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Legends Book and Comic discussion

Darth Traya

Lady of the Sith, the Saarai-Kaar, the Dark Sun
Just a little thread to discuss any recent Legends books, comics, ect. we have read.

I still have so much Legends material to work through!

I have recent read Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void; and while there were elements I liked, namely the setting of Tython, the Great Journey and learning of the ways of the Jed’aii...the actual main story arc felt really lack luster at the conclusion. A lot of hype, lore droplets and set up....and nothing really happened. I haven’t yet pulled up google to search the whole history of Tython so from my perspective I have no clue what caused its Force Storms at the end, nor exactly when the order became the Jedi. I didn’t feel much empathy for Lanoree, and Dal wasn’t utilized to his full potiental. I saw cracks of Kreia like philosphy in him but that was about it. A lot felt missing in the narrative.
I thought that book was decent but rather boring; it doesn't help that the technology is barely different 25,000 years before the original trilogy. Because of this, even though it's supposed to be an ancient story, it doesn't really feel ancient at all, which is just weird.

I've been rereading the A.C. Crispin Han Solo trilogy, which I love. Although I adore Solo: A Star Wars Story, I also really enjoy both this origin story for Han and especially how Crispin writes him; she does a really good job of showing Han's progression from a lovable but somewhat naive and idealistic scoundrel through a gradual transformation into the hardened and cynical man we see in A New Hope who has almost totally succeeded in hiding any idealism from himself and others. The stories are all very swashbuckling and cheesy, and I especially love the middle book where Han works for Jabba, meets Lando, Chewie, and Boba, finds a community on Nar Shaddaa, and it all culminates in the truly exhilarating Battle of Nar Shaddaa. Overall really enjoying this reread.

I visited my family this past Thanksgiving and brought a few more unread books from my collection back here to where I live, so after I finish the Han Solo Trilogy, I'll be trying out Maul: Lockdown.

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