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Casual Counsel and Meditations


Active member
Jedi Council
IC: Taron Solo Ka'Kol
Makeshift Meditation Room

He hadn't truly slept in days. He kept seeing the assault on Coruscant. Only, he wasn't seeing it from his own eyes. He had been in the quarters hall, clearing them out, and in the hangar, making sure everyone was loaded up and getting off-world.

He was seeing Jedi die. He was seeing explosions and death. And he wasn't just seeing it. He could feel it. He could feel the elation in the man whose eyes he was seeing through. The pure joy and righteous fury in every swing of his lightsabers and every manipulation of the Force.

He knew he was seeing through the eyes of his brother, Toran. His brother had led the assault that had leveled the Jedi Temple, and cut a massive swath through the center of the Jedi Order. And now, he watched it play over and over like holovid in his dreams at night.

Taron wasn't sure why this was happening to him. He'd heard of twin bonds, but usually it was because the twins in question had grown up together and were inseparable. He hadn't seen his brother face to face since they were six years old. Maybe it was the Force making him pay penance for not trying harder to find Toran and bring him back to the fold.

The truth of the matter was, Taron didn't know. He was trying to understand the will of the Force in all of this, but it was lost on him. Everything he'd known had been sliced and burned and destroyed. All those lives. The younglings. The Apprentices. His master and his apprentice among the death toll. He was angry about their deaths. Master Tuum had died holding off his brother so that the few who could escape were able to. And his apprentice, Stellis Dax, had been in a ship ahead of his that had fallen victim to a superlaser shot from orbit. It had been a random chance. The ship was there one second, and gone the next. A whole ship full of younglings and Apprentices with two Knights and a Master to organize them, turned into dust in the atmosphere of Coruscant.

He couldn't rationalize it in his mind. He'd only read about things this brutal and succinct. Now he'd seen it first hand. He'd wanted to stay and fight. But he'd been ordered to coordinate the evacuation with the others. Now, his soul was wrenched with the pain of survivor's guilt.

In order to help him figure out the feelings and emotions, and decipher the meaning of his dreams, he'd asked Master Soss to meet him here. He was hoping another perspective on the situation could help him sort through these things. He'd asked Master Soss because, for a time, they'd been Knights together, and Taron considered him a friend. He just hoped he'd be able to help.

@Hadzuska_The Jester
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