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Event House Champion Tournament

Darth Nathemus

King of Firefist
Staff member
Jedi King
Dark Council
Jedi Council
IC: Sedriss
Location: Fortess Nathemus, Nur

"Welcome, Dread Knights, to the halls of Fortress Nathemus. Here on Nur, your test awaits," the Sedriss greeted his House. "Today marks the beginning of our dueling tournament to choose a new House Champion. The Dark Lords shall be exempt from this trial, but anyone else who wishes to participate from among our House is welcome. You may use any and all weapons, equipment, and powers at your disposal. Remember, honor is a fool's prize, and Dread Knights do not play fair."

(OOC: Each dueling pair would be placed in their own battle arena within the Fortress. Each pair would have a maximum of six rounds of dueling. The GM, myself, will make any and all judgment calls on each duel. The bracket will be complete once all applicants have been approved to post their character sheets. Each Round 1 dueling pair will posted here in the opening post. We will be using the levelling system from ESE, not from Sith Trials. Please direct any questions to me via PM here or Messenger.)

@Ānhrā Māhnîu @Jihadi Quartz @Kint Dranlor @Darth Kain @G.Kn @Nacros_Telcontare
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Darth Kain

Character Images



Character Theme Music

Character Summary

Darth Kain is the spawn of Abeloth and the former Vengeance of the Empress, who rests on the knife-edge between being a menacing Dark Lord of the Sith and a loving family man.

Name/Title: Darth Kain

Nicknames/Aliases: The Beloved Prince of the Stars

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Species: Old One Spawn (appears as human)

Orientation: Heterosexual

Homeworld: Dathomir

Planetary Claims: Vitae (Abeloth's Planet), Nevarro, Kashyyyk

Occupation: Dark Lord of the Sith, Dark Councillor

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 180 lb.

Physical Description: With dark hair, piercing green eyes, and a deep scar on the bridge of his nose, Darth Kain appears to be a handsome, young human. However, this is an illusion he maintains for the sake of those around him, as his True Form has inspired madness in any who have seen it.
His True Form is much more horrifying. His green eyes turn into stars in the center of black wells. His grin turns into a smile almost too wide for his head, with rows of needle-like teeth filling his smiling maw. His flesh turns an unnatural pale, and his limbs malform into twisted tentacles that are reminiscent of frayed knots. As he was born from fire, flame runs through his veins, causing the bright orange blood vessels to peek through his translucent skin.

Clothing: Often wears simple robing, save for special occasions where he dresses far more fashionably.

Weapon(s): Alchemized Sith Sword, forged from Spirit Ichor (as pictured below)


Equipment: (On his person at all times) Portable Holocommunicator, Datapad
(Not on his person at all times) The Holocron of Darth Gravid, an Eye of Typhojem (+6 Defense Bonus against Force Fear, Force Horror, and Force Insanity), scrolls of the Aing-Tii

Vehicle(s): Blacksmoke - YG-4210 modified to maintain modern standards of speed and travel; it is also equipped with a cloaking system and basic defense guns

Pet(s): Corvar - black Loth-cat with a large scar across its face, male

Language(s): Galactic Basic, Huttese, Shyriiwook, Ancient Sith

Description of Abilities: As he was born in a pit of fire, Kain has an unprecedented affinity for pyromancy. He can manipulate flames in unique ways, forming armor or even Force Storms from them. He also has an immunity to temperature-based attacks due to his ability; fire cannot burn him, and ice cannot freeze the inferno of his heart.
Beyond this, Darth Kain is well-educated in the ways of the Force. He has studied from scrolls of the Aing-Tii, the holocron of Darth Gravid, and the mysterious holocron known as the Eye of Typhojem (of which only Emperor Dreadwar possesses another of). His broad stretch of knowledge has afforded him a variety of powers, from Fighting Sight to Sith Alchemy. His powers of illusion are also unnaturally powerful, amplified by the Force Psychosis he has inherited from his mother.
When it comes to the blade, Darth Kain has practiced saber combat as an art form rather than a necessity. What he does know of swordplay is advanced, but he has not pushed himself to master it as he has with his Force abilities, as he realizes a powerful sorcerer will defeat a powerful warrior a majority of the time. With his lightsaber now replaced with a Sith Sword, however, he has simply begun translating what he can of his knowledge of Djem-So to swordplay.
Lastly, his bloodline affords him a certain amount of immortality on the same level of his mother; though he is much younger than her. It is theorized that the Mortis Dagger could slay either of them, but that has not been proven.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Personality: Kain has a peculiar personality for one of his station. He often presents himself as a kind and understanding Dark Lord, but he does not share this same kindness with those who either annoy or oppose him. In execution he is undoubtedly sadistic, twisting his victims both physically and mentally far beyond their limits. He boasts an inquisitive mind with his superiors, witty humor with his peers, and advice beyond his years for his subordinates.
With time he has also grown into a fatherly figure for his adopted daughter, Eva, displaying kindness and love that he shows no other but his lover, Darth Abaddon.

