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FSO-NJO War Campaign [CORUSCANT / Jedi] - Trenches to Temple


Staff member

Coruscant - The Capital (Music)

IC: Master Asaak Dan
Coruscant – Crimson Corridor District

It had been a long time since Asaak Dan had been to Coruscant; and what a sorry state it was in. Last he had walked its extraordinary levels, it had been the jewel of the Federation, a shining metropolis celebrating its victory over the One Sith.

This was not that Coruscant anymore.

Coruscant now was smoking rubble; crumbled remains crushed under the black boots of the irascible Sith, pissed on by those self-important fools wielding their poisonous red blades. This was not how the Jedi’s holy temple deserved to fall. How, then, did it deserve to fall, trickled the thought into Dan’s thick skull, pounding with crushing frustration at yet another Jedi holocaust.

His magenta montrals tapped his shoulders as he shook his head. The very last thing he should paint the Force with is negativity, especially not now, nor here. Not when the base they were posted at was on the edge of the Crimson Corridor. The people here suffered enough as is. He would never forget the torment he saw here. How can the former seat of Jedi power allow such darkness to run so rampant, so boldly? Perhaps an effect of the Sith? No. The Sith exacerbated it, yes, and feed off it now, but did not create it.

If—no, when they took the temple back, he would continue his fight against darkness here, first. After all, it was the little things that held back the darkness. Like laying a strong brick wall, one had to focus on laying each brick as perfectly as possible, until one had a wall, rather than focus on the wall itself. But that was a focus for the future. For now, he focused on his troops, infusing himself with the Light Side of the Force; he felt a great swell of hope build within himself, and he blessed them with the bounty. Periodical infusions of hope. Such routine diluted its potency, but what’s a Jedi to do?

He folded his arms, and returned his focus to the task at hand: tactical planning. He had been tuning out the arguments of the other Jedi Lieutenants pounding their fists upon the cluttered table upon which they'd unfurled a flimsiplast map of their surrounding districts. They stood now within the Crimson Corridor, a positively wretched hive of scum and villainy that many poor smugglers and ne'er-do-wells had taken up residence in. It had proved convenient when it came to securing materiel, as the underworld was nothing if not well-connected, but it was dirty, chaotic, and less than ideal in terms of strategic positioning. But it could be worked with.

Asaak pinched the bridge of his nose. “No,” he interjected, cutting off a lieutenant’s sad excuse for a suggestion. “We’ll press forward in the trenches. If we can carve out a new front line closer to the Temple District, we’ll be better positioned to take a more offensive approach.” He indicated his planned route on the map with a pink finger. “We can maintain this camp as part of our supply chain, and leave some of our troops here to defend it. But we need this.” He tapped the map. They needed the Temple.

It was then that he caught sight of one of the Order’s more prodigious padawans– a man known as Stryker Kai. “Come here, Padawan Kai,” Master Dan said, gesturing for Stryker to come to the table. “Come, and tell these lieutenants how important it is that we reclaim the Temple, rather than circumvent it and waste our time and resources securing less crucial districts.”

TAG: @Stryker Kai

Written in collaboration with @Darth Sedicious
IC: Grand Master Durron

The Grand Master had tagged along in their quest to reclaim the Temple, unseen and unheard by all, save perhaps Master Dan. A prodigious master of Alter Image, he'd been posing as a mere Federation Trooper that accompanied the Jedi strike team in the Crimson Corridor.

But it was time to drop the illusion. A helmet and armor quickly faded, replaced by flowing white locks and floor length robes.

The Grand Master had arrived, and all eyes were on the leader of the Jedi Order. "Master Dan is right. Too long has the Dark Side spread among the streets of Coruscant. Ever since the dawn of the Clone Wars, the Sith have flourished here, beginning right under our noses until they revealed themselves. This is about more than the Temple. If we exterminate the Sith here, we can reclaim and rebuild our home and be a beacon of hope, of Light, for the Galaxy in this dark time."

"The Galaxy deserves heroes to look up to. I will not sit idly by while the Sith flame burns like those who came before. Let us take up arms and face them. Follow me through the trenches and let's take back this world."

TAG: @corinthia @Darth Sedicious @Stryker Kai and anyone else at the Coruscant front
IC: Korelie Laheera
Coruscant, Crimson Corridor District

Coruscant, the heart of the galaxy, and the place where everything changes. If you want to change the galaxy, that change needs to be here. Palpatine knew that when he made his plans to rule the galaxy and so did her own people when they entered the Galactic stage. When the Keshiri had first set foot on Coruscant they were all Sith and had come to conquer.. They had failed. Today the Keshiri were still Sith, all but Korelie. Korelie had fled her home and the Sith, had run until she found the Jedi and in their generosity took her in. Now a Keshiri stood on the heart of the galaxy not with the intent to conquer but to save it from Sith who succeeded where her ancestors had failed.

