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Formal The Fall of Pelagon (Story Arc Mission RP)

Leo Gorgano Tritum

Active member
The Fall of Pelagon



The day of the signing ceremony
Ceremonial chambers, House Pelagia Citadel
Capital city of Pelagar, Pelagon
Pelagon system, Tapani sector


The next day came quickly. And from the wee hours of the morning there was already a crowd beginning to form within the outer courtyard of the citadel. Although the spectators within the walls were hopeful and full of cheer in anticipation of the peace treaty, outside the walls were an entirely opposite crowd altogether.

As the luxury landspeeders entered through the gates, jeering and yells of anger accompanied by placards from Pelagonian citizens protesting against the treaty crowded around the gate's entrance welcomed them. But they were soon drowned out by the more joyous ones within.

The crowd burst into cheer when the Mecettian high lord and Aaric exited the vehicle and briefly waved to them. The rest of the contingent followed suit up the grand stairs and we're ushered into the treaty room: an enclosed area with a high ceiling and no windows save for one high up so as to provide some sunlight.

Half of the supporting contingent with Darth Baleros in disguise stayed outside the room and milled about while a squad of black-armored Pelagian House guards kept a keen eye on every one of them as best as they could.

Within the room, at the center towards the end of the room was a table where the treaty sat and two chairs behind it. The faux high lord went to sit on one of it while Aaric and the rest of the delgation took their seats towards the sides.

Then all they had to do was wait for their counterparts to arrive.


While the men within waited, Mecrosa Order agents outside of the citadel and in other parts of the city were busy planting thermal detonators in high traffic areas and many more were carried around by agents within the crowd.

All of them were linked to a trigger hidden within Aaric's pocket. The trigger would also activate the hyperspace beacon hidden inside the consular-class cruiser.

Soon, everything was in position and the message was relayed to Aaric's comlink hidden inside his ear canal.

Theme music:
Treaty Signing - Kingsglaive (Final Fantasy XV)

Aaric's expression never changed when he received the update. He simply turned his head slightly towards the fake Aldercapt and gave a simple nod. The disguised Mecrosa agent returned it and continued his act.

Soon, the doors to the room opened and High Lord Regis' and his entourage entered the treaty room. To Aaric's not so pleasant surprise, Elena was part of the counterpart contingent and took her seat right opposite her would-be husband.

Aaric's hands gripped the armrest a little tighter than he would have been aware of. Elena's presence complicated things to a worrisome degree. If all hell broke loose, he would have a hard time keeping his honor-bound promise to keep Elena alive, much less unharmed.

The knight and the Pelagian High Lord's eyes met and through that brief moment Aaric knew there was no way they could somehow dissuade Elena to leave the room for her own safety.

For once in Aaric's life, he didn't have a plan for such a contingency. He would have to wing it and hope for the best.

"Forgive my delay," Regis apologized. "a little unforeseen trouble."

"Nothing too vexing I hope." Aldercapt replied.

"Just a small bout of cold feet. Nothing more."

"I'm sure it is nothing, Lord Regis. Perhaps city-wide shields and castle gates do not elicit a sense of safety to just about everyone all of the time."

"No matter. I'm sure once this treaty is signed we can all rest easy knowing peace is but just beyond the horizon."

"Impressive. You are a paragon of kingly composure! But I must ask... how can you be so sure?"

"Because I sincerely believe that House Mecetti will honor this agreement. We are all Tapanians are we not? Unity is strength after all. Conflict will only open ourselves up to outside influences. Isn't peace through strength a prize worthy of reaching?"

"Mmhm. That sounds like a very fine prize indeed."

A few more minutes of silence graced the treaty room until one of Regis' advisor strode over and whispered in his ear. The Pelagian responded with an almost inaudible grunt and stood up, with Aldercapt following suit.

"Have you finally found your confidence, Lord Regis?" Aldercapt enquired as both men stepped up towards the table.

"I have, Lord Aldercapt." Regis responded with a small smile. "I feel assured that this treaty will come about a new beginning."

"Joyous news. I am relieved to hear it."

