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Darth Kain

Staff member
Dark Council

Six planets rest in the hands of House Kain, and Darknell acts as a major trade hub and hunting ground for dark creatures.

Any approved one-shots and/or combos that take place on this planet will be posted in this thread.​
“Under New Management”

IC: Bril’Kairn


Bass assaulted the Marked Knight’s ears as he entered the Wild Place. The nightclub held an atmosphere that was all too familiar to the assassin. Ambient lighting flashed as women of various races danced on various stages. Patrons drank the masterfully crafted cocktails prepared by the cyborg human behind the bar. Armed guards kept watched in various positions among the three stories of the building.

Approaching the bar, Bril leaned against it and continued to study the layout as he sparked a cigarra. Or rather attempted to spark one. His lighter seemed to have died at some point without him realizing it. Before he could even scowl, a small flame appeared before his face. The bartender had extended her cybernetic arm with a smaller torch built into her pointing finger.

A smile crossed the Twi'lek’s face as he leaned towards it. As he inhaled and his cigarra lit, the cyborg woman withdrew her hand, flipping the tip of her finger into place to deactivate the torch. She smiled despite the lollipop in her mouth. “Haven’t seen you before, stranger. You new in town?”

Bril chuckled at the question. “You could say that, yes.”

“Well in that case welcome to Xakrea, stranger! So what can I get ya? On the house as a warm welcome.” She said with a wink.

“Tell you what. I’m feeling adventurous so surprise me, sweetheart.” He replied.

A devilish grin came across the pink haired woman’s face as she turned towards the shelf. In what could only be described as a blur she began pulling bottles from the top shelf and pouring them into a mixer filled with ice. The only thing he was able to discern was the addition of freshly squeezed fruit juice before she slammed the lid onto the mixer and began shaking it. With her free hand, the bartender placed a rock glass on the bar and poured the emerald mixture. Her hand shot into her jacket, withdrawing a small flask from which a single drop was added.

The pink haired woman curtsied as Bril took the drink and brought it to his lips. The flavor was sweet but not overpoweringly so and the mixture went down smooth. The effects of which were immediately noticeable strangely enough. Something to do with the finishing touch perhaps? Regardless of the cause, the drink was amazing.

“That, my dear, is a powerful drink and probably the best I’ve had in a long while. You should be proud of yourself.” He said.

“It’s a personal specialty. The key ingredient is a drop of Sic-Six venom at the end there.” She said holding up the flask.

Taking another sip, the assassin felt himself relax even more as he took a drag from his cigarra. “So tell me. How’s business these days?”

A frown appeared on the woman’s face as she replied. “Not so well. Boss isn’t happy about Darkknell coming to be under the control of the Sith. Then again that Sleeimo’s days are numbered as it is.”

‘You have no idea, girly.’ He thought as he continued. “What’s so bad about that?”

“If you ask me, nothing. Better the Sith control the planet than the Federation. The Sith at least have their heads on straight for the most part. The Federation wouldn’t know the dangerous end of a Nexu if it but them.” She replied

“Sounds to me like you are alright with the planet being under Sith rule but your boss is being problematic.” He stated.

Nodding her head, she continued. “Pretty much. He worries about his under the table dealings. His side businesses. Things he doesn’t believe the Sith would allow.”

Raising an eyebrow, Bril continued his inquiry. “So if a Sith came in here to deal with your boss and take over the place what would you have to say if it?”

The bartenders pierced eyebrow raised in turn. ‘Odd question.’ She thought. “If that were to happen by some coincidence, so long as they were willing to pay a decent wage I would be willing to continue doing what I do.”

The assassin smiled. “I never got your name, darling.”


“Well, Vilena, my name is Bril’Kairn. Knight Bril’Kairn. I am here to do just that. Well negotiate your wages after I’ve dealt with your boss. Oh and do keep your head down, dear. Things are going to get wild in a bit and I’m growing fond of you.” He said as her eyes went wide.

Vilena’s eyes went wide Bril knocked back the rest of his drink and moved away from the bar. He knew that Vikkar’s office was on the third floor. Based on the reconnaissance that Talek’s men had done, the Quarren didn’t keep many guards on the floor as he was something of a cheapskate. That was easy enough to tell as the bouncer hadn’t even frisked the Twi’lek, more than likely assuming someone in a suit wasn’t carrying anything dangerous. A bad move as the hilt of a lightsaber was strapped to the rear of his belt and his heavy revolver was concealed in his jacket.

The turbolift to the upper floors wasn’t guarded so getting there would be easy. Once he was there Talek and his men would infiltrate and begin dealing with the security downstairs while he dealt with what few guards were on the third floor. As the door to the turbolift closed, Bril drew the revolver from his jacket. He had recently modified the weapon, using parts from both his E-11 and DL-44 carbine parts. It had changed drastically as he once had.

When the door to the turbolift opened a lone guard was the only resistance waiting for him on the other side. Pulling the hammer of the revolver, he leveled the weapon to the Gammorrean’s chest and fired. The heavy round tore through the porcine man and embedded itself in the wall as he fell dead. Looking over the railing, the Shadow of the Stars saw the Mandalorian and his men enter the club and begin exchanging blaster fire with security. The bartender Vilena thankfully had the sense to duck behind the bar.

