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Training Apprenticeship of Sharkish'Ki

IC: Death Apprentice Sharkish’Ki
Old Atrium Office, Thyrsus

Once again, his master displayed the skill that undoubtedly kept her positions of Head of House, General, Marchioness, and Dark Lord, as she mounted the wall before him with little concern for the orientation in which she found herself.

Sharkish’Ki’s balance found himself weighing heavily on his back foot, as the semi-familiar energy weapon ignited, rapidly unfurling toward his midriff. To his dismay, he wasn’t quick enough to evade the entanglement, as the bright energy band lashed about him, encircling his waist. The energy thrummed through his paltry armour, singing the reinforced leather that encased his torso. The smell was not too dissimilar to his previous battles; a hammer of lightning, that pockmarked his shoulder; and the sceptre of a Dread Sorcerer that had done even more damage at the time. And yet the fear of succumbing to another attack, that could have severed him clean I half, sent his mind racing.

He would survive this, through his master’s mercy. He found himself lurching toward the source of the current attack, as his outstretched arm flopped to his side through the inertia. His only riposte would be to summon his lightsaber to his grip, as the distance between them reduced.

His blade hummed to life in his clawed hand, as the General came within reach of striking, in an upward swing that he hoped would cut through the low-powered lightwhip and continue on to strike The General through her chin and across the top on her right shoulder.

Tag: @Reiis Invadator
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IC: General Invadator
Old Atrium Office, Thyrsus

Her mistake had been choosing a weapon she was not familiar with, and doubly so a weapon to which she was emotionally attached. To avoid overloading the lightwhip's crystal, she swings it side of his strike, but this places her left arm in line with his attack.

His saber glances off her cortosis pauldrons, which would cause his blade to sputter, even if briefly, but not before the heat of his blade singes the skin on her arm. This effectively breaks her concentration, and she falls back in accordance with normal gravity, the lightwhip extinguishing. Fortunately, that also takes her out of the path of her apprentice's blade, but her displeasure at her own error is clear as she scowls audibly, quickly recovering even as her arm continues to throb where she was hit.

Her response is a telekinetic shove, aimed at mid-thigh and lower -- hopefully not something he'd try to jump over.

OOC: Serves me right to get sliced a bit for not responding in so long!
IC: Death Apprentice Sharkish’Ki
Old Atrium Office, Thrysus

The lightsaber swung with ease, much like his family katana he truly missed. Thin blades and perfectly practiced, precise strikes were what he loved. His art. His passion. His current opponent however was making his art feel a little more like finger painting, as the blade he wielded skidded across The General’s armour in a glorious display of sparking plasma and superheated particles of the resisting cortosis.

The fact that he’d landed a strike on the infamous warrior sent his instincts into disarray. Sparring was usually against desperate slaves or holograms, or the rare occasion a droid or several was introduced, though this entirely depended on who was fronting the cash for the opponent. Damage was expected and death was a real possibility, so for him it was usually cheap, crackly training programs so as not to waste slaves. Dark Lords adorned in cortosis, were not regular targets. His emotions conflicted with each other. Should he hold back, or press on?

The General fell before him, landing flat on her front as if the magnetism she was manipulating suddenly switched polarity. He found himself free of the lightwip, as the hilt left her grasp and skittered across the dark stonework. Undeterred, as any Sith would be, she punched out toward him with the Force, turning Sharkish’Ki’s momentum and sending him bouncing on his backside back down the steps he’d thought would be useful. His elbow connected with a step, sending his ulnar nerve into shock and his hilt clattering out of his stunned hand. Sparks flew from his durasteel claw as he scrapped the stonework in a vain attempt to slow his bumpy ride down the steps.
Sharkish’Ki came to rest a third of the way up the stairs. The hard edges of the stone striated his back, as he pinched his shoulder blades together in an attempt to absorb the bruising pain. She was on her front, and he was on his back. They were both disarmed, and yet he was still outgunned. Where they went from here, he couldn’t see. The little tussle was enjoyable however, he thought. He leaned back onto the steps, arching his spine a little to avoid the stone trying to further dig into his lower back, and laughed.

If I thought, for one minute…” he groaned a little, “…that I’d be sparring a Dark Lord of the Sith as part of my apprenticeship, I’d have worn different pants!” His laughter continued, as he stared up at the enveloping blackness of the ceiling and momentarily pondered the possibility that there was in fact no ceiling; just an eternal void.