One of the advisors strode forward and placed the treaty document on the table before them.

"Tell me..." Regis continued. "how heavy a sentence does the crime of theft carry in Mecettian lands?"

The faux Aldercapt raised a brow at the question but answered without hesitation, raising a finger. "Among the heaviest. Although there is one exception."

"And what is that?"

"A curious old law I still permit on the fringe systems: A thief who escapes his captor can no longer be held to account for his crime."

"A warning to the victim!" Regis turned to his counterpart and nodded in understanding. "Never show weakness, lest your forego the hand of justice."

"Oh no, my fellow high lord... Far from it." Aldercapt replied, slowly turning to meet Regis' gaze.

Aaric, fingering the trigger device in his pocket. Locked gazes with his wife-to-be and smirked. Elena responded with a confused look before a sudden realization graced her features.

"It is a warning to the hand of justice itself... never to loose its grip."

Before Regis' neice could sound a warning , Aaric pressed the trigger and all hell broke loose.



Explosions wracked the entire city as the thermal detonators were triggered, causing chaos, mayhem and bloodshed. But neither of all areas were worst hit as the outer compound of the citadel.

The cheering crowd who were watching the ceremony being screened live on a holo-board were reduced to a mass of screaming, bloody hordes attempting to run to safety; stampeding on each other as they bottlenecked the only exit.

No one cared to see what was going on in the ceremony even as the holocam continued screening the events that was transpiring.

Over the city, ships bearing the House Mecetti colors jumped out from hyperspace and appeared right above the energy shield.

ships overhead.gif
With the shield generator still in operation, the ships had no choice but to wait until Knight Aaric and his Master Baleros to deactivate it. Still it did not deter the Mecettian fleet from opening up their initial salvo to try and break through the barrier of plasma.

At the top of the citadel, outside the entrance of the city's shield generator. The Pelagia House Guard captain sprung into action with his men; drawing their weapons and taking defensive positions around the area.

"Unit One, Secure the area outside the treaty room!" He ordered through his comlink. "Unit Two, stand your ground!"
"It seems the Mecettian's have finally made their move, captain." A grizzled, bearded man commented. His hand reaching for his belt and pulling out his lightsaber and activating it's shining green blade. "Not to worry. This time, you have the support of the Jedi at your side. I just hope my Padawan is alright. I can feel the dark side's presence more strongly now. This may be the work of the Sith."

"We'll need all the help we can get Master Therix." The captain replied. "If the Sith Empire is really behind this and they think they can get away with it, they'll be sorely mistaken!"


The moment the sounds of explosions reached the treaty room. Aldercapt grinned evilly as he reached from under his robe and pulled out a blaster pistol.

Regis and the supporting contingents on both sides drew their own weapons; swords, blasters and the like. Pointing them at each other but not dating to make the first move as the entire room turned into a tense standoff.


Aaric had his sword, Alba Leonis, out and ready to spill blood. But Elena has yet to draw her own. Her expression conveyed outrage but also hesitation. What could she possibly need to stay her hand for?

"I knew House Mecetti might try something underhanded." Regis growled. "But I wouldn't think you might do something this overt."

"You underestimated us, Regis. Like the Jedi, time seems to make you complacent one way or another." The faux Aldercapt scoffed. "Don't think we were not aware of your secretly re-arming military. The time is nigh to knock House Pelagia down a few pegs. Permanently."

"House Pelagia and it's people will not serve you!" Regis declared.

"Nor you." His counterpart sneered. "Once I have taken complete control of this accursed house and your wretched planet."


Elena seethed. "The Tapani Grand Council will not stand for this!"

The older man chuckled. "Silly girl. They won't stand for anything these days. They're just like the Federation: a collection of corruptible bureaucrats willing to bend over backwards for credits! The number of representatives on our payroll will ensure the council can do nothing but throw a hissy fit."

"That is if you survive." Regis stated. "I've locked you in here with us. Your men outside the room won't help you."

"They're not supposed to come in and help us." The fake Aldercapt shrugged. "They have another objective to complete elsewhere in the citadel."