Fear(s): harm coming to those he cares about, mild claustrophobia

Likes: painting, Tatooine Sunset (drink), horror vids, sparring, fire, Wookiees

Dislikes: swimming, romance novels, slavery

Habits: bounces feet when stressed, chews inside of mouth

Family/Relationship(s): Eva - Adopted Daughter, Darth Abaddon - Partner/Love Interest, Darth Viscretus - "Mother", Abeloth - Mother

Friend(s): Darth Skyllan, Darth Voidwalker, Darth Ānhrā Māhnîu, Darth Nathemus, Kint Dranlor, Darth Volacius, Darth Catalyst

Apprentice(s): Darth Volacius (Sith Master), Zorn (MIA), Aleister Zyn (Now Apprenticed to Darth Noxia), Baskara (Current), Bril'Kairn (Current)

Darth Abaddon - sister of Darth Apollyon, Kain's love interest -
Eva - former Jedi Padawan, adopted daughter of Kain -
Darth Bubonis - former Sith Acolyte, ally of Kain -
Helvara - servant of Darth Dreadwar, (potential) ally of Kain -

Reputation: Darth Kain is one of the more well-known members of the Eternal Sith Empire. Known for his meteoric rise to power, his generally likeable personality, and (most of all) his mastery of pyromancy, Kain is considered one of the most reputable Sith alive today.

Biography: It began with the cries of a woman, as most births do. But this woman, an offworlder named Delylah, was not screaming from the pain of childbirth. Maddened, Dathomirian cultists had taken her from her home, dragging her to the forest and pinning her to a tree. Their leader had died of disease, and they begged their goddess - The Mother - to give him life once again. In exchange for this life, the cultists believed they would need the life of Delylah's unborn child.
They cut it from her belly, tossing the bloody fetus into the flames of a great pit of fire. They danced and sang to their goddess as Delylah bled to death. But the Mother had no pity for these madmen, nor their leader. She did, however, have pity for this unborn child. And so she breathed life into the babe, birthing it in a womb of fire.
The baby crawled from the flames, driving the cultists even further into madness. Guided by his Mother, the babe crawled amongst the chaos and slaughter, making his way to the ship that Delylah had once used to come to Dathomir. His Mother set a course for the planet where her son was destined to survive: Kashyyyk. As her power began to fade as the ship grew further from Dathomir, she planted a subconscious ability into his mind: to disguise his True Form. He took the traits of Delylah and her husband, a Dathomirian warrior named Zul'tar, combining them into the form of a human newborn. The key to maintaining the illusion was the focusing of a single trait, one that could forever remain; a scar on the bridge of his nose.

The ship, crashed into the Kashyyyk jungle, was found by a tribe of Wookiees that made their home in the wroshyr tree nearby. They found the baby boy, taking him in and raising him to the best of their ability, despite the mystery surrounding him.
After being raised by the Wookiees for three years, a smuggler who often traded with Kashyyyk happened to spot the young toddler. The Twi'lek's name was Hassan, and he knew that this boy had no place among the Wookiees. And so he consulted with the family that had taken the boy in, coming to an agreement. Hassan went on to raise the boy, naming him Corvar and instilling a sense of virtue and whimsy in the young lad. However, Hassan knew that Corvar was gifted in the Force; after all, any time Corvar threw a fit, things aboard his ship would randomly set on fire.
Hassan had no love for the Jedi, and feared the Sith even more, so he took it upon himself to find material that would aid Corvar in taming his power. Smuggled Jedi texts, datacrons, and scrolls were occasionally found and given to Corvar. Though they made for dull reading to Hassan, the boy seemed to be fascinated. Seeing Corvar happy was perhaps one of the few things that brought Hassan peace in his chaotic life.
But all good things must come to an end. After stopping on Tatooine for business, the cantina that Hassan and Corvar were visiting was struck by a band of slavers. At only the age of nine, Corvar watched his adoptive father die, and he was taken as a slave thereafter.

