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Game Last Ride Off Bellassa

Barbra's finger lightly trailed her glass as she listened to the others through around egregious accusations at each other. She sat in silence gathering information, much like she did at the parties she hosted.

The verbal jousting continued until finally someone turned their forked tongue to her. First, the Duke, with his inquiry of her trunk.

"So your concerned Idelle and I might be the murderer because we would not show you our unmentionables? Why would we? With how much you and Mal oogle over Idelle." She scoffed. "Oh yes, don't think I haven't noticed or overheard your lustings towards the illegitimate Princess.

The princess of perfume scoffed once more at the accusation.

"This attempt to blame me is as preposterous as Wey's pilots liscense." Barbra turned to Wey and looked at him with legitimate intrigue.

"I genuinely am curious how you passed your test with how frequently you end up landing your bombers on my land. I've a remote control toy plane I could let you borrow if you want to practice more. It looks like you could Use any assistance you can get. Do be careful of the grass next time you land on my house, Dear."

She turned away from Wey and focused her attention to Belinda.

"Speaking of careful." Barbra was on a roll and she was not giving up anytime soon. "Belinda, Darrrling. We've been speaking about weapons for a good majority of the night. Let's mention your lovely vibrosword as well. What was it you told me when I saw it last? It was the day you were being fitted for a dress. Such a lovely dress that was. "A woman can't be too careful" that's what you told me. Now I wholeheartedly agree, but why do you feel the need to ever so vigirously protect yourself? Do you live such a nefarious life that you must pack heat all of the time? Maybe Fae stumbled across one of your secrets and you had to "protect" yourself."

She smirked as she leaned back in her chair and lit a cigarra, the puffs of smoke encircled her as she waited for someone to throw another cockamamie allegation towards her.

@Catalyst @Admiral Volshe @Cardun Vrek @Vaeluos Rilia @Darth Kain @DarthNoxia @Samwise @Slayer
IC: Idelle Chattre
Aboard the Desire

The pretty face of the princess turned into the most vindictive of snarls, her eyes darting around the occupants of this cursed ship. So many accusations, so many lies. It could drive one to viciousness if they weren't careful.

"The matters of state in my home are not the business of anyone here, save the Duke," her eyes flashed in his direction as she snatched the drink from his grasp. She crossed her arms, keeping her pinky off the glass out of instinct. "And my people's business is certainly not relevant to this murder. If I wanted someone dead, I wouldn't be foolish enough to even be in the same star system. Nor would I dare get blood on my clothes. No, I did not have anything to do with this heinous act. So I don't want to hear anymore rumors or hearsay about me or my family." Her eyes snapped to Mari. "Even though I know you've written stories with less"


She took a sip of the Corellian ale. If there was poison in this, it wasn't cheap; she'd have tasted it otherwise.

"And as for my personal belongings," Idelle spoke, turning an eye towards the Duke, "heavens forbid I don't want you brutes ruffling through my clothing. Especially now that I know of the… desires a couple of our passengers seem to share. I'd be flattered if I didn't have the overwhelming urge to vomit first."

@Catalyst, @Admiral Volshe, @Cardun Vrek, @Vaeluous Rilia, @Darth Noxia, @Raineyday88, @Slayer, @Samwise
Malcom was going in and out of his thoughts. Listening to the vital informations of the talk the others mentionned and mixing it with what he knew. He knew some pieces of info, and decided to reveal them. "I saw you at 4:40 Mary, step out of the ship and talk to a nearby worker while Idelle and Barbara arrived both with a large trunk in addition to their luggage. What was in there ? Well this is something we'll know as your little discussion continues." He stopped and looked around to see if he had everyone's attention. "The droids mixed your things up and brought them to the wrong cabin. Or was it planned all along? When that woman asked me for help to move your moutains of luggage, and i proposed to make them lighter, you both refused. Did you have something to hide, exept your intimates like you say ? You are lucky the Duke and I were able to move the trunks easily. Think about it." The former soldier went back into thoughts a few minutes later, as he waited for some reactions coming from the others.
IC: Princess Idelle Chattre
Aboard the Desire

"I'm surprised you and the Duke are so concerned over my laundry," said the Princess to Mal, her lip curled in disgust. "If you're so interested in laundry, let's air some dirty laundry, shall we?"