Regis furrowed his brows before coming to a stunning realization and exclaimed in horror. "The shield generator!"

"Yes." The Necetian High Lord grinned. "And we're not locked in here with you. You're locked in here... With him."

Aaric leapt into action and sped himself up with the force to careen straight towards Lord Regis, fully intending to strike down the high lord with a fully electrified Alba Leonis.



Instead of metal finding flesh, Aaric's sword was blocked by the most surprising thing imaginable: a bright blue lightsaber blade held on by none other than his fiance Elena Paddox.

Aaric widened his now-golden eyes in surprise. His supposed wife-to-be was a Jedi!

"So... The power of the Jedi returns to aid House Pelagia in its most dire need." Aaric sneered. "No matter, you are out of time!"

"For you I'll make some!" Elena countered.

"We'll see about that." The knight smirked. "OPEN FIRE!"
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  • This story is no longer a GM-sanctioned mission. It will progress as a semi-formal RP with both Aaric and Baleros as the only contributors/participants

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Music Theme (SOUND WARNING!):

After shouting his command for the disguised house guards to fire open their counterparts, Aaric broke the blade lock with his Jedi counterpart and quickly delivered a force-enhanced kick against the table that still held the now utterly useless treaty. If his calculations were correct, the table would go flying towards Regis and injure, if not incapacitate him to some degree. Even if the body-double Aldercapt was caught in it as well, he didn't mind nor did he care. He was just that: A body double in service to the Mecrosa Order and House Mecetti. His death would be considered an honor.

At the same time the knight lashed out a hand and aimed his palm outward, focusing the dark side and hatred within him to deliver a streak of lancinating neon-violet force lightning towards Elena.

Aaric had to be careful. He had to defeat her without killing her. Dismemberment was an option but not very appealing for him. It wouldn't do for such a beautiful woman to have lost one of her limbs. But if had to come to that to ensure she stayed alive after this entire conflict was over, he would have to do it. For now, he had to find an opening in which to knock her unconscious. And that would be a far more difficult battle than simply going for the kill.

He could hear sounds from outside the treaty room, but he was confident. His master, Darth Baleros, would be many factors more difficult to kill and the knight surmised Baleros would be having his hands full enjoying spilling blood as he made his way towards the top of the citadel to destroy the shield generator.

For now... he had Jedi to capture and an old man to kill.


Equipment used:
Alba Leonis (A sword alchemized with level 3 force lightning Gifted by Darth Baleros)

Abilities used:
Force Lightning (2)
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IC: Darth Baleros


The cheers and gleeful cries of the Pelagian citizens dissolved into an indistinguishable mishmash of noise, as though Darth Baleros’s head were under water. Voices of pain, anger and protest filtered through a little more freely. Mecetti house guards disguised as emissaries, the Sith Master clad in loose burgundy robes, encased from neck to floor. His hands sat clasped together within the flared sleeves. His mouth, the only portion of his face visible and free from the fully encompassing decorative helm, showed neutrality. But beneath Baleros was stewing slowly. Every second that ticked by brought his blood closer to the boil; he felt caged in that disguise, the decorum of “civilised” society grated on his raw nerves so, despite it only being for a day and a night. He had to decompress... the hunter must be allowed to hunt.

Hair rose on the back of his neck as a dark ripple in the force flowed from the closed door behind him. Baleros inclined his head and unknown to the Pelagians or the Mecetti’s, closed his eyes. The dark intent within Baleros’s former student grew, as much as he would still try to hide it for the moment from the others locked in the chamber with him, the master knew that presence in the force all too well. His nostrils flared and air filled his lungs. And with a settling exhale coincided the shattering of all hope of peace for Pelagon; fire and smoke rising in plumes of havoc and despair into the sky. A catastrophic crack and rumble shook the columns within the lobby, the time had come.

Pelagian house guards broke their formation to scurry frantically seeking any sign of immediate danger. Chattering of comms and shouting down chains of command filled the lobby walls. Consumed in the pandemonium the guards of Pelagon would be blind to the veil being lifted on the darkness hidden in the room with them.