For years the young boy toiled away as a slave. It was on Tatooine that Corvar learned the one thing that Hassan never taught him: how to hate. This hatred culminated during a horrible accident during the mining of a cave in the desert. As the slaves - children and the elderly, specifically - worked themselves to the bone, a Krayt Dragon arrived, threatened by these beings that were nearing its eggs. A cave-in separated Corvar and one of his friends from the rest of the group, leaving them trapped underground. His friend, a boy just a bit younger than him, died of exhaustion before help would arrive. Starving, Corvar forced himself to eat the remains of his fallen friend to survive.
After being found and returned to servitude, Corvar released his hatred on his masters. He set aflame their camp, burning them and any slaves foolish enough to fight for them alive. In his heart he would always remember the name of his slave master, the one who taught him the meaning of cruelty.

Only twelve years old when he regained his freedom, Corvar cut out the explosive tracker in his neck and put it in a pendant. He tried to sell it for credits but none would take it. And so he kept it, deciding to use what Force abilities he knew to become a freelance mercenary. Work came at a slow pace at first; after all, one would have to be truly desperate to hire a child. But he began to build a reputation, earning more and more paid jobs for years and years. He used these credits to visit the Aing-Tii, which he'd only heard of in Jedi texts written by Luke Skywalker. For the months he learned from them, he gained their trust, earning a scroll that detailed their ability of Fighting Sight before he was contacted by a mysterious figure. Upon meeting them, he learned who this figure was.
Darth Maladi.
She had heard of his ability, how he'd constructed his own lightsaber, and she offered him an opportunity to join the Sith Empire. He accepted, but she had a task for him to complete as a test; one of impossible proportions.
He was to find Kubjo the Hutt, a powerful crime boss on Nar Shaddaa, and overthrow his criminal empire. A tall task, but one that Corvar took on happily; after fourteen years of mercenary work, he was eager to become part of something bigger than himself.
And so he went to Nar Shaddaa, signing up to be a pit fighter in service to Kubjo himself. After a battle against two other fighters and a prototype spider droid, Corvar impressed the slug and was given an opportunity to rid himself of the debt he'd accrued by helping destroy the droid. He was to find the sword of Jen-Sin Caal in the abandoned mines of Corbos. And after an adventure with a fellow dark-side adept named Reaper, a Sith apprentice named Feros, and a droid named D-3PO, they found the sword, guarded by a living Leviathan.
After a grueling battle, the Leviathan was defeated, and Corvar brought the sword back to Kubjo the Hutt. But with his power in the dark side growing so exponentially, his Mother, the Beloved Queen of the Stars, appeared on Nar Shaddaa and told him of his origins.
His world unraveled. And as he felt himself transform into his true self, he realized that she was no liar. He was the son of Abeloth. He was a monster.

Corvar went on to join the Sith Empire, despite not fulfilling his quest to overthrow Kubjo's Empire; his work with Feros spoke volumes in his favor. He took the name of his old slave master, becoming the master of his own destiny. And so Darth Kain, the Beloved Prince of the Stars, was truly born.
He skyrocketed through the ranks of the Empire, becoming a Dark Councillor weeks after joining. Months later he earned the high esteem of becoming the Empress' Second, taking the title of Vengeance. It was at this elevated stature that he remained for quite some time, before he discovered the location of the Eyes of Typhojem. Ancient holocrons that supposedly held the knowledge of the Left Handed God in equal parts, Kain found them both and delivered one to Emperor Dreadwar while keeping the other for himself.
In this holocron he learned what it would take to become the Sith God he was born to be, and so he resigned from his position, journeying to Kashyyyk in secret. His time on the planet in his True Form unwittingly caused the inhabitants of the planet to suffer extreme bouts of psychosis, drawing the attention of both Jedi and Sith. When discovered by a group of Sith adventurers, Kain returned to the Empire with a furry companion he named after his old self: Corvar.

