Kain. She knew I was one of them."

"She was in carbonite ever since her master was killed," Kain explained, exasperated. "A Senator had her hanging on the wall like an art piece, so I decided to free her." He crossed his arms. "She has no one else left. Even her biological family is long dead."

"She's still a Jedi," Catalyst said bluntly. "She's lucky to be alive. Any other day and I wouldn't have hesitated, but we're in your home, and I didn't want to make a mess." He looked back over his shoulder, almost nervously. "I take it she's here because you haven't gotten the nerve to bring her to Korriban? If Intelligence found out you were harboring the little lightsider..." he let the implication hang in the air between them.

"It's a good thing they won't find out," said Kain, his jaw twitching slightly. "It's also a good thing that she's not being trained by the Jedi any longer. The Son of Abeloth has a new apprentice, Lord Catalyst. It would be a shame if anyone tried to interfere in the new apprentice's training, wouldn't it?"

Catalyst smirked at Kain's thinly veiled threat. "A real shame. I'm sure she'll turn out to be a fine little distraction until you decide that she doesn't fill that void in your chest." He stared hard, looking for further reaction from Kain. "Do you take after your Mother in that respect as well? So desperate for admiration that you'll kidnap a child under the guise of rescue just so she'll have nobody to look up to but yourself? Face it, the longer you keep her here, hidden away from the rest of the galaxy, the more helpless she'll become. But I suppose that suits you just fine, doesn't it?"

Kain's eyes remained unwavering, but it would become quite clear that Catalyst had flustered him. The temperature in the room seemed to rise a few degrees, increasing with each passing second.

"You're right," he said. "I have sheltered her from the galaxy, from the Sith. And you want to know why?"

He turned towards the nearby window, his eyes finding the setting sun on the horizon.

"We train apprentices to abide by our codes, our laws. We forge them into weapons to be used in our Emperor's war. But I joined the Sith to break my chains, not to forge new ones. So I began to study the most powerful Sith in history. Darth Vitiate, Darth Sidious, Darth Dreadwar. And do you know what they all have in common?"

He turned back to Catalyst.

"They do not follow any code but their own. And I have no intentions of this girl being anyone's weapon, least of all my own."

Kain paused, trying to find the words.

"Volacius, Bril'Kairn - they don't have the potential that she does. The Sith are naught but a means to an end, and she deserves more than that. If you want to disparage my methods, I do not care. We have more pressing matters to attend to than this."

An excessively broad smile adorned Catalyst's face. It was easy to tell he was more entertained by the verbal spar than he was interested in the philosophy behind Kain's words. He did respect the man though, for pointing out an inherent fallacy in the Sith order. "You're right." Catalyst replied, content to continue their conversation. "Codes are little more than mantras repeated by those who lack the conviction to forge their own path. A way to guide the weak minded, and shape them into a tool that can be directed. The Jedi Code and Sith Code are more similar in that way than either party cares to acknowledge." He turned to walk back towards the ship. "That's perhaps the reason I was able to stay my hand. I'm not so single-minded as to devote myself to a string of words. I wonder if she'll be able to look past those restrictive codes as well."

"She's young; she has time."

Kain and Catalyst had finally returned to the ship after the sun had set, their preparations complete. Darth Catalyst had his lightsaber, and Kain was hardly surprised at his choice. There were only a couple of double-bladed lightsabers in his collection, and only one had belonged to a Sith. Kain recalled the previous owner of the lightsaber well - some uppity apprentice that dared to insult the Empress. It was only fitting her Vengeance take the life of the pitiful creature.

The nebulous blue of hyperspace enveloped the ship. Catalyst stared out into the mesmerizing kaleidoscope for a few seconds before the silence grew uncomfortable. "So," he piped up, "what persuaded you to unfreeze and raise the littlest Jedi? Seems awfully benevolent of you to set things aside for a young girl you don't know." He thought about Kain's motives for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "And perhaps a little cruel to thrust her into the world we live in. The Sith Order is certainly not the place to have a little idyllic family."

Kain nodded. It was a fair question, especially now that a cooler head was asking it.

"That's why I've kept her away from Korriban," he said, keeping his eyes focused on the instruments in front of him rather than meeting Catalyst's stare. "Maybe I saw something in her that reminded me of the old me. A kid robbed of their childhood, subject to the whims of sadists and apathetic art dealers." He paused, flaring his nostrils as he recalled his past, and how it was holding him hostage even today.

"I want to do what I can to make sure she doesn't end up like me. Broken and reforged and broken again by tragedy. It's no way for anyone to live. Especially someone that won't have an eternity to forget it."

Catalyst suppressed a chuckle. "I don't think you know just how accurate your appraisal of being raised as a Jedi is." He shrugged and relaxed against the bulkhead. "She's seen a lot for her age, that much is true. That's what happens when you're trained to be a child soldier in a galaxy-wide war being run by someone whose ultimate goal ends with your extinction. I wouldn't even count her lucky to have survived. Mercy would have been to kill her and be done with it." Catalyst paused, shaking his head in amusement. "For all your effort, every moment you let her survive, you're reminding her that everyone she knew didn't. You're molding her into a fine little copy of yourself already, whether you like it or not."

Kain shook his head. "Death isn't any kind of mercy. In life she'll have the opportunity to overcome the failure of the Jedi, at least. She won't have to be defined by it."

"That's about the most sentimental pile of bantha poodoo I've ever heard," Catalyst couldn't help but mock Kain. "Not all of us get the son of a demigod to keep us safe. You can coddle her all you like though, doesn't change the fact that reality is going to have some harsh revelations for her. Don't delude yourself into thinking you're making her better sheltering her from it all." He turned to walk from the cockpit to get a little rest before their destination. "Wake me up when we reach Anoat. I need to recharge my power cells."

"Perhaps your empathy could use some recharging as well," Kain chuckled. "Though I have a feeling that died when you did over a hundred years ago." It was folly to assume Catalyst would care, Kain assumed. After all, the Sith were often proud about their lack of empathy. It was one of the many things that Kain never understood, even when he tried to become apathetic as a means of achieving power. Empathy may have seemed like sentimental bantha poodoo to beings like Catalyst, but the lack of it was equally idiotic to Kain.

After all, how does one know what hurts another most if they don't put themselves in their enemy's shoes?


The recognition of his good friend suddenly being reduced to nothingness left the Lord of Linguistics in a catatonic state. His concentration faltered, and his hands dropped to his sides, his mind no longer maintaining the barrier in the tunnel above. The delegated orders of Apollyon became muffled echoes, fading out to a high-pitched whine as Catalyst struggled to process what had just happened. He was no stranger to death, to loss. He had felt his Master die in the final days of the Clone Wars. He felt the fading of the Light while hiding in the swamps of Drommund Kaas, driven mad by the whispers of the Dark Side. But that was when he had been taught to eschew attachment, when he maintained a level of asceticism that would make Xarxes blush. Now older, wiser, and much less restricted by dogma, Catalyst felt a wrenching in his heart that came from the dark side of attachment. There were few that could claim to know Catalyst as intimately as Kain did, though their friendship was purely platonic. There were secrets, in-jokes, years of camaraderie and experience that he would now have to carry alone.

And what of the girl? Catalyst couldn't be sure how many knew she existed. Abbadon would, of course, which meant there was a distinct possibility that Apollyon was aware. Catalyst, true to his word, had never mentioned her to any others. He was certainly not prepared to be the one to tell her about the disappearance of her adoptive father and mentor. But someone had to be there to take care of her.

Catalyst couldn't feel the hot tears that were collecting in his beard as he processed the thoughts and emotions welling up inside him. There was no time for blame, and he could mourn when they weren't all in danger of dying. It was clear now there was no standing up to the malevolent forces descending upon the planet. His only goal now was to escape. He had to get to Vitae. Ignoring everything happening around them now, he turned and broke into a run, making his way into the mouth of the tunnel that Hesper and Xarxes were scouting.

I'm coming Eva.

TAGS: @Darth Kain, @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Darth Xirr, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Darth Cruor, @Darth Dreadwar, @Admiral Volshe, @Volacius, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Keres Dymos, @skira, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia

OOC: The time-skip exerpt was a collaboration between Lord Kain and myself from last year entitled The Prince and The Improper. If you want to read the rest of the wacky hijinks from that particular convoluted combo, it's here.


IC: Darth Traya

Location: The Fountian Palace, approaching the Throne Room

“I am no Sith, and neither are you, Miraluka, but my world fell under their shadow long ago, and it is my purpose to serve as grotthu.” Necro’s pronunciation of the word was uttered in a sibilant hiss.

His accusation that she was not a Sith met with a wry smile from Traya. Not indignation or rebuttal, just a musing tug upon her cracked lips. What truly made a Sith was a question she could pose to an apprentice for a philosophical answer, but in the end she’d come to her own conclusions.

Perhaps she was neither Sith nor Jedi, merely a wielder of power, and much of that power stemmed from a Darkness in her core. The only direction she possessed was intent, but in the end she felt the Force used her to achieve some measure of balance. At times she wondered if the first Darth Traya might have the right idea, to kill the Force itself. To topple the scales of karmic law.

The word he spoke, Grotthu….she was certain she’d heard it before, perhaps in an ancient holorecord. Perhaps it was in relation to an alien caste system, yet it didn’t invoke the same passion within her as it did passing from Necro’s lips.