Why are we here, Master? Why this room?” He called out. Obviously there was a significant Dark Side presence in the room, be that her or something else. As fun as it was, there had to be a reason they were here, other than to spar, as they could have done that anywhere. He looked to his right, immediately clocked his hilt, and instinctively reached out with the Force to retrieve it to his grasp. The satisfying snap as it met his palm, was never disappointing - whether he was reigniting it, or stowing it, he’d leave up to his master’s next move.

OOC: DRL happens, General. I’ve been a little preoccupied myself, as of late. Though I appreciate the gesture 😊

TAG: @Reiis Invadator
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IC: General Reiis Invadator
Old Atrium Office, Thrysus

He had succeeded in striking her, landing a blow to her arm that was thwarted only by her cortosis pauldrons. She wasn't being careful; she needed to give him a good fight as much as she needed to teach him what she brought him here for! At least her telekinetic shove is successful, sending him down the stairs and knocking his weapon from his hand.

She could strike now, advance quickly and make a move, giving him little time to react...

The General stands, rotating her shoulder in an attempt to shake off the pain of the strike. Retrieving her old apprentice's lightwhip, she hooks it on her belt, and goes to sit on another section of the stairs, not far from her Apprentice. Despite herself, she laughs at his joke, and it seems that, at least for a moment, hostilities have ended.

Her silence is not her ignoring him; she is thinking. But not because she does not know, but because she does not know how to say it.

"I spent a lot of time in this room for a number of years," she began. "When a Force sensitive -- particularly a strong one, not to toot my own horn -- resides in a certain place for an extended period of time, their presence bleeds into it. Becomes part of it. It's like a bad smell. Pungent, enduring. Even I can feel how dark it is in here..."

Ironic, when the room is so well lit by sunlight streaming into the many windows.

She regards her apprentice with a careful, appraising look, and suddenly he will feel that she is not so walled off, not so distant. "It's the darkness of someone who has no goal but death and destruction. Someone who attains for the sake of attainment. No purpose or direction. Just...furthering the dark powers of the universe. But it feels powerful, doesn't it? And I suppose in some ways it is. But it is indeed dark. And cold. So very, very cold..." Her voice trails off, and she is silent for a time.

The General leans back a bit, resting her elbow on a step as she allows her presence in the Force to become more accessible.

"I want you to tell me what you sense, Sharkish'Ki. Reach out towards my presence. What do you feel is there? Ignore the room. Tell me what you feel."

OOC: I'll PM more details to you on here.

IC: Sharkish’Ki
Old Atrium Office, Thrysus

Sharkish’Ki carefully placed his hilt on the step next to him, almost reluctantly, as he watches his master casually take a seat above him. He swivelled on the step slightly, to face her as she speaks. There was a tone of wisdom to her words that was strangely captivating, as she described her feelings of their immediate surroundings.

The cold. He hadn’t thought about it until she said it, as his movements about the place generated body heat. But upon noticing that his entire left side was in the sun, he could feel himself cooling rapidly, as if there was no distinction between the brightness and the shadow. He sat for a moment, concentrating on the General as she gave her task.

He moved a foot to a lower step, allowing his back to straighten, rest his arms on his knees, and closed his eyes. He could feel the darkness around him, almost suffocating, somewhere between drowning and claustrophobia. In the midst of his focus, Reiis’ force signature ebbed and flowed with their surroundings. Shades of crimson blurred with pitch darkness, and at her core, under the calm churning of colours, lay a spark of white, flickering in and out of view. He opened his eyes, and allowed himself to calm his focus.

“I sense turmoil in you, master.” He waited a moment for his opening statement to be acknowledged before continuing. “I sense great control over even greater power, but as a heavy burden; one that you might toss aside at a moment’s notice, but just as easily place back on your shoulders.” He sighed with a concerned yet puzzled frown, curious as to the history of the path that led her to this point. “I don’t know you, and yet I feel like I know who you are. A familiarity, I can’t explain.” He paused, watching for her response, hoping that he hadn’t been wildly off the mark.

Tag: @Reiis Invadator
IC: Reiis Invadator
Old Atrium Office, Thrysus

She seemed pleased with his response; at the very least, approving. For a time, she made no sound, mulling over what he had said and sensed. There was much he would not be able to sense, simply because he was an apprentice, and she was a former Dark Lord who kept to herself most of the time.