Since his return, he has gone on many a venture, most notably destroying the ice moon of Kelcium with a Force Storm. It was there, in the ruins of his destruction, he first met Darth Abaddon, whom he's now pursuing a romantic relationship with. Meanwhile he is currently raising his adopted daughter, Eva, who is a Jedi Padawan rescued from carbonite-induced slumber. He cares for no one in the galaxy more than they, save perhaps Abeloth.

Skill Sheet
Rank/Level: Shadow Council Underlord/Level 9
Class: Sith Inquisitor


Force/Fire Storm - 10
Pyrokinesis - 5
Force Defense - 5
Telepathy - 5
Telekinesis - 5
Dark Transfer - 4
Aing-Tii Fighting Sight - 3
Alter Environment - 3

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House Champion Tournament CS

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Theme Music:
‘’Totenkopf’’, by Shiro Sagisu:

Audio Sample of Character Voice:
Vlad "Dracula" Ţepeş, by Graham McTavish:

Name: Ānhrā Māhnîu.
Titles: Dread Lord. Danar’een. Champion of House Dreadwar. Khattazz al’Yun’o. Eternal Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong. Supreme Ruler of Lwhekk and the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Jen’u. Lord of Life.
Aliases: Ākādo Vraith. Volcryn. Jen’nu.
Age: 30 (biologically). 8 (chronologically).
Sex: Male.
Species: Near-Human.
Orientation: Sadistic paraphilia.
Homeworld: Grown on Lehon. Currently the ruler of Lwhekk and inhabitant of Nilrebmah XIII.
Occupation: Dread Lord, Danar’een, Eternal Supreme Overlord of the Sii-ruuk Star Cluster.
Instructor, lecturer, executioner, Ironworks employee, Curator of the Arcane and Esoteric, compulsive compiler of conversations.

Height: 6’5 - 195.6cm.
Weight: 215 lbs - 97.5kg.

Physical Description: A product of genetic manipulation and implantations, Ānhrā Māhnîu towers over many of his fellow Imperial Sith and cuts a striking presence in his rare public appearances. His tall frame supports a lean and agile body, his pale face crowned by dark hair falling backwards over his shoulders. Having ingested Darth Drear’s Murakami concoction and spent much of his time isolated from the greater Empire, his appearance gradually altered: his face growing abnormally pale, smoothly taut and uncanny. His piercing red eyes also grew unnaturally large before being replaced by polychromatic Vong mqaaq’it.

Clothing: The Dread Lord’s apparel is defined entirely by the situation and the specified needs of any given mission. With or without this alchemical plate armor he commonly wears voluminous, though otherwise innocuous Sith cloaks. For celebratory occasions he has donned tunics in the colors of his House: red, black and gold. For the purpose of Sith ceremonies and rituals he dons his most elaborate outfit, a set of alchemically enhanced armored robes, with a cape reminiscent of wings spilling from his shoulder.

Weapons: The Scepter of Power, a custom-bred amphistaff gained upon his ascendance on Lwhekk. Over two meters in length, with oily black scales and decorated with the symbols of the Yun’o.
A plain claymore and saber, both enhanced through Sith alchemy.
Lumiya’s lightwhip, recovered from the planet Terephon, enhanced through Sith alchemy.
A Crushgaunt in each hand, both containing concealed monofilament wires, enhanced through Sith alchemy and internally layered with nihil smokestone armament to protect his wrists from orbalisks. Similar armament is layered into his helmet and can be extracted.

Equipment: He owns a plated suit of alchemical Sith armor, though it is at this time rarely used and normally stored away, alongside a pair of Talismans of Concentration and Ensnarement. He also occasionally carries three daggers, two twi’lek daggers and a Muun dagger given to him by Lord Kain, alchemically enhanced and capable of cauterizing the wounds of its target at the wielder’s discretion.

Vehicles: Any ship he can get his hands on. His preferred mode of transportation is ‘’The Dread Lordship’’, a continuously expanding Yuuzhan Vong worldship grown around ‘’The Event Horizon’’, a Nebula-class Star Destroyer, equipped with modified hyperspace capsules, which serve as his main form of transportation when not using the Force.
Pets: Thaurog, Sithspawn created during the execution (and using the body) of Darthpaul Dutil.