Unclasping his hands the robes of Darth Baleros opened falling slowly from his shoulders to crumple on the floor to reveal the durasteel, songsteel alloy casement beneath. A glint of light off the cortosis bracers of the Sith would catch the eye of one of the guards. The air was thick with fear, a smile pulled across the face of Baleros as his hands rose steadily to his head gripping either side of the full face helm. He sensed the eyes of at least one individual on him and as the steel cage was lifted those eyes would be met with those of the master of Syn. Burning amber and bloody red they shone with malice.
*CLANG* the helmet met the polished floor breaking the panicked trance of the house guard looking at Baleros. Clad in black and charcoal grey armour, a sinister scarred visage staring through him, this nameless insignificant man stood dumbfounded for a moment stretched across what felt like an eternity for him. This... man before him radiated a foreboding sense of unease. One by one the other Pelagian guards caught sight of Baleros, each one stopping what they had been preoccupied with to gawk.

Nothing but the echoes of explosions and the screams of terrified citizens outside filled the lobby, until...
“CONTACT!” Several guards cried not quite in unison.
As the guards readied their weapons the Sith reached out to exert his will over the Pelagians, attempting to invade their minds. His own weapon, his lightsaber clutched in his hand Darth Baleros tried to turn the guards against themselves. Pushing his malicious intent toward the core of their minds. If he broke through each man who opposed him would turn their gun on themselves. If he couldn’t take them all, well; he’d have to kill them the old fashioned way.

Telepathy - 4

The Pelagian guards raised their own weapons and returned fire on the disguised Mecetti soldiers, but two of them were hit by the surprise attack and slumped to the floor. The blaster battle drifted over to the far side of the chamber from where Aaric and his bride to be released their locked blades. The treaty table hit Regis and the false Aldercapt, trapping the two men beneath it, leaving them still alive but struggling to breathe as the weight of the table slowly crushed them. As Aaric sent his bolt of lightning towards Elena, she drew upon the Force to quickly dodge out of the way, seemingly within the blink of an eye. She then raised her lightsaber and charged towards him, aiming a vertical downward strike right towards his his head. She was aiming to kill, all thoughts of diplomacy lost.

"I knew this was a bad idea, but even I didn't expect your house to be capable of this level of treachery."

*Meanwhile, outiside*

The Pelagian Guards facing down Darth Baleros all paused, their expression beginning to change from fear and concentration to a strange blankness. They slowly turned their blasters on each other, seemingly struggling against an unseen force, and were just about to fire when suddenly a piece of metallic debris created by the explosion landed between the guards and Baleros. The Guards expressions changed again, and their weapons fell down to their sides as they massaged their temples, Something had disrupted Baleros' grip on the guards minds; not totally freeing them, but preventing them from turning their weapons on each other.

"Sith! You shall not be victorious here! Leave now, or face your fate!"

The voice echoed from high above, from a balcony the upper levels of the citadel. Jedi Master Gralin Therix was staring down directly at Darth Baleros, his face obscured by the smoke from the fires raging below. But his lightsaber was drawn, and the challenge was set.

"You shall not reach the top of this Citadel."

And then, two more pieces of debris telekinetically flew down towards Darth Baleros. Therix was aiming to delay him as long as possible. The Guards were still struggling against Baleros' control, being aided by Therix's own support.
"I knew this was a bad idea, but even I didn't expect your house to be capable of this level of treachery." Elena hissed.

Aaric clicked his tongue in annoyance as his lightning missed its mark. It seemed as though his bride-to-be had been trained well. It did not matter anyway; out of the corner of his eye, he could see that the damned High Lord Regis was trapped underneath the treaty table. At least he would not need to spend time chasing after the old man after he had dealt with Elena.

Reacting quickly to avoid being cleaved in half, Aaric's Form V instincts brought up his blade to meet Elena's at an angle. If he was lucky, her blade would slide against his own and deflect away from him; allowing him to physically push her sword-arm away and exposing her side and back to telekinetic attack.