"And yet," she finally says, her voice calm and smooth despite its artificiality. "It is not as dark as what you sense here, is it?" She swiveled towards him a bit more, her eyeless gaze boring into him. "What do you fight for, Sharkish'Ki? Is it for power? For glory? Do you ascend simply so that you are not beneath the boots of another Sith? What ever for?"

It might surprise Sharkish'Ki, but she flops back onto the steps, as if they're two childhood friends comparing guesses of the shapes of clouds. "We're going to die one day anyway. Do we want to be remembered? Maybe. But by who? What does it matter if someone remembers us?" She turns her head enough to look at him, and she doesn't seem to be the Lord of the Sith that tried to maim him earlier. "Once we find the people that we want to remember us...then we've found what we want. Who do you want to remember you, Apprentice? And how do you want them to remember you? Maybe when you think about's not so much about being remembered."

He may not know if these are hypothetical questions, or if she expects an answers right now. But at this moment, The General of House Cruor folds her arms under her head as she stares at the ceiling, one foot swaying absently. The stairs might have been more uncomfortable if she didn't have so much metal in her body.

She asks another question, one asked so casually he might not register it first. "What if I told you the Sith don't have to submit entirely to the Darkness...that some Sith have light in them?"

IC: Sharkish’Ki
Old Atrium Office, Thrysus

Sharkish’Ki’s relaxed posture seemed to have rubbed off on his master, as she leisurely began speaking philosophically about his future prospects. He felt glad that his observation hadn’t been too far from the truth, as he sat intently listening and watching her body language. So many questions, he thought, some of which he hadn’t truly given any time to.
“You know, I understand the battle within. It’s like a fire that we’re forever dowsing. For myself, I enjoy the heat, but it doesn’t need to become a raging inferno, despite the potential of that happening.”

He took a moment to consider the main points of conversion, before speaking from the heart. “I’m a stickler for justice, I know that much, and sometimes it’s hard to look past the injustices of war...” For a moment, he didn’t know where to put his eyes about the sparse room, “…perhaps too much of a hero complex!” He guffawed, palming off the comment before continuing.
“In regards to destiny, I think I’m a ‘one foot in front of the other’ kind’a guy. We all make our choices, and some may lead to riches and rewards, and some less so. I don’t obsess over whom might remember me, that’s for sure, though being remembered within House Cruor would be something, to say I came from nothing!” he sighed, leaning forward onto his raised knee. “Heck, I don’t even remember all of me!”
Looking toward the sun, he noted the colours changing on the mountainous horizon. The blues and whites of daylight were slowly morphing into pinks and purples, as the sun crept behind the barren rocks.
“So long as I keep my head, I’m happy to add to the ranks. I’m a hard worker, and if there’s something that needs doing, I’m your guy.”
The shadows of the day had noticeably shifted since their arrival, and as much as the room could be a sun trap, the old office did little to hold the heat. He cast his gaze back to his attentive master, putting thoughts of existential crisis’ out of his mind.

Tag: @Reiis Invadator
IC: Reiis Invadator
Old Atrium Office, Thrysus

She had expected this conversation would produce more of an answer from him. Something...meatier. It was a very good thing that he found satisfaction in helping; in assisting the cause and the House. She was proud of him for that. But she had wanted him to go deeper. As he was speaking, she sat up and considered him carefully. While many thoughts were happening behind her faceless mask, her attention was fixed upon him.

She feels that she perhaps explained her point incorrectly, and she mentally chides herself for not thinking ahead more and not reading it right.

"When I refer to being's not just about that. Whose respect do you want? Whose..." She trails off, feeling she's missing the point again.

"You could leave here now...pursue justice and respect throughout the galaxy. If you are not happy with your current power or skill, you could stay here longer. Graduate. Move through the ranks. And then you could leave, and pursue justice and respect to your heart's content." She leans towards him.

"So what are you doing here?"

OOC: I want Sharkish'Ki, and by extension you, to probe deeply and understand the core of his motivations. What is the point of this? Your apprenticeship? Your choice to be among the Sith? You definitely have carte blanche to be existential. Now, if you don't feel Sharkish'Ki has that at the moment, that's fine. It means we'll explore more later in your apprenticeship. ;)

I'd like you to add an OOC part of your post (or to me in PM - obvs. feel free to do it in the group PM), answering the same basic question that I have posed here for Sharkish'Ki. :)
IC: Sharkish’Ki
Old Artrium Office, Ailon Nova.