Languages: Capable of understanding most spoken languages, due to tizowyrm insertion. This does not transfer to written languages however. Fluent in Galactic Basic, Galactic Sign Language, Cheunh, Anzat, Arkanian, Sith (all variations), Yuuzhan Vong, Ssi-ruuvi, Rakatan, Huttese.

Combat Skills: Created to be a pure killing machine, Ānhrā Māhnîu possesses highly advanced knowledge of prominent unarmed combat forms like Teräs Käsi; Bakuuni Hand; Stava; K’tara and the Echani arts. With intelligence implants and combat computers slaved to his brain, later fused with Vong biots, his analytical and adaptive ability was enhanced to superhuman levels. Having remained in seclusion, he put his lightsabers aside in favor of Sith swords and simpler weapons, alongside athletic expertise. A predator and parasite at his core, he has extensively studied the arts of the ancient Sith, with an emphasis on stealth, alchemy, necromancy, and Force siphoning techniques. Though rarely used, he also has a basic familiarity with sniper rifles. Through his interaction with the Eye of Typhojem he has also developed a resistance against Force Horror and Force Insanity, in addition to training under Ulic Qel-Droma to resist Force Draining effects.

Other Strengths: Through his extensive study into modern academic fields and ancient Sith lore, he gained an advanced knowledge of genetic and biological alteration, dabbling in alchemy; cloning; genetic engineering and alteration; midi-chlorians and similar fields.

Flaws: Despite his encyclopedic knowledge his mind is underdeveloped and unfledged. This has resulted in immense arrogance and significant emotional immaturity. He is also incapable of feeling empathy towards others, though he himself does not regard this as a weakness. Despite his emphasis on caution he is prone to recklessness and thoughtlessness, resulting in frequent cases of underestimating his adversaries and is frequently distracted by his own random whims.

Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Personality: On the surface Ānhrā Māhnîu appears relatively courteous, even at times quite formal and friendly. In most situations he remains calmly quiet, rarely speaking his mind except in specific situations, though this is fundamentally the result of his underdeveloped understanding of social situations. His demeanor is the same when encountering a fellow Sith in a Cantina as a prisoner for him to torture and execute, maintaining a relaxed posture and casually professional tone.

As a result of his extended isolation he has grown increasingly self-absorbed, his cold self-control slipping away. Mostly living uninhibited by the greater Empire his own self-interest and paranoia grew far more prominent. Unable to properly self-reflect and evaluate the nature of his own actions beyond their physical consequences, his emerging sadism and covert cruelty grew into an active part of his behavior, along with a love for chaos. He has no concept of honor or a code of ethics, solely finding worth in the material and provable. As a result he frequently finds the viewpoints of his fellow Sith amusing, be it Drakul Xarxes’ obsession with order or Voidwalker’s emphasis on his personal lineage.

After his takeover of Lwhekk and establishing himself as their ruler he gradually developed a god-complex, obsessed with his own personal power and ability to affect the galaxy. Believing himself to be a being completely unique to galactic history, he views the rest of the galaxy as subservient to his desires and himself as the sole arbiter of fate, chafing under anything that challenges this notion and desperately searching for a pathway to become the ultimate lifeform.
In all possible ways, he is a parasite.

Fears: Overtaken by an obsessive fear of death and final insignificance.
Likes: Science; biology; arcana; history. Possessing a curious interest in the concept of life, he has a penchant for experimentation, particularly genetic alteration of living beings. Over time he also developed a lust for combat, violence and torture, though this usually lies dormant.
Dislikes: Incompetence, arrogance, and thoughtlessness, particularly in combination. Inadequacy, failure, and anything else that he considers worthless or wasteful. Droids and similar replications of life. Contemptuous towards superficial and hypocritical judgment.
Habits: Flying without mechanical transportation. Genetic engineering and experimentation with the invention of hybrid species and integration of Force-related genetic abilities. Swapping different Vong implants into his body.

Relationships: Lord Kain; Lord Nathemus; Lord Sedicious; Lord Drakul Xarxes (closest associates).
Lady Reiis Invadator, Knight I-Ron-Butterfly-Traya, Knight Kint Dranlor (associates).
Love Interests: None with any particular fervor.
Companions: Azhura Mazrakh (Yuuzhan Vong Royal Guard).
Friendships: None.

Masters: Darth Insipid.
Rayne (unsuccessful).
Corrosis (executed).
Hoss (completed).