"I didn't expect your house to be capable of this level of naivety either!" Aaric snapped. "We gave you a chance for peace and your father desperately took it, hook, line and sinker!

Powers used:
Form V (2)
Force Push (2)

Elena's plasma blade made contact and slid down Aaric's blade, sparks and crackles flying off its lengths. The Sith knight side-stepped and closed in with a palm to blast her away with the Force. However, the Padawan was quick on her feet and spun away before he could do so.

Over at the other end of the Treaty room, the Pelagian House guards were struggling terribly against their Mecettian counterparts as two more soldiers fell during the firefight. The attackers now had the upper hand. If this continued, it would only be a matter of time before they were overwhelmed and could turn their attention towards assisting Aaric with his fight.
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Aaric caught the princess' quick change in stance; a balanced two-handed guard, holding the lightsaber vertically with both palms, either on the right side of her body. Ataru! He recognised it almost immediately.

She burst towards her fiance like a blur and leapt up and over Aaric's head in a somersault, slashing underneath her head in an attempt to take a slice off his head. The House Mecetti scion shifted his cranium just in time to let the superheated plasma blade whisk past his ear and slice off a few strands of his silver hair.

Thinking quickly he raised a palm and concentrated at his target. He attempted to stun her with the force. Best case scenario, she would be frozen in place and crash helplessly to the floor. If he was marginally successful, her senses would be deadened enough to stumble her landing.

Force power used:
Force Stun (2)

The knight noticed the muscle twitches and surmised his second assumption to be correct.

Elena saw Aaric's outstretched palm and start to feel her body go rigid. A snap decision allowed her to resist the sensation using the force.

Force Power used:
Force resistance (2)

Her muscles relaxed a split-second later. But the nerve endings were still affected and slightly numbed by her opponent's powers. It was too late to do anything more as she landed on her feet; her knees buckling a little due to lack of muscle sensitivity.

Aaric saw an opening and utilised to its full extent. Stretching both arms, the Sith conjured up as much power as he could and directed his rage into a focused semi-opaque beam of potent dark side energy

Force power used:
Force Blast (2)

His aim was true. And the full force of the attack hit Elena with the weight of a duracrete wall. His unfortunate fiance was flung backwards; striking the very treaty signing table that was pinning both high lords to the ground, and shattering it into pieces while releasing them from the weight on their bodies.

Elena slid to a halt, groaning in pain, helpless and struggling to rise as she witnessed Aaric calmly striding over to where the two helpless old men were. She tried to gather up enough force energy to somehow push Aaric away from afar, but the lingering effects of the Sith magic was affecting her ability to do so.

The knight glanced upon the two men: One wearing an almost maniacal grin, the other a solemn expression and acceptance of his fate.

Regis and Aaric locked eyes. The Mecetti scion gave an almost impercetible nod, signalling his intention to fulfil their bargain to the best of his ability. The Pelagian High Lord nodded back in earnest and smiled, knowing that the chances of his neice coming out of this dastardly attack unscathed had increased tenfold.


The Sith plunged his sword straight into Regis' heart, violently twisting the blade before removing it from his victim. The Pelagian High Lord fell limp to the ground, motionless.

"NOOOOO!" Elena screamed.

"Eheheheh....HeeeHAHAHAHA!" The faux Mecetti high lord cackled. "At last With Regis dead, House Pelagia is no more!"

Aaric's irises flashed golden as he turned towards the old man disguised as High Lord Aldercapt. "And with you dead, I will take control of House Mecetti."

The smirk was wiped off from his face instantly. "W-What?!" he stammered. "I'm not Aldercapt you fool! Has your fervor for battle muddled your brains?!"

"Don't worry your pretty little head." Aaric smirked. "The death of Aldercapt's fake will still serve for the greater good of House Mecetti and the Mecrosa Order. And the man himself will fall before the actual effects of this invasion can be felt by the entire sector."

The disguised Mecrosa agent gaped at the possible repercussions that the Mecetti scion was implying. "You wouldn't!" he hissed. "After everything the High Lord has done for yo-GRRRLLLK."

