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Casual Frozen Art, Frozen Heart Part II


Active member
IC: Death Knight Nekrosis, Soldier of Venom
Obroa-skai, Castle Nurmengard
One shot

Nekrosis stood alone.

The Sith assassin stared out of his study window, watching the snowfall outside with almost no visible emotion. His golden eyes were all that moved, gazing at several different snowflakes in turn. Behind him was his desk, an open book lying abandoned for the moment. Beside the book lay two skull masks, one noticeably older than the other. In Nekrosis' hand was a black string necklace, adorned only with a small, violet kyber crystal. He held this necklace in front of him, so it would not be visible to anyone who entered the room. This proved to be wise when the door opened and Nekrosis detected metallic footsteps cross the threshold. He quickly but calmly hid the necklace within his coat as the visitor spoke.

"Sir, Miss Ruth has awakened," ZNO-M6 told him. "I instructed her to meet you here, as you requested."

"Thank you, Zeenoh," Nekrosis said absentmindedly.

"If I may, sir," the KX series droid went on, "I'm concerned about your new pet."

"Antonio? What's wrong, is he sick?"

"No, sir. My issue is the creature happens to be a gizka, sir. I'm sure you're aware of their diet?"

"Ship parts?"

"If I may be blunt, sir, I'm concerned that I may be added to his cuisine."

"I see." Nekrosis smiled a little. "I'll be the first to admit that I know little about gizka. Why don't you find out all you can about them? Perhaps if you were his primary caretaker, he might not find you so appetizing."

"I'll see what I can do, sir," ZNO said before turning to leave. "Will that be all?"

"Yes, Zeenoh."

"Very good, sir."

Nekrosis listened to the droid leave, then sighed. He turned his head to glance at the aforementioned gizka, who was currently dozing on the chair Nekrosis had been sitting in moments ago. The gizka had been a gift from the Lady Kolasi. Many Sith had received a gizka as a present from the Dark Councilor. Nekrosis wasn't sure why some seemed to like the creatures so much, but the one he had received seemed to have a fairly likable personality. He just hoped he got along with Ruth.

Moments later, Vles'ruth'uazuss entered the study, stretching one arm above her head, her other hand holding a warm mug of caf. "Morning," she mumbled before taking a sip.

"Good morning, Ruth," Nekrosis replied, finally turning away from the window and gesturing toward the gizka. "I have a gift for you."

Ruth, dressed in a simple loose shirt and shorts, her hair a tangled black mass on her head, smiled tiredly. Her eyes lazily followed his gesture and lit up the moment she spotted the reptile. "Aw, is that a gizka?"

"I named him Antonio," Nekrosis explained. "He was given to me by Lady Kolasi. I thought you might like him as well."

"I've never had a pet before," Ruth said, slowly approaching the desk to avoid waking the sleeping gizka.

"Nor have I. But then, there's much I have now that I didn't before."

Ruth set her mug of caf on the desk and knelt on the floor beside the chair to get a better look at Antonio. "Don't these things, you know, multiply?"

"I've been assured that won't be a problem with this one," Nekrosis told her.

The Chiss artist smiled brightly, then looked up at him. "Thank you. He's precious."

"I'm glad you like him. I've told Zeenoh to research gizka so we can better take care of Antonio." The Death Knight moved to leave, glad that his gift had pleased Ruth. "Now, if you'll excuse me-"

"Wait." Ruth stood, her smile suddenly gone.

Nekrosis halted just before opening the door. "What is it?"

Ruth looked down and brushed some loose hair from her face. "What are your plans for today?"

This prompted Nekrosis to furrow his brow a bit. "Well, I'm still waiting to hear from my Apprentice, so I thought I'd practice with my lightsabers. I've also been meaning to test some prototypes for a new hidden blade design of mine, then I thought-"

"May I go with you?" Ruth's red eyes avoided meeting his gaze, but she appeared hopeful. Eager, even.

"I don't see why not. I suppose I assumed you'd continue your ice carvings."

She shrugged. "I'm getting a little tired of that lately. I could use a break. Besides, droids make terrible company and with you being so busy recently… Well, I've been lonely."

"Then Antonio makes the perfect gift." Nekrosis smiled.