“The goal of our assault,” Necro continued, his speech shifting to Dhe , “is the utter annihilation of the Jedi. I do not speak of the Jedi in the employ of the Galactic Federation, for my master has already seen them quite thoroughly routed, and their remnants shall be destroyed by other means. I speak of the fallen Jedi and dark acolytes who call themselves Sith, who fight with the weapons of the Jedi and adorn themselves in dark mockeries of Jedi apparel, who believe in foolish Jedi conceptions of some omnipresent yet somehow divided life-energy called the Force, who fight for glory and power and do not recognise that life and all its achievements, all its creations, is a futilely flickering candlelight before the infinite Dark. Even stars burn out. Solaar laughed. “Perhaps my answer has too much the sound of recitation,” he confessed. “I am no philosopher of Rhand. But I know true power when I see it, and I know to be content in its service. Glorious purpose?” He laughed again. “There is no glory. The only purpose is death, and the only true power is the power to destroy.”

Traya felt Dhe’s aura turn cold, and then startle, as in fear. Perhaps this was his first awareness of the primal power beyond the Force. She’d never heard the term infinite Dark, yet it felt suiting. She would have called it entropy. The bane of apathy. It was power that juxtaposed the child fluttering in her womb, and the power that urged her to throw Hapes into chaos, the invisible waves of entropy she could wield in her use of Darkshear, the near instant death she could wrought when she drained the living essence from a creature.

Aurelia….this means…” Dhe interjected, his voice a broken fragment of his usual stalwart tone.

Shut up, Dhe. I know what it means. '' Traya seethed at her husband, incised he dared to mention the faintest hint of what this purpose meant for their child. She knew very well what it meant…it was the Force’s way of pulling her to a balance.

She ignored Dhe and briefly addressed Necros.
Necros, do you know if one of these beings from Rhand ever spent time on Malachor V? Perhaps masquerading as a false Sith? Because it’s not the first time I have heard whispers of this philosophy, perhaps I met a spirit from Rhand. This glorification of destruction aligns with my own desires. We might be of the same glorious lack of purpose, harbingers of chaos, servants of emptiness. Where the first of my name failed to kill the Force, perhaps I shall succeed in aiding the manifestation of something far more fundamental than the death of a mystical power.”

She had only the barest understanding of what Necros spoke of, and what she did understand were only rasping echoes of a spirit which once possessed and tormented her mind. Disjointed, tormented screams that occasionally translated into a death rattle that was almost Basic.


the Dark.

Darth Nihilus’ agonizing voice left those fragments for words lingering for her to dwell upon.

It was only fitting that unknowingly, she might be threading the same path as the Lord of Hunger. Did that make her his newest Miraluka slave? All the same, rank was meaningless when it came to the matter of complete destruction of all life.

Traya would have liked a moment to muse further, but such a luxury was not at her disposal. She turned attention to her puppets, and to the twin assassins fleeing the throne room. Their auras matched the faint promotion she’d felt minutes ago.

Form a blockade across the hall, do not allow those aliens to pass or escape without firing upon them! She commanded her thralls, but before the slaves moved, Traya writhed into a steady stance, cocked her bow horizintally and fired two beskar arrows at the Twi’Leks, each arrow aimed for the their chests. With her prefered serpentine limbs writhing around her, and the cold aura that typically radiated about her form, she believed that the twins would be very shocked indeed to encounter Aurelia Chume in the flesh.

Powers Used:
Qazoi Kyantuska: 4 (sustained)
Cold Aura: 1


IC: Dhe

Again the Force slipped from Dhe’s trembling grasp, yet this alone did not shock him. Undoubtedly it was the product of that cachonous echo he’d felt only minutes ago, followed by the Queen Mother’s invocation of that wretched spell. And now the dark riddles the pale eyed stranger spoke….and how eager his Lady appeared to follow in this anthropic philosophy. All of it unsettled the stalwart Hapan in a shiver of dread. It was little wonder a simple concealment spell failed him.

If Aurelia keep following this path, there would be no galaxy for their child to be born into.

“Aurelia….this means…” Dhe interjected, after the pale strangers' terrifying words ended, and his Lady began to respond with what sounded like admiration in her tone.

She cut him off as if she’d savagely flicked her amphistaff. “Shut up, Dhe. I know what it means.”

As it was a direct order to shut up, he obeyed, and silenced the upwelling of emotions roiling in his chest.

For the first time since he was a child locked in the dungens, he acknowledged that this day he undoubtedly felt an upwelling of fear festering in his heart.

He said nothing further to Necros, meeting him with only his characteristic stoic silence, and keeping his eyes trained on the blockade of servants and puppets. He drew his slender longsword from his back, and pushed aside the sudden murderous urge to cleave the stranger in two.

At heart, he was an assassin. He would not attack one he’d not been contracted to kill, nor unless the Queen Mother willed it, as she clearly had with the Ducha. No, his place was beside his Queen, at her command. Perhaps in time she would break free of the shackles this insidious worm spoke of. He gathered focus to what truly mattered…the survival of his unborn child, thus the protection of Aurelia at all cost.

A more pressing threat was moving toward the threshold, two Twi'lek females. They moved with the trained grace of assassins and held blasters in their pale hands. As he’d been unable to conceal himself, Dhe opted for a more subtle tactic. He trained his pale grey eyes to meet that of the Twi'lek on the right, his intention was for their gaze to lock and for the female to pause as if enraptured by his cold, enthralling stare. Perhaps the assassin would even lust for him, despite his elegant disguise of women's flowing gowns and gleaming armor. If this trick worked, perhaps the Twi’Lek would pause long enough to fall to one of Aurelia’s arrows.

Powers Used:
Hypnosis : 2

Tag: @Darth Dreadwar


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Combo with Darth Dreadwar
IC: Darth Vesper
Location: Saijo

Rand Ko’s announcement was to be expected albeit its unnecessary nature, yet, the Mind Witch was already making her way to the landing ramp, grabbing her cloak from a hook in the cargo bay where she had left it earlier in their travels. Donning the pitch black garment she laced her fingers on the hemmed edge of the hood and laid it regally upon her head, set back a bit upon her reddening tresses; a more regal appearance rather than forbidding. Afterall, they were here to continue their operation, not to create hostility.

The landing ramp made exodus to the tarmac below and their pale hosts. Rand Ko was always quick to keep up with his comrade, and sure enough he was right beside her, awaiting her descent. Vesper took notice of the upset appearance of those that waited for their arrival.

“It would seem our host’s have potentially heard the news.” She glanced at Rand Ko momentarily, her hood shadowing one side of her ethereal features. “We will need to tread lightly.” She added in an equally low whisper.

Her gaze returned to the humanoids below as she began her exit of the shuttle. A few meters before her they stood, as her boots made contact with the solid ground. It felt good to be on solid ground once again after being restrained to the shuttle for longer than she had desired. However respite would not be found so easily.

“Greetings. As you may already be aware I am Darth Vesper, Empress Viscretus’ ambassador, a member of her council and her S’ybll. I bring orders from the Empress herself and Lord Nihl.” Pausing momentarily she chose the path of not assuming they had heard the news of Coruscant’s decimation.

“I regret to inform you of the fall of Coruscant. I wish our arrival was under more fortuitous circumstances. My Imperial Knights and I wish to seek solace within your village in addition to continuing to carry out the Empress’ orders with your assistance. My orders are to open up communication with the Empress’ council. It is of utmost importance.”

“Would that Coruscant be the only world struck,”
the lead Nagai spoke, tone grave. Her bone-white hand rose to the side of her head, brushing the closely-shaved hair in a gesture of rare anxiety. “I regret to inform you, Lady Vesper, friend of Nihl, that the galaxy is under attack. The Terminus system is overrun. Noko’s Eye,” she referred to an asteroid station trailing of Bakura, “has floundered. Axum and Bastion have fallen silent, and from the Rim to the Core, from Onderon to Tomo-Reth to Alsakan… The reports we have been receiving, Lady Vesper, are scarcely to be believed. And it is not just Skyriver, I fear.” The woman used the Nagai word for the galaxy, around which the enigmatic species’ own home galaxy, the dwarf Companion Besh that the Nagai called Firefist, orbited as a satellite. “We have not heard from Na…” She trailed off, then, stopping short as if realising she was telling the stranger entirely too much.

She shook her head. “Perhaps it is best I take you to the garrison, Lady Vesper,” she said, indicating the large, stone fortress sprouting from the village’s distant periphery. “If you serve Empress Volshe, and have not yet taken occasion to watch the HoloNet… perhaps it is best I show you.”

Before she had even a moment to receive an answer to her pressing concern for her mens fortification, the Nagai before her began to expand on all that Lady Vesper and her crew had witnessed. It would seem it was no isolated incident, and the sheer horror of the reality hit them head on. The men behind her shifted uneasily, the buzzing of their inner minds growing louder within Vesper’s own. They were very concerned, as well they should be. The Nagai offered to show Vesper just how much more severe their situation really was.

“Of course. I think that would indeed be best.” She nodded in agreement, yet she paused, the matter of her men still pressing. “Imperial Knight Ko and I shall of course follow, we shall see and hear of all you need to share with us to enlighten our knowledge of the situation. However, is there some place for my men to find rest?”

“There are barracks in the garrison,”
the Nagai woman nodded. “Many of our men deserted this morning.” Her lip twisted. “It would seem fear of the day’s events outweighed their fear of me.” She turned, and her coat of black leatheris parted with the motion, briefly exposing the chromium hilt of a lightsaber hanging from her hip. “Come,” she said, crooking her finger, and walked slowly towards the edge of the landing pad, towards the earthen streets and squat, stone houses beyond. Rand Ko raised his eyebrow, but said nothing.