Her attention was pulled from her thoughts by the arrival of the Jedi Grand Master himself. She listened as he spoke to those gathered of the importance of their mission here and was filled with hope that they will succeed here.

“I will follow you Masters.” she said when the speech was finished.

TAG: @corinthia @Darth Sedicious @Darth Nathemus @Stryker Kai
IC: Padawan Stryker Kai

Stryker had watched as Master Dan had spoken amongst the white noise of the other Jedi. He truly knew how to command a room. Because once he spoke, it was like a lightsaber slicing through a leaf. The rest of the room had fallen silent and all eyes focused on the charismatic and honorable leader. His plan was not only ingenious, but one of the only good plans the Jedi had brought up that didn't involve overtly too much sacrifice or barely moved their advancement if at all. Unfortunately, his was also the most difficult plan that needed to be done perfectly. A slip up could mean them being destroyed outright in minutes. Tactic, cunning and patience would today's fight, not overwhelming force. The older Jedi Padawan listened intently to the Jedi Master and could do nothing, but nod at his plan. Stryker was ready to follow this man into the throes of battle. Suddenly, Master Dan spoke up using his name and asking him to offer his own words.

He hesitated for a moment, debating on what was best to say, but when he was about to speak up, another did so before he could. It ended up being none other than the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order. Not only was Stryker in shock that he was here, but his inspiration and morale had grown even higher. Their odds had honestly not been the highest, but having him here, this was surely a factor that would heavily weigh on their chances to survive and reclaim their home. Grand Master Kei Durron brought out words that could bring the dead back to life. It even inspired other Jedi amongst the room to mutter how they would follow him and the other Jedi Masters into battle. Stryker debated if now was an appropriate time to respond now that the leader of their order had spoken, but he decided to still follow the Jedi Master's request through.

"Grand Master Durron and Master Dan couldn't be more accurate. The Jedi Temple is the key to victory over not only this planet, but a huge curve in our overall victory over the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force. Not only is the strategic value of being inside such a fortified and central location momentous due to being able to get back door access to other locations. This will in turn gain us the ability to win back more and more control over the planet in a shorter amount of time. The other value is something far stronger and more important than that. We will win a symbol. By the Jedi reclaiming their temple and slowly but surely turning the tide against the Sith; we will then birth a power that will shockwave the galaxy. That power is the very thing that has always brought us back from the brink of darkness. What I'm referring to, is hope. Hope will be the very fire to give us back the galaxy and turn it away from the darkness that has consumed it. With the men and women I see here...I know we can succeed. Some of us may become one with the Force in the coming days, but so long as we continue to spark hope, where one shall fall, a dozen more shall take their place. I cannot wait to fight alongside each and every single one of you to get back our home."

Stryker had gone off onto a tangent he himself wasn't aware he was going to go off on. He didn't regret it though. This speech got him even more excited for the challenge ahead. For the first time in a long time, fear wasn't in the back of his mind. All that filled him was hope and inspiration for a better tomorrow. He took a step back to let Master Dan take over the conversation again. This was a better outcome than he could have imagined and he was ready to fight tooth and nail to keep it that way. A new era was coming. It was the age of the Light Side coming back and he was feeling unstoppable.

TAG: @corinthia @Darth Sedicious @Darth Nathemus @Stryker Kai
IC: Grand Master Durron and Master Asaak Dan
Location: Crimson Corridor, Coruscant

Now the present Jedi were making moves. Padawans Laheera and Kai were ready to follow. They would need to stay close to Master Dan and Grand Master Durron if they planned to survive this ordeal. "Jedi Knights," stated Durron. "It is time we mobilize and take back our home. The Temple will be ours again." When he had said this, the Grand Master began to move forward through the corridor towards the advncing Sith.

Master Dan followed closely behind and was ready to put his tenacious spirit on full display. He was a Jedi Warrior, and it was his utmost duty to keep peace in the galaxy. His hands dropped to his belt and back up again. With a snap and a hiss, twin azure blades sprung forth from his lightsabers, and he assumed a Djem So fighting stance as he moved through the corridor.

Master Durron kept his lightsabers sheathed. That was not his game, for no lightsaber could compare to the might of the Force. Overhead, Sith patrols were starting to appear in the sky. This could not be accepted and the time to strike at them was almost at hand. The Grand Master focused on his great ethereal might and began to prepare unleashing a deadly weather storm. The Jedi would soon control the ground and the air, and the Sith would be vanquished from the capital planet.

TAG: @Darth Sedicious @Drakul_Xarxes @corinthia @Stryker Kai @Darth Voxyn

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