But Ruth did not smile back. "Nekrosis," she said softly, yet with a hint of determination. "I want to spend the day with you." As she said this, she finally looked up at him.

The Death Knight was confused by her sudden behavior, but found no reason to deny her request, so he nodded. "As you wish."

This made her smile. "Thank you."

* * *

Nekrosis started his day with practice in the training arena. He began by performing a number of timed drills designed to improve his speed and get him more accustomed to dual wielding with a standard saber and shoto saber as opposed to his usual saberstaff. Nekrosis also switched to just one lightsaber from time to time to keep those skills sharp as well. He then engaged in sparring matches with some of the castle's security droids, using swords made from simple metals intended exclusively for training. Ruth watched from one of many steps that doubled as seats encircling the raised stage area, occasionally asking questions or offering well meaning suggestions. She was clearly no combatant. Nekrosis made a mental note to bring that up later.

After completing his training for the day, and enduring Ruth fussing over a minor injury from a mistimed dodge, Nekrosis spent the next few hours in his workshop, testing out the mechanisms for his improved hidden blade design.

The goal was to create a blade that was attached to a very long and retractable chain. This weapon was intended to function in both close quarters and long range attacks as either a wrist mounted blade or rope dart, respectively. The rope, however, would be made from a kind of chain to prevent it from being cut. Nekrosis would have preferred a lightsaber resistant metal, like cortosis or beskar, but currently did not have access to such materials.


A recurring issue was the chain kept getting caught in the inner mechanisms, often while trying to retract. Nekrosis considered just switching to a rope instead, or perhaps a flexible wire, and made notes to research other options before continuing.

Like before, Ruth was with him. This time, however, she kept to a safe distance. Especially whenever Nekrosis tested the weapon's ability to extend and retract. Once or twice, the Cruorite suffered a harsh blow from the chain whiplashing, and Ruth would suddenly be at his side with a medic kit. Nekrosis would find her concern amusing, but somehow also comforting. It was strange to have someone who genuinely cared for his well being. The worry in Ruth's ruby eyes made Nekrosis wonder if he was worth being cared for after all. Surely a murderer, assassin, and Sith should have to fend for himself. Why would a lonely artist of all people come to show such compassion toward him?

Once Nekrosis decided to take a break from trying to make a very dangerous weapon, he chose to practice dancing.

Yes, dancing. This was something he considered to be a form of art. At the very least, it was a treasured hobby of his. And, like any talent, it required frequent practice.

Usually, Nekrosis would practice alone, which was why he showed a little more talent dancing solo at parties. Now, however, he had a partner. He had Ruth. So, after Nekrosis had finished sparring with and creating weapons, the two friends had a quick lunch, then made their way to the ballroom.

Ruth's smile was always brightest when they danced together. Holding hands and in each other's arms, twirling on the dance floor like leaves on a stream, sometimes practicing choreographed dances or just moving to the flow of the music. This was one passion they both shared equally. Nekrosis was most content in combat, whereas Ruth felt the most at peace when she carved ice. He was a Sith assassin, she was a runaway artist. But together, they were dancers.

Dancing was how they had met. At Nekrosis' first masquerade, featuring some of Ruth's art, the two were able to see each other in person and shared a dance together. They discovered a shared love of art and passion, and became good friends almost instantly. After a particularly bad argument with her father, Ruth ran away and moved into Nekrosis' mansion. She now lived in one of the guest rooms, but could usually be found outside, turning chunks of ice into marvelous works of art. The castle was surrounded by her work, like a frozen army defending their home.

In time, Nekrosis came to realize he was glad Ruth was always there. She was someone he could talk to, someone he could trust. He hadn't shared everything with her just yet, but she was the only one he knew that wouldn't betray him if he did spill a secret or two.


He had been so lost in thought, Nekrosis almost didn't realize Ruth had said something. After their dance, the two friends had gone far upstairs to a balcony overlooking the land in front of the palace. For once, it wasn't snowing, at least for the moment.

"Yes?" he said, his breath becoming mist in the chilled air.

"What am I to you?" Her blood red eyes were serious again.