Sharkish’Ki shifted in his sat position as the cold stone began to feel uncomfortable. The questions that The General posed were equally so, as she prodded at the tender particulars of his past in order to ascertain the direction of his future.
“What I remember of my past is… complicated, master. You see, I had a brother once. He would be nearly two years younger than me…” he spoke softly, pausing to generate some sort of courage to continue. “He… he was taken from me, when we were young men. Rakghouls, on Taris.” He winced as a firm frown formed, camouflaging his anger and concern. “My mother, my parents, they blamed me. Irresponsible. Reckless. A ‘curse upon the family’, were the last words I remember my mother saying. I come up short, trying to think any harder on that moment.”

He squinted through the frown as the numbness in his head turned into a sharpness that cut through him, instinctively throwing a hand to clasp his forehead, squeezing on his temples with his fingers, as if his skull would cleave in half had he not done so. “Every so often, I’m plagued by vivid hallucinations of my brother, and the creatures that took him, and a voice behind it all that taunts me. I came here because I wanted direction. I’ve fought, and fed on the victories, but it’s never brought satisfaction. It’s never answered the questions I have. Why do I get these visions? What happened to my missing years? I need answers!”

He closed his eyes, trying his hardest to push the thoughts of his former family from his mind.
“Will you be the one to give them to me?” He slowly opened his watering eyes as the pain subsided, and lowered his hand, settling his gaze upon his master.

TAG: @Reiis Invadator
IC: Reiis Invadator
Old Atrium Office, Ailon Nova

These were the answers she was looking for. The General is silent and still as she takes it all in, processing his answer carefully and thoroughly. A brother. Killed, quite brutally, too. There is pity in her gaze; whether or not he can sense it is not something she's trying to figure out.

Hallucinations...not good. This is a very real and constant torment for him -- it cannot go unresolved. Memory loss too, oh dear. The General is familiar with that particular plague. Some things may never be answered...

But he must try.

"No," she replies flatly, but not unkindly, to his question. "I cannot give you answers. Only you can find them, for yourself. That is a battle you and you alone must face."

She rises, approaching her apprentice and and briefly placing a hang on his shoulder. Her touch does not linger; it is not her way. "I am confident you will reach a resolution. What you will go through to find it...only the Force knows that. Rise, apprentice."

I know what plagues you, she thinks. I know what eats upon your soul. I know what drives you mad in the deepest ways. All Sith had this; it was key to their identity. It could consume them, if they let it. The whole point about the Sith was that they often did. She had been content to do the same at one point; she understood. But she wanted to teach her apprentice how to harness it.

"So what do you plan to do about it?"

TAG: @Sharkish’Ki
IC: Sharkish’Ki
Old Atrium Office, Ailon Nova

Bewilderment slid upon Sharkish’Ki’s face upon his master’s last words, as he stood and received her blessing, of sorts; as if a simple gesture of touching his shoulder somehow momentarily freed him of his guilt. Rising to his feet, as her fingertips brushed from his shoulder, he couldn’t help but feel confused in the same moment.
“No one’s ever asked me that,” he said quietly. “My own plan ended here, at the gates of House Cruor. I mean, I’ve learnt so much since being here, so I’ve hardly been idle since arriving. But no one’s asked me what I want to do.” Reaching down for his lightsaber, the hilt casually lifted from the ground to meet his hand, before clipping it into place on one of the few rings that hung from his belt.

He thought briefly before continuing, taking his master’s question as more than rhetoric, “Well, perhaps I now have the freedom to retrace my steps, and work out what happened to me,” he pondered. “That might start to make sense of the darkness that surrounds my past.” He paused, thinking of his last hurried moments before executing his migration to Korriban.

“I have unfinished business on Taris; a Kintan. He stole my family sword from me during a botched heist, though I’m sure I was set up,” he growled. “It may sound trivial, but the blade is the first clue I need. He shouldn’t be a difficult one to track down. Where to go from there, will no doubt require more investigation.” He took a few steps down, following his master in anticipation.

TAG: @Reiis Invadator
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IC: Reiis Invadator
Old Atrium Office

Invadator was intimately aware of how quickly one's own goals and inner plans could slip away with barely a whisper of their departure. She herself had once never considered what she wanted; she just assumes, without even knowing it, that her path and direction would be as the Jedi (then Sith)...directed. It was that simple and that mindless. It took a certain amount of time, as well as certain people, to change that entirely.