Reputation: Ānhrā Māhnîu has remained an enigma in the greater Sith Empire, with substantial amounts of the Imperial population not even aware of his existence. Even among his peers he is known as something of a recluse. In his occasional appearances his rank alone demands admiration from his inferiors and respect from his peers. Renowned for his impressive knowledge of arcane lore as well as history, he is also known as an extremely ambitious dark scientist.
The subjects of his rule on Lwhekk view him with religious reverence, blindly believing in his every action as a result of the brainwashing they have been subjected to. They view him as their sacrosanct savior and heed his every word without question.

Biography: Cloned from a Force-sensitive Near-Human, Ākādo Vraith himself knows practically nothing of how he came to be. He does however know that his creators were a collection of Dark Jedi in hiding on the planet Lehon. Directionless and incapable of challenging the Jedi Order or Sith Empire by themselves, the renegades resorted to a haphazard collection of cloning technology in order to create Force-sensitive killing machines. Using rudimentary Arkanian flash pumping to implant memories and knowledge into their various experiments, the band impatiently rushed their work with various genetic implants to increase the strength, intelligence and astral ability of their creations. This resulted in various imperfections in their work, eventually leading to the inception of individual consciousness within at least one of their units. As an ambush was launched by the Jedi, the clone saw a chance to escape. Killing its creators indiscriminately and fleeing into the wilderness of the Unknown World, he was able to evade detection by the Jedi. Implanted with the artificial memories and knowledge of his creators, but no actual life experience, it would eventually stow away on a passing smuggler’s ship and roam the galaxy aimlessly.

That changed upon a chance encounter with the Dark Lord Darth Kain, who introduced him to the Empire after testing his abilities. Under the name Volcryn he enrolled in the Sith Academy on Korriban. His skill quickly noted, he earned the attention of the Dark Council, eventually being sent on a mission alongside the former One Sith Master Darth Havok and fellow student Theron to Yavin IV. Stealing a scroll from the Jedi Praxeum Library, capturing a Jedi trying to stop them and making their way to the moon’s South Pole, they uncovered an underground pyramid constructed by the mysterious Black Son. After narrowly escaping death by quicksand and Sithspawn, Volcryn and Havok uncovered a Murakami orchid and its Jedi keeper on the lowest floor of the underground building. Retrieving the Force-sensitive plant and its guardian, they made their way back to their encampment, their Sith companion drowning in the quicksand. Killing a Jedi Padawan that had arrived to intercept them, their victory was cut short by the arrival of an unknown ship. Unable to identify it they fled with their Jedi prisoners and the necessary equipment. Upon fleeing into hyperspace Havok set about concocting the elixir of immortality. However as soon as the concoction was completed Volcryn made a choice that would alter his place in history. As the arrogant Iktotchi regarded the mixture with reverence, Volcryn stabbed him through the back and stole the elixir for himself. Still fearful of the risks he would undertake consuming it, he hid it away along with the three prisoners.

Upon his return to Korriban he would keep the elixir to himself, and despite attaining positions as an Imperial Inquisitor and a direct ally of Emperor Dreadwar, his reclusive nature and a newfound interest in the arcane higher mysteries of the Force led to continuous periods of isolation in the Kathol Sector and similar areas near the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. As a result he was almost entirely absent from the Empire’s invasion into Federation territory. Instead he would dedicate himself to learning alchemy and genetically experimenting with sentient living prisoners and clones. This combined with his extended solitude and experimentation on his own body would gradually warp his appearance and intellect.

Around this time he was approached by the Dark Lord and Night Herald Darth Insipid and made his Sith Apprentice. Their relationship had neither depth nor breadth however, as Insipid would betray the Empire shortly after, leaving for the Unknown Regions. Finally returning from his isolation to assist the Emperor’s Hand Lady Apollyon against other factions within the fracturing Empire. His own apprenticeship already finished, he took on his own apprentices with varying degrees of success, eventually attaining the status of Master and Lord of the Sith, taking on the name Ānhrā Māhnîu.

