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Duel A Continuation of Hostilities (Closed RP/Darth Cruor vs Darth Invadator)


Well-known member
Taral Darth Cruor
Arena Tower, Korriban

Long ago a challenge had been issued, a fight begun, but as was oftentimes the case the business of the Empire took precedence over combat training. The recreational violence of The Taral and The General had to wait, and wait it did for a long time. That, however, was long past due for a change. The Taral stood now in the center of the arena that The General had chosen for their contest, it looked the same now as it did then, it only lacked one thing.

"Invadator!" His voice called to the sky, it carried through the Force seeking to find The General. Would she answer his call? He was not sure, but he hoped so.


Tag: @Reiis Invadator
IC: Reiis Invadator
Arena Tower, Korriban

The call was a tremor through the Force -- clear and vibrant as it sounded across the hills and valleys of the Force-touched world. The word blasted forth like a shockwave within the minds of those who were attuned to the power, and she who was called heard it, too.


She knew immediately what the call was for, and her spirits swelled within her, rising to meet the challenge. She could not recall how long ago it had been that they had begun their duel, but she was more than ready to begin it anew. Her response came to him immediately, though it would be emotions felt rather than words spoken. Joy. Eagerness. Determination. He would know that trait quite well in her, and she hadn't lost the competitive edge that ran like blood within her.

All she could remember about the first segment of their duel was that she had been considerably less powerful than she was now, and while they certainly weren't equals now, it was unmistakably a bit more evened out. Good, she thought. More of a fight for the both of us! Death was not something she wanted to encourage, though to say she feared death in and of itself would be a lie. She just had too much to do to die yet, and while both knew that neither of them were there for a kill, it was entirely possible that the Dark Lord of the Sith might accidentally trip and turn the good general into the Pancake of House Cruor. Not a positive fate in Invadator's book.

She was there in an instant. Literally. By the power of Fold Space that now both of them possessed, she was in front of him immediately. The place held the cozy familiarity of an old battleground, and her mind replayed the moves she had made last time. Things would be different now. Better. Bolder?

Quite likely.

"My old honor to rejoin you in this arena." She looked around, noting in a few places where spires had been broken or cracked from their previous engagement here. "I look forward to making this a most interesting duel." A smile cracked across her face, and despite everything she'd been taught against it, she began! The tendrils of Umbrakinesis rose around her like a swarm army, the inky blackness nearly overtaking her before she sent it towards Lord Cruor -- a Black Death of razor-sharp stakes, born of shadows, roared towards him as she began planning his possible counterattacks.


Name/Title: General Reiis Invadator, Lord of the Sith, Marchioness of House Cruor
Nicknames/Aliases: “The General” / “Mistress of Mayhem”
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Species: Human (cyborg)
Homeworld: Mandalore
Occupation: Sith Lord, Mand’alor
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 115
Physical Description: Pre-cyborg: Reiis Invadator was a short, slender figure, though athletic despite her build. Fair skin. Brown hair/brown eyes. Still slender and short, but has lost all limbs but her left arm.

Clothing: The General customarily dons black robes paired with a faceless and mirror black mask.

Weapons: Invadator visibly carries only her Darksaber, though her armor and cortosis-weave prosthetics may be considered weapons as well. A cortosis-weave lig sword, however, is hidden somewhere in her robes.

Equipment: Her mask is required to breathe “normally,” though limited organic breathing may occur if the system is disabled.

Lvl 8 -- 30 points
Force Rage (1)
Dopplegänger (4)
Force Push/Pull (4)
Force Lightning (3)
Force Defense (4)
Umbrakinesis (4)
Fold Space (4)
Dark Side Tendrils (4)
Telepathy (2)

TAG: @Darth Cruor

Dis gon' be gud! 😁

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