"You are my best friend," Nekrosis told her. Once, he actually would have hesitated before saying such things, but he couldn't think of any other label to give their relationship now.

"Is… is that all I am to you?" she asked softly.

He almost just said yes, but her ever-so-expressive eyes told him she wanted more than a single worded reply, so Nekrosis considered his words carefully before giving her an answer.

"You," he told her gently but surely, "are my companion. Someone I've come to trust more than any other. You do not judge me, nor hold me to high expectations. You simply appreciate me for who I am, and who I'm trying to become."

An ebony eyebrow raised above her scarlet eye. "So, you like me because I like you?"

"I appreciate your kindness and friendship," Nekrosis clarified. "But, you do mean more to me than that."

Ruth's brow relaxed. "Tell me."

Nekrosis opened his mouth, ready to reply, barely wondering why he was so vulnerable around her, so willing to tell her almost anything.

What he didn't realize was just how much he had lowered his guard. Not until he heard blaster fire echo, starling him so much that he flinched, but felt no pain. Assuming the shooter missed, Nekrosis scanned the surrounding area trying to locate the would-be assassin before they fired again, then paled in genuine fear and concern when Ruth collapsed.

End Part I

* * * * *​

Part II
"The Force moves darkly around a creature that is about to kill." -Chirrut, Rogue One


"Ruth!" Nekrosis cried, ducking behind the cover of the balcony as another blaster shot struck the stone, barely missing him. The assassin flung himself over the fallen Chiss, part of him intending to act as additional shielding, then swiftly examined her for any injury. Finding none, but detecting a pulse, he paused in confusion before realizing the blaster shot hadn't sounded quite right…

A stun blast, he realized. The sniper had not fired with the intent to kill. But why shoot Ruth at all?

Nekrosis pressed a button on his comlink, one that would summon ZNO-M6, then carefully dragged Ruth inside, staying low to avoid getting shot at. Once he was past the threshold, he closed the door, then picked up Ruth's unconscious form and carried her to a sofa in the room, laying her down carefully. ZNO-M6 entered the room, his stride faster than usual.

"Sir," the KX series droid said quickly, "There appear to be at least six individuals gathering just outside the castle grounds. One of them seems to be armed with a blaster in a sniper configuration. I recommend alerting the security droids and allowing them to-"

"No!" Nekrosis practically snapped. "I will deal with them myself. I want you to get Ruth away from any windows and keep her safe."

ZNO-M6 nodded, then knelt to pick Ruth up. "Is she harmed, sir?"

"No, I don't think she's seriously injured, just stunned." Nekrosis stood, a shadow falling over his face. "Ensure she stays safe, whatever happens, got it?"

"Of course, sir." The droid nodded once more, then left swiftly with Ruth in his arms.

Nekrosis closed one hand into a fist, almost trembling with rage. If he had any doubts about how he felt toward Ruth before, they were put to rest now. Someone had attacked her, and it made him angry. Very angry.

The Sith focused on controlling his breathing, and imagined his rage as a blazing fire, then encased those flames within a furnace. Past experience had taught him that anger could be a source of strength, but only when kept under control. He could practically feel the emotion blazing in his eyes as he opened them, taking a deep breath before striding forward.

* * *​

Outside the castle, Nekrosis approached seven figures standing almost shoulder to shoulder in a straight line, most of them wearing what appeared to be varied versions of a kind of military uniform and armed with various types of blasters. The outfits were old and slightly faded, however, giving Nekrosis the impression that these men were mercenaries and not legitimate soldiers. One of them, a tall man standing with impeccable posture, was clearly a Chiss; his azure skin and red eyes betraying that much. His ebony hair was pulled into a short tail, and he had a small, but respectable mustache. His outfit was also formal militaristic in appearance, but much newer, cleaner, and most likely far more expensive. He also wore a sword, much like Nekrosis did, only his was more elegant in design.

This could only be one particular man, Nekrosis thought.


"You must be Ruth's father," the Sith said in a way of greeting him, his voice as cold as the snow surrounding them.

"I am indeed," the Chiss told him, also not bothering to sound too friendly. "My core name is Jjaqh. I won't trouble you with my full name."

"If you're here for Ruth, you might as well leave now," Nekrosis said.