The Princess leaned against the wall gingerly, her eyes scanning the room. She was used to having all eyes be on her, after all, it was her place in the universe - to be the center of it. But the stares she received now we're not the kind she enjoyed; she would prefer if no one here looked at her at all.
"Mal, since you're so worried about what I'm carrying, let's talk about how you sent me those armaments of yours," said Idelle. "The weapons were carried by Captain Weyland's bombers, yes? I was surprised, at first. But it turns out it's just like the others have said. Weyland makes quite a bit of money off of these black market weapons. A shame I had to contribute."

Her eyes turned to the Captain, her gaze no less accusatory than before. "I'm glad that you didn't deliver the weapons personally. Did you all know that he was never shot down on a reconnaissance mission? Oh no, he's just a terrible pilot. Crash-landed on Naboo while visiting a girl. It's a wonder you haven't been reduced to scrap along with all the ships you've totalled."

"And while we're on the topic of people being terrible at their jobs…"
Idelle's eyes fell on the Devaronian, Khover. "Do you have no shame, or do you feel regret when you act like a two-faced double agent, trading information between your own clients? Fae said as much."

She sighed, the venom of her words finally escaping her body. Her face, which had gone pink with anger, had begun to return to a fairer shade. Idelle shook her head, only mildly displeased with her display. "Regardless," she said, "that doesn't make any of you the killer. The Duke, however…"

Idelle frowned when she looked upon him. "Fae must have done something very terrible for you to say - what was it - oh, yes, 'I'll run that schutta through if I ever meet her face to face.' What could she have done to warrant such hostility? And worse yet, what could she have done to you that made you decide she needed to die today?"
IC: Belinda Screete

Belinda began to settle down, listening to the others start accusing each other more than her. Well, all except for Barbra who was still on about her vibroknife. She rolled her eyes as Barbra called it a "vibrosword", so typical of her to over exaggerate.

"I wouldn't call it a sword, its a knife. If you want to accuse people of things, you could at least get something right. Given the... response to my book, is it really such a surprise that I would like to protect myself? Maybe if Fae had done the same we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Belinda sighed, while typically she would be very interested in the conversation, all of the dirt, the gossip and accusations, it was beginning to bore her. She was task oriented and she felt like all of these rumors were steering them away from actually finding out who killed their hostess but she also understood that it would eventually lead them to the murderer so she kept up, telling what she knew. She glanced over at Wey.

“Now Wey, I hear you had quite the adventure after your bomber was shot down. Though I heard it wasn’t shot down at all but that you landed it in a field on Bellassa, which you thought was a landing strip on Naboo. How you even managed that mistake is beyond me considering they are lightyears apart but that isn’t here nor there. You were headed to meet a girl you kept there. What was her name again… oh yes, Brigitte. Though it was really Fae in disguise. You then found yourself in front of an Imperial blockade and barely managed to escape capture. Though, to me, that is proof enough you can’t be the murderer. Can’t even find the right planet, let alone a landing strip, I hardly doubt his aim is good enough to stab someone.”

Belinda scoffed as she rolled her eyes, turning away from Wey and to Mary instead.

“Mary dear, how is being blackmailed going? After naming Fey as the mistress of a high level government official in your story, “Sensational Scandals in the Imperial Senate.” I can’t imagine people are taking too kindly to that.”