“The barracks will do fine, we are grateful for your hospitality. It seems though that fear is running rampant, as is to be expected.” Vesper had educated herself on the Nagai warrior culture as a result of the future Emperor joining forces with Empress Volshe, fear seemed out of their nature. Deserting, even more so. For now she would take her host's word for it for it was then the glimmer was noticeable, the light catching the brief exposure of chromium. Vesper too quipped her brow and glanced at Rand Ko as they began to walk. She turned to the men and ushered them to follow before speaking again. “Has anyone attempted to reach Lord Nihl?” She glanced back to the Nagai woman she followed.

One of the two Nagai men answered instead. “Lady Kaikko sought contact the moment the Queen of Onderon sent out her broadcast,” he said, gesturing to the woman ahead. Ah, so that was her name; Lady Kaikko. But what was this broadcast he spoke of? “We did not expect immediate response, for we were informed Lord Nihl was in hyperspace at the time, but it has been some time since the annual feast of Korriban began, and we wait, still.”

“Hush, Taikana,”
Kaikko said, with soft authority.

Vesper took in their words as well as the commanding presence of the Nagai woman, Lady Kaikko. She held interesting power over the male Nagai that were with her. Once again the Mind Witch nodded slowly in understanding, she spoke choosing not to comment on the current indifferences, “The last I heard from Empress Volshe, she enacted Operation: Darkfire. Such indicating to myself that things have not gone well. The Empress and the future Emperor Nihl are in danger, and given some of the information you have graciously given…” she paused momentarily, “let me know that my instinct of finding them and ensuring their safety is of utmost importance.” She continued on, “Now what is this information you wish to show me?”

The fortress loomed close, now, an ugly, utilitarian thing of blocky stone masses surrounded by durasteel platforms, antennae and landing pads. Drab brown shuttles crouched with folded wings upon every available meter of outdoor tarmac, and uniformed men with pallid white skin bustled about, fuelling hoses slung over their shoulders, carbines in their hands. The houses on either side of the street thinned, development of the town halting at least twenty meters before the barbed-wire fence surrounding the complex’s flickering energy field of a gateway.

“Inside, Lady Vesper,”
Kaikko said, approaching the gateway and inputting a code into a console mounted on its side. The violet field faded, revealing a large stone hallway, starkly illuminated by interior lighting, leading inside the garrison, patrolled by Nagai soldiers. It was then that the alarms of distant klaxons sounded in eerie synchronicity. Kaikko looked up, furrowing her brow, before turning to the Nagai males behind her. “Proximity alarms?”

Taikana’s comm/link crackled, and a male voice spoke. “Comm/scan personnel, comm/scan personnel, attend sector 1.2. Hyperspace reversal, 24 ships, correction, 33 ships, transponder Echo Tango 4 L-10, transponder Echo Tango 4 L-10. Comm/scan personnel, comm/scan personnel, attend sector 1.2.” There was a modulated beeping sound from the communicator, a sharp crackle, and then the alarms ceased.

Kaikko’s frown deepened. “L-10… L-10… What in blazes is an Empress Tetan fleet doing here?

At the abrupt alert and mention of the arrival of the fleet. Vesper spoke up, her hands, clasping her wrists within the folds of her cloak. “I had hoped we would have gotten to formalities prior to the arrival of the fleet. Yet given the dire circumstances and much having occurred between our exodus of Coruscant and our arrival here it would seem there has been no time. My apologies.” Her hands unclasped, taking a more open and less closed off, relaxed stance.

“This is all part of Operation: Darkfire. Our first stop was Empress Teta. Allies of the Empress and her future Emperor. Given their proximity to Coruscant, my duty was to ensure their safety as well as see to it that their fleet rendezvoused with us here on Saijo.” Vesper moved towards the doors that hissed open at their arrival. “Perhaps now is the opportune moment for us to get down to details.”

It was clear from the view outside the chamber that this was no simple conference room. This was a war room. Nagai of all genders and stature moved about in uniform, each in charge of their own station. Holo panels spread from the stations to the ceilings, green-hued grids showing ship locations in the space around Saijo. Others showed various locations around the garrison. It was clear this was likely the room where the voice over the comms had originated from.

In the center of the room was a rounded table, already geared up with images from the recent occurrences around the galaxy, as well as a fully enlarged image of Saijo itself; the Empress Tetan fleet in full view coming into range from hyperspace.

TAG: @Darth Dreadwar
IC- Grievance Vexx
Korriban, Underdelve

Though he has not had the time required for his personality to bond with any Sith aside from Draconis and Reiis Invadator, Vexx can feel and sense the cold sensation that comes when a soldier knows one of his own has fallen. Though he has not closely aligned himself with anyone from this time period yet, he is well aware of the death of Lord Kain. It stalls everything in him for a moment as he relives the death of so many of his own people, either massacred or enslaved where they were never seen or heard from again. It makes him sick with a sense of grief and rage combined and he hates it; hates this place; hates this time; hates what he has become. He is in captivity just as he swore to himself he would never be, but one vow remains the same.

"I cannot...I will not...die in captivity."

He isn't sure whether he has simply thought it or actually spoken it, but his age-old values remain true. He will die young in freedom before he will live to grow old in slavery and this is why he fights to find a way out now, but he will not go without knowing those whom he has bonded with will escape with their lives as well. This is why he fights to keep track of Invadator and Draconis and everyone who means anything to them. What matters to them matters to him as well and this would include Kielor and Hesper. The problem now is his awareness of death is clouding his logic. Why did Hesper rescue him from a swift end only to bring him to this hellish place to die in terror? Does his life mean anything more now than it did when his shuttle was in a tailspin to certain death? He hardly thinks so.

Nevertheless, these thoughts do nothing to fuel his desire to live now. They only make him question why he was chosen to live and come to this place. He has to focus on something else. Draconis! Invadator! Where are they? He can sense that they still live and he will see to it that they continue to do so if it is the last thing he does. If he lives through this at all, he will have some rather blunt questions for Lady Hesper, that is for certain.


The sounds of battle are tempting. Vexx lives to fight and give hell where hell is due, but not right now. Right now, his comrades are more important than his insatiable desire for combat. In the darkness, his natural eyesight helps him maintain surveillance on his master. Deciding he can better get to where he needs to go and keep all he is concerned with in sight from the previous upside down position on the ceiling, he uses the quadrupedal stance afforded by his cybernetics once again to scale the wall and take up the desired position, high above the settling dust.

He lets his emotions surface for one purpose: to illuminate the runes in his armor, swirling and pulsing an eerie crimson glow that Invadator and Kielor will easily be able to track in the darkness. He lets the cold sense of the recent death unsettle him, slowly releasing the dark undercurrent of loss and anger to power the scarlet Sheelal sigil glaring between his eyes and one on each broad shoulder plate. Hopefully Kielor and Invadator will easily be able to follow him as he pursues Draconis into the otherwise unnoticed passageway.


Tag: @Darth Dreadwar, @Darth Kain, @dragonsith13, @Reiis Invadator, @Kielor, @corinthia
IC: Darth Solus,
Location: Korriban

Solus’ focus stayed on the task at hand. Battle erupted around him and death continued it’s impartial consumption. In the end, death was simply part of the life of a Sith. Wars bred death and it was delivered absolutely. It was rare for the Sith to be unified in anything, and that was clear in the chaos around them. Some scrambled, some retreated. The so-called “Butcher of Coroscant” showed her true colors in her abandonment and petty unwillingness to work with those clawing for power. Not even to save the lives of those she hopes to rule. Pathetic. Her actions nullified any consideration the Commandant would have given her. But that was still a mater for another time.

The Amulet of concentration burned hot against the Consulate’s chest as he pull on it to give him the strength for the protection bubble he hoped to maintain. But another thought crossed his mind. A different charge that he would have to make sure was safe. Cordѐ. The Consulate looked for her amongst the chaos. His assumption was that she would be near Nihl and Volshe, however, that was only an assumption and not an unbased one. She stood with her parents, as Solus had expected. Probably the safest place for her. His next charge would be Reatith. His apprentice was capable but this was a threat unlike any other. The Umbaran was easier to find, even if it was just due to Solus’ connection with him. Then a feeling washed over him… Pride.

Reatith held his place and took control of a situation. Taken Solus’ previous mission in full force. Protect the children. The realization had dawned on Reatith that in this moment he needed to be more than an apprentice. He needed to be more than a Sith. He needed to be a strategist, and a guardian. A soldier, and a savior. Good job apprentice.

The Commandant’s gaze turned back to his task. Keep those around him from dying so escape can be possible. His clawed saber’s hissed off of his belt and into hit hands. Crimson blades ignited with haunting screaming echoes. Perhaps we die here, but we need to make our chances.

Solus’ boot clicked solidly as each step hit the ground. Wherever there was combat would be where he would be found. This is war, and I can do war.

TAGS: @Darth Dreadwar, @Darth Nathemus, @Voidwalker, @skira, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Cardun Vrek, @Reatith Blodraald, @Keres Dymos, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Reiis Invadator, @Grievance Vexx, @dragonsith13, @Darth Xxys, @Helkosh, @G.Kn, @Darth Thana, @corinthia, @Darth Kain, @Catalyst, @Volacius, @Darth Xirr, @DarthFeros, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @Metus, @Sith_Imperios

(Passive) Electrical Aura-4
Mind Shield- 4
Protection Bubble- 4

Location: A Vassago-class shuttle, inside a hangar the Aximand in low orbit over Axum

Teeth grinding, Omegon narrowed his eyes at Teracotus’s words. He was not angry at the captain, but rather the lack of allies he had been left to deal with. His remark about installing trackers had been in jest, but at this point, he made a mental note to actually go through with it. It would be invaluable in combat situations anyway, regardless of whether his fellow Sith were still missing or not, as it would help him properly coordinate their actions and tactics. And should one be captured or go missing during their missions, tracking them down would be as easy as the press of a button.