Shortly after his ascension to Mastery he finally took it upon himself to become immortal. Having taken every precaution he could think of, he finally ingested the Murakami elixir, ate the heart of its Jedi keeper and attained a body practically immortal. Yet he was ultimately not satisfied: the more power he obtained and the closer he came to immutable eternality, the looming threat of death and ultimate insignificance seemed to similarly draw nearer every instant. Even as the Empire remained unstable his focus turned inwards; where once he had desired no more than to make a tangible contribution to the Empire’s success, now he found himself unable to escape a newfound self-awareness and all-consuming dread. The Void into which every life would fall and be forgotten grew into a tumor within his mind. With his mind never truly maturing he was unable to reconcile the seemingly irrational fear for his own life.

Upon his ascension to the position of Lord he claimed ownership of the planet Lwhekk within the Unknown Regions: the capital of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Hoping to exploit the resources of the native Ssi-ruuk and the immigrated Yuuzhan Vong, he conceived a grand deception to make them his own loyal followers. Using the various clones he had developed during his time in isolation he infiltrated the planet and enlisted the aid of two treacherous Shamed Ones. With their inside knowledge he was able to gain access to Shaper codexes and steal a massive yammosk. Using his own telepathic capabilities alongside those of enslaved Dread Duinuogwuin and the yammosk he acquired, he weaved an illusion presenting himself as a messianic figure, one who had appeared to return them to the True Way. The Ssi-ruuk and Vong alike were at least temporarily convinced, which gave him the opportunity he needed. Using their own beliefs, resources and methods against them, he let them implant him with various biots and similar implants before putting his true plan into motion. Fully aware that skepticism regarding his true nature would surface, he would gradually employ his knowledge of biology and genetics to alter their brains through use of the Force, instilling within them infrangible loyalty and belief in his word. Now capable of sensing and affecting the Vong, he set about turning the entire Ssi-ruuvi Imperium into his unquestioning devotees, spreading his influence across the regime’s 135 planets. This would be able to serve as a buffer against the apocalyptic threat looming in the Unknown Regions, as he prepared for war. Gathering new allies and weapons, experimenting with the entechment technology of the Ssi-ruuk and feeding upon the pain and worship of his subjects, his power steadily grew.

After winning the Eye of Typhojem and the allegiance of Darth Kain for his House, he set out to prepare for the unknown threat any way he could. Yet in the back of his mind a lust for power, a continuously growing ambition, and the crippling fear and hatred of death still follow his every step.

Level 8 Sith Sorcerer (30 points):
GODLIKE Art of the Small. 10
Force Suppression. 4
Pyrokinesis. 3
Drain Force 3
Telekinesis. 2
Phase. 2
Force Plague. 3
Force Resistance. 3
(Skills in CQC detailed above).
Battle ready CS.
Name: I-Ron-Butterfly-Traya
Rank: Knight
House: Dreadwar
Species: Shard
Home planet: Orax

Level 6 (26 points):
Mechu Deru Vitae 3
Mind Trick/Qazoi Kyantutska 3
Force Drain 3
Telekinesis 2
Force Defense 3 (+1)
Sith Illusions 3
Mind Shard 3
Feed on the Dark Side 3
Sutta Chwituskak 3

The Alma Maula, a Greatsword made of the bones of a great dragon of the desert.
A Maser Pistol
A DC-19 Stealth Blaster (with a scope of X4 distance upgrade)
1 Beskar knifes.

Equipment: A Great Force Talisman (+1 Force Defense)

Abilities and natural skills:
Iron Will but unacustomed to use bodies they tend to not use the whole arrange of movements of the droid they inhabit. Shards have powerful minds, but must rely on somewhat clumsy Droid bodies.
Mechu Deru Viate upgrades the natural understanding of technology and programing all Shards have, having a genius intellect with them, even more with every lvl of Mechu Deru.
Immune to Poison, Radiation, non corrosive Atmospheric Hazards, and Vacuum.
As inorganic beings, Shards are not affected by the process of Aging.
Basic knowledge of long-range weapons through sniper training with Lord Xxys, and extensive demolition and explosives handling with the Rebell Alliance.
Passive Force Drain from a Shard Hive Mind gives him enhanced stamina for use of Force Powers.
Basic understanding of medicine and first aid.

Body in use: The Mauller
Systems: Advanced Sensor Package including thermal photoreceptors and night vision
Upgraded servomotors originally intended for a IG-110 for human-like locomotion, specially to mimic Jedi and Sith smooth movements.
Full-Spectrum receiver
Commlink antenae attached
Magnetized hands and feets
Twin Thorium Fusion Reactors (1g/reactor) with tibana gelatin coolant system
Medical Sensors to gauge: pheromones, cardiac sensor, and calculate how damaged an enemy is overall.