Jjaqh's eyes narrowed. "Do you have any idea who I am? I happen to come from a family of highly respected artists. When I want something, I get it. Then and there."

"Get used to disappointment."

Jjaqh smiled, kindness all but extinct in his expression. "I'll make this simple for you. Bring me my daughter, and I'll kindly be on my way. Refuse, and I'll have no choice but to assume you're holding her hostage, and I'll be forced to… rescue her."

"Ruth has made it very clear to me that she wants nothing to do with you," Nekrosis informed him. "I kind of figured that stab wound in your shoulder would have made that fact clear to you."

Jjaqh subconsciously reached for his shoulder, clearly irritated at the reminder. "What do you know of such things?"

"Ruth told me all about it." Nekrosis folded his arms. "She said you tried to imprison her in her own home, so she stabbed you with an ice pick and fled. She's been living with me ever since."

"Preposterous!" Jjaqh exclaimed. "You're a Sith! A murderer! Why would she go to you for sanctuary?"

"Because we are close friends," the Death Knight said simply. "We trust one another."

"She'd be far safer with me! With her family!"

"I doubt that. I didn't have her shot."

The Chiss huffed in annoyance, suddenly unable to hold eye contact for a moment. "That shot was meant for you."

"Which one?"

"Both of them!" He snapped. "Ruth just happened to be somewhere she shouldn't have been. Again."

"That's not up to you," Nekrosis said slowly. "She's a grown woman. You don't own her."

"I'm her father! I know what's best for her. Now give her back to me, or I'll have you killed where you stand!"

As if to emphasize Jjaqh's point, the mercenaries powered up and aimed their weapons at Nekrosis. The Sith did not react, merely unfolded his arms and smiled as cold as death.

"I'll give you all one last warning," he said, almost in a whisper. "Leave this place, or suffer the consequences. And I mean suffer."

"Enough of this!" Jjaqh barked, backing up to stand behind the line of mercenaries. "Kill him!"

* * *​

Ruth groaned as she awoke, holding her head while waiting for the world around her to brighten and focus.

"Easy there," an artificial voice said to her. "You were shot by a stun blast."

The Chiss artist blinked as ZNO-M6 appeared standing over her. She slowly realized she was lying on a table in Nekrosis' armory. Ruth sat up, rubbing her forehead. "What happened?"

"You were shot by a stun blast," the droid repeated himself. "Afterwards, Master Nekrosis told me to get you to safety, so I brought you here. I assume he's… greeting our uninvited guests as we speak."

Ruth furrowed her brow. "Zeenoh, you can access the castle security feeds, right?"

"I can."

"So, you can show me what's happening out there."

"I most certainly can."

ZNO-M6 produced a holoprojector and entered a series of secure passcodes before browsing through several uneventful severity feeds of the castle's various rooms, before finding one that displayed what was going on just outside.

Ruth swore. "That's my father! What is he doing here?"

"I imagine he's here to collect you," ZNO-M6 guessed. "And judging by the number of mercenaries he brought with him, he must be rather determined to achieve that goal."

Ruth watched as the mercenaries attacked, her father standing behind them to avoid the fight. Nekrosis was eliminating them fairly easily, but Ruth had no doubts about whether he could defeat a few hired hands. Then again, her father was a rather accomplished swordsman. He was primarily an artist, like the rest of her family. But swordplay was a favored hobby of his, and he practiced often. Nekrosis wouldn't know that. He would likely underestimate his enemy and be caught by surprise.

Ruth quickly leaped from the table and tried to run from the room, but ZNO-M6 blocked her exit.

"Zeenoh, let me go," she ordered him, her tone dropping.

"I'm afraid I can't," he informed her. "Master Nekrosis charged me with ensuring your safety."

"Get out of my way, droid," she said firmly. "My father isn't here to hurt me, just kidnap me. I'll be fine."

"I doubt Master Nekrosis would-"

Her patience wearing thin, Ruth grabbed her blaster and aimed it at the droid's head. "Your prime programming is to serve Nekrosis, right?"

"Precisely, which is why-"

"Which is why," she cut him off, "you're going to let me go. Because if you don't I will shoot a hole right through your head, then you won't be very useful to him, will you?"