Elena's emotions of anger and loss were momentarily jarred; replaced by a feeling of shock and surprise. Her fiance had stabbed Harkunis Aldercapt, the High Lord of his own house and killed him as well. What on Pelagon would make him do such a thing?! What game was he playing at?

Aaric looked up at Elena. She had witnessed his actions. No matter... even if she did escape, Elena had no foreknowledge that the man wearing the disguise of Harkunis Aldercapt was an agent. But still, it would be best to capture her and keep her close. She was his fiance after all.

He started moving towards the heir of House Pelagon... fully intent on capturing her.

lord ravus (1).gif

TAG: @Metus
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Aaric could sense the shock and confusion lingering in his fiance's eyes. Needless to say, she knew nothing of his true plans. All she had seen was himself dispatching her father-figure and his own high lord in cold blood.

Best case scenario? He would have her captured and isolated so she couldn't pre-emptively leak out news of Aldercapt's supposed death. But even in the worst case scenario, allowing her to escape would simply narrow the time he needed to personally travel back to Obulette, strike down the real high lord himself and assume control of both House Mecetti and the Mecrosa Order.

It was high time that House Mecetti and the Mecrosa Order rise above petty sector politics and squabbles; steering it towards being of use to the Sith Empire with himself pulling the strings from within the shadows.

"Come with me quietly, Elena." Aaric beckoned as he approached her. "This may just be the beginning... but House Pelagia's time is over. Whatever Jedi sensibilities you have been taught is nothing but lies and hypocrisy."

To his surprise, Elena managed to gather herself and push herself off the floor. Conviction flashed across her eyes. If she were honest with herself, she would have thanked Aaric for killing his own high lord. Aaric's action against one of his own had literally shocked herself from emotionally spiralling out of control due to her grand-uncle's death.

"It's not over until I say it's over." Elena retorted. "We Pelagians will make sure you Mecettian scum will bleed for every inch of ground! And even if Pelagar is sacked... as long as a single Pelagian survives, House Pelagon and our ties to the Jedi will always exist!"

"Silly woman... Regis and the Jedi really did a number on you, did they?" Aaric spat. "For all of House Pelagia's spouting of honor and righteousness, they aren't infallible. If a member of their house had a tryst with another of House Mecceti, they would excommunicate her in a heartbeat! Where is the honor and righteousness there?"

The pair circled each other. Oblivous as to the firefight at the other end of the treaty room continued.

"Nonsense!" The House Pelagia heir snapped. "We have never claimed to be infallible. No such thing has happened! And even if it did, I would not have allowed such a woman to be excommunicated. Much less high lord Regis! A woman like that would most likely have been seduced by that Mecettian bastard! We would let her give birth here and treat the child as one of our own."

Aaric blinked. That was something unexpected, though still incredibly idealistic and naive. One could only wish that she was the high lord at the time his mother was made pregnant by Tritum XI. Or even Regis, if Elena's words were to be believed

"Hn. Then you would be more honourable that most." Aaric huffed. "Still... it changes nothing. I am the product of House Pelagia's foolishness of many millenia past. And as they had created my beginning... So shall I be their end!"

Theme music:

Instagram post by Final Fantasy XV • Mar 7, 2017 at 4_03pm UTC.jpgStella Nox Fleuret - The Final Fantasy Wiki has more Final Fantasy information than Cid could ...jpg

Suddenly, everything clicked in Elena's mind. Aaric was talking about himself! If he was born so many millenia ago according to him, then how would he survive until now? No matter... she had to somehow incapacitate or get away from him so she could coordinate Pelagon's defense!

"I don't know what past you have with House Pelagia." Elena stated, going into her Ataru stance. "But it seems you have been consumed by your vendetta against us. I'm sorry things turned out the way it did for you. But senseless slaughter solves nothing! Please... I don't want to kill you. But I will if I have to!"

Racuous laughter erupted from Aaric. "Ha! Please... my training has allowed me to surpass petty things such as justice or revenge. My past no longer chains me down... and through my victory today, those chains shall finally be broken!"