Omegon was just opening his mouth to order the pilot to take off without his companions when two of them, Rayge and Shadowsun, entered the hangar at a full sprint. Both of them leapt into the shuttle and took their seats alongside the darktroopers and Terracotus. Of Deleritas and Senec there was no sign, but Omegon had no intention of waiting any longer. He would deal with their absences later, but for now he had a different task to focus on.

His comms system opened up a line to the pilot as soon as they were strapped in. “Shuttle Legatus is confirmed for takeoff; Get us down to the surface and remain on standby for swift exfiltration. We shouldn’t be on the ground for more than a few seconds, long enough to get those Sith onboard. Ready the laser canons and the countermeasures and be prepared for anything.” Switching channels, he turned to look at Shadowsun, Rayge, Terracotus, and the Stormtroopers.

“When we reach the surface, I don’t want to spend any time there that we don’t need to. But, in the extreme case that engagement become necessary, I have brought you along. Troopers, keep your distance and use kinetic weapons to hold them back; the impact alone should be enough to create distance if it cannot kill them. Shadowsun, you are gifted with nigh impenetrable skin, which should enable you to buy some time. Rayge, if we can, I’d like to try to capture one of the brass soldiers for experimentation. Your Telekinesis should be more than enough to handle it, and once we get into the air, we can use the tractor beams onboard the Aximand to take hold of it. Don’t endanger the mission, however. First priority is to get in and out safely with the cargo.”

The ship vibrated as they exited the hangar and descended towards the surface. Vapor condensed and then burned away from the wings as they vented the excess heat into the atmosphere, and engines screamed from the effort of propelling the shuttle down towards their destination. Sealing his helmet, Omegon closed his eyes and calmed his mind, relaxing into his inner mind. He could feel the terror below and knew that even if everything went well on this mission, life would never return to how it had been before. Ancient armies arose, planets died, and the Sith Empire crumbled. He needed to contact his allies offworld and see if anything had befallen them, as well as determining a location to meet. He’d also arrange for a recorded message to be sent to the regent Apollyon, updating her on the situation and providing her with all the information necessary on the falls of Coruscant and Axum. Once that was done and his duty fulfilled, he would focus his efforts on reuniting and planning for the future.

His companions here and the stranded souls on the surface hadn’t factored into these plans quite yet, but the future was yet untold, and their talents might just prove useful in the battles to come.

Tags: @Darth Dreadwar @Rayge @Dorrian Shadowsun @Tobi Airskipper @Darth Kratos


Location: The forges within the Aximand’s middle decks

Sweat dripped from Pythonus’s forehead, and into a bowl he had sat beside himself. It formed a reflective pool of salty water, and its symbolism made it powerful; it was representative of work, struggle, and pain. Alchemy was, Pythonus had found, often dependent on symbolism more than material properties. Blood shed in anger or the tears of virgins had no detectable differences on the atomic level, and yet in the craft of alchemy both acted far differently from ordinary blood or tears. Taking a draft of water, he set aside his drinking flask and set about continuing his work.

The pauldrons had been cast, but they needed to be forged, hammered, and bent. Placing the first over a frame, he lifted a hammer in his hand and brought it down with a crash of sparks. Vibrations hammered through his arm and the anvil alike, and soon his arm was numb from sensation. But in return, the pauldron was slowly bending around the mold into the shape that was desired, going from a two-dimensional flat shell into a three-dimensional protective frame. And with every strike, he pre-loaded the armor with stresses, making it stronger, more durable, and ideal for causing blows to glance away rather than penetrate or slide towards his vital areas.

Stroke by stroke, blow by blow, his armor was becoming real. His ideas took shape and his mind took physical form as the blood infused steel was changed from mundane materials into a second skin for his master Omegon. A chisel and hammer in hand, he carved ancient runes of power and patterns of strength into the armored surface, seeking to turn his armor into a focus, something to enhance and channel his power to its strongest in a concentrated form. Lines and channels ran the length of the armor, built to direct his energy into his gauntlets as a central point.

At last, the pauldrons were done, and setting them aside with the scales and the technology that would be placed on the inside in pre-cut grooves and slots, Pythonus turned to his helm. There were many layers inside his helm, but the most inner of these was a padded cloth, with patches cut away for neural inputs and connections. Stripping away the gel padding from the cloth, Pythonus traced the pattern onto a sheet of parchment, so that he might create a new hood of identical shape. A mundane cloth would not be acceptable for the job he had planned. And so, from a sealed casket, he withdrew a length of ancient wispy wrapping, taken from the body of an entombed and mummified ancient and unnamed Sith. He had acquired it while studying with Lord Sedicious, and it would make an excellent material for the force mask he now sought to make. Weaving the lengths of thin wrapping together and sowing the edges, he swiftly created a replica the original piece of cloth.

But these wrappings alone, force imbued as they were with the ancient energies and power of the lord once buried in them, would be insufficient in completing his task. And so, he shed his own blood with a dagger, collecting the rapidly congealing fluid in a bowl, mixed with a small amount of crushed crystal; stygian crystal, to be exact. Even the tiny amount of crushed powder he included was incredibly expensive, but it would be worth it if his methods led to a successful creation. And so, with this blood and crystalline mixture, he began to write and draw on the inside of the wrappings, tracing geometric focusing patterns and runes, designed to hide intent and exertions of force ability. The rune of hiding, known as Swatak'Hatrata, was repeated over the surface in a sparkling crimson, surrounded by intricate interlocking shapes of power.

Taking this piece of cloth, Pythonus held it over the incense burners and focused, channeling his force strength into the working of cloth and blood. It held power already, but he sought to amplify and alter it, focusing it into the artifact he desired, infusing it with smoke and serpentine cunning. It was designed to act as Omegon’s shield, hiding his actions and enabling him to function without fear of discovery. With it, he could launch hidden attacks and manipulate from the shadows as he had always desired. Perhaps it would even allow him to strike back against this world decimating enemy that seemed to bring about apocalypses on a whim.

Tag: @Darth Dreadwar
IC: Apprentice Kielor
Location: Underdelve, Korriban

Scuttling down the infernal staircase, streams of dust and loose pebbles trickling from the ceiling of the cavern, Kielor hurries toward the safety of the floor below. The enormity of the underground chamber surprises him; a blessing after the cramped quarters of the dungeons moments ago.

As he nears the bottom of the stair he rapidly assesses the scene, to find even more going on below than what he has just escaped in the dungeons above. Several golems of some sort are amassed, along with many high ranking and powerful Sith. To one side his attention is drawn to some form of magick or technological marvel, as a geometric pane of scintillating light abruptly narrows down to a single point before winking out. There is combat, also. The might of the Sith assembled surely only moments from putting an end to the handful of ragged assailants.

Sticking close to his Master, Kielor follows the ruby glow which emanates from Lord Vexx into the dust and gloom, the staunch mass of his companion beast beside him.

Tag: @Darth Dreadwar @Reiis Invadator @Grievance Vexx
IC: Acolyte Bordst
Sith Imperial Garrison, Axum

He'd wanted to improve his Force skills. His logic had told him that the best place to do that was with others who used the skills regularly. "Go join the Sith," he'd thought. "You'll find like-minded people," he thought. This was one time when his ability to plan out the encounter had gone somewhat wrong. Of course he'd been thrown in with the front-line. And now they were being advanced-upon by statues / soldiers that were quite invincible. His regular smile had faded a bit. If he survived this encounter, he'd indeed gain some good experience. That was a big if.

As the soldiers advanced, he felt a good amount of panic rising. He closed his eyes and breathed. The panic passed. Somewhat. He was here with two other Force users. One who, obviously had a good deal of training and experience. Bordst determined to watch her closely, learn as much as he could from her. If they were to survive, she was their best bet.

The other he was with was another new one like him. While it was useful to have someone higher up to emulate, it was also useful to have someone on the same level to learn from and practice with. He watched closely as his cohort tried to use his Force powers and failed. Bordst couldn't fault him for that, though. He was sure his own efforts would be just as futile.

As Bordst stood there, likely looking like a smiling fool, he tried to determine how his own skills could be used. He could hide himself from others somewhat. That was useful when thieving, but not in this instance. Right now, he needed to be present with his allies. He could try to move things like Apprentice Airskipper had, though that would likely be about as effective as holding a cat in a wet paper bag. After all, the soldiers had torn through marble and stone on the way toward the Sith Garrison.

His compatriots suddenly became quite animated, jerking him out of his thoughts. A ship was coming. The Aximand. Now they just needed to survive long enough to board it. He looked at the console on the tarmac of the base to see where they were. It appeared from their velocity, the soldiers would get here just too soon for the three to get to safety. They needed a delay. Just simply a way to slow these metal monsters down. His eyes settled on the riverbank they were walking up. Could he have much influence on it from this far away? He needed to try.

With the clanking growing louder and louder, he gathered every sense of his being and reached out for the rocks and water in the river. He felt it in his grip, tenuous as it was. His intention and feeling was to hoist it up and over on to the front flank of the soldiers.

Tags: @Darth Dreadwar @Dorrian Shadowsun @Kint Dranlor @Rayge, @Tobbi Airskipper

Power used: Telekinesis
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IC: Darth Mavros
The Underdelve, Korriban

Mavros watched as Lord Xxys swiftly dispatched the three shadow slayers, including the one that he had aimed the bolt of hatred towards. The green bolt hit the slayer as it slumped to the ground.

This is utter madness. Honestly, what the kriff is going on.

There was little to no coordination. Viscretus had tried to give directions, but Hesper had simply ignored her orders and ran on into the dark, running away from where the fighting was still going on. Mavros sighed. He didn’t exactly disapprove, after all, he would’ve done it under normal circumstances, but it wasn’t the sort of thing one expected from someone who was claiming to be a leader.