Belinda turned towards Mal. “What about you Mal? Being involved in the underworld of the Outer Rim and all the black market business you and Fae have done together, not to mention how you two were always spotted together at Barbra’s parties. Tell me, was there more to your relationship than simply business? Perhaps you had a couple’s quarrel and in the heat of the moment, lost control?”
IC: Weyland Awforce

Wey looked incredulous "I...I don't know what you are talking about. I am a renowned pilot. I have many medals and placards on my wall and..." he mumbled. "Preposterous words from a preposterous lady." He crossed his arms. He felt eyes on him and needed to get the attention off him. He was a good pilot, damn it! ...maybe. His ire turned to the princess. "Shame?! he scoffed. You are a regular buyer! Shame indeed." Wey went to the bar for another glass of brandy. A triple. All this pressure on him. His military career was his life and he would not see his name tarnished. "

"And yes,Your Highness, let's do talk about people who are terrible at their jobs. That award Mary won for journalistic excellence but the story she won it for was a SHAM! Yes, a SHAM!" He slammed his glass down on the bar, spilling the rest of the brandy. "A close friend told me all about the ISB agent you featured. An upstanding individual my round, athletic behind! He was a crook! And...AND...he died in his jail cell, just like he deserved, but that's not all is it, Mary?!Rumor has it you are the one that killed him. So, you are no stranger to murder, are you?Especially to get what you want!" Wey called for another brandy.

Besides. I went to Fey's cabin about 5pm... on very official business. It was very important and official. and the door was locked. I couldn't get in. I knocked but no answer, so I left, hoping to catch her later to discuss our official business., which was very important. Well, at 5:25 or so, I was looking out the viewports and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I have very good vision, you know. 20/20 in fact. perfect vision for flying, as I am a spectacular pilot, despite what those who seek to tarnish my reputation would have you believe." He. tugged at his jacket, pulling it down. "I saw Mal come out or Barbara's room! What were you doing there, Mal? Hmmmmmm??? You seemed in a rush to get back o your own room. you also looked quite disheveled. Suspicious if I do say so myself. And, I do!"He said as he abruptly raised a finger.

He took a breath and sat, tapping his fingers on the arm of a char for a moment, then suddenly stood as if he had thought of something. "And one more thing! When we were locked in the cabin, Mary seemed particularly anxious. Said she needed to get back to her cabin right away. What was that about, Mary? Do tell!" He slumped back in his chair, red-faced from brandy and his long-winded string of accusations.
IC: Khover

with the abhorrent accusation from Idelle, Khover politely smiled as he walked back to the counter. Placing the empty glass on it. The accusation was rather hurtful to him, which showed when he turned to face Idelle.

“Just from your point of view, which I am quite certain that is wrong, but you can believe whatever it is you wish; It is quite clear that you don’t know me quite that well. But cheers for you princess.”

He paused a moment as he put a finger on his chin, showing a thought.

“In fact, I do firmly believe that it is either you, Idelle, or Belinda. I have no concern on Wey at all. Not with the drunk drinking away his stress. Not quite sure he would even be able to kill anyone the way he stress drinks now.”

He chuckled at Wey when he mentioned him at the thought.

“The reason as to why I firmly believe it is either of you, is because of what you wrote Belinda. An excerpt from one of your publishing’s. ‘The Rich and The Powerful.”

With the tension in the room, he looks to Belinda. “Specifically chapter nine. Which does tell me you have some personal vendetta against Fae. To which she came to me, requesting to help her stop you.”

He folds his arms before reciting the excerpt from the chapter.

It is said that power corrupts. This is true of men. With women it is different. Beauty corrupts them. It is a dangerous thing, a woman's beauty, and women of great beauty must be strong indeed, if she does not let it control her.
The most corrupt, and perhaps most beautiful, woman in the galaxy is Fae Tahlle. Nobody knows where she came from. She simply came into our lives, a simmering, festering creature of evil, hatred and sin.
Men, she takes, consumes and destroys. They give her everything she asks, yet she only asks for secrets, never money.
Women she despises....”

He then turns to face Idelle once more.

“Youdo have a beauty to you Idelle, and I believe I can say that you are quite dangerous as well with all the information coming forth. So was it you Idelle?” He looks to Belinda, “Or you, Belinda?”

@Raineyday88, @Catalyst,@Vaeluos Rilia, @Slayer, @Darth Kain, @DarthNoxia, @Cardun Vrek, @Admiral Volshe

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