A smirk upon his face, the assassin continued towards the office of Vikkar. Further along the balcony was another pair of Gammorrean guards dispatched as easily as the first. A pair of rounds were all that were spent. The door to the Quarren’s office around the corner was a different story. A Wookiee, rather large for his kind, stood before it and began advancing towards the Twi’lek.

Backpedaling while leveling his revolver, the Marked Knight began firing the remaining three rounds at the Wookiee. A pained roar came from the giant as they struck their mark. Rage flowed into the Kashyyyk native as he swiped his arm in a wide arc, sending Bril colliding into the wall. Before he could react, the enraged Wookiee had him by the throat and dangling in the air, intent on squeezing the life from him.

‘This carpet is gonna kill me!’ Thinking quickly the assassin drew the saber hilt from his belt and swung upwards, activating it as he swung. The crimson blade of the weapon severed the arm that clenched his neck as he dropped to the floor. Gasping for breath as the Wookiee howled in pain, Bril slowly rose to his feet and swung the crimson blade again. The blade struck the giant’s neck and silenced it forever.

The Twi’lek deactivated his saber and returned it to his belt as he picked up his revolver once more. He reloaded the weapon as he approached the door to the office. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see only the Quarren in the room. He stood before the glass window overlooking the club floor, no doubt taking in the scene. A sigh came from his mouth as the door opened and the sound of boots against the floor entered the room.

Turning to face the man before him Vikkar began to speak. “I suppose you have come to kill me?”

“Kill or retire. Haven’t made up my mind yet.” The assassin replied.

“You have some nerve if you think you’re going to get away with this!” The Quarren loudly exclaimed.

“Oh but I already have, old man.” He said as he approached the Quarren’s desk and took a seat behind it, keeping his revolver trained on the man before him. “Your men are being finished off as we speak. The resources and connections you possess will serve my Master well.”

“And who is this Master of which you speak? Surely they realize the Sith now control this planet. The Sith will never allow anyone to rise above where we are!” Vikkar exclaimed.

A smile came upon the Shadow’s face. “You misunderstand, Quarren. My Master is the very Sith whose House has claimed this planet. I am here with his permission.”

The Quarren remained silent for a moment. As he began to speak he was interrupted by an armored man crashing through the door. A woman followed slowly behind and pressed a slugthrower revolver to the man’s neck below his helmet. Talek had been beaten by this mysterious woman. Bril was certainly intrigued.

Dark pink hair hung down from her head, barely hiding cybernetic implants. It took a moment to realize the woman’s arms and legs were cybernetic in nature rather than a part of her combat armor. She certainly seemed an entirely capable person yet not so much to defeat a Mandalorian. Yet here she stood over the kneeling Talek, revolver at his neck and finger on the trigger. Most impressive indeed.

“Sheesh, Talek, you getting that up in years you let a woman kick your ass?” He asked.

“Why don’t you pipe down and help me out here, tailhead?” The Mandalorian asked.

“Silence.” The woman said as she looked to the Quarren.

“Well it seems we have a predicament. If my subordinate shoots yours, you shoot me. Yet if you shoot me, your subordinate dies. How vexing of a situation. Tell me, KN, do you think you can defeat the man in my seat?” Vikkar said as he looked to the woman.

“Of course, Master.” She replied.

“I have a better idea.” Bril said as the three turned to face him. “You seem like the type of woman who can certainly handle herself. However should I fail, the Sith Lord who controls the planet will burn the city till even the ashes are gone. Think about that for a moment.”

The expression on her face softened some as her eyes widened a bit. It was a complete lie made up on the spot but she didn’t need to know that. “On the other hand, you could just as easily kill this Sleeimo and take a knee. Vow to serve me and my will and your life will be spared. What say you.?”

A laugh came from the Quarren as he listened. “You think you can sway loyalty? You have no clue who I am, boy! KN, killed them both!” He said as he turned to the cybernetic woman.

Yet his gaze did not meet hers. Her amber eyes were locked onto that of the Shadow of the Stars sitting behind the desk. More was said during those few moments than Vikkar could ever understand. When she released Talek and stood to face him, the Quarren began to panic.

“KN, what are you doing? Kill them now!” He exclaimed.

“Darling, be a dear and shut him up… Permanently.” Bril said as he lowered his revolver and kicked his feet up on the desk.

Without a word the cybernetic woman raised her slugthrower to the Quarren and pulled the trigger before he could protest. His body fell yet she kept firing into his body until the cylinder of her slugthrower was empty. “Filthy kark stain” she muttered under her breath.

Rising to his feet, Talek turned to Bril. “If you’ve got things here I’ll be checking on things downstairs.”

Bril nodded and the Mandalorian headed out the door. Turning to the woman, he cleared his throat to get her attention. “KN was it?”

“Yes. KN-257.” She replied as she turned to face him.

“That won’t do. Your name. Tell me your name.” He said.

“Korin.” She said looking down.

“Korin? I like it. It’s a beautiful name. Very well, Korin, kneel.” He commanded.

Taking a step forward, the woman slowly dropped to a knee before him. She would serve him well in the time to come. If she could easily defeat a hardened Mandalorian she would certainly prove useful to House Kain. Bril had a feeling such an individual would be useful in the days to come. He smiled as his work was now complete.

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