Maybe she’s hoping everyone else dies so she can take the throne and rule over an order consisting only of herself. That’s one way to get the throne…

The Hypergate had not reactivated, meaning for now he was somewhat safe. There were still shadow slayers, but none were heading towards him. And that was all that really mattered to him right now. He couldn’t care less about the others, from the way it was looking, they were all dead anyway. Why bother wasting his precious energy to extend the lifespan of others by a few minutes? Instead, he looked over towards the ancient looking landspeeder that had been revealed by the deactivation of the hypergate. He moved around the edges of the chamber, staying as clear from the battle as he could. He then moved towards the speeder and examined it, trying to see if there was a chance it still worked.

Maybe I can make a break for it, if the tunnels are wide enough for this thing to fit through…

TAG: @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Hadzuska_The Jester @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Keres Dymos, @skira, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Volacius, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia, @Darth Dreadwar
IC: Sol Kira
Underdelve, Korriban

As Sol eyes narrowed at the creature, a familiar presence approached from behind her. She paid no mind to the other apprentices around her, calming slightly at the presence.

“And just when I thought I had gotten rid of you,” She pestered, eying the mirror image of herself.

“Oh please, I can’t let you get yourself killed,” Zoradon replied, his voice warped with a hint of her own.

“Shut up,” She whispered, her grip tightening on the hilt of her saber. “Can’t you change what you look like? It’s creepy.”

“You were my last target, you determined what I looked like.”

“Then pick a new one… Do you need a weapon?” She asked as she unsheathed her sword with her demonic hand, keeping it held tightly at her side to prepare for an attack from the creature.

“It’s not that simple. And no, I quite enjoy a ‘hands on’ approach. Let this thing attack you first, you are skilled at defensive arts.”

But as he said that, a lightning rod of pain shot through her head. It faded as soon as it came, but left a burning sensation in the middle of her forehead. It was enough to make her ears ring for a few seconds. Her hand, still holding the unlit saber, moved up to her head. Her fingers felt the familiar Mark of Kain radiating with heat. She hadn’t known or remembered how she had gotten the mark all those months ago, but a Master in the Sith Temple had told her it’s name. It was the source of the pain, but why?


Overwhelming sadness overcame her. Sadness, confusion, and anger. She knew then that she hadn’t had the chance to ask Lord Kain what the mark was, and that she may never know the reason for it. She also knew, and assumed some around her knew as well, that the Beloved King of the Stars was no more.

“No. These things will die today… now,” She said, blinking away the tears brimming in her eyes. Yes, they will die. They will all die for what they had done.

She moved her hand back down to her side and ignited her saber, the crimson blade matching that of the color of her eyes. Sol burned with hatred, pure hatred. She kept her sword at her side, still prepared to block an attack from the Slayer. She raised her saber and took small steps towards the slayer to keep a safe distance from it, swinging down towards the creatures neck.

As she moved, Zoradon was close behind, watching and ready to fight the creature if need be.

Powers Used:
Shii-Cho - 1
Deadly Sight - 1

TAG: @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia,@dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare,@Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus,@Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Hadzuska_The Jester @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald,@Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Keres Dymos, @Cardun Vrek ,@Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Volacius,@Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana,@Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia, @Darth Dreadwar
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IC: Reatith Blodraald
Location: Underdelve

Darth Xxys proved his power before his eyes, taking out multiple foes at once. But they kept coming, and coming.

Reatith stood far away from the gate and was unable to engage in hand to hand combat, so the Umbaran put away his twin blades and un-holstered both his slugthrowers from under his arms. They rested in freshly polished, black leather shoulder harnesses, the pistols gleamed with a reflective black sheen in direct contrast to the filthy, crumbling tunnel around them.

"Roshkas, identify and highlight the enemy in my HUD the moment I have a clear shot."

The lenses in his hand built cortosis, ultrachrome weave mask illuminated with a red hue. The beam of a laser from his small friend, only able to be seen in the ultraviolet spectrum, locked on to the enemy assassin the moment he stepped around the limp bodies of his comrades.

Time felt like it had stopped as the apprentice took a calm steadying breath......and opened fire. The loud blasts pierced through the sound of tremors and shouting, death and war, making all those in the area nearly deaf with the familiar high pitched ringing of tinnitus.

The smell of the freshly oiled rails smoked as the hot, explosive shells were ejected out of the firearms. One after another, he alternately fired both weapons until they clicked empty. He shoved both of the now empty, smoking slugthrowers back into the holsters and reached for his sabers. He wouldn't take any chances that the assailant died to the 30 slugs.

'Assumptions can get you killed.'

Equipment used:
2 full magazines from pistols (4 remaining)

TAGS: @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia,@dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare,@Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus,@Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Hadzuska_The Jester @Darth Xxys, @skira ,@Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Keres Dymos, @Cardun Vrek ,@Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Volacius,@Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana,@Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia, @Darth Dreadwar

IC: Darth Thana
Location: Underdelve, Sith Temple, Korriban

The raven haired Zabrak was ecstatic that her thorn filled vine attack had succeeded, watching them at least hold down one of the attackers dead in it's tracks. She had turned her attention to the monsterous fire live golems that stood in her path blocking. She spoke up "You!" Pointing at the one to her right side and "Head to the tunnel behind and aid the Lords in lighting the way. If need be protect them against attackers, I will be right there."

Watching her beast move as if to follow her commands, as Thana had turned her attention back to her ally since descending the stairs to safety. The red scaled Trandoshan, Mirtis as he was commanded by Apollyon to kill her current prey due to her surge of brier. Nodding at him as almost a silent signal to work together in this attack. Her focus was intent on holding the enemy down for the academy acquaintance, eye contact never truly breaking except for a second for the unvoiced acknowledgement.

The intense scowl expression Thana had as she watched her prey struggle like a trapped verkle. She could only imagine it's thoughts if it had any or if she had cared enough to mentally give it feelings. Thana's bloodlust not yet satisfied, her laser like focus on the enemy's throat and head area wanting it to shake violently as her nightsister technique taught vines held it in place. She wanted it to explode spraying whatever blood it had running through it's veins, her savage upbringing shining through as she would've wanted to rip the skin from it's throat with her bare hands. This was good enough given the circumstances as only the will of the dark side would tell if it would work because there is no escape from destiny...

Surge of brier -2
Flamusfracta -2

IC: Darth Mirtis,
Setting: Underdelve, Sith Temple, Korriban

Darth Thana's vines held one of the shadow slayers that appeared. Darth Mirtis braced himself in defense but a voice caught the reptiles attention. "You!" Apollyon looked his way and commanded for him to kill the restrained shadow slayer. He did not like being given orders and much less by those he does not know very well. But given the circumstances that have continued to have evolved during his time at this event, he was more then happy to obliged to killing something. He looked back to meet eyes with Darth Thana who nodded with Mirtis returning the gesture and then meeting his sight with the held prey.

He began running at the shadow slayer, shield in front to defend him and hid his fist. As he closed the gap he attempted to will the force into his fist to strike his opponent in the chest with a force punch. He did not know what his enemy was exactly, but hoped a blow to the chest would put them down. He would have to ask someone knowledgeable about their biology once he survives this. After the planned attack, Darth Mirtis would try to will the force and enhance his jump capability to back away from the shadow slayer as he was wary of a counter attack.

Powers used:
Force Punch-4
Enhance Attribute-1 (jump)

Tags: @Darth Dreadwar
@corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Keres Dymos, @skira, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Volacius, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Sith_Imperios
Convoluted Combo:
The Great Escape! (Part Deux)
Darth Feros/Darth Krayt, Darth Nathemus, Darth Arach, Darth Voidwalker, and Volshe

"Jump, Voidwalker! Jump!" Feros yelled.

With all of his concentration focused on his attack aimed at the ancient Lord, Voidwalker barely heard the words calling out to him. It was clear that they were not going to leave without him. Trusting in his mismatched band of allies, Voidwalker jumped back as hard as he could. Aimed back down the hallway towards the doorway leading to the underdelve, still releasing his potentially devastating attack. His fate now rested in their hands...

Perhaps it was the years he'd spent honing his skills in battle, or perhaps it was the sheer adrenaline rushing through his veins giving him tunnel vision and acute awareness, but less than a moment ago he could barely register the words telling him to jump. Now as he flew through the air the same words seemed to echo within his mind as openly as a canyon. It was Krayt that had warned him to jump and they replayed over and over as if in slow motion like a scene from an action holofilm. Then he felt it. The invisible hand of the Force catching him and ensnaring him in its embrace. No not a hand, three hands were pulling him back to safety. As the temple continued to violently shake, loose debris fell, pelting him as he was pulled back to his forced retreat. Voidwalker closed his eyes to protect his vision from any dust or falling stone that might obscure or blind his sight.

Feros saw Voidwalker lift from the floor and rocket towards them, scale and refuse pelting him as he flew. As he dove, Feros opened his arms and grabbed Voidwalker, the two of them careening backwards down the stairs, wrapped in a protective bubble of Force energy to guard against any falling debris, and the possible injuries from the steps themselves.

Arach’s eyes closed in relief as she felt their combined telekinetic pull succeed. As she felt Voidwalker sail pass, she felt her relief drain away and replaced it in rapid succession by fear, then curiosity. She had felt the unseen eyes of her former master fall briefly on this ragtag group, then it simply fell away. The fleeting pain of a small rock scratching her cheek reminded her that they were still not out of danger. She turned her back and ran after Feros and Voidwalker.