Aaric brought the handle of his sword up to his face in a mock salute. Neon-violet force lightning arced menacingly from from the hilt to tip. "You WILL be coming with me. Even if I have to HURT you to do it!"

With a menacing battle roar, Aaric placed all of his power into his heels and launched himsef towards his fiance in a single bound. A fully electrified Alba Leonis swinging upwards and slashing down in an overhead strike.

Powers/Skills/Equipment used:
Shien (2)
Alba Leonis (Sword imbued with Force Lightning level 3)
Force Jump (1)
Force Speed (1)
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In Orbit Above Pelagon...​

Pelagia's Moon



As the ceremony was being played out planet-side, the House Pelagia Navy stood guard above Pelagon's orbit. Commodore Pelias stood on the bridge of the Pelagia's Moon; formerly a powerful capital ship of ancient design that was converted into a space station after the first invasion Pelagon by Palpatine's Galactic Empire.


The High Lord Regis had recalled all available ships to the home planet in case something happened during the treaty signing. Currently all ships were positioned directly above the capital. And by the damned would they let anything slip past them!

The navy had grown slowly, silently but considerably thanks to the secret contributions of their wealthy close relatives, House Cadriaan. This enabled them to amass a fleet of picket ships and hyperspace-capable starfighters; a sudden increase in capital ships would have aroused too much suspicion and be too unwieldy.


By studying and applying the doctrines used by the rebel alliance of the civil war era, they were able to form strategies and tactics that would eventually be used to defend their borders from incursions by pirates and even raiding parties from rival houses.

It was hoped that this treaty would give them enough breathing room to expand quicker than ever before and put them back onto being a respected house once again!

"Commodore!" The communications officer exclaimed. "Emergency transmission from the palace!"

Pelias was half expecting something would happen. But for it to come directly from the capital?

"Put it through." He barked.

As soon as the transmission came through and broadcasted on the holo-screen, the face of a panicked Pelagon House Guard Captain greeted the station personnel as air raid sirens blared in the background.


"Commodore!" He yelled. "I need support down here, NOW!"

"What the kriff is going on, captain?!"

"The treaty is a set-up! The Mecettian delegation is an assault unit in disguise! Our high lord and heiress are trapped inside the treaty room with our sworn enemies! We have Mecetti troopers fighting their way up to the shield generator! THERE ARE MECETTI SHIPS JUMPING RIGHT ABOVE THE CITY FOR KRIFF'S SAKE! I NEED THAT SUPPORT DOWN HERE NOW!"

"Blast it!" Pelias cursed. "Reinforcements are en route! Hold the line, soldier!"

The Commodore ended the transmission and was beginning to bark out orders when the signals officer interrupted him again. "Commodore! Multiple ship signatures incoming from hyperspace!"

True to his words, multiple ships bearing House Mecetti insignia exited from hyperspace; Victory-II Star destroyers, Tapani-class assault frigates, Tapani-class carriers, manta-class starfighters and a myriad of other frigates, corvettes and other snub fighters faced off against the entirety of the Pelagian House Naval forces.

"Sweet mother mercy." Pelias whispered as he balled his fists until the knuckles turned white.

"The Mecettian's are hailing us, sir." The comms officer exclaimed. "What do we do?"

"Put it through."

The face of a old, grizzled officer appeared on the holo-screen. To add to his menacing appearance, he had a cybernetic eye, grey moustache and a smoking pipe on one hand.


"Attention, Pelagians." The elderly man enunciated. "This is Admiral Gastaville of the House Mecetti Naval Forces. This is your only warning: You will surrender to us immediately, or face utter annihilation!"

"Stinking pile of bantha shit, you all are." Pelias sneered. "I only have one things to say about that: NUTS!"

And with that he immediately severed the connection.

"Scramble the transport pilots and ready the marines for boarding! Pelagar and the palace are under direct assault by Mecetti infiltrants and ships!" The Pelagian Commodore barked. "I want a flotilla to escort the transports planet-side and bring the ground situation under control!"