"You do realize what my design is based on, don't you?" ZNO-M6 said calmly. "I was designed after an Empire Era Imperial security droid. If I have to, I can and will defend myself."

"But you can't do that without hurting me, which means I wouldn't be safe, and that means you will have directly disobeyed your precious master." Ruth smirked. She could practically hear the gears turning in the droid's head. Then again, perhaps she actually could.

"Your logic seems fair," he admitted.

"Thank you. Now get out of my way."

ZNO-M6 hesitated, then stepped aside.

* * *​

Nekrosis' lightsabers were in his hands and ignited the moment they opened fire, deflecting shots with ease. He manoeuvered his blades carefully so they deflected the bolts back to their blasters of origin, disabling each of them one by one. The Sith Knight had nearly eliminated every blaster before the mercenaries realized shooting him wasn't going to work, so they put their guns away and drew vibro swords and knives. They surrounded their target, brandishing their weapons in an attempted intimidation display.

Nekrosis smirked, then deactivated and sheathed his lightsabers, and drew his sword and dagger. The latter weapon was none other than a Tehk'la blade he had created under the guidance of Apprentice Cygnus, a Nagai.


The first mercenary attacked, attempting a quick throat slash. Nekrosis blocked his blade, then performed his own two slashes that opened the mock soldier's neck ever so nicely.

The second tried a lunging stab with his vibro knife, and a third swung his sword downward at Nekrosis' back. Nekrosis used his telekinesis to pull the knife wielding arm forward, stepping to one side as he did so. This caused the second mercenary to stumble forward and accidentally plunge his knife into his comrade's stomach. That comrade was unable to stop his swing in time, and the blade sliced into the other's arm.

Grinning at their screams of pain, Nekrosis stepped forward and thrust his blades into their necks, then yanked them back out swiftly. More blood sprayed onto the snow as the two men collapsed, and Nekrosis turned to face the remaining three.

One had fixed his dagger onto his blaster like a bayonet, and Nekrosis realized he must be the sniper. The Sith quickly sheathed his sword and dagger, then raised his hands in an unarmed but ready stance. Thinking he suddenly had an advantage, the sniper lunged forward, but Nekrosis narrowly avoided being impaled and took hold of the blaster rifle with firm hands. He then gave the mercenary a harsh headbutt, stunning him enough to pull the weapon from his grasp. Another sword wielding mercenary took a swing, forcing Nekrosis to block his attack using the blaster rifle, then used the bayonet to gash open his throat as well. He fell to his knees, feebley trying to stop the fountain of blood.

The sniper had recovered, and charged, intending to take his gun back. He had produced a sword and tried to cut Nekrosis' arm. The Death Knight once again used the blaster as a shield, then shoved the blade to one side, giving him the opening he needed to aim and fire the weapon at its owner's face. The fifth mercenary fell to the ground.

Nekrosis dropped the firearm, then drew his sword and dagger once more to face the remaining mercenary. Apparently undeterred by his comrades' violent ends, he gritted his teeth and swiped with a vibro knife. Nekrosis parried with his dagger, then thrust both of his blades into his opponent's ribs. He forced them in hilt deep before yanking them back out and watching with unmasked bloodlust as the final mercenary dropped into the snow.

Splattered with blood and breathing a little heavily, Nekrosis turned to face Jjaqh. "Tell me," he said in a chilling tone, "is that sword of yours purely decorative, or do you know how to use it?"

The Chiss had watched the brief battle with growing anger and horror, and by now he was trembling. "You…" he hissed, drawing his sword, "will never have my daughter. She is mine. Mine!"

Nekrosis didn't know why this man was so possessive, but he honestly didn't much care. If anything, he was glad it had driven him to attempt this insane plan to "rescue" Ruth; it gave Nekrosis an opportunity to indulge in his violent side.

Jjaqh attacked first, and for the moment, Nekrosis merely put up a defense. He toyed with the Chiss, evaluating his skill. Their blades sung as they clashed, the two swordsmen circling one another across the blood soaked snow.

"You know what you're doing, I'll give you that," Nekrosis said with a smile. "But how's your foot work? If I step over here…"

He performed a few strikes that forced Jjaqh to move left.