One question, however, stayed in her mind; Why hasn’t Dreadwar finished us off, yet? Why haven’t any of them?

Feros arrested their momentum with the Force, and stood, dusting himself off. He had a few cuts and scrapes from the Dungeons collapsing, but all in all, he was much better off than he thought he was going to be. He grabbed Voidwalker and wrapped him in an embrace.

"It's good to see you still upright, old friend." He said in his lilting Hapan accent. "Or to see you at all. It's been too long."

"Ah, yes. Happy reunions. But, in case you've forgotten, everything above us is collapsing. We don't have time for this!" Krayt said to him.

"Shut up. We're still going downstairs. What's it to you, anyway? You're already dead." Feros retorted.

"Come. Let's keep moving as we talk. We need to rejoin the others."

Even with his eyes closed, Voidwalker felt that he'd made contact with another's body before falling end over end down the stairs. Finally they had been on solid ground before he was jerked up. Opening his eyes, he was as shocked as he was confused, even though he'd heard the words that had been spoken to him. It was Krayt that had caught him and now had his arms wrapped around him, hugging him.

"What are you doing? Get the hell off of me!" He exclaimed as he pushed Krayt back and pulled away from the sentimental gesture. What sort of game is this anyway? "Look, I appreciate you coming to the aid of my brother and I, and I thank you for the assistance. But do not think we are friends just because of it. At best we are allies due to the circumstances of Dreadwar, but that's it."

"And to think," Feros said, raising an eyebrow at Voidwalker, "after all these years, I thought you'd be happy to see me."

Krayt's response came in an all too familiar tone, a Hapan accent that was now mixed with the sarcasm that could match only Catalyst's. "Feros? Is it really you?" Without the need for a reply the answer was clear as the streams of Naboo. "Feros, it is you! It is you!" Voidwalker exclaimed in a tone of joy. One similar to a child being reunited with a lost toy. He threw his arms around his seemingly lost friend and embraced him in a celebratory hug. "It's so good to see you! We're in a hell of a mess, but I'm glad you're you and here. Nathemus, Feros is back!" Wait that's right, Nathemus took that hit more directly than I did.

Throwing a look over his shoulder, he gave a shout to Nathemus. "Brother, are you ok? You still in one crack filled piece?"

Inclining his head, the Sedriss arose from the ground he'd fallen on with a guttural grunt. He'd taken the debris then hardest of their little merry band. But he was fine with that. After all, he was the most durable and he could handle it. "I'm all good, brother. My body broke the fall."

"And Feros!! You're back. It's truly good to see you without the other guy in control."
As he said this, he wrapped both Feros and Voidwalker in an embrace. It had been years since the three of them had been in the throws of battle together. Then turning towards their other companion, he said, "Thank you, Lady Arach. We couldn't have survived them without you."

Turning to the woman that he'd seen previously with Hesper at the battlements, he looked her in the face. "Thank you. You risked your life to help us when you didn't have to. Truly, thank you. I'm sorry that I do not know your name, but allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Voidwalker, and you have my eternal gratitude."

In response, Arach inclined her head in acknowledgment, putting aside her unasked questions. “I am Arach,” she answered Voidwalker. She turned her gaze to Nathemus and gave him a slight smile. “I had to try to help. There have been too many deaths today.”

Feros was the first to reply to her, not intending to be rude. "I am Darth Feros. It's good to finally meet you formally, Arach. And yes, thank you."

"Death is a natural part of any life," even as the words left his lips Voidwalker couldn't help but to ponder upon how many lives he himself had ended. "As Sith loss is to be expected amongst our kind. But death from our own Emperor on this magnitude is unnatural. Even betrayal is a common factor among our Order, but betraying an Order you raised and molded in your image just to bring forth an apocalypse is unforgivable." He said with a steely resolve. "Besides, an apocalypse in this economy? That is a bold move." Voidwalker added in a more comical tone in an attempt to lighten the situation.

No matter his intentions no light could pierce the dark veil that hung over all of them. A veil that continued to grow. Only a few steps remained before the group of Sith reached the bottom of the underdelve and would be reunited with the rest of the Sith Order, or what remained of it anyway. Voidwalker stopped dead in his tracks. Frozen in a moment in time and space as the others stepped past him. No reaction even as a small rounded piece of rubble fell from the ceiling and collided with his forehead, leaving a round jagged cut in the center of his forehead.

He was listening to the other three talk as they neared the bottom of the stairs when it hit him. A presence so familiar in the Force that it was almost as though he didn't notice it anymore. Until just now, when it disappeared. He couldn't breathe. His chest felt tight. He opened himself and searched, but nothing. Kain's presence was gone. He turned to Voidwalker and Nathemus, both of whom were familiar with Kain as well.

"Did you two feel it as well? Tell me I'm the only one. Tell me I'm mad." He almost yelled, his voice starting to break. Kain couldn't be gone. Not yet. There had to be an explanation, some sort of reason he couldn't feel him. He had so much to tell his closest friend. He could feel tears welling up. He knew it was true, but he couldn't believe it. He refused to.

Feros' words echoed at the exact time Nathemus felt it, or rather didn't feel it, too. Though they'd only officially been brothers for little more than an hour, Lord Kain had been one of his closest friends and allies among the Empire. It was like a void had been opened in his heart that could never be filled again. "Feros, it's true. I don't feel him either." Two tears began to stream down the face of the Sedriss and his hands curled into fists.

Arach had felt it. She didn’t know who it had been, but their death felt as though one of the brightest suns had been horribly and violently extinguished.

She felt grief. Grief that she would now never personally meet this individual, as well as the fact that she hadn’t realized the brilliance of this presence until now.

Arach placed her hand on the nearby wall and squeezed her eyes shut as her tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"There is this about being Sith," Krayt said to him, "our attachments are our greatest strength, and our most cutting weakness. He was your dearest friend. And he is gone, Feros."

"Shut up! You don't get to speak of him!" Feros snapped back. "You didn't even know him!" The tears were flowing freely now, hot as the fire that Kain had held so dear. He needed to lash out, to destroy something. He turned to the doorway of the stairs they had just exited, and moved back towards it, pushing past the others to make sure they were not in the way. As he moved, he pulled the Force into him in a way only a man on the verge of snapping could. He let it fill him, before unleashing it in a massive wave of energy, meant to collapse the staircase and cut off any pursuit.

As Feros pushed past the statuesque Voidwalker, the dam of feelings erupted. Tears streamed down his face, his heart hurt and ached with the pain of loss. Kain's presence in the Force was completely gone, snuffed out in an instant like the flame of a candle being extinguished. Kain's signature in the Force was warm and light filled, like looking at a fire from a distance. It was the absolute feeling of life in the Force, and now all that remained was the cold darkness of death. The Force felt as if it were dying earlier, but now it felt as if the Force was absolutely dead. There was only one possible outcome for such an absence of feeling. The Son of Suns was gone, killed without remorse. His friend, his brother in arms, his King, was gone. The one who killed him might have done so without remorse but Voidwalker mourned his friend and he knew he must have vengeance.

His mind raced with a thousand possible reasons, questions, outcomes, futures, and infinite possibilities. How did this happen? Why did it have to come to this? Who was responsible for his death? What happened to the concealment spell Volshe was supposed to have cast? Even with all of the questions, only one truth remained across all of them, Kain's mission was now his own. Kain, you were everything I wasn't and gained all that I could not. But I make this solemn vow in honor of your name, I will finish what you started....but at what cost?

"Arach, Feros, Nathemus," Voidwalker spoke as his voice broke, trying to gain control over his emotions. "You should have let me die. Kain should have been the one to live!" His crimson eyes set in a dead stare straight ahead of him that would appear he was dead-locked in any who might look upon him. "Arach, I know we have only met and you do not know this, but I am of Dreadwar's bloodline. I am a part of his legacy just as those twins of Volshe's. That means some part of him is within me, I am no better than he is. My legacy is to betray just as he has. But I promise you this, if you will follow me after this you have my allegiance and word to fight next to you. If those who attack us and follow Dreadwar call themselves Sith, then we will betray the Sith. I understand if the three of you have your own allegiances, I will not ask you to break those bonds. But I will ask you to strengthen them as we set out to carry on his will!"

Arach chuckled darkly, her voice thick and low from her tears. “If your nature is to betray, Voidwalker, then so is mine.” She lifted her head and met his gaze, one corner of her mouth lifted into a humorless half- smile. “As it is Hesper’s and Apollyon’s. We might not be of Dreadwar’s blood, but he has trained us. As for your friend,” her golden gaze became stern, yet soft. “I am truly sorry he’s gone. However, his sacrifice is the only reason we’re alive. We attacked Malleus with everything we had and he was barely scratched. What else can we do?”

Arach’s own voice broke and she quickly looked away. She felt the hopelessness and despair she had caged finally slip free. She clenched her teeth as she tried to force her emotions back.

After a moment, when she felt calm enough, she continued, her tone quiet. “That being said, should you need my assistance, I will help if I can. On one condition,” Arach lifted her head to meet Voidwalker’s eyes, her gaze burning with barely constrained fury. “Don’t you dare say we should have let you die ever again. I don’t know Kain, or what happened, but I’m assuming he wouldn’t have done what he did if he didn’t believe any of us were worth saving. Remember, we are alive right now because of him. We owe him.”

The Empress spun as she felt the presence of her sons, handing off the datapad to one of her Knights as they neared the bottom of the staircase. But as she approached the returning group, she froze, hand reaching out for her husband as her mind suddenly spun and her muscles slackened with a sudden weakness that she could not control. It was not a million lives, nor a trillion, but a single light that had suddenly been snuffed out. A knight steadied her instead. She took a moment to reclaim the breath that had been stolen from her. A hole had torn itself into the fabric of the Force around her. The strange darkness that harmonized with her own, that had sung to her its soft vespers since they had their fateful encounter near two years ago, had vanished. There was silence, deafening silence, the symphony reduced to only the beating of her own heart.