Materials: Coltan-Duranium alloy endoskeleton capable of withstanding Temperatures of 3000°. Lore-wise its the same endoskeleton used for the YVH model, but with another material used for its construction.
The head of a YVH to have the exact same sensors of them, but with cosmetic changes to resemble Darth Maul.
Chassis and Helmet made to resemble actual armor, not a real chasis. Made from an alloy of Turandium and Agrinium, and on top of the chassis there is 2mm of Dallorian alloy dyed black for maximum protection.
A permanently attached black robe made of Syntmesh that grants him limited resistance to environmental hazards, acid and blaster bolts.
Main strengths: Super strength and endurance.
Main Weakness: slow and not very agile
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Name: Darth Jina'tis / Original name: Lycan

Species: Shistavanen

Sex: Male

Class: Sith Sorcerer.

Homeworld: Umbara

Occupation: Sith sorcerer

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 200lbs

Weaponry: 2 twin lightsabers (both red synth crystals)

2 Kyuzo Petars

Equipment and Armor: Alchemized Acklay leather armor and

Armorweave cloak

Droids: GHT series droid "Shadow"

Black Droidika (destroyer droid)

Pets: tailring "Fuego" a male Tuk'ata "Fang"

Ship: X-70B phantom "BLOODWOLF"

Venatrix-class Star Destroyer "DREADFIRE" (Co-owned with Darth Thana)

Rank: level 7 Dread Master

Abilities (28 points):

Force Defense -4

Force telekinesis-3

Force Lightning -4

Force Horror-4

Spear of midnight black-3

Waves of darkness -3

Form IV Ataru -3


Natural abilities:

Increased stamina

Enhanced strength

Enhanced speed

Night vision

Clawed hands and feet

Long fangs.


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Darth Skyllan - The Windborn Sith
(Formerly, Pallas Acherjon)

House: Dreadwar, Hesperian
Rank: Master
Class: Sorcerer, Arcanist

Gender: Agender
Age: 46
Species: S'kytri

~ Physical description ~

Skyllan stands at 2.25 metres tall, or 7'4". Ashen grey and oatchy skin, black hair and yellow/orange irises, with large black wings sprouting from their back. White tattoo on forearm, 'The Windborn Sith', in Galactic Basic script. Left foot is missing, replaced with a peg leg. Literally covered in minor scars that have silvered over.

~ Abilities ~

- Flight, as with all S'kytri, Skyllan is a skilled flier
- Marksmanship, due to training with the Slavers.
- Alchemy, studied under Lady Noxia
- Innate Fear Resistance due to mental hardening under the Eye of Typhojem.

~ Clothing ~

- Armor weave body suit with wing slits
- A cortosis lightsaber holster which wraps around to serve as a bracer on his left forearm, for the standard crimson blade
- Alchemized armor covering right forearm, chest, shoulders and shins. Strong, light, lightsaber and elemental resistant.
- Two bone anklets around their right leg. Made from the finger bones of Kemuel, and Ammit Bathori respectively.
- Alchemised Peg leg instead of left foot.
- Talisman of Transformation, Dragonsnake

~ Weapons ~

- The Skybound Sceptre, a staff/spear crafted from, and is, a darkside nexus and reinforced to make for an optimal focusing tool to channel the Force through. Has the properties of a dantari crystal and serves as a force battery and an amulet of concentration if needs be. Specifically attuned to Skyllan, imprisoned within it are the echoes of their dead clan, which will try to mentally assault anyone else who wield it. Also serves as a Amulet of Concentration
- A single standard crimson lightsaber, strapped to right forearm
- Crimson Blaster/Saber hybrid.

~ Equipment ~

- One Attuned Dantari Crystal
- ILF-5000 Scanner, (S'kytri, Mirialan, Zabrak, Iktotchian, Nautolan, Gizka and Human, are permanently programmed in)
- Datapad
- Holocommunicator
- Comlink

~ Skills (Lvl 7, 28 points) ~

Cryokinesis: 3
Dark Side Healing: 3
Electrokinesis: 3
Force Defense: 4
Force Drain: 4
Pyrokinesis: 3
Mind Shield: 4
Telekinesis: 4

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