"Very good. Now I step again."

The Soldier of Venom attempted a few lunges that made Jjaqh step back a few paces as he blocked.

Nekrosis smirked when he caught Jjaqh's blade with his own, holding it upwards and exposing his torso. He was about to say something snarky when he suddenly heard a blaster fire, then immediately felt pain stab into his left shoulder.

He cried out and staggered backwards, seeing too late that Jjaqh had produced a tiny blaster and shot him.

Nekrosis growled at himself. This was a recurring weakness of his: underestimating his enemy and leaving himself vulnerable. He tried to calm his breathing, even as the pain flared. The Sith winced and clutched at the wound, embarrassed at being so easily outsmarted.

"I missed," Jjaqh spat, aiming the small weapon at Nekrosis' face. "No matter. How does the saying go? If at first one doesn't succeed-"


Jjaqh turned quickly to see Ruth running toward them, her blaster aimed at him.

"Ruth!" he cried. "You're alright!"

"No thanks to you," she said darkly once she had caught up with them. She now stood nearly a yard away from Jjaqh, and had not lowered her weapon.

"Ruth, put down the blaster," Jjaqh said. "Put it down, and let's go home."

"This is my home, now," she told him. "Why would I run away if I wanted to go back?"

"You're confused," her father tried to tell her. "This heathen must have you under some kind of spell that keeps you here."

Ruth laughed. "Nekrosis is an assassin, not a sorcerer. He has no more control over me than you do."

Jjaqh spread his arms. "My daughter, I'm not trying to control you. I merely wish to help you realize your true calling: that you are an artist among a family of artists. You belong with us, Ruth. We've missed you."

"I don't care." Ruth glared at him. "I wasn't loved when I was with you. You, Mother, my siblings… we were all just exhibits, trophies. There only to bring praise and applause. All my life, I wanted someone who admired my art because I work hard to create it, and not because it's merely expected of me. I found that here, with Nekrosis and others. I'm happier here, so I'm not leaving."

Nekrosis watched this exchange with growing admiration for Ruth. He had taken Jjaqh's distraction as an opportunity to quickly nurse his wound, and was now slowly moving closer behind Jjaqh, intending to stab him with his hidden blade.

Ruth noticed this, and discreetly shook her head when their eyes met.

This made Nekrosis hesitate. Clearly, Ruth possessed no love for her father. Why she wouldn't want him killed was beyond him. Then again, she wasn't like Nekrosis. She didn't exactly have a murderous heart.

Jjaqh, on the other hand, seemed to be swiftly losing patience as well as mercy. "It's him, is it?" he hissed, jabbing his sword in Nekrosis' direction. "He's the reason you stay? Fine. I can fix that."

Jjaqh lunged, but not toward Nekrosis. The Sith had been prepared to defend himself, but instead watched in shock as Jjaqh swung his sword, knocking Ruth's blaster from her hand, then striking her head with the pommel, hard. Ruth cried out and fell to the ground, her temple bleeding instantly.

"Now you can't protect him," Jjaqh said, only now turning to aim his blaster at Nekrosis. "Say goodbye to him, Ru- hhk!"

Nekrosis blinked in shock as blood suddenly sprayed from Jjaqh's throat, the wound appearing simultaneously with the sound of a small mechanism firing and plunging into the back of his neck. The Chiss dropped his weapons and fell to his knees, his hands clutching his throat in horror. As he collapsed, he revealed the person behind him who had fired the weapon:


Nekrosis' best friend and regular dance partner had put on his prototype hidden blade, a long and thin chain extending from her sleeve and disappearing within her father's neck, where the razor sharp blade was no doubt piercing his vertebrae and esophagus.

Ruth was trembling like a leaf, but her ruby eyes burned with fury. "I told you," she hissed, "if you ever came near me again, I would finish the job."

Jjaqh's eyes widened impossibly further as he realized who had killed him, before he gurgled one last time, and death took him as he collapsed onto bloodstained snow.

Ruth shuddered, dropped her arm, fell to her knees, then screamed.

Nekrosis did his best to ignore the burning pain in his shoulder and stepped over Jjaqh's corpse to pull Ruth into a tight embrace. She sobbed and cried into his shoulder, her hands wrinkling the back of his coat in her frightened grip.