Lord Kain was dead.

“Lord Kain…” she whispered, weakly.

She reached out to Nathemus as he approached, her hands frantic in their gestures. She was not only reaching for the son who stood before her, but her celestial son, her glazed eyes indicative that she was elsewhere.

And she was. She was delving into the frigid waters of chaos, grasping for the spirits that flooded around them. Searching, desperately searching, for a single gossamer thread that had tied the child of Abeloth to her, that had tied him to the mortal realm. It had to be there. It had to -

She found it, in that instant, a fading light in a maw of darkness beyond the temple walls. A tiny flicker of flame, desperately attempting to stay alight. She reached out to it, willing it to bloom into inferno once more, urging it to return to her.

There had been relief in the churning gold of her eyes as her son had approached, but the tear that escaped her eyes was one of despondency and fear.

“He’s dead. He’s dead.”

She turned back to the now-Emperor Nihl, her attention torn between the returning party and her husband, half of her mind still fighting in that starless night beyond, shepherding the dying light of her celestial son back to them. The fight around her turned to a terrible ringing, her words as quiet as if she had spoken them on the surface of Hoth.

The darkness had overtaken that tiny faltering light. Not even stardust remained, all of him swallowed by evil itself. Her breath left her, clawing at her throat. Her spectral hand had failed…and touched annihilation with it. Images flooded her mind, now, but they were not of the young man she had expected. They were torment, terrible visages of horror and obsidian ichor, of twisted fates and gore. She recoiled, her mind instantly retreating to protect herself. Darth Venomis had killed him. Darth Venomis had taken her son. And though she had only just acquired him, weeks ago, it was a knife through her chest.
He was more than her son, he was a key to their survival. An eternity stolen in a moment.

“He’s gone. I can’t…I can’t... I cannot save….”

She lurched forward, abruptly, the effort of yet another failed essence transfer taking its toll on her - and the moment of warring with Venomis’ will taking even greater toll. Anger flooded her but she was not strong enough to stoke it. Fear threatened her, but she was not strong enough to tame it. “Gods, no,” she whispered, swaying, her body faltering beneath her.

Nathemus then stepped towards Volshe, not as Dark Lord and Empress, but as Son and Mother, and he outstretched his arms catching her as she faltered. "Mother, Kain's gone, but he wouldn't want us sitting in this cavern being sad over it. He fell while taking the fight to these invaders. He fell so that we could live and fight another day. Know that I am with you, and father, and Voidwalker, and our whole family until we win, or until we die trying."

"VOLSHE!" Voidwalker barked, more anger and emotion slipping through than he's intended "So kind of you to embrace you son." He stated through gritted teeth with a sarcastic anger mixed tone. "Where is Kain? Oh that's right, you willing sent us to our deaths!" has come to this. "Tell me did you view him as a such a threat and that's why you didn't conceal him? I was right there when the plan was formed, Viscretus. But Arach is right, we owe Kain, and there is no escape from destiny." With a Stern look, Voidwalker glared past Volshe seeing the others locked in combat and some scrambling to find some form of direction in leadership. Is this why fate brought us together? Voidwalker stepped past Volshe to make his way further into the cavern. "I have a people to lead. Mother." He spat the word like a vile taste from his mouth. "Arach, Feros let's go. We need to rally our forces and find a way out of here. Nathemus, I will not ask you to pick sides, this is a decision only you can make. Just know that no matter what you choose, you will always be my brother."

Fire burned in her chest, anger boiling to the surface. All she had done was protect them. All she had done was give every last ounce of her power, to guide them. To lead them to safety.

And now he accused her of being a traitor? Of killing her own?

“You are Sith,” she called after the one she had taken into her home, into her care. “It is your duty to protect this order, it is your duty to use the power the Force has given you.”

It was not enough. He had made terrible claims, subverted her with bitter accusations that were entirely false. She pushed herself off from Nathemus, moving to step unsteadily behind the man who stalked off. “I have done my duty. I have done everything I can to save us from them. Things that you will never understand. Not only today. I have spent months preparing us for this unwinnable war. I have faced the wrath of both the Emperor and the wretched one that stands beside him, no matter what was inflicted upon me. For years I did this. Time and time again. I did this to protect you all!”

“How dare you accuse me of such petty treachery? Of killing one of my own? How dare you, who has not seen the end, who has not seen one single moment of what is to come?”

She was heaving for breath now, the Force roiling around her in an inferno. Ozone tanged the air, her fingers tingling as if urging her to strike him down. There was fire in her eyes, rage in her soul. Her fists clenched. Every moment of pain she had lived surfaced in that instant.

“We needed him. I needed him. And though you believe it is easy for me, to lead you in this war. Though you believe I find joy in doing what I must do….I do not. There will only be more pain. You do not know what you are facing. I only pray you will never know.”

Voidwalker stopped midstep as the woman he just pushed past berated him with words. Without even turning to look at her, he said his peace. "Do not talk to me of duty or being Sith, Viscretus. Don't think a political speech will work on me. There is no escaping Destiny it seems and I see that now. You can pray all you wish, but while you pray I'll be doing what I must do and lead my King's people."

“Go then,” she snarled, her voice low, fire yet in her gaze. “Lead them, child, when you know nothing of what lies ahead.”

Her hand reached out to his wrist, briefly. “You will not last a moment when you face him, but do not say I did not warn you.”

She did not reach out only with her hand, but with the Force itself, using the last threads of energy she could muster to twist the mind of the one who had proved himself foolish twice. Perhaps it would not immediately succeed, but it would certainly succeed in time. He would have to be tamed. His actions were once again verging on irrational.
She stood, heaving, phantasmic flame stirring at her fingertips and surrounding her before vanishing as her anger began to wane again into exhaustion.

The words of Voidwalker also echoed in the Sedriss' mind. Could Volshe have saved him with a Concealment spell? The Force has betrayed us this day. Even my command of the ice did not tarnish the ancient King. It didn't much matter what she may have tried to do. No one can hide from an all-seeing eye, but Nathemus had no knowledge of the nature of the Lord of the Invaders.

The assassin stepped in front of the self proclaimed Empress, allowing herself a moment of compassion. She gently placed her hand on the regal woman’s shoulder and said, softly, “I’m sorry about your son. He saved our lives and that is no easy debt to repay.” Arach maneuvered her head so she could look into the other woman’s eyes. “I can only guess at the pain you must be going through, but for now, you need to find the strength to be strong. Not for yourself, but for your family and followers. Show no weakness, now is not the time. Survive, then turn your grief into rage. Show your son’s murderers that they messed with the wrong family.”

She took the moment of rest, though it was far from enough, to centre herself. The words of Arach offered little consolation, the situation was nothing but desperate for her now. Her breath returned to her moment by moment, though there was a searing pain in her head that had only erupted after Lord Kain’s spirit had been torn away from them. She had been overtaxing herself, using the force in ways only Vitiate himself could have - and it had only bought them seconds. She was not sure she could do more. She needed time. She needed something more. There was nothing but death around them, nothing she could use to save them all.

She clung to the son who was not her own.

“The hypergate is unresponsive. It is not working, it will incinerate us if we use it. Your father and you must coordinate the efforts for now, and I must rest. We must find safe passage from this place. I do not have any belief there is a safe passage, but you must try.”

She looked over to the nearby Nihl, nodding to him, and settling herself to the floor. She briefly contemplated acting selfishly in that moment, about impaling herself with the jewelled athame she carried and ferrying her spirit into her own child - anything that would guarantee her survival. But even that was a gamble. And her attempt to save the Order and Lord Kain had left her weak enough she was not certain she could accomplish it. Not only that, his death would be for naught if she simply abandoned them all. He had done the same as she had though he had paid the ultimate price. They had time, even if it only happened to be seconds.

“They must bring the rest of the Temple down,” she said, softly, her throat tight as fatigue washed over her. “And someone must tell me what is there-“ she pointed to the abyss behind them. And down those tunnels. Lady Hesper and the rest ventured that way.”

Her hand rose to the visage of Muur that the others had traversed into. “I know there are crypts. I just- I do not know what still lies within. I do not know if this cavern is now our tomb.”

Arach followed Voidwalker, wordlessly She felt Hesper’s urging to follow her and the assassin sent back a wordless acknowledgment, feeling disquieted. She now owed two debts that were impossible to repay.

Pushing onward into the cavern, Voidwalker quickly contemplated on how to gain his new followers, those who had sworn themselves to Kain. He needed a way for them to now stand with him. He wasn't one known for great and elaborate speeches, no he was more known for being the blunt and straight to the point type. That is who he was, and that is what he would use to his advantage. Without slowing his pace, he shouted loudly above the sounds of combat and commands. "Lord Kain is dead! Those who still wish to serve his cause and shed the shackles of the Sith to be more, to be heirs to the stars then follow me. We will see our King's vision through!"

He had said all that he needed to at this point, he knew he'd need to address any of those that chose to follow him later. For now though, he had to do what Kain wanted and get them to safety. He continued onwards towards the opening of the mouth carved in the wall. Kain I wish you were here. I want the lead our people and be more just as you wished, I can only hope I have the strength to do so. Memories from only earlier in the day briefly flashed in his mind, the words of Kain echoing in his mind like a ghostly message from beyond. We were born to desperate times, perhaps none of you wished for this to happen in our time. So do I. But that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. I am fine. Lead the way then, Voidwalker." Words from multiple events of this very day yet all called to him as if a single correlated and conscious message. Even though Kain was gone, apart of him was still here and it would live on through all of them that remember their beloved King of the stars.