The General walked with him, until she didn't, allowing her apprentice to take a few steps ahead of her. But she was just behind him, listening to his thoughts form into words.

"You have the opportunity," she acknowledges. "But are you ready?"

No human sight or intuition alone could have alerted Sharkish'Ki to her next move, but the Force might. She pushed towards him, augmented by Force Speed so much that she appeared naught but a blur of black. Her Darksaber was raised above her head, already arching down towards Sharkish'Ki.

"Your worst enemy won't be anyone with a blade!" Even as her first strike lands, she is already adjusting for another. "It will be YOURSELF!"

A darkness will swell within the room, and it will seem as if Sharkish'Ki has been submerged in deep, murky water. He will feel sluggish...impaired...but the strikes will not cease! Fear....fear will creep into the crevices of his mind and bleed into his soul.

"Are you ready to face yourself and the blackness within? Are you ready for everything to fall apart in your hands? Are you ready to face your own failure?!"

Powers Used:
Force Speed
Dark Aura

TAG: @Sharkish’Ki
IC: Sharkish’Ki
Old Atrium Office

For a good moment, Sharkish’Ki hadn’t noticed his master slow her gate, as he peered off into the darkness of the adjoining corridor. His mind was occupied with the vivid memory of the last sound he’d heard as he dashed from the high balcony of an office window; the low, reverberating laugh of a Kintan, with the muffled rumbling of a dozen heavy boots on carpet. This was a distraction in his train of thought that would have seen the death of him, had he not felt the darkness withdrawing behind him.

Like a conversation cut mid-sentence, his mind snapped his body into action, as the white edges of the Dark Lord’s Darksaber illuminated his back. He pivoted, jolting his lightsaber from his belt and instinctively raising his stump of an arm, applying both a temporary shield and a high guard of iridescent crimson, as her blade descended upon him with little concern for his survival. The Force swelled in him, drawing power to his forward guard enough to take the brunt of the impact, as the sabers clashed with a crackling that was as loud as it was bright.

Sharkish’Ki could feel the fear and doubt of his situation bleeding into the forefront of his mind as his master slammed into him. How someone so small and slight, could be so deadly. His body compacted as all their combined weight went into his back foot, and a split second of contact felt like an eternity, until it wasn’t, and his flawed stance gave way, toppling him into his back with a thud. Every muscle in his body seemed to contract at once, coiling him into a seated position to hold his defence.

His mind however, was drowning in fear. She’d overwhelmed him in an instant. His heart thudded in his chest, as adrenaline coursed through him. Was this the power of the Dark Side at its purest? Lord Invadator was bearing down on him; a crushing myriad of black smoke and white plasma, devoid of comfort, and all he could think of was how to get away. He kicked out at her shins, half attempting to knock her off balance, as well as add some momentum to his own motion, as he dug his other heel into the ground to push himself backwards. With the shield dissipated, his focus shifted to overcoming his understandable flight response.

“Failure is part of the road to success!” he grumbled through gritted teeth, trying to look through the almost blinding plasma of the blade lock. “I have failed, and I will continue to fail, but I always… ALWAYS… get back up!”

He caught a glimpse of her visor, and he focussed on it with all the effort he could muster in that moment, using the Force to condense her form in his mind. She wasn’t the ethereal being of immeasurable power that his mind was telling him she was. He knew her; her true size and weight, and he knew he could be stronger than her. All he had to do was believe it, and demonstrate it.

Powers used:
Force Speed
Force Defence

TAG: @Reiis Invadator
IC: Reiis Invadator
Old Atrium Office

He kicked her shins, but all he could hear in response was a clang of metal.

The General could feel his astonishment, his doubt, his fear. She saw that her attack, both mental and physical, was successful. But she sensed his resistance -- logic beginning to overtake her effect on his mind. She smiled.

"Are you sure you are ready, Apprentice?" She said, her voice a slithery version of its usual tone as she leaned into the blade lock. She didn't give up on Dark Aura just yet, but instead applied a different tactic. "You nearly didn't catch my blade. You won't always have your saber with you, and you won't always be ready to fight. Are you ready for failure to mean death?"

Abruptly, she lifted her push on his lightsaber, crouching closely by in a fluid motion and hoping to use any backward momentum he had to swing her saber around and slice through the back of his left leg. It left her vulnerable above her head, but she was counting on his momentary instability to force him to change directions. Then, she could press her attack.