"Vles'ruth'uazuss. Unloved, mistreated… yet brave. So very brave," he whispered to her. Nekrosis knew how terrifying a first kill could be, especially if it happened to be someone close to you. He now fully doubted Ruth actually had any love for her father, but he imagined that might do little to soften the shock of seeing him strangling on a blade she had fired.

"I hate him," she whispered. "I hate him. I hate him. IhatehimIhatehimIhatehim I hate him!"

"I know, I know. He can't hurt you anymore," Nekrosis reassured her. "You made sure of that. He's gone, Ruth. He's gone."

Nekrosis held Ruth until she stopped crying, her tears hot with rage and shock rapidly cooling in the frigid outside air. He helped her remove the hidden blade bracer she had put on, then summoned ZNO-M6 before taking Ruth inside. Zeenoh and the other droids disposed of the bodies while Nekrosis and Ruth cleansed themselves of blood and changed into clean outfits before meeting in Nekrosis' bedroom.

"He's gone."

Ruth had sat down in one of the chairs facing the fireplace, and was toying with her ice pick. Her whispered words sent a shiver down Nekrosis' spine.

The Death Knight said in the chair opposite her after moving it a little closer so they could better have a conversation.

"He can't hurt me anymore," she whispered, smiling softly as her eyes stared at the flames in the fireplace. "He's gone."

"Are you… proud of your actions?" Nekrosis asked cautiously.

Her smile faltered. "I… I don't know. I'm glad. I'm definitely glad he's gone, but I don't know if I'm proud… yet."

Nekrosis nodded, then watched the fire with her for a while.

Eventually, Ruth spoke up again. "You didn't get a chance to tell me earlier," she said, her eyes still fixated on the flames.

He almost wasn't sure what she was talking about, but then he remembered the conversation they were having just before she was shot. About what she meant to him.

"I killed those men," he told her. "I cut their throats open, and shot one in the face. I had intended to do worse to your father. Why? Because they were trying to take you away. You are happy here, I can tell. And they wanted to drag you back to a place where you weren't happy. I could not, would not allow that."

Nekrosis inhaled softly as he gathered his thoughts. "Seeing you happy… makes me happy, Ruth. I love seeing you smile. I love watching you carve your ice sculptures. The passion and light I see in your eyes somehow warms my otherwise frozen world. And that warmth is comforting. I don't want to lose you. For the first time in years, I have someone that I don't want to die. But more than that, I don't want you to be unhappy. I almost can't believe it, but I would do anything just to see you smile."

Ruth was looking at him now. The ice pick she was fiddling with now lay unmoving in her hands, her focus entirely on Nekrosis now.

He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. "I… I don't like using the word love. It's a strong word to me, one that shouldn't be used lightly if it can be helped. I once even scoffed at the very idea of love, believing it to be a mere illusion. But, in time, my view changed. What is love if not a form of passion? Despite what many wish, love is neither pure nor infallible. It does not guarantee happiness nor ensure peace. 'Peace is a lie, there is only passion… Through passion, I gain strength.' By that logic, love is empowering. But like any emotion, it is still dangerous. Like rage, it can be a source of strength, but only if one does not allow it to take control. Love, like anything, can either be a strength or a weakness depending on how one uses it. I choose to embrace love as a strength. I choose to embrace my love… for you."

Nekrosis watched her reaction carefully. At first, her expression was almost unreadable. Then a moment passed, and she smiled.

It was the warmest smile he had ever seen.

Almost as if their minds thought as one, Nekrosis and Ruth both stood and pulled each other into a tight embrace, Ruth's ice pick clattering to the floor. Ruth threw her arms around Nekrosis' neck, and his arms wound about her waist. Nekrosis' heartbeat had picked up, and he emitted a soft laugh. This felt… strange. He couldn't remember the last time he had actually hugged someone. Sometimes, a certain dance would require a kind of embrace, but this was different. It was… nice.

"I love you, too," Ruth said, tearing up slightly.

And just like that, just from hearing those words, spoken to him by Vles'ruth'uazuss, Nekrosis felt happier than he ever had.


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