On the Mecettian's side, Admiral Gastaville smirked blew a puff of smoke from his seat on the bridge of his flagship: Hammerfall; a refurbished Victory-II Star destroyer.

"So you have chosen... death." He muttered. He motioned for his second-in-command to lean towards him.

"All ships, full speed ahead. Fighter squadrons one through four, set course for intercept between the Pelagian fleet and Pelagar. We don't want reinforcements reaching planet-side."

"Send the Nyssian flotilla down to the surface to assist with the planetary assault. All support ships move to attack formation and defend the fleet! Capital ships focus fire on Pelagia's Moon! This time, that old junk heap they call a space station will finally fall!"

The swordplay between the Aaric and Elena intensified. To outsiders, it would have been more like a dance rather than a brutal fight for survival. The ringingand crackling stacatto of parries, thrusts and ripostes echoed through the air as alchemized, electrified metal met plasma. The difficulty was amped up even more as one tried to bring down the other with as little injury as possible.

Elena, due to her Jedi teachings. Aaric, out of a sense of honor to the fallen Pelagian high lord. Both parties leapt away from a blade lock and slid a distance away from each other to take a breather.

Before they could continue their dance, a large explosion shook the entire palace to it's foundations. From the windows near the ceiling, Aaric triumphantly gazed upon the city-wide shield deactivate and fall apart in a cascade with the Palace as the epicentre.

Shield generator destroyed.gif

Master Baleros had done his part. Aaric would have to buy him a drink or ten later... if he had not already had his fill spilling Pelagian blood.

"You can see it now, can you? Pelagar's shields are down." Aaric declared. "There is nothing to stop Pelagia's fall. You have lost!"

"Not if I've got anything to say about it!" Elena spat.

"Pitiful." Aaric shook his head. "You are nothing if not stubborn."

Multiple transports descended from the warships above the now unprotected city. One in particular swooped down towards the citadel and opened it's doors to reveal multiple battle droids. Said droids stepped off the transport and went into a dive head-first.

Droid invasion.gif

Aaric and Elena snapped their heads skywards as the droids crashed through the tinted glass windows and slammed into the floor in crumpled heaps. Almost immediately the droids righted themselves up as if pulled by invisible puppet strings and began opening fire on the Pelagian guards that were still fighting against the Mecetti soldiers.

The surprise reinforcements made quick work and made sure that the firefight was quick and decisive; annihilating the Pelagians in one fell swoop and leaving Elena powerless to protect them.

The few remaining Mecetti soldiers and the rest of the battle droids turned to face the last remaining Pelagian in the room. All of them raised their weapons; poised to fire on Aaric's command. But an outstretched palm signalled for them to stand down.

"No. No one else will bring her in except me." Aaric ordered. "Let her live whilst she sees everything House Pelagia has built fall right in front of her eyes. Go and assist in the invasion efforts, all of you! I'll handle the heir myself."

"You should have let them stay, Aaric." Elena cautioned, taking up a defensive stance as the Mecetti forces unlocked the doors and left the treaty room. "Your arrogance blinds you. Dismissing them was a mistake."

"There is more than goes on behind the scenes than you know, dearest fiance." Aaric retorted. "All your life you've been living in a cage. This is the chance for you to break free from the shackles of your Jedi teachings."

"You know nothing about me!"

"But I know that High Lord Regis summoned me. Made me promise that whatever happened, you will be kept free from harm. He has my respect; so much so that I am willing to grant him that wish even though I should strike you down.

"If that is true, then you will let me leave."

"Hn. I promised you would be harmed. I did not promise that I would not keep you as my prisoner. Now stand down. The fact that the city's shields are down means your master is probably dead. Don't think I haven't sensed his presence when I arrived at the citadel. My own master has most likely struck him down already."

"No. I would have sensed his death. The battle is not over yet. And while the battle is still being fought, there is a chance the tide can be turned!"

"Insufferable lot you Jedi are." The knight pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Fine then. Less talk, more fighting. Let's see whose will is the stronger!"

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