Tears once again filled his eyes and ran down his face. There was only one last thing to be said. "Let us claim the stars as our King sought for us. Hail the Beloved King of the Stars!"

Powers Used:
Feros - Force Wave - 3
Viscretus - Mind trick - 5
Force Drain- 5

@Darth Dreadwar, @corinthia, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Darth Cruor, @Darth Kain, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Keres Dymos, @skira, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Volacius, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios
Last edited:
IC: Keres Dymos
Underdelve, Sith Temple, Korriban

She could never admit it, but her heart beat faster. Not merely adrenaline, but fear. Facing these things and their swords had gone, well, quite poorly for her the first time around. But now it was one against two. Three, maybe, with Zareel so nearby. Or, perhaps, against two as Keres noted the other slayer going for the younglings. Her breath caught in her throat as she turned towards the second threat. Did they move to protect them? Or would their own threat get there first?

"The younglings!" she hissed to Kira, shifting behind the other woman, wondering if she could run and cover them in time.

This dilemma was neatly solved when Lady Apollyon suddenly sailed over them, slashing at the threat with intent. Keres' shoulders unspooled, and she was able to retake her spot at Kira's side, slightly behind. "Well, I suppose that's taken care of," Keres commented, refocusing on the slayer. She really hoped this one went down easy.

However, she was at something of an angle, and could see through the empty hole of the hypergate. "People are going into that room, I think. Is it a tunnel?" Keres' mind kept flickering between options, unable to concentrate properly on an immediate threat as she thought about their steps afterwards.

Cold washed over her, like being in front of a crackling fire that had abruptly been doused. Keres shivered, and her empty fist clenched, like it longed to clutch at that vanished heat. The horror of it steadied her, somehow. "Was that-" she couldn't even finish the terrible sentence, though she thought Kira would know what she meant. Anger rose as well, sharpening her gaze against their foe.

TAGS: @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @skira, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Volacius, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia, @Darth Dreadwar
IC: Darth Pravum
Location: Underdelves, Sith Temple, Moraband

"Don't tell me what to do.", Darth Pravum, several times

"Don't tell me what to do."
, Darth Pravum muttered under his breath at the order from Apollyon. He remembered his discussion with that charming young redheaded fellow at the feast. Apollyon was the epitome of the fallacy of the Sith. She fancied herself a chain-bearer, and yet, she herself had been chained. By Darth Dreadwar. How poetically ironic, then, that it had been her chain-bearer, her Master, the true power behind Apollyon, the one who'd invited them all here in the first place, that he had betrayed them.

The thought of treachery on her part passed briefly through his mind. He'd sensed no dishonesty from her, and yet, even Pravum was humble enough to know that any apprentice of Dreadwar would be able to conceal her intentions from him. But no, it made no sense. If she had planned to betray them, now, whilst they huddled and waited for death, now would be the time to do it. And yet, here she stood, helping, albeit annoyingly.

For Pravum, the true nightmare today had been the plethora of authority figures barking this and that for him to do. Submission was a far scarier prospect to face than any ghoul could hope to be. And yet, as with Volshe's earlier orders, he had no choice; authority or lack thereof aside, an army of monsters was no use if it weren't, well, put to use. It was the principle he was following, he assured himself, the soundness of the strategy, not the orders of the little Apprentice that couldn't quite.

He scanned the battlefield from atop his golem's shoulders. Volshe was off conversing with a rather upset looking Darth Voidwalker and a band of randoms. Lord Xxys and some others were engaged in the battle with the creatures he'd emulated with his wraiths. The Shard was huddled by the now apparently busted portal, perhaps trying to fix it or perhaps they'd broken it themselves in service of Dreadwar. Whatever the case, that was no longer an option for escape. That left the outcome he'd wanted to prevent since the banquet hall: going further into the tombs beneath the temple, looking for alternative escape routes, hoping to god that the endless armada in the sky was, in fact, not endless. Pravum thanked the gods that he'd created for himself a small oasis of soldiers, relatively safe from any incoming attacks. His task was obvious: clear a path through the fray, helping the others to escape. With a dramatic and entirely unnecessary flourish, he held out his right arm with his chin held high and turned to the left, allowing it to hang delicately in the air, his fingers outstretched yet drooping slightly, commanding his troops with an ever-so-slight nonchalance.

Of course, the arm movement was mere flavor for bystanders; his golems and wraiths, though different in appearance, shared a telepathic link with him, allowing him full control of their actions. The golems were simpler, grunts to be ordered. The wraiths were far more complicated, possessing a certain degree of intelligence in addition to their hulking frames. Furthermore, they could act as his eyes; a summoner of wraiths could assume the viewpoint of his wraith, seeing what it saw, observing what it observed. One drawback he'd discovered whilst practicing on Calipsa, was that any damage the wraith took while he was actively seeing through its eyes would mysteriously appear on his own body, the magicks that connected them taking a more physical form of connection than he preferred.

The golems were to split up and spread out. Half would take to the stairs, pushing back the hordes of the enemy while allowing any Sith stragglers to make it safely down. The other half would, alongside the wraiths, begin clearing the underdelves of the enemy forces down below, and leading the charge into the tunnels at the far end. Now was the moment that the Order of the Sith died. What remained would be a loosely organized band of survivors, huddling in the dark. Perhaps they'd escape, and the Sith would rise again. But now, like Horuset above, the sun had set on the Sith Order.

Powers used: none

TAG: @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Keres Dymos, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @skira, @Zareel Jhenan´doka, @Volacius, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia, @Darth Dreadwar
IC: Zareel Jhenan'doka
Location: Underdelve, Sith Temple, Korriban

She wished she could simply turn around and leave everyone behind; that battle was in much more capable hands than hers and they tended not to let themselves get dirty unless it was more than necessary.

Until suddenly she felt it. Or more likely she no longer did.

Years ago while Zareel had served in the brothel, a girl sang every night; from the time the spectacles began until the doors were closed in the morning and the last of the drunks were thrown out so the cleaning could get done. The Balosar never cared to even learn her name, but one day she disappeared and was found two alleys away, ready to watch the flowers grow from below. She didn't miss her, but she did miss the sound of her voice; the melodies that enveloped the constant noise of the bar, the rooms and tables.

"Every existence is a song by itself." The owner of the establishment had told her when they had spoken later. "You may not know the lyrics or the name, but the melodies tend to be catchy and you miss them when you can't hear them anymore."

Lord Kain's song was over. Her lips tightened until they were barely a thin line. Is this how deafening silence is supposed to be? She thought as she spun both tonfa's around out of inertia. She couldn't stop, she couldn't... A passing glance at everything she could around her and her master's reaction seized her attention for a fraction of a second.

She could not stop, she repeated to herself once again as she shook her head. There was no time to linger on feelings.

A deafening series of attacks deployed by someone else in that space seems the ideal opportunity. She could merely flee or take that as an advantage to get rid of the slayer; not sure to whom he had turned, since his attention was in the direction shared by three of them first. Sol had been coming and going since early in the day. And apparently, the entity that had left her body acquired the same appreciation for the walks; since it had disappeared, returned rather quickly and now supported her as she charged at the slayer.

Muttering a couple of curses between her teeth, she holstered her weapons before she had even used them; substituting them for her blaster with which she aimed at the middle part of the enemy's body. Her best attempt, for now, was to help make Sol's attack more difficult to avoid. Her free hand stretched out in his direction with the intention of destabilizing his feet; she doubted she could push him away or injure him, but at least unbalance him in more than one way by making him vulnerable.

Power used: Telekinesis - 1

TAGS: @Darth Dreadwar, @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Keres Dymos, @skira, @Volacius, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios, @DarthNoxia
IC: Lady Noxia
Location: The Underdelve

Fatigue was setting in. The Togruta’s limbs felt heavy as she continued to rush around the fray and to the mouth of Murr. There was no sense in wasting time joining in an unwinable fight. She glanced around for Hesper and the others, but there was no sign of the party.

The glint of the hyper gate caught her eye. “What the Kriff?!” She thought as her foot caught a chunk of stone. Her Charon symbiant sprung into action, extending around her jaw, but that didn’t dull the pain as her chin hit the stone and her canines bit into her bottom lip.

A loud grunt escaped the Dark Lady’s throat and she struggled to lift herself from the stones below her and shake off the shock.

“Keep going!” She told herself. She could hear voices beyond in the dark, past the Mouth of Murr. Another burst of force speed wouldn’t be possible for now. She had to rely on her own, exhausted body. Everything hurt, from the battle in front of the temple, from the exertion of her failed necromancy, from the use of force speed that had brought her this far.

Pain. In her arms and legs, in herjaw wherebruising was surely beginning, in her lips which began to swell as the blood trickled down the back of her mouth. She spat to the side as her hand found the wall.

there was no time to breathe, no time to think. Only to keep moving. She could hear them all up ahead. Just a few more steps…

Tags: @Darth Dreadwar, @corinthia, @Arach, @DarthNoxia, @dragonsith13, @Grievance Vexx, @Reiis Invadator, @DarthFeros, @Nacros_Telcontare, @Kielor, @Jihadi Quartz, @Darth Nathemus, @Helkosh, @Darth Solus, @Cardun Vrek, @Darth Xxys, @Reatith Blodraald, @Admiral Volshe, @Catalyst, @Undying Master Xiannarr, @Voidwalker, @Hadzuska_The Jester, @Keres Dymos, @skira, @Volacius, @Drakul_Xarxes, @Darth Thana, @Sith_Imperios,

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