Powers Used:
Dark Aura - 4

IC: Sharkish’Ki
Old Atrium Office

The General’s voice mimicked the malice of her appearance, as she pressed into her strike. Her mask blistered through the cloud of thick, shimmering shadows that seemed to suck the very photons from his periphery. The aura was unlike anything he’d seen before, as panic battled with his courage. Sharkish’Ki had vastly underestimated the risks he was taking, as she was very well pointing out. It hadn’t occurred to him that the risk may not even come from his own mistakes. He’d been confident up to this point, and perhaps even arrogant, as he scrabbled on the floor to hold his balance.

But, master, will I ever be ready? Death will take me one day, as it comes for us all,” he panted, his logic and training breaching the forefront of his mind. As a shock and awe tactic, her aura was as entrancing as a Diathim and as deadly as their Maelebi cousins. And yet all that chaos gave him a focal point, like the event horizon of a black hole. The pressure on the blade-lock receded, leaving his blade high as she moved low for a swift second attack.

Sharkish’Ki’s instincts clocked his openings, as he lightened his grip for an instant, spinning the hilt into a backhanded grip before strengthening his grasp and pushing the extended arm outwards, intending to parry the incoming blow into another blade-lock.
To take the words of another; it won’t be today,” as he forced momentum into his legs, swinging his right boot upwards towards the low jaw of her closed-face helm. “And it won’t be by you!

If both moves were successful, his momentum would push him into a backwards roll over his left shoulder, and into a kneeling position with his lightsaber in a reverse grip, defending his head and neck.

Powers used:
Augmentation: Force body

TAG: @Reiis Invadator
IC: Reiis Invadator
Old Atrium Office


The sinister tone of her voice slowly fades away, as does the Darkness that had accumulated around them. "It won't be me, and it won't be today, but it will be one day. Maybe one day, you will be ready, and then it will never seem so bad that people like us court death so frequently. There will be things, Apprentice of mine, that you are indeed afraid of." She lowers her blade as her gaze remains fixed upon him. "None are insurmountable, as unlikely as that may sometimes seem." She might tell him that death clings to darkness like a fetid stench, but that there is a darkness too that is raw and true -- a protector rather than an aggressor. There are many ways to be a Sith, and her apprentice is well on his way to finding his path within the Darkness. "Skirt death enough times, and it'll start to feel like an old friend," she smiles. "It is an old friend, but a fair one. We're not given, nor owed, exceptions."

"Come, Sharkish'Ki. You seek answers about your past. It's time to find them. Let us walk."

IC: Sharkish’Ki
Old Atrium Office

She’d turned and walked away as if his paltry efforts to defeat her affected her in the least, like a Loth-wolf pacing away from a playful pup. The darkness that had enveloped them seemed to retreat with her as if it were drawn to her very soul. Sharkish’Ki stood in near-disbelief, his blade deactivating with a seductive hiss as the room’s ambience returned to its cool evening temperature. How someone could contain such power was beyond him, even with his ability, it paled in comparison.

General,” he panted, taking pace with the lithe Dark Lady. There was something in her tone that raised questions as the method by which he was going find out. Perhaps it was just an open question; a figure of speech. But he was never sure about these things. Sith were full of surprises, after all.

A few steps passed as they entered the vast network of corridors before he chose to speak further. “How exactly do we do that?” It was a valid question that came without reluctance. “I don’t know who shut off that part of me, but the wall is crumbling. How do you propose I kick it down?

@Reiis Invadator
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IC: Reiis Invadator
Old Atrium Office

His questions are incredibly valid and relevant, but her lesson here is not how to take logic and wield it like a fine weapon -- it's how to dive into the dark and land on your feet.

"The Force binds us to this universe. So wherever you are in the known galaxy and are not truly alone, not truly lost. If we follow ripples in the Force then...somewhere out there is a ripple to be found." She stops. They're in a hallway of great, vast columns that would dwarf a Massassi, that reach so high even the ceiling is a vague darkness above them. "Go. Leave. Find where the Force takes you. Submit to your senses, your intuition. Let the currents carry you to where you belong."

Her aura is no longer threatening, and perhaps if he were to dig a little, he would see that it has softened to something wistful, perhaps even affectionate. "I would be a most fitting Trial, my apprentice. What do you think?"

OOC: Bump indeed! @Sharkish’Ki

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